
Searching for happiness? 

  … safety and security?

Want to know the purpose of life?

     Do you know that life is a test? 

Do you know that our deeds determine the end? 

Do you really know the truth about the true religion? 


The universe was created by the one true God, the Most High, the Most Powerful and Wise. If you believe in Him, you realize that He created this universe for a purpose.  

Everything submits to the Creator: the earth itself, the trees, the stars, the rivers, the sun, the moon... 

What about humans? Is it not true that some are not thankful to their Creator? 

Is it not better for them to worship the one true God, Allah, the one true God ?

Cannot decide which religion is true? 

Consider what we are about to tell you in this letter.

Islam is a way of life that means submission to the will of the Creator of the 

heavens and the earth. He sent messengers to call people to worship Him 

alone. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Jesus, and Muhammad (may 

peace be upon them) were sent with this one message: there is no one worthy 

of worship except Allah, the only one true God. No ambiguity, no confusion. 

One God, one religion, one message.

We invite you to accept the truth and to worship the Lord of Adam, Noah, 

Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (may peace be upon them). Turn to 

God alone in your prayers, supplications, fear, hope and love, and for everything you need.

Believe that all the Messengers of God were sent with the same message:" 

No one is worthy of worship except Allah." What was the religion of Abraham? 

Should it not be the same as that of Moses, Jesus, and all the Messengers of God?  

Moreover, neither did any Prophet or Messenger commit sins, nor did he violate the 

sacredness of Allah.

We humbly call you to bring yourself from the dreadful consequences of polytheism to the beauty of monotheism. Be at peace with yourself, enter Paradise after this life, and save yourself from the Hellfire by worshipping God alone and by believing in the final Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was sent with a comprehensive message to all to lead them to a perfect life in this world and in the Hereafter. Read about it with an open heart and do not leave yourself in a state of forgetfulness. Try to find meaning to your life and answers to your questions. It's right there for you, so go ahead and find out for yourself, remembering that there is no compulsion in religion.

Long story short, kindly allow us to give you a few highlights, and then you can contact us if you want to know more.

• Islam is a clear religion that makes sense. Muslims make use of the direct 

access to God that has been granted to all humans; there are no intermediaries. It is our deeds that bring us closer to Allah and take us to Paradise. No one controls God's forgiveness.

• Our book, the Holy Quran is protected as revealed fourteen centuries ago. 

Quran is a miracle and a challenge. None is able to produce even one verse like a verse in the Quran.                                                                                                                                                                                                

Quran suits all places and times; it does not clash with science or reality.

It contains scientific facts proven recently.

• Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and all of the Prophets ) was sent 

to all mankind. The previous scriptures gave good tidings of his coming. His 

biography and sayings are recorded and authentic. 


• Islam teaches us to do good deeds, and be just and merciful. It calls for 

dutifulness to parents, relatives, neighbors and all human beings.

Islam prohibits racism. All  human beings are equal before God. 

Islam prohibits all evil deeds: murder, adultery, theft, intoxicantion, lying, witchcraft, and terrorism.

Finally submit yourself to GOD, and embrace the beautiful religion of islam. Say "I bear witness There is no one worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His final Messenger", in order not to lose your everlasting salvation in this life and in Hereafter


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