Teaching of prophet Muhammed peace him about good manners

Teaching of prophet Muhammed peace him  about good manners  ??

A delegation came 
to see the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him, “Who are the dearest to Allah?” and he said, “Those with the best manners.” 

Do you see how important it is to have good manners? If you fail to see this then you are heading in the wrong direction. 

You want to study the Qur’an, and the sciences of religion; well this is all very important, but how are your manners? 

The Prophet (PBUH) said, 
“Would you like to know who I love most among you?” and his companions said, “Aye prophet of Allah.” and he answered, “Those with the best manners”(15). 

He also said, 
“The faithful believer reaches the rank of a Muslim who fasts and prays day and night, with his good manners.”(16) Therefore, His supplication,
“O Allah guide me to the best of manners for only You can guide me to them”(17). 

When the Prophet looked at himself in the mirror he used to say, 
"O Allah as you have perfected my face make my manners as perfect”.

He was that persistent. Do you follow his tradition (his way and method of life) and say the same supplication? No, when you look in the mirror and see how handsome you are, you tell yourself that no one is more handsome or smarter than you are. 

The Prophet (PBUH) said,
“I guarantee an abode (house) at the highest point in heaven to those with good manners”.
 Can you imagine? 
The Prophet himself guarantees you a place in heaven; wouldn’t you look for the means to achieve this goal? 

The Prophet (PBUH) said, 
“You will never be able to contain people with either your houses or your money, so contain them with smiling faces and good manners”.

Do you want people to love you? Greet them with a smile and improve your manners. 

I would like to ask you a question: is it possible to change our manners? Can the selfish become generous or is it impossible?
 Are we genetically forced to be one and not the other? 
Could an impatient person become patient? 
Can a girl who is very blunt and loud become a shy reserved person? In short, is change possible? 

The Prophet (PBUH) taught us that, 
“Knowledge means taking it upon one’s self to learn, meekness (showing patience and humility) means taking it upon one’s self to be meek and patience means taking it upon one’s self be patient”.

The Prophet wants to teach us that it is possible to change one’s manners. We should never think that we are not capable of change. Many people have changed tremendously after becoming more religious. People often wonder how a person became so calm after being unbearable in the past. 
The answer is simple: this person chose the latter Hadith to act upon. 
Therefore, it is possible to change one’s nature.


??Teaching of prophet Muhammed about tolerance ??


The requirements for being tolerant:

1– To take the nafs(yourself) to account:
“Do not overlook your sins due to loving yourself.”

2– To cover people’s faults:  the Prophet says: “Whoever covers someone’s fault in this world, Allah will cover his faults on Doomsday.”

3– To overcome anger: The righteous… who restrain anger and pardon (all) men; for God loves those who do good.” 

“The powerful one is not someone who defeats his opponent in wrestling. It is the one who restrains himself during times of anger.” 

4– To be forgiving: “(Hey Nabi!) Hold on to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant.”

5– Do not curse others: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “I was not sent to curse. I was sent as a mercy.”

6– Do not be suspicious: “O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much as possible: for suspicion in some cases is a sin.” 

7– Avoid haughtiness and pride: “And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loveth not any arrogant boaster.”

On this subject the Prophet states: “It is enough evil to condescend on one’s Muslim brother.” 

8– Do not make fun of people: “O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the former.” 

9– To be patient: There are more than seventy verses in the Quran that mention patience. The Prophet said: “No one has been blessed with a better gift than patience.”
The Messenger of this religion is ?
#Muhammad (PBUH)
And the book of this religion is ?
Holy Quran