I Like a Girl; What Shall I Do?

I Like a Girl; What Shall I Do?
28 June, 2021
QI like a girl at my college, but I have not told her this. Although she is aware of it.

Now I have graduated and left the college while she is still studying in the same college. What should do?


Aisha Mohammad
28 June, 2021
In this counseling answer:

• Inform her that you and your family would like to meet with her family to arrange a halal way in which the two of you can get to know one another for the purposes of marriage.

• The only way to know what the outcome may be, brother, is to ask.

I Like a Girl; What Shall I Do? - About Islam
Treading Risky Terrain: How Do I Propose Her?
As Salaam Alaykum brother,
Thank you for writing to us.  As I understand your question, you met a girl when you were in college whom you liked.  You stated you did not tell her you liked her but indicated that she knew you liked her.  I am wondering dear brother, how did she know you liked her?

I Like a Girl; What Shall I Do? - About Islam
 Often times brothers may think a girl knows they like her when in reality she does not.  This may make the brother feel she is not responding and he may give up.  The first thing to do is to inquire about her possible interest.

Expressing Interest 
Currently, you have graduated and left the college but she is now in the college you left and you still like her.  Brother, I would kindly suggest that you express your interest to this girl to see if she is available, interested as well as ready to marry.  From this point, you will know where you stand in regards to a possible marriage. 

Check out this counseling video:

If she is interested, I kindly suggest that you inform her that you and your family would like to meet with her family to arrange a halal way in which the two of you can get to know one another for the purposes of marriage.  Insha’Allah this will bring the two families together in a good friendship so everyone may get to know one another in a meaningful and halal way.

Family Support
If she agrees, please inform your parents of your plans to get to know her for the purposes of marriage.  Ask your parents to be involved in your process and decision as this shows respect and honor.  Insha’Allah your parents will agree to assist you through this process.

The only way to know what the outcome may be, brother, is to ask.  Please do take the steps necessary to inquire about your interest in marriage.  Insha’allah it will work out wonderfully for you and you will be on your way to a beautiful marriage in the near future!

Please let us know how things went, you are in our prayers.