
There are three basic systems that

claim to organise the affairs of

mankind. You and that in one of

them the state takes ownership of all

facilities for production, tries to own

everything under the premise of

true equality between the people.

All humans are equal, and therefore

all humans should have the same

material needs, and same material

desires. There is a second system of

life that seems to behave in

completely the opposite way. It

claims that the means to create

wealth are owned by individuals,

and the individual has as much right

to sell his or her labour at what ever

rate he wishes to. What you and in

this system is the rich seem to

continuously become richer, while

the poor seem to stay in a continual

state of poverty because of the

underlying rhetoric of ‘every man for


One of the major problems with

these two systems is that they divide

away the relationship between the

world and the creator of the world.

In the frst model, known commonly

as Communism, the role of God is

not mentioned. Karl Marx, the

author of the communist manifesto,

was adamantly anti religion. All

governments that have attempted

to follow his ideas have also sought

to control or eliminate religion.

Within the second system

mentioned above, commonly known

as Capitalism, God again takes a

back seat. Capitalist states are

known to be secular, i.e. having a

division of state and belief; one is

allowed to believe what he likes as

long as it does not effect the daily

working of society.

So, what is the answer?

There is a system that not only

acknowledges the creator, but

ensures that the rules and

regulations of every aspect of man’s

affairs are organised. Who would

best know how to fix a broken car,

the very designer of that car, or a

man who came along and simply

pulled at one nut or another hoping

to fix it? Surely the designer of the

whole of mankind is in the best

place to solve the issues of the very

life he created. This system is known

as a deen, with every aspect of life

an act of worship; so when a man

goes out to work he is allowed

freedom to own his possessions, has

freedom to gain wealth and prosper,

but at the same time he is not

allowed to cheat in the market place,

exploit those who needs his goods

and must give in charity to those

who are poorer than he, thus giving

a balance. When he takes people to

work with him, he must treat them

fairly, and pay them their salaries

“before their sweat dries…”

"Seek the abode of the Hereafter in

that which God has given you, and

neglect not your portion of the world,

and be kind as God has been kind to

you and seek not corruption in the


Other systems are organised too, in

fact every system is organised by the

creator. Apart from systems to

organise the economy, we can see

systems to provide for the whole of

society in a manner that looks after

the needs of civilisation as a whole,

therefore for a greater reason, the

needs of the individual are looked

after too. As examples we can see

that the systems for health care are

manifest, we can see the

organisation of the judicial system,

the political system, the manner in

which to manage the environment,

how to organise the social structure,

and how to manage affairs between

countries; the list continues.

Ultimately, this system is not

man-made, so therefore if followed

perfectly will allow for a harmonious

land to exist.

This system of life is Islam. Systems of Life

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