#my confession... 

5 years ago while at high school, many pastors convinced me to start worshiping Jesus. Told me Jesus is God. 
I was happy and asked them please offer me a bible.
They happily gave me.

I Settled my mind so that I must start worshiping Jesus our GOD.

On the first day of opening the bible I read.

Luke book and it says ...then the angel of GOD appeared to Mary and Joseph and commanded them to flee with the Child to Egypt.
Before my mind settled in believing that Jesus is God I was unsettled With that on my first attempt.
##so which God commanded to flee with child jesus?????? Am confused but I bear patience.

So which one must I worship now.??
I found Mathew 4:10 
Jesus says scripture says u must worship Lord your God serve only him.
.then I was satisfied my heart settled that I must worship only God.

But which God is that that deserve to be worshiped ????I found 
John 4:23
The time is coming is already here when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in truth.

I realized that true worshiping is only to the Father not Jesus who by then was still son of God.

Now my question forwarded to Jesus.
Are u that father???
He shown me
Mathew 23:9 don't call anyone here on earth a father because there is only one father in heaven.
(This time jesus too was on earth that indicates he was not that Father).

###my argument continued ....
Hey Jesus but why do u call God as your Father u are confusing me..

##Jesus replied because u are gentile but in our Jewish custom father is God because God used to call us as his sons. So in opposite we call him Father.

But fact God is father of everybody
John 20:17.
My God and Your God.my father and your Father.

At this time I realized that what pastors taught me were malicious lies and fabrication man-made teachings.

Jesus continued and when u pray say Our Father in heaven.
Complementing that God is Father of everybody.

In disbelieve I asked Jesus using the bible.
Is this GOD also Your God?
Do u share with us???

He replied.... Listen God our Lord is only one God. Mark 12:29
There is no other than him. Mark 12:34.

Hey guys I was amused did not believe according to what pastors told me.

I asked so whom do we worship now.?

He took me back Mathew 4:10 worship only God.

Now I was getting my senses

Do u jesus also worship...???
He relied Mathew 26:38 ..Jesus said let us go to worship and he spent whole night worshiping..

Why u Jesus do u do miracles are u God??

He said didn't u understood all what I said above.???
I said I do"''' but answer me please.

He shown me John 10:25 ...I do miracles in the name of father God.
John 5:30 I myself I can do nothing.

I run fast to desciples to confirm that. They said read Acts 2:22.
After that I believed.

So Jesus do u have authority
He said yes! Only if given by God. As others were also given.
But all authority belongs to God.
Mathew 20:23.

After that I asked people who exactly walked and knew JESUS.
Who is Jesus????? They said a Prophet of GOD ...mathew 21:11

In my my journey to jesus led me to Islam.

Quran 19..Jesus said.God is my Lord and your your God. Worship him only that is the straight path.

Qur'an 36:7 indeed the word of punishment has proved true against most of them, so they will not believe.

Qur'an 17:22 Set not up with Allah any god partners, O man you will sit down reproved, forsaken in the hell fire.

I God tolerate no partners -Exodus 34:14.