As to what follows, verily life is not complete, nor do the living find happiness – no matter how much luxury they might have – as long as their find numerous problems that they find no solutions to, despite their abundant material success and advancement in industrial development they might find themselves experiencing. Every intelligent human finds himself wondering about these persistent problems and how they can be solved, except that the effort put into trying to solve them varies from person to person, depending on their level of education, upbringing, and culture that engulfs them. The heart is not at ease, nor is the soul at tranquility until some solution is found to these various problems, and this is found at every level of society, even those that have lots of wealth and can acquire all that they desire. Due to that reason, I authored this book so that I can contribute to the overall happiness of mankind, and I brought forth one-hundred problems along with their potential solutions. Naturally, I will not be able to include every single problem in existence, but this is an attempt to find simple solutions for these basic one-hundred problems. I put my utmost effort into mapping out the road to happiness, so that these communal problems can be solved once and for all. Interestingly enough, despite some of these solutions being very simple, it has not caught the attention of many people. I divided the problems facing the community into various categories: some problems pertaining to theology, others pertaining to manners, familial ties, communal relations, civil rights, transactions, culture and environment, health and well-being, and more. I tried my best to make the categories simple so that it easy to access and discuss, as well as modifying each one so that people from different backgrounds can benefit from it.