Did the Prophet Muhammad took a bite from the magic

When Khaybar was opened by Muslims, and people became settled and secured, Zaynab bint Al Harriss, the wife of Salam ibn Mashkam (the Jew) asked about the favorite edible in the sheep part for Prophet Muhammad. She was told that it was the arm since it is the most apart from damage. So, she took a she-goat and slaughtered it then she took a rapid killing-effect poison and poisoned the she-goat with. Then she sent it with her she-slave to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and told him: “O Muhammad! This is a present I give for you.

 Prophet Muhammad then took a bite from it, then he (peace be upon him) said: “Remove your hands off this arm for it is telling me it is poisoned’. He went to the Jewish woman he and asked her: “Why did you do that?”

She said: “You inflicted upon my people as much as you could”, and that was just after the opening of Khaybar, one of the biggest fortresses of the Jews in Al-Madinah. He (peace be upon her) then forgave her.

When he (peace be upon him) approached to death, he told Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her): O Aishah! This is the time of cutting off my Abhar (i.e. aorta).

Having died under the effect of the poison after all these years denoted nothing but that Allah has gathered for him the two best things, that he did not made power for anyone over him so as to directly kill him, and also, protected him from people.  At the same time, he rescued him from plotting of the plotters, and prescribed for him martyrdom so that he would be registered among the martyrs before Allah, knowing the great reward of the martyr.

Moreover, there is no doubt that not having died instantly after eating the poisoned she-goat and living many years afterwards is one of his miracles and is an evidence on his prophethood, as it proves his truthfulness, and that he is indeed a messenger sent by Allah.

However, it is the Wisdom of Allah (may He be Exalted and Glorified) prescribed for him to die at the time appointed for him after all these years of eating the poisoned she-goat by the effect of that poison.