
The Jewish Man Thanks his Lord Daily because He has not created him as a Woman

orthodox jewish culture considers "women as sinful by nature"[57] and that"woman is dangerous not only because she lacks virtue but because she excites in man a desire that is stronger than his power and discretion." [58]

jewish culture is masculine and woman therein is just secondary and officially marginalized. in such a culture, man thanks allah daily for not "creating him a woman" while the woman praises the lord who "created her according to his providence."[59]the following supplication is mentioned in (menahoth 43b-44a):

"the jewish man is obligated to recite this prayer on a daily basis: praise be to allah because he has not made me a polytheist, a woman or a slave." rachel adler indicates that this prayer is directed to the "hated female body which men thank allah daily that they do not have it." [60]

the conservative jewish movement has been trying to hide these belittling references to women through adopting semantic change: "instead of thanking the lord for not creating him a woman, the new prayer avoid holding the disgusting comparison for thanking the lord for creating him a man."

The Despair of the Jewish Woman because of Oppression is much more than her Counterparts

the status of woman is also illustrated in the halakhah (jewish religious law) publications where woman is always related to the salves, minors, foolish, deaf and aggressive.[62]therefore, the jewish woman may be unhappy within this situation as evidenced in a study on the despair of middles-aged women in los angeles. poleen barthesfound out that "the diagnosis shows that the despair of jewish women is as double as that of non-jewish women … none of them mentioned any personal achievement except that she was a good mother." in addition, they show, according to barthes, pre-pathological classical trends, i.e., "being a martyr for nothing … to compensate for years of sacrifice."[63]


this is the situation of the american woman in the twenty-first century at hasidic village of new square, n.y. there, the woman is deprived of many of her instinctive rights even occupying the front seat beside her husband.steven i. weiss commented on that and compared the situation of the american woman with that of the saudi woman. he criticized the american administration for its attempt to defend the saudi women while neglecting the bad situation of some american women:


"during her trip last month to saudi arabia, undersecretary of state karen hughes delivered a speech in which she stressed the bush administration’s determination to see saudi women obtain more rights — including the right to drive…. in the recent document, new squarereligious leaders reiterated the prohibition against girls riding bicycles; also, women are forbidden from going outside in their long housecoats –– a common fashion staple in many orthodox communities. … this document was issued last july by a rabbinical court to activate many of the sectarian criteria that relate to woman's behaviors…. some ways, saudi arabia’s laws regarding women are more permissive than the religious edicts in new square. for example, a saudi woman is allowed to ride in the front seat of a car if the driver is her husband. while husbands and wives in saudi arabiaare allowed to walk with each other, new squaremen and women always must walk on different sides of the street. in strong contrast to saudi arabia, the government does not enforce the religious rules in new square; violations do not result in any form of corporal punishment. but those who frequently violate the rules in new squareare blackballed from the community."[64]


we think now that the status of woman in both christianity and judaism has become clear. we have dealt briefly to the way both religions deal and conceive woman and how they consider woman as just a follower to man, the source of all vices and sins, and the property of her father and then her husband.  woman is not allowed to own anything just like the slaves who are obedient to their male masters. after we discovered the humiliation of christiana and jewish woman under the instructions of these religions and the injustice that affected western woman in general until 1848 when elizabeth cady stanton, in women's rights convention and after 70 years from american revolution, asked for intuitive rights and to have the respect of man. having seen all this, we have to inquire about the role of the critics to reveal these facts to the world as they seem keen to show the truth! why did not critics of islam mention these facts while 'educating' the westerners with respect to the status of women in islam, especially that most of these critics belongs originally to judaism and christianity? the reason is obvious: they are working according to pre-fabricated plan to incite the peaceful western people against islam and muslims. in any case, let us see now the real situation of muslim woman under islam. is it true her situation is no different from the status of woman under judaism and christianity? is it true that man is of a higher degree and value than her? is it true that she does not have any rights under islam? we will provide answers to these questions and more through highlighting the status of woman under islam and its teachings.

Arab Woman before Islam

before islam, widows and divorced women in the arabian peninsulawere not allowed to marry again. women in the arabian peninsulasuch as other women in all parts of the world did not have the right to inheritance. some tribes had the habit of burying baby girls alive because they considered that the birth of girls as shameful as in judaism and christianity. girls were not a source of strength as the boys; rather, they could be a source of shame and humiliation because of the raids. as we have seen earlier, the bible recognizes that the postpartum period for the mother at the birth of a girl is double that at the birth of a boy (lev. 12:2-5). the catholic new testament clearly says: "an evil nurtured man is the dishonor of his father that begat him a foolish daughter is born to his loss." (ecclesiasticus 22:3). we have seen that the rabbis do not hide their clear preference for male children: "it's good for those who are having boys and bad for those who are having girls," "at the birth of the boy happiness prevail while sadness prevails at the birth of the girl", and "peace comes to the world when the boy comes ... and nothing comes when a girl is born." [65]

these teachings consider the girl a heavy burden and a potential source of shame to her father: "keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, lest she make thee a laughingstock to thine enemies, and a byword in the city, and a reproach among the people, and make thee ashamed before the multitude." (ecclesiasticus 42:11). "if thy daughter be shameless, keep her in straitly, lest she abuse herself through overmuch over an impudent eye: and marvel not if she trespass against thee."(ecclesiasticus 26:10-11)

Islam Raises the Status of Woman

in contrast to all these teachings of judaism and christianity, the noble qur'an does not differentiate between boys and girls. it considers the birth of a girl is a gift and a blessing like that of the boy. it even mentions girls first. allah says what can be translated as: "to allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. he creates whatever he decides; he bestows upon whomever he decides females, and he bestows upon whomever he decides the males." (tmq, 42: 49) unlike christianity and judaism, islam tells parents that the birth of girls is a good thing and urges them to treat them well. the prophet (saws) said: "whoever have daughters and treats them well they shall be a shield for him from the hellfire." [66] he also said: "whoever has three daughters and he treats them well, have mercy on them, and provides for them shall be admitted into paradisefor sure. some companions asked about if this applies to two daughters and he replied in the affirmative." the narrator said that if they had asked him about one daughter he would have replied in the affirmative as well. [67] he also said: "whoever provides for two girls until they reach puberty shall be near me in paradise. the prophet then raised his index and middle fingers."[68] this clearly proves how islam raised the status of girls from since their birth and rejected the manner in which pagan arabs treated them before islam. they used to bury them alive because they were considered a shame. the noble qur'an criticized this criminal habit. allah says what can be translated as: "and when one of them is given the tidings of (the birth) of a female, his face lingers blackened and he is ever-repressed (with sorrow). he hides himself from (literally: overlays himself beyond) (the sight) of the people because of the odious tidings (given) him, whether he should retain it in degradation or shove it in the dust. verily, odious is (the way) they judge!" (tmq, 16: 58-59) and: "and when the female infant buried alive will be asked. for whichever guilty deed she was killed."(tmq, 81: 8-9)

since the advent of islam, it first forbade burying girls alive and considered it an abominable act and a heinous crime that cause allah's wrath and indignation. among the first privileges islam granted muslim woman was the right to life and considered killing her for only being a female an unforgivable crime. moreover, islam enjoined its followers to do well to girls and raise them and take care of them. it promised whoever does so to receive great reward. the prophet (saws) said:  "whoever has three daughters and he remains patient with them, provides for them and clothes them from his money they shall be a shield for him from the hellfire on the day of resurrection." [69]

Muhammad (SAWS) rehabilitates Woman

this strong support obtained by muslim woman was like rehabilitation. muslim man became aware of her status with her creator fourteen centuries ago. this status is reflected in the noble qur'an which addresses both man and woman together on an equal footing and gives both rights and duties and promises both the prize when they do well. the qur'an does not neglect woman or considers her the source of sin. allah says what can be translated as: "surely (for) male muslims and female muslims, and male believers and female believers, and devout males and devout females and sincere males and sincere females, and patient males and patient females, and submissive males and submissive females, and male donators and female donators, and fasting males and fasting females, and males who preserve their private parts and females who preserve their private parts, and males who are much mindful of allah and females who are much mindful of allah - for them allah has prepared forgiveness and a magnificent reward." (tmq, 31: 35)

it is clear in this ayah that all humans are equal without discrimination by sex. men and women alike will be held accountable and rewarded. allah promises both men and women to enter paradise if they do well: "and whoever does (enough) deeds of righteousness, be it male or female, and he is a believer, then those will enter the garden and will not be done an injustice even as a groove in a date stone (i.e., not even a small amount)." (tmq, 4:124)

if we read more ayahs from the noble qur'an we will see further how islam addresses both men and women equally and promises them with great reward if they do well or punishment if not. this indicates that both of them have equal rights and duties in islam:

"and the men believers and the women believers are patrons one of the other; they command beneficence and forbid malfeasance, and keep up the prayer, and bring the zakat, (i.e., pay the obligatory poor-dues) and obey ةallah and his messenger; those (are the people) on whom allah will soon have mercy; surely allah is ever-mighty, ever-wise." (tmq, 71: 71)

"then their lord responded to them, “i do not waste the deed of any doer among you, any male or female. the one of you is as the other (literally: some of you from some others)." (tmq, 3:195)

"whoever does an odious (deed), then he will be recompensed with (nothing) except the like of it; and whoever does righteousness, male or female, and is a believer, then those will enter the garden, provided therein without reckoning." (tmq, 40:40)

"whoever does righteousness, be it male or female, and he is a believer, then indeed we will definitely (give him to) live a goodly life; and indeed we will definitely recompense them their reward, according to the fairest of whatever they were doing." (tmq, 16:97)

Islam Acquits Woman from Full Responsibility of Getting out of Paradise

contrary to the teachings of judaism and christianity, islam refuses to accuse woman of causing the fall of adam from paradiseto earth. islam rejects this claim and affirms that the sin is not that of eve alone, and it is unreasonable to blame her for the descent of man from paradiseas judaism and christianity do. this misconception was later used in both religions to further contempt and belittle women. the noble qur'an affirms that both adam and eve were mistaken and they both must take equal responsibility for their mistake: 

"and o adam, dwell, you and your spouse, in the garden (and) so eat of where you (both) decide; and do not draw near this tree, (or) then (both of) you will be of the unjust." then ash-shaytan (the all-vicious, i.e., the devil) whispered to them (both) to display to them that which was overlaid (i.e., hidden) from them of their shameful parts; and he said, “in no way has your lord forbidden you from this tree except that you should become (two) angels or become of the ones eternally (abiding)." and he swore to both of them, “surely i am indeed for you both one of your honest (literally: one of the honest advisers) advisers.” so he misled them both by delusion; (or: caused their fall) then, as soon as they (both) tasted the tree, their shameful parts appeared to them, and they took to splicing upon themselves (some of) the leaves of the garden. and their lord called out to them, “did i not forbid you from that tree and say to you both, surely satan is for you both an evident enemy?” they both said, “our lord, we have done an injustice to ourselves; and in case you do not forgive us and have mercy on us, indeed we (both) will definitely be among the losers.” (tmq, 7: 17-23)


when we contemplate these ayahs from the noble qur'an, we notice that the story of adam and eve and their eating from the forbidden tree is narrated the plural as both adam and eve are addressed. according to these ayahs, there is no blame or any indictment to eve alone as it is claimed that she pushed adam to eat from that tree. the story is crystal clear: the devil was the only instigator of both to disobey their lord. the result was the wrath of allah and their supplication to him in the plural to grant them mercy and forgiveness.


indeed, the woman, according to the noble qur'an is not to blame for this error. in one ayah adam is the only one to blame. allah says what can be translated as:  "so the two of them ate of it, (and) so their shameful parts became displayed to them, and they took to splicing upon themselves (some) of the leaves of the garden. and adam disobeyed his lord; so he became misguided." (tmq, 20:121) in this ayah, adam is mentioned alone as being the one who disobeyed despite that the ayah refers to the fact that both of them ate from the tree. mentioning the name of adam alone would mean that he is more responsible for falling into mistake.


with regard to inheritance rights that were granted only to male relatives before islam, islam gave female relatives a share of inheritance: "to the men is an assignment of whatever the parents and the nearest kin have left, and to the women is an assignment of whatever the parents and the nearest kin have left, of whatever it be, little or much, an ordained assignment." (tmq, 4: 7) the question of the distribution of inheritance is a vast subject and has a huge amount of detail (the surah of an-nisa (women) 7, 11, 12 and 176). however, the important thing is that muslim woman received her full right of inheritance from her parents since the rise of islam four centuries ago when the jewish women and christian were considered a part of the property of parents, husbands and their successors! all this clearly shows the high status woman enjoys in islam compared with woman in judaism and christianity. this is not all. as for the issue of wife's property, islam, since the seventh century ad, gave the married woman the independent capacity that was stolen from both western jewish and christian woman until recently. islam has honored woman deeply when it did not make her in need to present gifts in order to attract the future husband. on the contrary, the husband must present a gift to the bride who retains it even after divorce. the husband is not entitled to participate in any of his wife's property unless if she offers and consents to that. [70] the noble qur'an mentions this explicitly: "and bring the women their dowries as an endowment, so in case they are good to you concerning any portion of it, (literally: in case they feel good in themselves to you about anything of it) then eat it up rejoicing with wholesome appetite (i.e., take it and make use of it to your profit and advantage)." (tmq, 4:4)

Muslim Woman; only one Name and one Personality

therefore, the wife's properties and income remain fully at her disposal because taking care of her and her children falls under the responsibilities of the husband. [71] no matter how rich the wife may be, she is not obliged to participate in providing for the family unless she volunteers and chooses to do that. moreover, the spouses inherit each other. in addition, the wife retains her separate legal personality and the name of her family after marriage. [72] a u.s.judge has once commented on the rights of muslim women saying: "a muslim girl can marry tens of times and this does not affect her individual personality by ex-husbands. she is like a solar planet that has a name and a legal personality of its own." [73]

 if it becomes hard for her

islam gives woman the right of khul'[1]

 however, if the two partners decide to terminate their marriage relationship, islam gives the husband the right to divorce and, contrary to judaism, gives the woman the right to terminate the marriage through what is known as khul'. [74] if a man divorces his wife it is impermissible for him to take anything from what he her.  the noble qur'an openly prohibits this whatever the gift may be valuable and precious: "and in case you are willing to exchange a spouse in place of (another) spouse, and you have brought one of them a hundredweight, (literally: a kantar) then do not take anything of it. will you take it by way of all-malicious (calumny) and evident vice?" (tmq, 4: 20) but if the woman chooses to end her marriage she can return marriage gifts to her husband, in this case, this is compensation for the husband who wants to keep his wife while she chooses to leave him. the noble qur'an orders the muslim man not to take any gifts from his wife unless she chooses to dissolve the marriage: "divorce is twice; then retention with beneficence or release in fairness. and it is not lawful for you to take anything of whatever you have brought (the women) except (in case) they both fear that they may not keep within (literally: keep up) the bounds of allah. so, in case you fear that they may not keep within (literally: keep up) the bounds of allah, it is no fault in them (both) for her to ransom herself. those are the bounds of allah; so, do not transgress them; and whoever transgresses the bounds of allah then those are they (who are) the unjust." (tmq, 2: 229)

Islam Permits Woman to Ask for Divorce

a woman came to prophet muhammad (saws) to ask for a divorce from her husband. she told him that she did not complain about any of his morals or  qualities but the only problem was that she did not genuinely like him to the extent it was impossible to continue living with him. the prophet (saws) asked her: "do you return his garden (a gift marriage he offered to her)?" she said: "yes." the prophet asked him to take his garden and divorce her. [75]

Islam does not Force Woman to Marry

it is obvious that islam does not force a woman to marry anyone without her consent. a girl came to the prophet (saws) and told him that her father forced her to marry a person against her will. the prophet (saws) gave her the choice to accept or annul the marriage. in another narration, she said: "actually i accept this marriage but i want women to know that parents do not have any right to impose husbands on them." [76]

in short, islam gives woman certain rights that are unprecedented. she can end marriage through khul' and can ask for divorce. the muslim woman cannot be restricted by a rebellious husband. these rights urged the jewish women who lived in muslim societies in the seventh century ad to ask for a divorce from their jewish husbands before islamic courts. the rabbis said that such action would be invalid and to end this practice they gave new rights and privileges to jewish women in an attempt to weaken the attraction to islamic courts. the jewish women who lived in christian countries did not receive such privileges because the roman law of divorce was not better off than its jewish counterpart.

Islam Calls for Good Treatment between Spouses

to improve the relationship between husbands and wives islam addressed the form of this relationship on several occasions, as stated in the noble qur'an. allah says what can be translated as: "and consort with them with beneficence; so in case you hate them, then it is possible you may hate something, and allah sets in it much charity (i.e. benefit)." (tmq, 4: 19) and: "and in case a woman fears non- compliance or veering away in her husband, then there is no fault in both of them if they make a righteous reconciliation between them; (literally: that they reconcile a reconcile a reconciliation) and reconciliation is most charitable;" (tmq, 4:128)


the prophet (saws) said: "a male believer should not hate a female believer (his wife). if he dislikes one of her qualities he can be pleased with another." [78] he also said: "the best among you is the best to his wife and i am the best among you to his wives." [79] he also said: "women are the twin halves of men.

Woman's Testimony in Islam

with regard to the subject of women's testimony, allah dictates in the noble qur'an that in financial transactions two men or a man and two women should testify (al-baqarah: 282). however, in other situations the woman's testimony is equal to that of a man and it could render a man's testimony invalid. if a man accuses his wife of being unchaste, he is required    in accordance with the qur'anic text to take oath five times as evidence to condemn her but if the wife denies that and swears five times she is deemed not guilty in any case the marriage ends (an-nur: 6-11). it should be noted here that woman in the jewish community are not allowed to testify and she is considered unable bear this responsibility. according to judaism, this is one of the nine curses caused by the fall of man. we also should note that women in israel today cannot testify before the rabbinic courts because it is proven that sarah, prophet ibrahim's wife lied as detailed in genesis (18: 9-15):  "and he said, i will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, sarah thy wife shall have a son. and sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with sarah after the manner of women. therefore sarah laughed within herself, saying, after i am waxed old shall i have pleasure, my lord being old also? and the lord said unto abraham, wherefore did sarah laugh, saying, shall i of a surety bear a child, which am old? is anything too hard for the lord? at the time appointed i will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and sarah shall have a son. then sarah denied, saying, i laughed not; for she was afraid." worse still, "the testimony of one hundred jewish women is equal to the testimony of one jewish man" as we have mentioned above. in addition, western christian woman was not allowed according to both civil and ecclesiastical laws to testify until late last century. [81] if a man marries a woman and then accuses her of non-virginity her testimony is invalid and her parents must bring a testament to her virginity from city leaders; otherwise, she is stoned to death on the doorsteps of her father's house. (see deuteronomy, 22: 13-21)

Yes, some Muslims do not do that

having clarified the status of woman in islam compared to that in both judaism and christianity, it remains to clarify an important point, that is, in the arab and muslim world there are men who do not clearly understand the teachings of their religion with respect to women because of their lack of learning or undevoutness. those fall into errors that are prejudicial to woman and make her life difficult. this example of the muslim man ignorant of the teachings of his religion is the example adopted by biased western groups that deliberately distort the real image of woman in islam. they are the anti-islam instigators who display the image of the muslim man who does not apply the teachings of islam in dealing with women correctly and portray this as if it were the true islam while this is not so as i explained earlier. these biased entities deliberately focus on non-representative cases in some muslim men, ignorant of teachings of their religion, abuses their wives, and then maximize this erroneous image of islam apply it to the religion as a whole, a matter that i have refuted.

No for Absolute Freedom for both Women and Men

on the other hand, it must be made clear that islam does not give woman the absolute freedom according to which western woman lives today. it does not give the man that freedom as well. if the western man fives woman this absolute freedom because he feels guilty of its dark history during which he deprived her of the simplest rights, enslaved her, possessed her property and abused her, islam does not find itself today in such a situation. it does not find itself obliged to give absolute freedom in compensation for an abuse that never took place. since its appearance islam granted woman her full rights at a time when western woman dare not even to dream of that. today, islam gives woman the same rights granted to her when it appears: no more and no less. according to the islamic vision, everything has limits and restrictions that govern and regulate human life so as not to succumb to the animal level where barbarism and instinct prevail. finally, it must be noted that the muslim woman is completely happy with the status granted by islam despite the attempt of some to promote the opposite. the evidence that arab and muslim women enjoy their full rights and a decent and happy life contrary to what the americans and westerners are used to hearing came from saudi arabiaitself that western media always presents as a bad example of a violation of women's rights.


on september 28, 2005 the new york times [82] and international herald tribune [83] published an article by steven r. weisman, who accompanied by karen hughes, the new head of the public diplomacy of the bush administration, during her middle east tour to try to change the u.s. image in the eyes of the islamic countries and listen to criticism of u.s. policies. "the audience - 500 women covered in black at a saudi university - seemed an ideal place for karen p. hughes, a senior bush administration official charged with spreading the american message in the muslim world, to make her pitch. but the response on tuesday was not what she and her aides expected. when ms. hughes expressed the hope here that saudi women would be able to drive and "fully participate in society" much as they do in her country, many challenged her. "the general image of the arab woman is that she isn't happy," one audience member said. "well, we're all pretty happy." the room, full of students, faculty members and some professionals, resounded with applause.

"many in this region say they resent the american assumption that, given the chance, everyone would live like americans.

"the group of women on tuesday, picked by the university, represented the privileged elite of this red seacoastal city, known as one of the more liberal areas in the country. and while they were certainly friendly toward ms. hughes, half a dozen who spoke up took issue with what she said.

"several women said later that americans failed to understand that their traditional society was embraced by men and women alike.

"there is more male chauvinism in my profession in europeand americathan in my country," said dr. siddiqa kamal, an obstetrician and gynecologist who runs her own hospital.

"i don't want to drive a car," she said. "i worked hard for my medical degree. why do i need a driver's license?"

"women have more than equal rights," added her daughter, dr. fouzia pasha, also an obstetrician and gynecologist, asserting that men have obligations accompanying their rights, and that women can go to court to hold them accountable.

"ms. hughes appeared to have left a favorable impression. "she's open to people's opinions," said nour al-sabbagh, a 21-year-old student in special education. "she's trying to understand."

"like some of her friends, ms. sabbagh said westerners failed to appreciate the advantages of wearing the traditional black head-to-foot covering known as an abaya.

"i love my abaya," she explained. "it's convenient and it can be very fashionable.""

many arabic websites talked about this 21-year old woman.[84] this surprise that faced karen hughes that saudi woman is happy to wear the aba and does not care about driving or voting clearly indicates that the western world does not understand the reality of muslim woman and how she feels. it does not want to understand that she is happy with her life and satisfied with her religion. therefore, "helping" her to live according to the western lifestyle is in vain because she rejects this pattern of life in principle and abides by the islamic way of life. if the muslim woman is satisfied and happy with her status and way of life, why do some want to impose a different pattern on her if she rejects this altogether? if they really want to help the muslim woman, they should first consult her and know what she needs instead of imposing their slanted agenda on her. they should also stop portraying her as if she were living under the tyrant of man who deprives her of all her rights because this is groundless.       

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