Unable for human mind to surround the universe


 Einstein said:
"The human mind, no matter how great the training and the thinking is, is unable to surround the universe, we are like a child entering a large library, whose books have risen to the ceiling". 
"The walls, written in many languages, The child knows that there must be someone who has written those books, but he does not know from his books nor how he wrote them, and he does not understand the languages   in which they were written. "(20)

وفي إثبات عجز الجهد الإنساني عن أن يحيط بكل الحقائق الكونية يقول أينشتاين : " العقل البشري مهما بلغ من عظمة التدريب وسمو التفكير عاجز عن الإحاطة بالكون ، فنحن أشبه الأشياء بطفل دخل مكتبة كبيرة ، ارتفعت كتبها حتى السقف ، فغطت جدرانها ، وهي مكتوبة بلغات كثيرة ، فالطفل يعلم أنه لا بد أن يكون هناك شخص قد كتب تلك الكتب ، ولكنه لا يعرف من كتبها ولا كيف كانت كتابته لها ، وهو لا يفهم اللغات التي كتبت بها "


One of the things that empirical science is unable to reach: issues related to ethics, principles, values, purpose and reasoning

The Nobel Prize laureate, Sir Yepter Medawar, made the claim that science can answer all the questions of shame. 

Saying:"The existence of limits to science is clear from its inability to answer questions like

 How it all started? 
Why are we all here? 
What is the purpose of life?


There is no contradiction between the interpretation of science for everything in the universe and faith in God Almighty, but faith in God is the origin of the validity of the interpretation of science

, [19.04.19 02:47]
The example of the extreme in science as a man disagreed with his companions in a complex machine was in their hands ....Does it has a maker or not? 

He took it long years and learned about its secrets and how it worked, and then came to his companions and said :

I have found conclusive evidence that this machine does not have a maker, has discovered through the laboratory and scientific research 
all the secrets and the way of work...so there is no need to assume a maker !!


Austrian physicist Iron Schroeder-Nger (1987), a Nobel laureate, says: 

"The picture that science paints for the real world around me is a very incomplete picture. It is true that it provides a huge crowd of factual information, What is really close to our hearts, but what really matters to us, is that he can not tell us a single word about reddish and blue, about bitterness and sweetness, about physical pain, physical pleasure, and he knows nothing about beauty and ugliness, about good and evil, It is true that science sometimes claims to answer questions in these areas, but the answers are in the most extreme As much as it is absurd, we tend not to take them seriously "

Science and the human mind alone can not explain to us why these atoms, stars, planets, life, and human beings were found to have great potential. 

Although science can provide valuable theories about the nebula, the generator of galaxies, stars, atoms and other worlds , 
but it can Not show us the source of matter and energy used in the construction of this universe, 
or why the universe took its current image and current system .


The contemporary American philosopher John Lennes has stated that if the cause of scientificism is correct, it means immediately:

 "The abolition of many school and university curricula; because the assessment of philosophy, literature, art and music is beyond the limits of science, how can science tell us that a poem Genius or just a bad poem?

Teaching ethics is outside the boundaries of science as well,

 science tells you: A poison substances in a drink  will kill someone, 
 but science does not tell you if it is morally correct to put poison in your grandmother's tea to take possession of her property.

Science  alone can not lead humanity, and can not alone achieve human life rational, and not in its ability to bring human beings to safety.