Thomas, the disciple, called, Jesus, my Lord - true or false

Responding to (John 20:28)


John( 20:28)
28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

John 20:28 is problematic, it contradicts with Luke narratives, in Gospel of Luke we are told that jesus's first appearance to ALL his disciples (Luke 24:36-51) and Jesus ascended to heaven on the very same day he appears to them ( Luke 24:51)
While in John account, Jesus's first appearance to 10 of his disciples, while Thomas was absent ( John 20:19-20). 
One week later only then Jesus appears to all his disciples including doubting Thomas ( John 20:26-28) 
How do you expect me to believe in this Two accounts which contradict each other??

There is contradiction between Luke and John,  how do Christians expect us to believe in contradictious narratives?

There is no civilized court in the world today can accept  contradictious testimonies

If this expression "I am" is important to prove divinity of Jesus why synoptic gospels (  gospel of Mark _Mathew_ Luke) never record it not even one I am in John gospel was recorded in the synoptic gospels.

, [28.10.20 11:36]

 All believers were called "god", and Moses was "god" of the Believers, Aaron and Pharaoh:

 Moses was called " god" (Exodus 7:1 of the Believers, Aaron and Pharaoh.

Thomas, the Disciple, called Jesus "My Lord and my God" (John 20:28). Jesus denied to be GOD Almighty. (Matthew 7:22-23) (Mark 12:29)

All Believers were called "gods and sons of the Most High.’(Psalm 82:6) in the Bible. 
"god" in the Bible also means master, leader, priest. Therefore, the doubting Thomas' statement didn't suggest that Jesus was his Creator.

And Jesus being a "god" doesn't mean that he is GOD Almighty.
He is just another mere "god" like the rest of the believing creations and nothing more.