
I have the inclination of being arrogant and feel superior to others, and I would like to be humble. I hope that they can tell me something about the virtues of humility and their different types that Allah opens my heart toward it.

Praise be to Allaah.

Humility is one of the greatest blessings that Allaah may give him his servant. ةl says in the Quran (interpretation of the meaning):

"By the mercy of Allaah are compassionate with them." "If you would have been rude and hard hearted, they would have turn away from you; excuse them, ask forgiveness for them and consult them in decisions." [3: 159]

"Certainly you are of a great nature and morals." [68: 4]

This refers to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was a true servant of Allah in many ways and was all with the greatest kindness. His character was completely humble, based on the sincerity to Allah and compassion towards the servants of Allah, which are characteristics completely opposed to pride and arrogance.

Al - Majmu' al - Kaamilah li Mu 'allafaat al - Sheikh Al - Sa' di, 5/442, 443

There are many ways to acquire humility, and that muslim that adopts it will reach this characteristic. Imán Ibn al - Qayyim explained as follows:

Humility is known to Allah, their names and attributes, his greatness, and to venerate him, love him and feel overwhelmed before Him; also of knowing oneself, with their faults and weaknesses. So it can be developed an attitude of humility, which means feel powerless before Allah, and be humble and compassionate towards his servants, so the person does not feel superior to no one or think you have rights on the others; on the other hand, thinks that the others are better than him, and that their rights are rather than their own. This is the characteristic that Allah gives to those who love, honor and approaches towards Him.

Book Ar-Ruh, page. 233.

There are many reports that speak of the reward of humility. For example:

Abu Hurayrah (that Allah be please with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "the wealth does not decrease by the charity and Allah increases the honor of his servant when he forgives others." "No one humiliates to Allaah without that lifted by Allah (in rank)."

Reported by Muslim,  2588. Al - Nawawi as including in the chapter entitled: "recommendations of forgiveness and humility."

Al - Nawawi said:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "no one humiliates to Allaah without that lifted by Allah (in rank)." This can be interpreted in two ways: the first, that He will raise his servant (in rank) in this world, and will give a high Rank to the hearts of the people for their humility, and will give high affection in the eyes of the others. The second interpretation is that it refers to their reward in the hereafter, where it will be increase his category for his humility in this world.

The scholars said: may be both interpretations valid (and its rank to be augmented) both in this world and in the hereafter. And Allah knows best.

Sharh Muslim, 16/142.

Humility can mean many things, for example:

1. A person who humiliates the commandments and prohibitions of Allaah, doing what He commands and avoiding what He prohibits.

Ibn al - Qayyim said:

A person may hesitate to fulfill his commandments by laziness, and therefore behave a reluctant in an attempt to escape his servitude to Allah, and his soul may have the desire to do things haraam, but when the person humiliates the commandments and prohibitions of Allaah, will be humiliate to the true submission ('ubudiyyah).

Al - Ruh page. 233.

2. Humble himself before the soberanي, Majesty and power of Allah

Ibn al - Qayyim said:

Every time you thinks it's big, remember the sovereignty Allah, and that that sovereignty to belongs Him only and recalled his intense anger towards those who compete with Him in His attributes; then humiliates before Him and undergoes the sovereignty  of Allah. This is the greatest humility and inevitably includes the first type of humility mentioned above, but it cannot happen to the contrary (i.e. this type of humility does not lead to the first type, but a person can undergo the commandments and prohibitions of Allaah without humiliating before his sovereignty).

Which is truly humiliating is that is blessed with both types. And Allaah is the one whose help we seek.

Al-Ruh, page. 233.

3. Humility in dress and the way of walking.

Ibn ' Umar (which Allaah pleasing him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "while a man proudly was leaving his clothes dragging, it was swallowed by the Earth and continued sinking until the Day the Resurrection."

Narrated by al - Bukhaari, 3297.

Al - Bukhaari (5452) and Muslim (2088) also narrated a Hadith reported by Abu Hurayrah. Version narrated by al - Bukhaari said: "while a man was walking, admiring himself of his hair beautifully groomed, Allah made the Earth to swallow it and continue sinking until the DAy the Resurrecction”

4. Humility and attitude of support and collaboration

Is said that al - Bara' ibn ' Aazib (which Allaah pleasing him) said: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) dug the Earth with us in the day of al- Ahzaab, and I saw him with dust covering the whiteness of his stomach, and he (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) said: "(oh Allah!)" Without You we would have not been guided, we would have given charity nor we had prayed. Therefore (Oh Allaah!) send us tranquility (Sakinah) because they (the heads of the enemy tribes) have rebelled against us. "And if their intention is afflicting us (i.e. terrorize us and fight us) then we do not (we will not flee but we will resist)." And while saying so, he lifted his voice.

Narrated by al - Bukhaari, 6809; Muslim, 1803.

5. Humility and attitude of help in the relationship with the wife

Narrated that al - Aswad said: he asked to 'Aa' aa'ishah what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used do at home, and said: he used to serve his family and when was the time of prayers he was going to pray.

Al - Bukhaari, 644.

To the - Haafid Ibn Hajar said:

This encourages us to be humble and not arrogant, and shows that man must serve to your family.

Fath Al - Baari, 2/163 to

6. Humility towards children, and the recommendation of joking with them.

Anas said: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the person with best character. I had a brother whose name was Abu ' Umayr and when he (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) approached, said to him: "Oh, Abu Umayr, was "what happened with the nughayr (a small bird that Abu’ Umayr used to have as a pet)?"

Narrated by al - Bukhaari, 5850; Muslim, 2150.

Al - Nawawi said:

The nughayr is a small bird.

This Hadith teaches us a lot, such as be kindness with children. This shows the good character of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and that was a person of character noble and humble.

Sharh Muslim, 14/129

7. Humility towards the servants

Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If his servant brings them food and does not want to sit and eat with you, then offer him one or two bites, since he has prepared and served."

Narrated by al - Bukhaari, 2418 and 5144; Muslim, 1663.

We ask Allaah to keep us among those who humble themselves before His sovereignty.

Be Humble: It’s a Sunnah

The essence of being Muslim is being humble.

Gratitude – The Way to Happiness

The word “Muslim” itself means to submit oneself in ultimate humbleness to Allah.

But it is a great irony of the human soul that when we become more humble and submissive to Allah, we fall into a grave trap. We tend to grow in arrogance because we feel our level of submission is better than that of others.

It was this same trap that Satan fell into. Once upon a time, Iblis (Satan) was so pious that he was allowed to worship with the angels. In one twist of events, Iblis was cast out and became the accursed.

His Offense?

Arrogance, Pride, Boastfulness.

He refused to bow to Allah’s creation of man because he thought himself to be better than man.

(Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘Truly I am going to create man from clay. So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him…

(Allah) said: ‘O Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with both my hands? Are you too proud (to fall prostrate to Adam) or are you one of the high exalted?’

(Iblis) said “I am better than he. You created me from fire, and You created him from clay. (Quran 38: 71–76)

It is true that we, mankind and Iblis and his kind, were created differently. And it was this difference that caused Iblis to be proud, to hate mankind and become cursed by Allah. We can see this same arrogance and haughtiness played out every day in the hearts of mankind.

Whether we perceive ourselves to be more pious, more intelligent, better at making money, or just from a better race of people, we too often get caught in the trap of thinking we are better. And we end up hating those who are different from us out of arrogance.

Allah says:

And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth.  Verily, God likes not each arrogant boaster. (Quran 31:18)

Allah has created all of us differently with an array of strengths and weaknesses.

So, how can we avoid becoming arrogant toward others as Satan is toward us?

How can we truly be humble?

The best example is that of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). After all he was truly the best of creation and the most humble.

Islam Is Easy - Don’t Make It Difficult

The Prophet Muhammad’s Humility with the Less Fortunate

“A woman who was afflicted with partial derangement in her mind said:

“O Messenger of Allah, I want something from you.”

He said:

‘see on which side of the road you would like (to stand and talk) so that I may help you.’ He then stood aside with her on the roadside until she got what she needed.” (Muslim)

In this short hadith, we will find many examples of the humility of the Prophet.

If he wanted to, the Prophet could have stood in the road and spoken to the woman. And he would have been praised for it. But he did not think himself so important to block the road even while doing a good deed.

In addition, Prophet Muhammad does not admonish this woman for approaching him in such a coarse way. Nor does he turn his nose up at her because she is disturbed. He instead treats her with kindness and provides her with what she needs.

Prophet Muhammad knew that no one is more important than another. He also knew that if Allah had willed, he would be in the same mental state as the woman.

The Prophet Muhammad’s Humility at Home

When Aishah was asked about what the Prophet would do in his house, and she said:

“He would serve his family and when the time for prayer came he would go out and pray.” (Bukhari)

As a husband and father, Prophet Muhammad was kind, helpful and humble. The Prophet didn’t expect to be waited on. He did not shout orders at those in his care. Never did he say that his work was outside the home. Wherever there was work, he would pitch in.

Prophet Muhammad understood that the higher your rank the more of a servant you become. And if Allah had willed, Allah would have made him a slave to man.

The Prophet Muhammad’s Humility with the Poor

“Once, I was walking with the Messenger of God while he was wearing a Yemeni cloak with a collar with rough edges. A Bedouin grabbed him strongly. I looked at the side of his neck and saw that the edge of the cloak left a mark on his neck.

The Bedouin said:

“O Muhammad! Give me [some] of the wealth of God that you have.”

The Messenger of God turned to the Bedouin, smiled and ordered that he be given [some money].” (Bukhari)

The Beauty of Islam Changed My Life

Again in this hadith, we see the stellar manners and humility of the Prophet Muhammad shine.

In the face of rudeness, we find that the Prophet doesn’t allow his ego to be wounded. He does not feel the need to exert dominance or even return the harsh treatment. He is not insulted in the least. He laughs at the situation, relieving the tension.

Then even after being treated rudely, The Prophet (peace be upon him) doesn’t send the Bedouin away or abuse him because of his lower economic status. The Prophet treats the poor Bedouin with mercy and sees that the man gets what he needs.

The Prophet Muhammad knew that whatever wealth we have comes from Allah. If Allah had willed, he would have been in the Bedouin’s situation.

The Prophet Muhammad’s Humility with the Less Pious

A companion of the Prophet named Nu’ayman was addicted to alcohol and continued to drink it despite knowing the ruling against intoxicants. Nu’ayman struggled with his addiction and was flogged twice for being drunk.

Upon the second flogging, Umar who was angered by Nu’ayman’s behavior quipped:

“May God’s curse be on him.”

The Prophet, upon hearing this, was quick to intervene:

“No, no, don’t do (such a thing). Indeed he loves God and His Apostle. The major sin (as this) does not put one outside the community and the mercy of God is close to the believers.” (Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet was not too proud to associate with this man who committed major sin. He did not isolate this man because of his faults. Nor was he too proud to defend Nu’ayman from Umar’s insult.

The Prophet Muhammad knew that Allah created us with weakness and that driving those who sin out of Islam would leave the Ummah empty.

We need to protect ourselves from thinking we are better than others, as Iblis believed he was better than us. We must understand that the foundation of humility is knowing that if we are elevated in status it is only because of Allah. We can be brought to the level of those we look down on if Allah wills.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked Allah for humility by saying:

O Allah, make me live humbly and make me die humbly, and gather me among the humble on the day of resurrection. (At-Tirmidhi)

It is this tradition that we need to cling to so that we can also be gathered on the day of resurrection with the humble, with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

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