
In the name of Allah, the Most Graceful, the Most Compassionate

All praise is due to Allah from Whom we seek help and forgiveness, and

to Whom we repent. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and

the evils of our actions. Whoever Allah guides, no one can mislead him, and

whoever Allah misleads, no one can guide him. I bear witness that Allah is

the true God who has no partner, bear witness that Mohammed is His slave

and messenger.

The hadiths narrated on the plague

1- The Prophet (Allah’s peace and blessings are on him) said: “If you

hear about the plague in a land, do not enter it; and if it emerges in

a land in which you are, do not come out in flight from it.” (2)

2- Abdullah bin Abbas narrated that Omar bin Alkhattab went to the

Levant (present day Syria) until he reached Sargh where he met

the leaders of battalions, Abu Obeida bin al-Jarrah and his comrades,

then they told him that the plague had occurred in the land

of Levant. Then, he said: "Call the Early Muhajireen so he consulted

them about what should be done as the plague has already occurred

in the Levant. They disputed about it. Some said we came

for a purpose so we should not retreat, while the others said you

have the rest of people and the Prophet’s Companions, so we do

not recommend that you expose them to this plague. Then, he said:

“Get out of me”. Then he said: call the Ansar (the Supporters), so I

called them. He consulted them and they did similar to the Muhajireen

and disputed like them. Then, he said: “Get out of me”. Then

he said: "Call the leaders of Quraish who embraced Islam after the

Conquest of Makkah, so they invited them. They did not disagree,

and they said: We suggest that you return with people and do not


expose them to this plague. Therefore, Omar ordered people to be

ready to go back on their camels in the early morning. They did as

he said.

Abu Obeida ibn al-Jarrah said: "Did you do that to run away from Allah’s

appointed Destiny? Omar answered: “I wish that someone

other than you, Abu Obaidah, said those words! Yes, “Yes; we run

away from Allah's Destiny into Allah's Destiny! Suppose you have

camels which came in a valley with two areas, one of which has

pastures while the other is dry. If you graze them in the green area,

it is Allah’s appointed destiny while if you graze them in the dry one,

it is also Allah’s appointed destiny. At that time, Abd-ul-Rahman bin

Awf who was absent for some of his affairs said: I have knowledge

regarding this matter that I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace

be upon him) saying: "If you hear about it (plague) in a land, do not

go to it, and if it falls in a land where you are, then do not go out (of

the land) to escape from it." Here, Omar said: “Praise be to Allah”,

then left.(3)

3- The Prophet (Allah’s peace and blessings are on him) said: "Neither

Anti-Christ nor the plague can enter the City of Madinah." (4)

4- Hafsa bint Sirin told me, "Anas ibn Malik said to me, “By what Yahya

died?" I answered: By plague. He said that Allah’s Messenger

(May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him) said: “Plague is considered

a martyrdom for every Muslim.”(5)

5- Allah’s Messenger (May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him)

said: “The person who died because of an intestinal ailment is considered

a martyr, and the plague victim is considered a martyr”. (6)


6- Allah’s Messenger said: “Plague is a filth sent to a group of the Children

of Israel, or to those who came before you. If you hear about

it in a land, do not approach it, and if it occurs in a land where you

are, then do not leave to escape from it.” (7)

7- Aisha, the Wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: I asked

Allah’s Messenger (May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him)

about the plague, and he told me that it is a torment that Allah

sends to whomever He wills, and that Allah made it a mercy to the

believers. In case the plague occurred in a faithful person’s country

and he patiently stayed seeking reward from Allah and knowing

that nothing will affect him unless Allah decrees it. As a result, he

will surely have the reward of a martyr.” (8)

8- Habib said: We were in Madinah (a city in Saudi Arabia), and I

heard that the plague occurred in Kufa (a city in Iraq). Ataa bin

Yasar and others said that Allah’s Messenger (May Allah’s prayers

and peace be upon him) said: If you are in a land, then the plague

occurred in it so do not go out of it. And if you are informed that it

is in a land, so do not enter it." I enquired about who narrated it.

They said it is narrated by Aamir bin Saad. He said: So I went to

him. They told me he is absent. He said I met his brother Ibrahim

whom I asked. He said I was present when Osamah said to Saad:

I heard Allah’s Messenger (May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon

him) saying: “This pain is a filth and a torment or the remnant of a

torment that was afflicted upon people before you. Therefore, if it is

in a land where you are in, then do not get out of it, and if you are

informed that it is in a land then do not enter it.(9)

9- Allah’s Messenger (May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him)


said: “The plague is considered martyrdom for my Ummah. It is a

sting on your enemies, from the devils. It is a gland, like the camel’s

gland, coming out in the armpits and the lower abdomen. Whoever

died because of that, he dies as a martyr. In addition, whoever

remained in such a situation, he will be like fighter for Allah’s sake,

whoever flees from it is like the escaper from the holy war.” (10)


In the name of Allah, the Most Graceful, the Most Compassionate

First, what is the plague?

The plague, linguistically, is a kind of epidemic, according to the writer

of the Al-Sihah Arabic Dictionary(11) . In medicine, it is fatal tumor with

strongly painful inflammation, and is surrounded with black or yellow spots,

and quickly becomes ulcer. It mostly occurs in three areas on the body: the

armpit, behind the ear, auricle and in soft meat. Dr. Adel al-Azhari declared

that the infection of the plague comes from the fleas which carry microbes

living on mice. The flea often bites the leg, the arm, and then the face. This

explains the presence of the bubonic plague in the veins, under the armpit

or the neck as previously mentioned in a narration by Aisha (May Allah be

pleased with her), she said to the Prophet, "The stab we know, but what is

the plague?" he said: “A gland like the camel’s gland occurring in the lower

abdomen and the armpit.”

The Surmount Scholar, Ibn Al-Qayyim, said: These sores, tumors and

wounds are the effects of the plague and not the plague itself. When doctors

could not trace the plague and only realized the apparent effect, they claimed

that these effects are the plague itself.

The plague comprises three matters:

-One of them is this apparent effect, the doctors mentioned.

-The second is death caused by it, which is referred to in the sound

Hadith which says: "The plague is considered martyrdom for every Muslim".


-The third is the effective cause of this disease, which is stated in the

sound hadith that "the remnant of a torment which was afflicted upon the

children of Israel." In another narration, “It is a sting on your enemies, by the



This does not contradict what the doctors said about the plague that it

arises from the blood outburst or its effusion, because it might happen due to

the inner stab, creating the toxic substance which makes the blood gushes

and effuses. However, doctors did not give it enough concern because this

stab is made by the devils and cannot be perceived by the mind and it can

only be known through the legislator. Therefore, the doctors express what is

stipulated in the medical rules they know.

Alkalabadhi in his book called “Maany Alakhbar” stated: The plague

might be classified into two divisions:

The first division is caused from the dominance of some substances

such blood, burnout gallbladder or another which is caused by no clear reason

which can be the devils.

And the second division emanates from the stings of devils as wounds

are caused by the glands that stem from the body because of the dominance

of some substances even if there are no stabs. The wounds may happen by

the stabs of people. (Here ended his speech.) The idea that the plague is

caused by the devils’ stabs is supported by the fact that it often occurs in the

fairest seasons and in the countries with the healthiest air, best water, and

many more that substantiate the idea that the plague is the stabs of the devils.(



Second: The causes of the plague

Doctors cannot prevent the ills and causes of plague. In addition, doctors

have no clues that guide them to know them. The prophets tell about

the unseen matters (through the divine revelation), so no one can deny that

these effects of the plague that they realized occurred by spirits. The influence

of spirits in nature and its diseases and destruction is undeniable,

except by those who are the most ignorant about spirits and their influence,

and the emotion and nature of objects. Allah Almighty may allow these spirits

to act in the bodies of human beings when the epidemic and air pollution

occur. Allah Almighty may also give them the power to manipulate some bad

objects that cause souls to be vulnerable, especially about blood effusion,

black bile, and the agitation of semen because the satanic spirits can do

what others cannot do against the person with these symptoms.

In summary, the air pollution is part of the total and active cause of the

plague. The pollution of the air substance that cause the occurrence of the

epidemic and its contamination, is due to the transformation of its essence to

inferiority emanating from the dominance of a poor quality, such as putrefaction,

stink and toxicity at any time of the year.

The plague’s most frequent times are autumn and late summer. In

summer the acute bile wastes accumulate in huge quantities and do not dissolve

at its end while in autumn the weather becomes cold. The smell of the

wastes and fumes which were being dissolving during summer is confined

so they get heated and consequently rot. As a result, rotten diseases occur,

especially if they encounter a responsive, weak, inactive body with many

substances. This body is vulnerable to diseases and damage.

Also, there is an evidence that the plague arose from the emergence of

obscenity in the Hadith of Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with) which was

narrated by Ibn Majah and Al-Baihaqi: "Whenever immorality emerges in a


people and they announce it; consequently, the plague and diseases which

were not known by their ancestors spread among them.”(14) This Hadith has

a support from the Hadith of Ibn Abbas in the Mwatta with the words: "Had

adultery been common amongst people, then death becomes abundant.” (15)

In these hadiths, the plague may occur as a punishment for the emergence

of obscenities and reprehensible acts. This is a warning from Allah to

people to stop their sinful acts so they should repent to Allah and seek His

forgiveness for their disobedience to His commandments.

It is very likely that the modern warfare eruption and modern transportation

means cause the spread of the plague on the earth. Allah knows best.


Third: The times of the plague affliction occurrence

The healthiest season is spring. It was narrated in a hadith: "When the

star rise, the epidemic defects disappear from every country" (16) This Hadith

was interpreted as the rise of a group of stars, and was also interpreted the

rise of plants in the spring, likewise this can be seen in the Allah’s saying:

“And the stars and trees prostrate.” (17) The best time plants grow in their fully

form is spring which is the season in which the pests disappear.

Mohammed bin Ahmed Al-Maqdasi Al-Tamimi said in his book “The Substances

of Survival in Reforming the Air Pollution and Preventing the Harm of

Epidemics”: “The worst and severest times of the year on the body are two:

first, when the stars set at dawn, and the second, when they rise in the east

before the sun rises on the world, like one of the moon phases, which is the

time spring ends. However, corruption when stars rise is less harmful than

the corruption that exists when they set.

Abu Muhammad ibn Qutaibah said: It is said that the group of stars do

not rise, unless they cause disability in the people and camels, but their disappearance

is worse than their rise. (18)


Fourth: Prevention from and treatment of plague

By commanding the believers to abstain from accessing a country

which is afflicted with plague, and remain in the land that has the plague, the

Prophet (peace be upon him) enjoins people to practice quarantine because

entering the area that has plague causes the exposure to the epidemic so

this is a protection for them. Insisting to enter the affected land is unreasonable

and violates the Islamic legislation. Contrary to this, avoiding the land

affected by the plague is kind of protection which Allah Almighty prescribes

for people.

With regard to the Prophet’s forbidding a person to leave his country,

there are many meanings:

The first is to urge people to practice trust in, and to depend on Allah,

and to be patient and satisfied with his decrees.

The second is the statements of medical specialists that everyone

wanting to be protected must remove wet wastes in his body, and reduce

the amount of food, and tend to use the dried areas in all aspects except in

sports and steambath.(19) People should be warned, because the body often

have harmful wastes which can be removed by sports and lavatories and mix

them with good chyme(20). When the epidemic spreads people must resort to

calmness and tolerance and soothing the spread of the harmful substances.

Traveling from the land affected with the plague is very harmful and has

severe consequences. This is the statement of the best doctors nowadays,

Thus, the medical meaning of the Prophet's hadith is confirmed, regarding

the cure of the heart and body. Allah’s exalts the prophet in the following

verse: “Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.” * “It is not but a revelation

revealed,” * “Taught to him by one intense in strength” [Star:3- 5.

The third meaning is to make sure that the infectious diseases are not



The scholars listed many benefits from the prohibition of going out from

the affected land. Imam Al-Ghazali said the air does not harm outer part of

the body, but the inhalation leads it to the heart and lung, affecting the interior

part. Thus, the person exiting from the country in which the plague fell is

not often safe from the infection. Some doctors state that the infected land

controls its people’s temperaments and they become adapted to its air so if

they move to the healthy places, they may feel irritated. They can get sick

from the healthy air that may agitate the polluted air in their hearts. Their exit

from the infected land was prevented for that reason. (21)

I said that If we consider the conditions of the epidemic disease called

SARS and COVID-19, we find it like that, so we advise Muslims in particular,

and non-Muslims in general not to leave their land where this disease has

spread, until Allah removes it, and everything happens according to His decree.

Preventing entry into the land where the plague is has several benefits:

-The first is to avoid harmful causes and to be safe from them.

-The second is the protection of health for it is the support for life and


-The third is the avoidance of inhalation of the air that is rotten and

spoiled so they don’t get sick.

-The fourth is that they should not go close to the infected persons, lest

they become infected by the same diseases.

In the Sunan Abu Dawood, there is a hadith which is raised to the

Prophet: "Disgust is a form of damage." (22)Ibn Qutaibah said: Disgust is to

get close to the epidemic, and close to the infected people. (23)


- Fifth: The protection of souls from the pessimism (evil omen) and infection,

because souls are affected by them. Evil omen may occur to the believer

in it.

In summary, the order to forbid the entry into his land, includes caution

and protection, to prevent the exposure to the causes of damage. The forbiddance

from running away from it is the order to grow trust in submission and

surrender to Allah. In the first, there are discipline and education, and in the

second, reliance and submission.

Therefore, A Muslim should be aware of two important matters in his

precaution and treatment: one of them is to take the necessary required

measures resulting from science of medicines that the medical scholars discovered

or will explore in the near future, if Allah wills. That is because our

Holy Prophet said:

- “Allah did not send down any disease but that he also sent its cure.

One who has knowledge of it knows it, and one who is ignorant of it is ignorant."


- “Allah has not sent down a disease but has created for it a cure” (25)

- "seek treatment, o' servants of Allah. Allah has not decreed a disease

but decreed a cure for it, except for one disease which is aging. (26)

- “Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with

fire (cauterizing).” But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding

with fire.” (27)

-“For every disease there is a cure, if the right treatment is administered,

then the malady will be healed, Allah willing.” (28)


These sayings of the Prophet contain the confirmation of the existence

of the reasons and causes, and urge Muslims and the people in general

and their scientists in particular to seek and explore the medicine, and make

efforts to achieve the health and well-being of their life through finding the

medicine for the diseases so that their patients become cured, Allah willing.

All of these are indicative of the greatness of this religion, which Allah

has sent down to our Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah (peace and prayers

be upon him) from the Lord of the Worlds.

The following is a list of some of the natural medicines described by our

revered Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him) for the treatment and prevention

from diseases:

Honey (1000g) + black seed (15g) + Royal jelly (20g) + marine costus

(5g) + Myrrh (5g).

Allah mentioned in the Quran regarding the bee: "There emerges from

their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed,

in that is a sign for a people who give thought. (29) "

- The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him) said: "Adhere

to the two cures: honey and the Qur'an. (30)

- The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him) said that whoever has

three sips of honey three mornings every month, he will not catch an epidemic

malady. (31)

- The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him) said: Be eager

to use this black seed, it contains a cure for all disease except death. (32)

- The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him) said: The


best medicine you can use is cupping and the marine costus. (33)

- The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him) said: It is

recommended for you to use this Indian wood for it contains cure for seven

types of diseases, one of which is pleurisy. (34)

With regard to the royal jelly and the Myrrh, they are known by experience

among doctors. They increase the strength of immunity and heals diseases,

Allah willing.

The second is to seek sincere refuge with their Creator and Their Lord

Almighty. Muslims know that there is no stronger motive driven by these reasons,

such as remembrance of Allah, prayer, supplication, invocation (litany),

charity and recitation of the Qur'an, so he invokes the angel souls to overcome

these evil spirits, invalidate their evil and revoke their influence.

We and others have certainly tried these at countless times, which no

one knows except Allah, and witnessed Allah invocations in supporting us

with these good spirits and their closeness to us having a great impact in

strengthening nature which cannot be overcome. (35)

Whoever has a sensitive pious heart speeds up to implement these

causes whenever he feels the powers of evil. The powers of goodness are

more useful than medicines. If Allah wills to enforce his decree and fate, He

will make people’s hearts overlook knowing, perceiving and wanting them so

they will not feel or want them. “so that Allah might accomplish a matter already

destined.” (Al-Anfal:44) Our holy prophet guided us to seek treatment

with Qur’anic recitation for Roqyah, prophetic prayers for protection, and the

supplications, and the deeds of goodness, because human nature is more

emotional than the spirits, and that the power of the prophetic prayers and

Quranic recitation for protection, supplication and prayers are more effective

than the power of medicines. Moreover, they can even nullify the power of


lethal poisons. This is by the grace of Allah for people.

Some of the prophetic prayers for protection and remembrance of Allah:

Prayers of protection from the plague

1- Opener of the Book (Al-Fatihah)

I seek Refuge in Allah from the cursed satanic

“In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful (1).

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds -(2) The Entirely Merciful, the

Especially Merciful,(3) Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.(4) It is You we

worship and You we ask for help.(5) Guide us to the straight path -(6) The

path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have

evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.(7)“

2- The two Chapters for Protection Al-Falaq (THE DAYBREAK)

“Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak(1) From the evil of that which

He created(2) And from the evil of darkness when it settles(3) And from the

evil of the blowers in knots(4) And from the evil of an envier when he envies.

(5) " (Three times.)


“Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,(1) The Sovereign of mankind.(

2) The God of mankind,(3) From the evil of the retreating whisperer

-(4) Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind -(5) From among

the jinn and mankind.(6)" (Three times.)

3- The Al-Kursi verse

“Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of

[all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs

whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can

intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently]

before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of

His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens

and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High,


the Most Great.” (the cow:255)

4- “I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He

has created.” (36)

5- “I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from every devil and poisonous

creature and every evil eye.” (37)

6- "I seek refuge in Allah’s Perfect Words which no righteous or unrighteous

person can transgress, from all the evil that He has created, made and

originated. (I seek refuge) from the evil that descends from the sky and the

evil that rises up to it. (I seek refuge) from the evil that is spread on Earth

and the evil that springs from it, and I seek refuge from the evil of the tribulations

of night and day, and the evil of those who visit at night except the one

who brings good, O Merciful One"(38)

7- “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from His wrath and punishment,

from the evil of His servants and from the whispering of devils and

lest they approach me.” (39)

8- “O God, I seek refuge in Your Holy Face, and Your Perfect Words

from the evil of what You hold its forelock. O Allah You remove what causes

wrong- doing, and indebtedness and loss. O Allah, definitel, your soldiers

cannot be defeated, and Your Promise is never broken. Exalted is You and

all praises are due to You.” (40)

9- “I seek refuge in the face of the great God Whom nothing is greater

than Him, and in His Words, which no righteous or unrighteous person

can transgress, and Allah’s Beautiful Names, Which I learned and which I

did not learned, from the evil of what He created, generated and originated,

and from the evil of all those whose evil I cannot resist, and from the evil


of all those who have evil and You hold its forelock. Surely, my Lord is on a

straight path."(41)

10- “O Allah, you are my Lord, there is no true God but You. On You I

relied, and you are the Lord of the Great Throne. Whatever Allah wills was,

and whatever Allah does not will was not. There is no power or ability but by

Allah. I may know that Allah is over all things competent, that Allah has encompassed

all things in knowledge, and that He has enumerated all things

in number. O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the evil of my soul, the evil of

Satan and his polytheism, and from the evil of every creature You hold its

forelock. Certainly, my Lord is on a straight path.” (42)

11- “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from vitiligo, insanity, leprosy and from

evil maladies.” (43)

12- “In the name of Allah, with Whose Name nothing can harm on the

earth or in heaven, and Who is All Hearing and All Knowing.” (three times) (44)


Fifth: The reward of those who died in the plague

The Messenger of Allah (Allah’s peace and prayers are upon him) said:

"The plague is considered martyrdom to every Muslim."(45)

The Messenger of Allah said: "The one who died from an intestinal ailment

is a martyr, and the plague victim is a martyr." (46)

Therefore, this is another blessing and favour to the faithful servants.

And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.


Sixth: Islam’s Ruling regarding the preparation of Dead

(1) The majority of Muslim scholars are with the opinion that the preparation

of dead including washing, shrouding, performing burial prayer on and

burying him is a collective duty that is not compulsory on all Muslims if some

of them performed it.

This is the basic principle with Muslims because of the command of Allah’s

Messenger (Allah’s peace and prayers are upon him) and the Muslims’

preservation of it.

(2) Islam allows Muslims to perform Tayammum (cleansing one's face,

hands, legs, etc. with sand or earth) whenever necessary in case there is no

water for washing before praying in Islam, or the absence of a washer, etc.

(3) Islam considers the burial of the dead necessary, for a number of


• The earth is more comfortable for the dead and the earth’s dirt eats

the body of the deceased quickly, because man was created from the earth

and will return to it. Allah Almighty said: “From the earth We created you,

and into it We will return you, and from it We will extract you another time.

[Taha:55] And he said: “Then He causes his death and provides a grave for

him.” [Frowned:21]

• In addition, burial in the earth is part of the right of the deceased, Allah

said: “Have We not made the earth a container (25)” * “Of the living and the

dead? (26)” [Posts: 25-26]

• Moreover, burial is to honour the deceased so that the wild beasts do

not destroy his corpse. This is agreed upon the children of Adam, and the divine

religions do not argue about it.

(4) Islam prohibits the cremation of dead bodies at any rate for the following



• It violates the principle of mercy on the dead because the dead’s holiness

is like the living, be it a Muslim or non-Muslim. The Messenger of Allah

said: "To break a dead person's bone is like breaking the living person


• It is a violation of the sound instinct that Allah has created. Cremation

of the dead body is a practice of the Magi of India and some Romans.

Therefore, if the dead bodies exceeds the limit which people can bury,

and their corpses may cause harm to the alive people based on the report

of the specialist and experts, then there is no problem to cremate the dead

bodies to save the alive ones.

We trust that the concerned governmental authorities have a major role

in achieving what is good for their people.

Muslim scholars should clarify these matters for people in general and

the governmental authorities, in particular. If these concerned governmental

authorities are convinced about this practice of cremation of dead bodies,

then that is good. Otherwise, the government authorities can take the decision

of how to deal with dead body that are infectious and contagious. Muslims

should hand over the matter to the government appointed agencies to

do what is good, and not to oppose them. It should be noted that Islam does

not inflect a difficulty in religion. This leniency can be extrapolated from the

evidences of the Qur’an, Sunnah and Islamic jurisprudence rules as can be

seen in the following:

Allah said: "Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends

to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful.”

[The table: 6]

Allah said: "He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion

any difficulty." [Hajj: 78]

Allah said: “Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hard-

(47) Narrated by Abu Dawood: 3207, and Ibn Majah 1616.


ship” [The cow: 185]

The Messenger of Allah (Allah’s peace and prayers are upon him) said:

“Religion is easy, and no one overburdens himself in his religion, but he will

be unable to continue in that way. So, do not be extremists, but try to be

near perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded. Gain

strength by worshipping in the mornings and afternoons and during the last

hours of the night.” (48)

Islamic jurisprudence rules include the following:

1. Hardship begets convenience.

2. When a matter tightens, it will widen and vice versa

3. There is to be no harm and no reciprocating harm

4. Necessity renders prohibited matters permissible

5. Necessity must only be assessed and answered proportionately

6. Facing private harm is tolerated than facing public harm.

7. Severe harm is removed by lesser harm.

8. If two harms are opposed, the lesser of two harms can be committed

so that we prevent the major one.

Allah is the best Guide to the straight path!!!

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