
What is Islam's view about education, science and technology?

the framework of islamic thought represents a comprehensive view of life and the universe.

a muslim is therefore required to acquire both religious and worldly knowledge. in fact, islam advocated knowledge at a time when the whole world was engulfed in ignorance. in a matter of years the early generation of muslims became a learned and refined people, for islam had awakened in them the faculty of intellect. those early muslims understood from the teachings of their religion that useful knowledge is necessary for the benefit of the self and of humanity. hence, they pursued it to such a degree that they surpassed other nations in development and productivity and carried the torch of civilization for many centuries.

muslim history abounds with examples of scientific and cultural ingenuity. muslims inherited the knowledge of the nations that came before them, developed it and placed it in the context of a precise moral framework. muslim scholarship made a vital contribution to the enrichment and advancement of human civilization.

while europe was still in the dark ages, religious muslims were making great advances in the fields of medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, literature, and history documentation to mention but a few. many important new procedures were transmitted to medieval europe from muslim regions, such as arabic numerals with the principle of the zero vital to the advancement of mathematics and the use of algebra. sophisticated instruments, including the astrolabe and the quadrant, as well as good navigational maps, were first developed by muslims. only after people lost sight of their religious beliefs and obligations did the scientific achievements of the muslim world cease and fall into obscurity.

similarly, islam does not now oppose any modern inventions that are beneficial to mankind. it is sufficient that it can be used in the name of god and for his cause. in reality, machines, instruments and devices have no religion or homeland.

they can be used for either good or bad objectives, and the way they are used can affect much of the earth's population. even something so simple as a glass can be filled either with a nourishing drink or with a poison. television can provide education or immorality. it is up to the user to decide, and a muslim is commanded to make good use of all the means at his disposal while being prohibited from causing harm to himself or others. failure to use the proper means toward benefit is, in effect, a deprecation of islamic teachings.

a truly islamic government is required to the best of its ability to provide all means that promote adequate education for its citizens. education is a right for all individuals and the required moral duty of every capable muslim. all able, intelligent and skilled individuals in an islamic society are required to educate themselves not only in the basics of their religion but in necessary worldly affairs. further, it is obligatory upon qualified people to study every beneficial field of knowledge. for example, since every society needs doctors, it becomes obligatory for some people to go into the field of medicine to fulfill the needs of society.

advancements in science and technology are among the ways and means to achieve development of the muslim world. islam calls upon muslims to pursue knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. prophet muhammad said, "seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every muslim."1 he also said, "for one who treads a path to knowledge, allah will make easy the path to paradise."2 and the qur'an contains numerous references to knowledge and its importance, such as:

"indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for those of understanding."3

"say, 'are those who know equal to those who do not know?'4

"allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees."5

qur'anic verses encourage study and contemplation of the universe that surrounds us and is particularly concerned with those sciences that give human beings the ability to benefit from the world around them. while encouraging investigation, the qur'an contains references to a variety of subjects which have been shown to be scientifically accurate.6 this is the fulfillment of god's statement over 14 centuries ago:

"we will show them our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth."7

thus, when a muslim has a sincere and wholesome intention to obtain knowledge, it will also have a positive effect on his faith. for knowledge reinforces textual evidence for the existence of the almighty creator and assists in appreciation of the many scientific allusions found in the qur'an.

there has never been an established scientific fact that contradicted the teachings of islam. whatever modern science discovers only increases the muslim's knowledge of god's magnificent creation. thus, islam actively encourages scientific endeavors and the study of god's signs in nature. it also welcomes beneficial technological advances and allows people to enjoy the fruits of human ingenuity.

to a muslim, conflict between science and religion is impossibility, for religion comes from god and so does his system of creation and development. the modern, purely materialistic approach to scientific and technological advancement has indeed granted man a measure of physical comfort, but not mental or spiritual comfort. islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge within a just and balanced value system where anything beneficial for one's spiritual and worldly improvement is encouraged and advocated.

If Islam is such a good religion, why do we find many Muslims dishonest, unreliable and lazy?

islam came as a message of guidance from god to all creation at a time when ignorance and corruption were universal. it opened peoples' minds and souls to learning, development, refinement and morality. the achievements of islamic thought in that early period were sufficient to bring light, guidance and knowledge to humanity.

however, as among every other people, there are indeed some muslims who are heedless, undependable, corrupt and selfish, and the media projects this stereotype about muslims in particular. it can be readily noted that whenever an adherent to any other faith commits a crime, the media seldom brings up the issue of religion, but when a muslim is involved, it is islam that is blamed and portrayed in a negative light before public opinion.

the fact cannot be denied that many muslims today are unmindful of the teachings of their religion, due either to a lack of religious knowledge or to various worldly inducements and attractions. but even if one recognizes that some muslims may be dishonest, immoral or impulsive, he should not judge islam by its nonconforming or disobedient members but rather by those who conscientiously adhere to its teachings. since islam categorically forbids such evils as lying, cheating and negligence, the wrongdoer must be blamed for his crimes rather than the religion. one should instead examine the system itself, understand its principles, and disregard the acts of those who have serious deficiencies in their knowledge, beliefs and practice.

while today's muslim societies are not model ones by any means, they still enjoy a comparatively stable family life, absence of delinquency, low crime rates, greater freedom from drugs and alcoholism, as well as the warmth of brotherhood, generosity and mutual aid. it may be observed that taken as a whole, the muslim community produces the best citizens in any society. as a matter of religious observance, the majority avoids the consumption of alcohol and drugs, eliminating many intoxicant-related crimes. collectively, muslims are the community which gives the maximum amount of charity in the world. and no community can equal muslims where modesty, sobriety and human ethics are concerned.

islam may be fairly and justly assessed not by negative stereotypes portrayed by the media but by what its authentic sources contain and by the practice of the most excellent follower of the religion, prophet muhammad. there have been a number of unbiased non-muslim historians who have declared that muhammad was an exemplary human being. it is his pattern of life that demonstrates the true islamic ideal and example to be followed by muslims.

Why is so much of the Muslim world underdeveloped?

no one can deny that the muslim world has been in decline for several centuries, the causes of which go back into history. in the muslim nation's early stages, wealth, centers of learning and public works were abundant. but affluence, excessive concern with worldly life, and the spread of corruption eventually weakened religious consciousness. the inevitable result of these human failures was an ebb in conversions to islam and territorial expansion, losses sustained in east asia and europe, the ascension of western power and influence, and a change from an ascendant to a defensive posture. the present backwardness of most muslim societies, their political degradation and their peoples' suffering, in spite of their human and material resources and of islam's noble values and principles, is the unfortunate reality of the present day.

the calamities that befell the muslim world after the period of its early expansion, eventually leading to the fall of the caliphate, cannot be attributed to islamic thought or even entirely to errors in political leadership. the prophetic period and that of the early caliphs which followed presented the best examples for all succeeding generations. however, the rapid influx of new peoples and nations into the community of islam before they were properly educated as to islamic objectives and values resulted in a later political leadership that never developed and matured as it should have. the islamic vision became obscured and its spirit reduced to mere form, empty words and a heritage venerated, but seriously misunderstood, by later generations. the natural trend of the islamic legal system to expand was arrested, and the vital physical sciences, economics, sociology and political thought - all essential aspects of previous development - were neglected. at the same time the muslim world was becoming increasingly weak and vulnerable, europe was beginning to benefit from the achievements of islamic scholarship and assert itself.

the fact that most muslim regions of the world were then conquered, dominated and exploited by western colonial powers for some time is not an excuse that is condoned by islam. rather, it was the natural outcome of the widespread neglect and failure by muslims to conscientiously and comprehensively adhere to the teachings of their religion.

the importance of obtaining knowledge and working conscientiously with determination was made clear by the prophet of islam. muslims are taught that because man has been given a certain amount of free will, it must be exercised properly in accordance with islamic teachings to earn approval of the creator. this in itself is motivation for muslims to be the most knowledgeable and productive people possible. if muslim societies today are not meeting their potential, it is surely not due to islam; rather, it is from their ignorance of the religion and failure to apply and practice it.

What is Islam's Attitude toward Western Civilization Today?

humanity lives crowded together in an increasingly small world of various cultures. undoubtedly, western culture is the dominant influence in the modern world today. hence, it is inevitable that others interact with it and assimilate its positive values and achievements, but without adopting its negative ones. there is a cultural dimension of most human phenomena, religion included, and modern societies are tending to become less exclusive and more multi-religious. but while people are developing an outlook that is more accommodating toward others, acknowledging these differences does not mean that there should be no distinction between good and evil.

as well as being a religion and way of life, islam is also a complete worldview. its attitude toward the present western civilization is the same as that manifested toward every past civilization: it accepts the goodness that such civilizations can yield but at the same time rejects their evils. it allows for the acquisition of particular benefits such as scientific and technical knowledge, yet many social aspects are seen to be destructive and contrary to islamic teachings.

islam has never advocated a policy of isolationism. it does not oppose other civilizations merely because they are non- muslim but believes in the unity of humanity and good relationships with people of different races and inclinations. and muslims do not object to benefiting from modernity in discovering the mechanisms for solving common problems or to the solutions themselves, as long as they do not contradict islamic legislation.

islam neither rejects the west totally nor does it accept it uncritically. led by political and economic interests, the upholders of western civilization often follow policies which are detrimental to the collective good of muslims. what muslims and many other peoples of the world today reject is the presumed centrality and universalism of the west and its self- centered attitude. they opposed the oppression and exploitation perpetrated by western colonialism in the past, and they object presently to the newer, albeit more subtle forms, which are no less malevolent. injustices caused by arrogant attitudes and demeaning policies are unacceptable to everyone.

opening up to the modern worldview and critically interacting with it has alerted muslims to certain problems raised by western modernity. international relations, globalization, i he menace posed by the media and central government to the human individual, the increase of leisure time available to ordinary people, and the processes of standardization were issues seldom raised in the past. the study of western modernity in a critical and interactive manner may serve to sharpen the awareness of muslims concerning the magnitude of the global culture crisis and consequently, increase their knowledge and confidence in their own divinely ordained way of life.

it can be fairly said that islam does not oppose any civilization as long as it serves the interests of humanity. but customs of other cultures involving principles or conduct prohibited in islam can never be considered as lawful for a muslim, even one who resides permanently in non-muslim lands. the limits set by god are protective ones which must always be observed, and islam stands firm to uphold this right for mankind.

Isn't Islam intolerant of other religions? How are Muslims supposed to treat people of other faiths?

tolerance is the attitude that should govern the dealings of all people with one another. religious tolerance is an essential principle of islam, and muslims are ordered to have good relations with people of all religions and be kind and courteous lo everyone. muslims are ordered by the qur'an to uphold their promises and agreements with non-muslims and not betray or transgress against them. the lives, families, properties and honor of non-muslims must be protected under any government that claims to apply islamic law. non-muslims are also guaranteed the right and freedom to practice their own religions in an islamic state.

islam is a religion of mercy and justice. it teaches its adherents to interact with all people and to cooperate with them for the betterment of mankind. more than ever today, muslims need to work together with other groups that oppose oppression, bloodshed, corruption, promiscuity and perversion. they should also cooperate with non-muslims in upholding truth and combating falsehood, in supporting the oppressed, and eliminating such dangers as pollution and disease.

only enemies who harbor hatred and contempt against islam are addressed by those qur'anic verses that warn muslims against taking them as intimates and allies. muslims are ordered to deal with all other human beings with justice and compassion as members of the human brotherhood. they are always to behave kindly toward any non-muslims who are not hostile, whether by offering financial help, feeding the hungry, giving loans when needed, or interceding in connection with permissible matters, even if only by speaking kindly and advising them. the qur'an addresses believers, saying:

"allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. indeed, allah loves those who are just."1

thus, it is not permissible under any circumstance for muslims to mistreat a non-muslim who has not committed any aggression against them; they are not allowed to harm, threaten or terrorize him, steal his wealth, cheat him or deprive him of his rights. it is obligatory upon muslims as well to honor whatever lawful treaties and agreements are made with non-muslim parties.

coexistence does not mean that we cease to promote our positive values. as an aspect of their kindness and concern for humanity, muslims are expected to invite non-muslims to the truth of islam with words of wisdom, sound arguments and a pleasant manner. this is a debt owed by muslims to the peoples of the world in gratitude to god for his guidance and countless blessings.

Why does Islam Demand Harsh Punishments for Sex outside of Marriage?

as mentioned previously, punishment in islam has a social purpose, which is to dissuade others from committing the same crime. people nowadays, especially westerners, are opposed to the islamic punishment for fornication and adultery because they see it as too harsh or disproportionate to the offense. a basic problem is the difference in standards by which the severity of a crime is measured.

the western view of man-woman relationships is usually that of permissiveness, one that accepts extramarital and illicit relationships as normal. there is an increasingly driving passion for more money, more comforts and more pleasure, particularly physical pleasure. the greatest casualty of irresponsible sexual behavior has been the family, in particular, children.

islam views sexual relationships outside of marriage as a very serious matter because they destabilize the family and thus contribute to the breakdown of the entire social system. islam emphasizes protection of the family by imposing severe punishments for activities that threaten the family foundation. these punishments are the same for men and women, and only a legitimate islamic government has the right to implement them.

moreover, the prescribed punishments are only one aspect of a complete system which, in addition to providing prohibitive obstacles in the path of unlawful relationships, strongly encourages and facilitates lawful marriage. in cases of confirmed incompatibility or dissatisfaction, a wife as well as a husband may request separation, enabling each to seek a more harmonious union. in addition, muslims, whether married or unmarried, are instructed as to proper dress and behavior at all times. privacy is to be respected and compromising situations strictly avoided as a matter of obedience to god. and finally, the punishment prescribed is severe enough to deter any who might still consider it.

any case that comes before the court for judgment must be investigated thoroughly and proper evidence brought in order to satisfy all the requirements of islamic law. conviction is subject to strict conditions which are most difficult to fulfill and is contingent on one of two requirements:

• a repeated and persistent confession by the offender, who must also be proved to be of age, mentally sound, aware of the divine prohibition, and must have committed the act knowingly of his own free will. the slightest doubt about any of these matters will prevent acceptance of the confession. in addition, a married adulterer must be legally bound in a consummated marriage, and there must be no physical defect in the spouse preventing a normal relationship. furthermore, people are not encouraged to confess their sins; rather, they should repent to god privately.

• in the absence of confession there can be no conviction unless four reliable male muslim witnesses known for honesty and righteous conduct testify that they actually saw the act taking place. it is insufficient that the couple was seen together, even if undressed and in an embrace. witnesses must be unanimous about the time, place and other details; otherwise, the case will be rejected. this means that in reality the punishment is seldom carried out and serves primarily as a deterrent. as an additional precaution, anyone who makes such an accusation outside the framework of these conditions is himself subject to a severe punishment.

any government under which shari'ah legislation is applied must establish justice as its core value in all affairs so that the social and cultural environment is suitable for all its people to live an upright and moral life. it is only after these conditions have been fulfilled that a government is entitled to implement penalties on its land.

Doesn't Islamic Law Encourage Vengeance?

islam is often accused of having legislation that encourages retaliation rather than forgiveness. but the qur'an itself refutes this, saying:

"but whoever overlooks from his brother [i.e., a killer] anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and compensation to [the victim's heir] with good conduct. this is an alleviation from your lord and a mercy."1


"and the retribution for an injury is one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from allah. indeed, he does not like the unjust."2

justice is the ruling spirit of islamic law. however, the changing definition of terms such as "civilized", "freedom" and "equality" have resulted in criticism of islamic laws and the argument that in view of the changing world, the shari'ah is outdated. to a believing muslim this amounts to denial of the wisdom of god who put us on this earth with a purpose in life and a responsible role to fulfill.

punishment has always been an integral part in the concept of justice. islam considers crime an act of injustice towards society as well as a sin. punishment is not atonement for sin because a sin can only be forgiven through sincere repentance. a crime, however, is the infliction of harm upon others which cannot be forgiven by repentance alone.

the object of all penal systems is to punish the offender and protect society from reoccurrence of the crime. however, if societies were to rely only upon punishment, they would fail miserably. an environment of healthy morality and faith must be the norm, where right conduct is encouraged by all and wrongdoing is opposed and made as difficult as possible.

in islam, penalties are only part of a larger integrated whole. they cannot be properly understood nor justifiably implemented in isolation. god has ordained a body of mutual rights and obligations. he has also set certain bounds and limits in be observed by everyone for the maintenance of justice. if men and nations want to have peace and safety on the highways of life, they must remain within the "traffic lanes" marked out for them and observe the "signposts" erected along their routes. otherwise, they endanger themselves and others and thus subject themselves to penalties - not out of reprisal but in order in regulate and preserve orderly interactions among all people in society.

in many non-muslim societies today, there are ongoing debates about the death penalty. in islam the matter has been decided by the creator, who said:

"and there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, О you [people] of understanding,

that you may avoid [sin]."3

the verse alludes to the fact that such punishments serve as a strong deterrent to crime. they are of a functional nature, to regulate and prevent reoccurrence.

there are basically three categories of punishment in islamic shari'ah: first is hadd, fixed punishments for a few specific crimes that were divinely ordained. second is qisas, for homicide and assault, in which the victim or family of the deceased has the right to legal retribution or else to accept monetary remuneration or even to pardon the offender, both of which serve to avert capital punishment. the qur'an highly recommends forgiveness. an injured party may take particular circumstances into account or overlook the offense with the expectation of being compensated by god in the next life. and third is ta'zeer, which is a discretionary penalty decided by the court. there are stringent conditions which must be met for any of these to be applicable, and strict procedures must be followed before any person can be convicted and punished.

another important function of these penalties is educational. they are intended to instill in society a deep feeling of abhorrence for transgression against fellow human beings and against god. once one understands the basic concepts, objectives and framework of islamic shari'ah, he cannot but conclude that it is capable of creating the most humane and just society. difficulties arise only when critics try to measure the ocean of divine knowledge, wisdom and justice with their own imperfect criteria and understanding.

What is the Islamic View on Suicide; "mercy" Killings and Abortion?

a true muslim is satisfied with himself and his place in the universe due to the knowledge that he is not merely a worthless particle within an accidental existence or an insignificant creature with no purpose or role to play in life. he knows that lie is a chosen servant of god, holding a position of honor, trust, favor and responsibility. he is certain of his lord's perfection, all-encompassing knowledge and absolute wisdom, justice and mercy. he knows that nothing is created without purpose and that god's favors and blessings are infinite and beyond human perception.

islam emphasizes the value of human life. it also teaches that one should not despair of god's mercy and recognize that this decree is always beneficial in some way, even when it might seem otherwise. the endurance of pain, discomfort or hardship while accepting god's decree is something that benefits a muslim in the hereafter and increases his reward. prophet muhammad said, "no tiredness, exhaustion, worry, grief, distress or harm befalls a believer in this world, not even a thorn that pricks him, but that god expiates some of his sins thereby."1

suicide indicates impatience and a lack of trust in god. it is thus prohibited to muslims and considered among the major sins that is subject to the will of god on the day of resurrection; he may either forgive it or punish for it.

so-called mercy killings come under the same ruling. although painkillers may be prescribed for those who are terminally ill or badly injured, it is not allowed to use or be given medications that are known to cause death either sooner or later. a basic principle of islamic shari'ah is that harm cannot be removed by something else that is equally harmful, so it is not permitted to use medications that will cause greater harm than the disease itself, which is the taking of a human life without a legally just cause.

as for abortion, it is unlawful in islam to terminate a pregnancy at any stage unless there is a justifiable reason, and then, only within very precise limits. if the pregnancy is within the first forty days and aborting it serves a legitimate purpose or will prevent harm, then it is permissible to do so. but fear of difficulty in raising children or maintaining and educating them or the couple's belief that they already have enough children is not a permissible justification for abortion.

after four months it is not lawful to abort a pregnancy unless a group of trustworthy specialists decide that keeping the fetus in its mother's womb will lead to serious medical consequences or threaten her life. even then, it may only be done after all means of eliminating the danger and keeping the fetus alive have been exhausted. in this case the concession allowing abortion is made in order to avert the greater of two evils or serve the greater of two interests. 

Why do Muslims allow the slaughter of animals?

     this question is often posed by vegetarians, advocates of animal rights, and some hindus. in fact, there are people who consider the consumption of meat to be a violation of animal rights. but meat is not forbidden to muslims.

while islam enjoins mercy and compassion toward all living creatures, it maintains that god has created plant and animal life for the benefit of humankind. man has been ordered and entrusted by the creator to use every resource in this world judiciously because it is a blessing from him and a trust.

islam offers one of the most humane methods of animal slaughter. the objective of islamic slaughter is to ensure minimal pain and maximal blood drainage from the animal as detrimental microorganisms flourish in blood. besides muslims, people from other ethnic and religious backgrounds are assured that meat slaughtered islamically is healthy and of high quality. it remains fresh for a longer period due to the lesser amount of blood in the meat in comparison to other methods of slaughtering.

animals are slaughtered in a swift and merciful manner with the pronunciation of words meaning, "in the name of god; god is most great." this acknowledges that the animal's life is being taken with god's permission to meet the lawful need for food. the islamic mode of slaughtering an animal also requires that the following conditions be met:

the animal has to be fed as usual prior to slaughter and given water.

it may not be beaten or tortured in any way by man or machine. stunning before slaughter is not permitted.1

one animal should not be allowed to see another being slaughtered.2

the knife should be large enough and razor sharp.

slaughtering is done from the front of the neck, and the butcher must swiftly sever the respiratory tract, esophagus and jugular vein without cutting the spinal cord. with swift cutting of the blood vessels in the neck at the proper place, rapid and profuse bleeding causes instant shock and anesthetization in the brain so that no sensation is felt. thus, the animal does not suffer.3

• the animal must be completely lifeless and the blood drained completely before skinning and removing the head.

the promotion of healthy and correct methods of food production is part of the islamic way of life. its legislation encourages a strong respect for the sanctity of life and an abhorrence to cruelty to animals.

Why is pork prohibited?

again, obedience to god in this matter is the primary motivation, while prohibition is based on the principle of avoiding harm. in the qur'an as well as the bible, pig flesh has been forbidden and declared unclean. regarding the physical harm caused by eating it, modern medicine has confirmed a number of facts, such as the following:

• pork is a kind of meat that contains much cholesterol, which is known to increase the likelihood of blocked arteries.

• the pig's meat and fat have been found to contribute to the spread of cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate and blood. bating it has been connected to scabies, allergies, stomach ulcers and lung infections.

eating pig flesh has been connected to no less than fifty other diseases. among them are the infections caused by roundworms, pinworms, hookworms and tapeworms, whose eggs, when present in the meat, are ingested by humans, enter their blood stream, and can reach and damage almost all organs of the body.

a common misconception is that if pork is cooked well, the worm eggs are destroyed. but in a research project undertaken in america, it was found that the ova present in pork do not die under normal cooking temperatures.1

it is also known that some diseases such as rheumatism and joint pain are unique to humans and pigs, and are not shared by any other animals.

muslims accept whatever legislation has been issued by god out of conviction and complete trust in the knowledge and wisdom of the lawmaker.

Why is alcohol prohibited?

in islam all things which are harmful or whose harm exceeds ilu-ir benefit are unlawful. this includes every substance that affects the mind, damages it or decreases its abilities. therefore, alcohol would be deemed unlawful even if it were not clearly prohibited in the qur'an and prophetic traditions. for anything that causes harm in any way is considered unlawful.1

there are a number of medical reasons for the prohibition of alcohol consumption. alcohol has been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. it continues to take countless human lives and cause misery to millions throughout the world. and it affects the mind, diminishing the individual's menial powers and making him accustomed to running away from his problems. it affects his finances as well, due to the expenditure that his generally expensive habit forces upon him. there is no need to go into detail about all the ill effects of alcohol since most of them are commonly known.

because alcohol incapacitates the inhibitory center in the brain, an inebriated person is often found to be indulging in behavior that is completely uncharacteristic - using abusive language, becoming aggressive and violent, or committing shameful acts. statistics showing a rising number of deaths, soaring crime rates, increasing instances of mental illness, and millions of broken homes throughout the world bear witness to the destructive effect of drinking alcohol.

the harm that results from alcohol is not limited only to the one who drinks; it is also damaging to others. the diseases caused by alcohol weaken society as a whole. productivity is decreased due to its effects, and crimes result from addiction. according to a world health organization report on violent crimes in 30 countries, 86% of murders and 50% of rapes are carried out under the influence of alcohol. there are similar statistics in most countries around the world. additionally, public health officials have estimated that half of the road accidents resulting in deaths and permanent disabilities are caused by people under the influence of alcohol.

islam agrees that prevention is the best treatment. however, muslims do not abstain from drugs and intoxicants due to its detrimental effects, but rather, because god has prohibited them. so abstention is a form of worship and obedience for which they are rewarded by god in the hereafter, as well as protecting them from harm in the present life.

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