
shaving and circumcision

it is a sunnah (prophetic teaching) to shave the hair of the baby on the seventh day of birth. it is one of his rights to shave his hair and give the weight of that shaved hair as a charity in silver. this implies healthy and social benefits. someof the healthy benefits are opening the pores of the newborn's head by removing the weak hair in order for the stronger hair to grow so this is a healthy precaution for the benefit of the child ([1]). some scholars said it is a sunnah for boys, not girls, but it is permissible to shave the baby girl’s hair if the benefit is proven ([2]), other scholars said it is for the male and female as well ([3]). the social benefit comes from giving the weight of the shaved hair as a charity. this is a practical application of the concept of social solidarity among members of the society and this makes the poor happy and content. mohamed ibn ali ibn al hussein reported: "fatimah, the daughter of allah's apostle, peace be upon him, weighed the shaved hairs of al hassan and hussein and paid silver equal to the weight of the hairs as charity" ([4]).


as for circumcision, some scholars classify it as an obligatory sunnah, and others say it is an emphasized sunnah. it is not an urgent obligation that should be done as soon as the baby is born, but it is required that the boy reaches puberty circumcised so that his acts of worship are considered correct. it is preferred that the body is circumcised in the first days, whether on the seventh day or after that ([5]) so that it feels less painful and it heals quickly. as for circumcising the girl, it is a considered recommended act ([6]), it is also recommended to pierce her ear to wear jewelry, but it isn’t permissible to pierce the boy’s ears ([7]).

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