Allah Has Accorded to Himself Goodness 16 Regarding the Obligation to Know the Guidance of the Messenger A 19 Regarding His A Guidance in WO du' (Ablution) 20 Regarding His A Guidance in Prayer 23 Regarding His A, Guidance in Qiyam Al-Lail (The Night Prayer) 55 Regarding His A Guidance in Friday Prayers and a Reference to its Special Characteristics 64 Regarding His • Guidance During His Travels and His Acts of Worship Therein 85 Regarding His A Guidance in Reciting the Qur'an 90 Regarding His A Guidance in Visiting the Sick 93 Regarding His Guidance in the Fear Prayer (Salah Al- Khawf) 104 Regarding His A Guidance in Zakah 107 Regarding His J Guidance in Voluntary Charity (Sadaqah At- Tatawwu') 113 Regarding His kT" Guidance in Fasting 116 Regarding His A Guidance in I'tikaf 125 Regarding His A Guidancein Hajj and 'Umrah 128 Regarding His A Guidance in Sacrificial Animals for Hajj (Hadi), Slaughtering for 'Bed (Udhiyah) and Sacrifice on the Occasion of a Child's Birth ('Aqeeqah) 164 Regarding His A Guidance in Slaughtering on the Occasion of a Child's Birth ('Aqeeqah) 169 Regarding His A Guidance in Names and Agnomens 171 Regarding His s; Guidance in Guarding His Words and Choosing His Expressions With Care 181 Regarding His Guidance in Dhikr (Mentioning Allah's Name) 191 Regarding His A Guidance Upon Entering His House 193 Regarding His A Guidance in Delivering Salutations of Peace, Asking Permission and Invoking Blessings on the Sneezer 203 • Regarding His A Guidance in Giving Salutations of Peace to the People of the Scripture 211 Regarding His A Guidance in Asking Permission 213 Regarding His A Guidance in the Manners of Travelling 221 Regarding What Should be Said and Done by a Person Who is Afflicted by Whispering 233 Regarding Expressions Which He A Disliked to Hear Spoken 241 Regarding His A Guidance in Jihad and Battles 245 Regarding the Building of the Mosque 290 Regarding His A Guidance With Respect to Prisoners of War 319 (..onlents 7 Regarding His 'A Guidance in Peace and in Treaties, Treatment Accorded to Messengers From the Disbelievers, Taking the Jizyah, Treatment of the People of the Scripture and the Hypocrites and His Fulfillment of Agreements 323 Regarding His A Guidance in Dealing With the Disbelievers and the Hypocrites — From the Start of His Mission Until He Met Allah, the Almighty, the All-powerful 340 Regarding the Conduct of His A Battles 345 Regarding the Rulings Derived From This Battle 356 Regarding the Battle of the Trench (Ghazwah Al-Khandaq) 379 Regarding the Story of Al-Hudaibiyyah 380 Regarding the Battle of Khaibar 389 Regarding the Great Victory 396 Regarding the Battle of Hunain 401 Regarding the Battle of At-Ta'if 406 An Indication of Some of the Benefits Which May be Derived From This Story 426 Regarding the Three Who Stayed Behind and They Were Ka'b Ibn Malik, Hilal Ibn Umayyah and Murarah Ibn Ar- Rabee' 431 Regarding the Pilgrimage of Abu Bakr 446 Regarding His A, Guidance in Treating Afflictions 457 Regarding His A Guidance in the Treatment of Worry, Anxiety and Sadness 460 Regarding His A Guidance in the Treatment of Fear and Sleeplessness • 467 Regarding His :A Guidance in Preserving Health 470 Regarding His A Guidance in His Judgements 477 Regarding His A Rulings on the Spoils of War 482