
Uttering the expiation of quitting a meeting "i honor allah from all what is ascribed to him, o allah, all praises are for you, i testify that there is no worth worshipping but allah, i repent and ask allah for his forgiveness" (narrated by sunnah scholars)

every day includes many meetings such as:

1-  while eating daily meals you mostly speak with whom you're eating with.

2- when you meet one of your friends or neighbors even if you both were standing.

3- when sitting with your classmates or work colleagues.

4-  when sitting with your spouse and children chatting together.

5-   while driving home with your spouse or friends.

6- while attending a lecture, a seminar or a forum.

look what you do by applying these sunnahs you keep:

· Praising allah several times, which keeps you always in contact with allah.

· Repenting and asking for allah's forgiveness for whatever happens during those meetings.

· Testifying that there is no god but allah.

the benefits of applying these sunnahs on a daily basis is forgiveness of whatever happens during those meetings with others.

Performing Supererogatory Prayers at Home

1-   he (pbuh) said: (the best of one’s prayers is that which he performs at home, except obligatory prayers).  agreed upon.

2-  he (pbuh) said: (man’s voluntary prayer, where people do not see him, is twenty five times as equal as that which he performs publicly).  narrated by abu-ya’la, al-albani said it is authentic.

3- he (pbuh) said: (man’s prayer at home surpasses his prayer, where people can see him, as much as the obligatory prayer surpasses the supererogatory one). narrated by at-tabarani, al-albani said it is good. 

based upon this, one should repeat this sunnah (the prophet’s tradition), in the arranged sunnahs*, ad-duha (forenoon) prayer and al-watr* several times per day and night, and in each one of them, he should be keen on performing it at home to increase his reward and attain the sunnah.

the fruit of applying these supererogatory prayers at hhome:

a- it is a means to fulfill submissiveness, fidelity and keeping away from hypocrisy.

b-  it causes mercy to come down on the house and causes the devil to get out of it.

c-  it is a reason for doubling its reward just as the obligatory prayer’s reward is doubled (when performed) in the mosque.   

* the arranged sunnahs = the supererogatory prayers performed with the daily five obligatory prayers and according to their order.  

* al-watr = a supererogatory prayer performed at the end of the muslim’s daily prayers, whose number of rak’as (units) should be an odd number.

The Sunnahs of Drinking

1- basmalah : mentioning allah’s name. (saying: in the name of allah).

2- handling the drink with the right hand; as the prophet (pbuh) said to the kid: " say the basmalah and eat with your right hand"

3- breathing (exhale and inhale) outside of the drinking pot thrice; which means to take a sip then breath outside the pot then repeat this process for three times as the prophet (pbuh) used to do (narrated by imam muslim)

4- drink in a sitting position: the prophet (pbuh) said: " none of you should drink while standing" (imam muslim)

5- bidding thanks to allah after drinking:  the prophet (pbuh) said: " allah get content with his worshippers if they thank him after eating or after drinking" (imam muslim)

the sum of the sunnahs of drinking would exceed twenty, and we should notice drinks include all sorts of soft or hot drinks.

The Sunnahs of Eating

1- mentioning allah’s name. (saying: in the name of allah).

2- using the right hand.

3- eating from what is (placed) in front of the eater.

these sunnahs are gathered in this hadith: (o boy, mention allah’s name, use your right hand and eat from what is (placed) in front of you). narrated by muslim.

4- rubbing the bite, if it falls, and eating it: the hadith (if a bite falls from anyone of you, he should rub the dirt off it, then eat it…).  narrated by muslim.

5- using three fingers in eating: (he (pbuh) used to eat using three fingers) narrated by muslim. this is what he (pbuh) often did and this is better, except when necessary.

6- the way one sits while eating: kneeling on his knees and the upper face of his feet, or extending the right leg and sitting on the left one, this is the preferable as stated by al-hafedh in “al-fat’h”.

And there are sunnahs after eating:

1- licking the dish and the fingers: the prophet (pbuh) ordered (us) to lick the fingers and the dish and said: (you do not know in which of them the blessing lies).

2-Praising allah after eating: (allah is satisfied with the slave, who eats a meal, then praises him for it), narrated by muslim.  one of the prophet’s (pbuh) supplications after eating: (all praise is to allah, who has fed me and provided me with this without any strength or power on my part).                                                          

the fruit of this supplication: (all his precedent sins are forgiven), narrated by abu-dawoud, at-termithi, ibn-majah and al-havedh and al-albani said it is good.  

Sunnahs when Meeting People

1-Salutation: the prophet (pbuh) was asked "which type of islam is the best?" ; and he (pbuh) answered: " to feed people and salute the people you know or don't know" (narrated by al bukhari and imam muslim)

a man approached the prophet (pbuh) and saluted him saying "assalam alaikom (peace upon you)", the prophet (pbuh) returned the salutation and after the man sat down, the prophet said: "that was ten"; then another man came and said "assalam alaikom wa rahmatullah (peace and mercy of allah upon you)" the prophet (pbuh) said: "that was twenty"; then a third man came and said " assalam alaikom wa rhamatullah wa barakato (peace and mercy and blessings of allah upon you) the prophet (pbuh) said: "that was thirty" (narrated by abu dawood and recommended by at tirmithi).

look how much reward the first two wasted because they didn't say the whole islamic salutation to get the complete reward of thirty good deeds. and as a good deed it is at least considered ten; the sum would have been three hundred good deeds and might be more. as salutation take place many times a day; you should train yourself to utter the full islamic salutation to get that great reward.

2- smiling: the prophet (pbuh) said: " do not despise any good deed; even meeting your brother with just a smile" (narrated by imam muslim) 

3- shaking hands: our prophet (pbuh) said: " whenever two muslims meet shaking the hands of each other, allah would forgive them before their departure " (narrated by abu dawood, al tirmithi and ibn majah)

an nawawi said: you should know that it is preferred to shake hands in every time they meet. so dears, try to shake hands with whoever you salute with a smiley face; thus you will be applying three sunnahs at once.

4- allah says: " and say to my bondmen (that) they say that which is fairest, (i.e., which is kindest) (for) surely ash-shaytan (the all-vicious, i.e., the devil) incites (discord) between them. surely ash-shaytan has been an evident enemy to man."(al israa: 53) and the prophet (pbuh) said: " kind words are charity" (narrated by al bukhari and imam muslim).

· kind words include: ath-thikr (remembrance of allah), du'aa, salutation, rightful complementation, good manners, virtues and good deeds.

· kind words are magical as they win others' hearts.

· kind words are proofs how enlightened the heart of the believer is. so you should embrace your whole life with kind words; your spouse, children, neighbors, friends, servants and everyone you deal with needs kind words.

Morning & Evening Supplications

Post- Prayer Sunnahs

1- asking allah for forgiveness, three times, and saying: “o allah, you are the peace and the giver of peace, supremely blessed be you, the owner of majesty and munificence.” narrated by muslim.

2- (there is no god but allah, alone with no partner, all kingdom is his, all praise is to him, and he is ever-determiner over everything.  o allah, there is no deterrent for what you gave, no giver for what you prevented, and neither wealth nor power can protect their owner from you).  narrated by al-bukhari and muslim.

3- (there is no god but allah, alone with no partner, all kingdom is his, all praise is to him, and he is ever-determiner over everything.  there is no might or any power except with allah, and we do not worship any but him, all grace is his, all favor is his and all good praise is to him.  there is no god but allah, making religion faithfully his, though the disbelievers hate it). narrated by muslim.

4- (subhan allah (glorified be allah),  al-hamdulillah (all praise is to allah), allahu akbar (allah is the greater) thirty three times, and la illaha illallah (there is no god but allah, alone with no partner, all kingdom is his, all praise is to him, and he is ever-determiner over everything).  narrated by muslim.

5- (o allah, help me remember you, thank you and worship you well). narrated by abu-dawoud and an-nasa’i.

6- (o allah, i take refuge with you from cowardice, take refuge with you from being driven to the worst age, take refuge with you from life sedition and take refuge with you from the torment of the grave).  narrated by al-bukhari.

7- o my god, protect me from your punishment, on the day you make all your slaves to rise again.  this is because of what was narrated that al-bara’ said: when we prayed behind the messenger of allah (pbuh), we liked to be on his right, so that he might be face to face with us, i heard him, then, say: “o my god, protect me from your punishment, on the day you make all your slaves to rise again.” narrated by muslim.

8- reciting (say, “he is allah, the only one”), (say, “i take refuge with the lord of the daybreak”) and (say, “i take refuge with the lord of mankind”). narrated by abu-dawoud, at-termithi and an-nasa’i. 

* after al-fajr (dawn) and al-maghreb (sunset) prayers, one should repeat them triple.

9- reciting the verse of the chair (ayat-al-kursii): (allah. there is no god except he, the ever-living, the superb upright sustainer). narrated by an-nassa’i.

10- (there is no god but allah, alone with no partner, all kingdom is his, all praise is to him, and he is ever-determiner over everything, ten times after as-subh (dawn) and al-maghreb (sunset) prayers). narrated by at-termithi.

11- glorification should be done using the hand, and in a narration using the right hand, but this narration is not agreed upon, though other generalizations testify for it.

12- one should say these athkar in the same place he has prayed in, and should not change his place.          

 * the total of these sunnahs, if a muslim is keen on it after every obligatory prayer, he will apply up to [55] sunnahs, and may be more in al-fajr (dawn) and al-maghreb (sunset) prayers.

The fruit of applying these sunnahs after every obligatory prayer and preserving them:

a- 500 sadaqa (charitable deeds) is written for the muslim for these glorifications after every prayer in his day and night, for his saying (pbuh): (every glorification is sadaqa, every time one says: allah is the greater is sadaqa, every praise (to allah) is sadaqa and every time one says: there is no god but allah is sadaqa...) narrated by muslim.

 *an-nawawi said: has the same reward.

b- if the muslim preserves these glorifications after every prayer in his day and night, 500 trees will be planted for him in paradise.  the messenger of allah (pbuh) passed by abu-horairah, while he was implanting a plant, so, he said: “o abu-horairah, wouldn’t i tell you about a plant which is better for you?” he said: “yes, messenger of allah!” he said: “say: subhan allah (glorified be allah),   al-hamdulillah (all praise is to allah), la illaha illallah (there is no god but allah) and allahu akbar (allah is the greater), and a tree will be planted for you in paradise for each.”  narrated by ibn-majah and al-albani said it is authentic.

c-Nothing separates him from paradise, except that he dies in order to enter it.  this is for this who recites the verse of the chair (ayat-al-kursii) and preserves it after every obligatory prayer.

d-This who preserves these glorifications, his sins will be expiated, even if they are like sea foam. (as in saheeh muslim (the authentic narrations of muslim).  

e- this, who keeps these glorifications constantly after every prayer, avoids disgrace in this life and in the hereafter, for the hadith: (sayings, this who says them is never disgraced …. and he mentioned these glorifications…) narrated by muslim.

f- to fix the defects and complete what is missing in the obligatory prayers. 

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