
Importance of Seeking Knowledge


Description: This lesson gives insight into the importance of seeking knowledge in Islam, including the benefits and rewords which one may reap of it.

knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. By learning everyday slowly as it can't be achieved in one day and night, the great scholar az-Zuhri said, “Whoever seeks knowledge in one go, it will leave him at one go.  Rather, knowledge is only sought through the passing of nights and days.”  

One should make a firm intention, and have patience throughout their search. Some aspects may be easy, but some might be harder to achieve. Thus, bear in mind that when one tries to learn while it is hard for him, they will receive a double reward from Allah due to the efforts they spent in seeking it, and Allah’s bounty is indeed limitless.  The Prophet said:

“Whoever reads the Quran and stutters while reading, due to its difficulty, will receive a double reward.” (Saheeh Muslim)

How to learn?

📚🔎There are many ways to learn the religion, the best being is directly learning it from a knowledgeable and righteous Muslim.  But as they are not always available, one must look for other ways, such as good books, audios, and websites to fulfill this goal.  Do not try to tackle those issues which require much study in the beginning; rather, prioritize the material of study in order of importance.  One of the means to learn the religion is from this website, which has been established for you to learn the basics of your religion from authentic sources in an easy, step by step manner.  

📝💡We encourage you to read the lessons we have prepared for you, and to answer the questions related to each in order to test yourself.  Do not proceed to the next lesson until you have fully understood the previous one, as these lessons have been prepared for your own benefit.  Do not be concerned about the time it takes for you to fully understand the material, for you are gaining reward for each second you spend while doing it. 

Learning your religion will make easy for you the path to Paradise, as Prophet Muhammad said:

“Whoever treads a path in seeking knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise.” (Al-Tirmidthi)

🔎 Keenly Seek Knowledge

The Prophet, may Allah praise him, said:

“When Allah wishes good for a person, He makes him understand the religion.” (al-Bukhari)

Fruits of Knowledge

✅ To conclude, seeking knowledge is an act of worship that requires you to keep your intention sincerely for Allah alone and none else, seeking His Pleasure and reward.  

Do not seek knowledge to show off or compete with others, or to enliven one’s gatherings.  

The Prophet said:

“Whoever seeks that knowledge which is (usually) sought to seek the pleasure of Allah in order to gain some worldly benefit, he will not sense the scent of Paradise on the Day of Judgment.” (Ibn Maajah)

Also know that knowledge is of no importance if one does not reap its fruits, which is to practice the religion of Islam as Allah loves. So one should try to practice what one learns as living Islam is what takes a person to Paradise.

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