On Jesus' Disciples

On Jesus' Disciples
Mark 14:50 says of Jesus' disciples: "they all The Qur 'an defends thc disciples of Jesus and
forsook him, and fled." And the Bible alleges that confirms their innocence of betrayal and weak
thc Messiah said to the disciples: "Why are yc faith. "But when Jesus felt [persistence in)
fearful. 0 ye of little faith?" (Matthew 8:26) disbelief from them, he said, "Who are my
"But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee supporters for [the cause of) Allah?" The
behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me:
disciples said, "We are supporters for Allah.
We have believed in Allah and testify that we
for thou savourest not the things that be of are Muslims [submitting to Him). "Our
God, but those that be of men." (Matthcw 16:23) Lord, we have believed in whaf You revealed
Judas. despite being Jesus' trcasurer. betrayed him and have followed the messenger Jesus, so
for thirty pieces of silver; "And said unto them, register us among the witnesses [to truth)."
\Vhat will ye give me, and I will deliver him (Q. 3:52-53)
unto you? And they covenanted with him for "0 you who have believed, be supporters of
thirty pieces of silver." (Matthew 26: 14) Allah, as when Jesus, the son of Mary, said to
the disciples, "Who are my supporters for
Allah?" The disciples said, "We are
supporters of Allah." (Q. 61: 14)
On the Prophets of God
Noah is drunk and naked in his tent. (Gcnesis 9:21 ) "Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and
Abraham sacrifices his honor (Genesis 12: 10-15 the family of Abraham and the family of
and Genesis 20:2). Imran over the worlds." (Q. 3:33)
"And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot
Lot gets drunk. commits incest with his own two - and all lof them) We preferred over the
daughters and impregnates them. (Gcncsis 19:30-36) worlds." (Q. 6:86)
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm

Y =Jacob lies to his father and steals the blessing and ~
prophethood from his brother. (Genesis: 27).
Reuben, the prophet and oldest son of Jacob
commits adultery with his father's wife who is the
mother of his two brothers. (Genesis 35:22 and
Genesis 49:3)
Judah, the fourth son of Jacob commits incest with
his daughter-in-law and has Pharez and Zarah from
her. (Genesis 38:18) The Bible then traces the
lineage of Jesus to Pharez (Matthew I: 18),
contradicting Deuteronomy 23 :2, which says, "A
bastard shall not enter into the congregation of
the LORD; even to his tenth generation,"
The Lord accuses Moses and Aaron of betrayal in
the Old Testament: "Because ye trespassed
against me among the children of Israel,"
(Deuteronomy 32:51)
Moses' killing of the Egyptian was deliberate and
"And remember Our servants, Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob those of strength and
[religious) vision. Indeed, We chose them for ~
an exclusive quality: remembrance of the ~
home [of the Hereafter). And indeed they ~
are, to Us, among the chosen and b
outstanding." (Q . 38:45-47) ;;
"Those were the ones upon whom Allah ~
bestowed favor from among the prophets of ~
the descendants of Adam and of those We ~
carried [in the ship) with Noah, and of the ~
descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of ~
those whom We guided and chose. When the ~
verses of the Most Merciful were recited to f}
them, they fell in prostration and weeping." ![
(Q. 19:58) 3'
"Peace upon Moses and Aaron." Indeed, We
thus reward the doers of good. Indeed, they
were of Our believing servants." (Q. 37: 120-122)
"0 you who have believed, be not like those
who abused Moses; then Allah cleared him of
what they said. And he, in the sight of Allah,
was distinguished." (Q. 33: 69)
Moses did not kill the Egyptian deliberately.

planned. (Genesis 2: 12)
Aaron fashioned the golden calf and ordered the
Israelites to worship it in the absence of Moses.
(Genesis 32: 1-6).
David hetrays his neighbor and army chief, has
sexual intercourse with his wife and sends him to
get killed in war. (2 Samuel 11:4-15).
Solomon has a thousand women and they tum his
heart away from God; and so he builds temples for
their gods (I Kings II: 1-9). David's son. Amnon
rapes his sister, Tamar. (2 Samuel 13:11-14).
Absalom. the son of David commits open adultery
with his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel.
(2 Samuel 16: 21)
.lob is impatient and refuses to accept the will of
God. (.lob 10)
Zechariah did not believe God's miracle regarding
the hirth of John. so God punished him with
dumbness for nine months. "And, behold, thou
shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the
day that these things shall be performed,
The Qur '[in defends Aaron against this false
allegation confirming that the one who
introduced worship of the calf was as-Samiri
and not Aaron. (see Q. 20:85-98)
" ... and remember Our servant, David, the
possessor of strength; indeed, he was one
who repeatedly turned back (to Allah)." (Q.
38: 17)
"And We had certainly given to David and
Solomon knowledge, and they said, Praise [is
duel to Allah, who has favored us over many
of His believing servants." (Q. 27: 15)
The Qur 'an dismisses the unjust description of
the Prophet .lob, and describes him as follows:
"Indeed, We found him patient, an excellent
servant. Indeed, he was one repeatedly
turning back (to Allahl." (Q. 38:44)
The Qur 'an defends Zachariah in Q, 19: 10
stating that his silence for 3 days was a sign for
the coming true of the miracle. and not by way
of punishment. "(Zechariah) said, "My Lord,
make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is
I that you will not speak to the people for three

lii!; l i! ! g iitii iiE iiuiti iEE?:= ;?: iEE eio =,
li;1;ziEl:lilEz;iiEz;ilFE tEiE:ii; !izsi=Ez€z:because thou beJievest not my words, which nights, [being) sound."
shall be fulfilled in their season," (Luke 1:20) The Qur 'an confers great respect on all the
Jesus allegedly describes all the prophets before Prophets of God, and does not ascribe any
him as thicvcs, "AJJ that ever came before me arc obscene acts or wrong-doing to them, [n fact,
thieves and robbers."' (John 10:8), God allegedly believing in all the Prophets as well as
attributes to His prophets wickedness and lies, respecting them is a main requirement in Islam,
(Jeremiah 23:11-16): Allah says "Say, [0 believers), "We have
"II. For both prophet and priest arc profane; believed in Allah and what has been revealed
yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, to us and what has been revealed to
saith tl!e Lord, , Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob
1'2, ,\' herefore,the"ir way shall be unto them as and theDescedn ants and what was gi.ven t0 slIpperv ways In the darkness: they shall be d J d h t . h
dn'ven 'on, a,n d f'aJJ t Ilerel'll: f'ai' I WI'JJ bri'ng eVI'J Moses an esus an. w a was given to t e
upon them, even the year of their visitation, p~o~he~s from their Lord. We make no
saith the Lord, dlstmctIon between any of them, and we are
1:1, And I have seen fo]]v in the prophets of Muslims [in submission] to Him." (Q, 2:136)
Samaria; they prophesied 'in Baal, and caused Allah praises His prophets: "\Ve have already
my people IsI'aeJ to err. sent Our messengers with clear evidences
11. I have seen aJso in the prophets of and sent down with them the Scripture and
Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit the balance that the people may maintain
adultery, and waJk in Jies: they strengthen aJso [their affairs] in justice." (Q. 57:25)
the hands of evildoers, that none doth return Allah also says, "And We made them leaders
from his wickedness; the.y are.all of them unto guiding by Our command. And We inspired
me as Sodom, and the lllhabltants thereof as to them the doing of good deeds,
Gomorrah. . . . establishment of prayer, and giving of zakah;
15. 1 hercfore thus salth the Lord o.t hl!sts and they were worshippers of lis." (Q. 21:73)

them with wormwood, and make them drink
the water of gall: for from the prophets of
Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the
16. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not
unto the words of the prophets that prophesy
unto you: they make you vain: they speak a
vision of their own heart, and not out of the
mouth of the Lord."
Allah orders Prophet Muhammad to take the
prophets before him as examples. In Q. 6:90,
Allah says: "Those are the ones whom Allah
has guided, so from their guidance take an
The Qur'iin has thus saved mankind by clearing
the names of the Prophets of God. One can only
imagine the grim state of humanity if they were
to take those descriptions of prophets as
examples to follow. 3:
On EQualitv ~