Kill adulterers (Lev, 20:10).
Kill all witches (Exo, 22:18).
Kill blasphemers (Lev, 24:14).
Kill false prophets (Zech, 13:37).
Kill fortune tellers (Lev, 20:27).
Kill anyone who sins (Ezek, 18:4).
Kill the curious (1Sam 6:19-20).
Kill gays (Lev, 20:13, Rom, 1:21-32).
Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt, 20: 16-17).
Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah, 14:21).
Kill nonbelievers (2 Chron, 15:12-13).
Kill anyone who curses God (Lev, 24:16).
Kill any child who hits a parent (Exo, 21:15).
Kill children who disobey parents (Dt, 21:20)
Kill those who work on Sabbath (Exo, 31:15).
Kill disobedient children (Exo, 21:17, Mk, 7:10).
Kill all males after winning battles (Dt, 20:13).
Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev, 20:9).
Kill homosexuals (Lev, 20:13).
Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt, 22:21).
Kill those who worship the wrong god (Numb, 25:1-9).
Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Exo, 31:14).
Kill anybody in a town that worships another god (Dt, 13:13-16).
Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev, 24:17).