

sion become widespread and publicly known in certain people Never does sexual perverwithout them being overtaken by plague and disease that never happened to their ancestors mwho came before the d “Never does sexual perversion become widesprea The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:and publicly known in certain people without them being overtaken by plague and disease that never happened to their ancestors who came before them.”(Reported by Ibn “Whenever adultery becomes a widespread He (peace be upon him) also said: Majah.))enomena among certain people, death will spread among them.”(Reported by :The Scientific Fact Modern science has shown us through the works of microbiologists during the last two are only transmitted centuries that there are certain bacteria, microbes, and viruses thatthrough having sex in a perverted way like multiple relationships between men and women, sex between men and men (sodomy), and between women and women (lesbianism). The d diseases hit the more such forms of perversion become rampant, the more plagues ansociety since these microbes become resistant to treatment. Moreover, the human body will fail to combat them due to its weak immunity and the change of the properties of such .organisms :Facets of Scientific Inimitability f the Prophet (peace) tells us about a social law that will inevitably happen when The hadith ocertain things occur. The beginning is the spread of prohibited sexual relations including adultery and homosexuality in the society. When such relations become normal and ccepted, this will lead to a state of almost common consent concerning them. This is what is areferred to in the words: Never does sexual perversion become widespread and publicly .known in certain people.. es where people have accepted adultery This law has taken effect in many Western societiand homosexuality and even propagated them. In his book Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Dr. Schofield wrote that permissiveness has become the reaction of society in the face of all er ashamed of adultery, homosexuality, or any other sexual practices. People are no longsexual perversion. What adds insult to injury is that the mass media has inculcated in the minds of people that young men and women should not remain chaste. Chastity has become es. Sexual permissiveness is propagated and supported a shame in Western societi.everywhere in the media According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, gays are now acting publicly and have their own

.clubs, bars, parks, beaches, swimming pools, and even restrooms , books, plays, novels, and movies praising prostitution and Hundreds of articleshomosexuality can be found everywhere. Some Western churches have even accepted homosexuality and adultery and priests are now conducting gay marriages in some churches. established to cherish and defend gay rights. This is the beginning, Many societies have been ?what about the outcome Many sexual plagues have appeared and many diseases have overwhelmed societies around e lives of millions the world. Since its appearance in 1494, the plague of syphilis has taken thof people and destroyed the future of many others. The virus causing this disease is still changing itself and attacking people from time to time. Gonorrhea is on top of the list of sexual disease, it terrifies millions of infectious sexual diseases. Being the most widespread people and leaves them infertile. These diseases strike those who divert from the teachings of Allah and go their own perverted way. Recently, people started to hear about AIDS which thus bodily organs fall, one after another, after causing destroys the immunity system andhorrible pain to the person. This is exactly what the Prophet (peace be upon him) told us a long time ago. Is this not additional evidence that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the ?Allah true Messenger of

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