
Part One

Praise be to Allah. Praise be to Allah, the Bestower of gifts, and the Repeller

afflictions. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, Who has no partners. He

has imposed upon us the duty of providing consolation to our Muslim brothers in times of

disasters, famines, and catastrophes. I also bear witness that our prophet and master

Muhammad is His servant and messenger, and the most honourable of all creation. May

Allah bestow His peace and blessings upon him, his family, and his Companions, who

rose above all shameful traits and had sincere purposes and intentions, constantly and

perpetually until the Day of Judgement.

O Muslims!

Fear Allah, the Protector, for it is by fear of Allah that distress is relieved. Allah



And Allah will deliver those who are the Muttaqun (pious) to their

places of success (Paradise). Evil shall touch them not, nor shall

they grieve.(Az-Zumar:61)

O Muslims!

A Muslim shares his brother’s grief, consoles him in times of distress, and feels

sorry for his pains and grievances.One of the traits of generous people and of Muslims in

general is that they come to the rescue of those who call for help and bring forth relief to


Some Muslims have been hard hit with serious afflictions, extreme hunger,

devastating disasters, severe blizzards, deadly hurricanes, and fierce wars that have

caused them a great deal of pain and distress. They have been overwhelmed by the

severity of such afflictions that have dealt them a severe blow so much so they have lost

all hope, lived in constant fear, and their bodies have become emaciated. The pain of life

has become fargreater for them than that of death. They escape from destruction only to

find themselves on the road to hell and death. There is nothing left but ghost towns,dead

bodies, grieving children,complaining souls, and crying voices.Their complaints break

our hearts and their afflictions fill our eyes with tears. As the poet said:

I remembered children afflicted with the severest calamities,

Who had been left out in the cold until they froze to death.

So frozen were the bodies of these young children,

That the ice from snowstorms became their deathbed.

Entire nations are pushed into the abyss of fear, hunger, disease, homelessness,

and loss.O Kind-hearted and generous people! O people of piety and faith! Give whatever

you can in charity, no matter how small it may be.

... Truly, Allah does reward the charitable. (Yusuf: 88)


O People of help and relief!Save your fellow Muslims from the abyss of

humiliation and utter defeat. Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his

father, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A

Muslim is the brother of his fellow Muslim; he should not wrong him or hand him

over to whoever wrongs him. If anyone fulfils the needs of his brother, Allah will

fulfil his needs; if anyone relieves one of the hardships of a Muslim, Allah will

relieve one of his hardships on the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone covers the

faults of a Muslim, Allah will cover his faults on the Day of Resurrection” (Agreed


O Muslims, O believers!

Give due care to your fellow Muslims. Relieve their distress, help pay off their

debts, feed them against hunger, ease their pain, and offer them whatever will benefit

them.Ibn Abd al-Barr, may Allah have mercy on his soul, said, “Providing consolation

for someone in trouble or coming to the relief of a hungry man is unanimously

considered a communal obligation [i.e. an obligation that must be discharged by at least

part of the Muslim community, and if all fail to discharge it, every individual Muslim

will be guilty of sin].”Have Muslims really discharged this communal obligation?

Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on his soul, also said in this respect,

“Providing help and solace [to people in distress] varies with the degree of faith [in one’s

heart]. The weaker one’s faith is, the less help and solace one provides to people. The

stronger one’s faith is, the more help and solace one provides to people.”

Are the help and solace we have shown commensurate with the horrors of the

catastrophe and the tragedy?

O wealthy people! Do acts of kindness. Come to the rescue of the needy, soothe

the grieved, provide help and solace to the oppressed, relieve the downtrodden, show

mercy to those in distress, and offer help to the afflicted.Abu Hurairah, may Allah be


pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,


“Allah, Might and Majesty be to Him, will say on the Day of Resurrection,

‘O son of Adam! I fell ill, but you did not visit Me.’ The son of Adam will say,

‘O my Lord! How could I visit You when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’

Allah will then say, ‘Did you not know that My servant (and He will name

the servant) fell ill but you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you

had visited him, you would have found Me with him? O son of Adam! I

asked you for food, but you did not feed Me.’The son of Adam will say, ‘O

my Lord! How could I feed You when You are the Lord of the

Worlds?’Allah will say ‘Did you not know that my servant (and He will name

the servant) asked you for food but you did not feed him? Did you not know

that if you had fed him you would surely have found that [the reward for

doing so] with Me? O son of Adam! I asked you to give Me to drink but you

did not.’The son of Adam will say, ‘O my Lord! How could I give You to

drink when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’ Allah will say, ‘My servant

(and He will name the servant) asked you to give him to drink, but you did

not. Had you given him to drink, you would have surely found that [the

reward for doing so] with Me.’”

(Reported by Muslim)

Oh Allah! Be with the weak, the poor, and the afflicted. Oh Allah! Be with the

weak, the poor, and the afflicted. Oh Allah! Be with the weak, the poor, and the afflicted.

O Allah! Give them enough of Your bounties so that they will not turn to Your servants.

O Allah! Provide them with Your gifts so that they will not lose their dignity as a result

of asking others, for You are the Most Merciful, the Most Generous, the Most Great, and

the Most High.


Part Two

Praise be to Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Strong. I bear witness that there is no

god but Allah alone, Who has no partners, the Most Great, the One Free of all wants and

needs; and I bear witness that our prophet and master Muhammad is His servant and

messenger, who had a lofty standing and a pure heart. May Allah bestow His peace upon

him and upon his family and his Companions, who had sublime merits and

unquestionable honesty.

O Muslims!

Fear Allah, for those who fear Allah will be successful and the miserable sinners

will be utter losers. Allah says:

O you who believe! Fear Allah (by doing all that He has ordered

and by abstaining from all that He has forbidden) as He should be

feared. [Obey Him, be thankful to Him, and remember Him

always], and die not except in a state of Islam [as Muslims (with

complete submission to Allah)]. (Al Imran: 102)

O Muslims!

Beware of having Allah’s blessings in which you wallow taken away. Beware of

exceeding the limits or committing transgression, for disbelief and transgression breed

nothing but destruction and deprivation of Allah’s mercy.Be among those who thank

Allah and draw lessons from others, and do not be among those who transgress Allah’s

limits and arrogantly deny His favours.

Be careful, O you who squander your wealth on acts of disobedience to Allah and

engage in ignominious deeds and forbidden amusements. Be careful, O you who splurge

your wealth to conceitedly exhibit your superiority and compete with one another over

trivial pursuits. Be careful, O you who waste your wealth on showing off and boasting


that you have more than others. Be careful, O you who waste your wealth on frivolities,

rivalries, and abominable habits that the shari’ah regards as flagrantly shameless and that

reason considers absurd.

O squanderers, wasters, and self-indulgent people! Affection has been removed

from your hearts and mercy has been taken away from your breasts. You engage in futile

fun and amusement while you see your Muslim brothers and sisters suffering, the poor

crying out for help, the refugees appealing for assistance, and the displaced seeking aid.

Fear Allah, O Muslims, and preserve Allah’s bounties by avoiding wastefulness

and extravagance. Thank Allah, Exalted be He, for His bounties by constantly obeying

Him, avoiding the acts He has forbidden, and showing kindness to the poor and the needy

among His creation.

Ask Allah to bestow His peace and blessings on Prophet Ahmad, the guide and

the intercessor of all mankind, for whoever invokes Allah to bless him once will be

blessed for it by Allah ten times.

O Allah! Bestow peace and blessings upon your servant and messenger

Muhammad. O Allah! Be pleased with the four Caliphs, whose way is to be followed,

Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali, along with all the Prophet’s family and Companions,

and also be pleased with us together with them, by Your grace, generosity, and kindness,

O Most Generous of all the generous!

O Allah! Grant power and glory to Islam and victory to the Muslims. O Allah!

Grant power and glory to Islam and victory to the Muslims. O Allah! Grant power and

glory to Islam and victory to the Muslims, humiliate polytheism and the polytheists, and

destroy the enemies of the religion. O Allah! Make this country of ours, as well as all

other Muslim countries, safe, secure, and prosperous.


O Allah! Guide our Imam and ruler, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to

what You love and accept, and lead him to the way of righteousness and piety. O Allah!

Guide him and guide the Crown Prince to do that which gives power and glory to Islam

and that which realises the good of Muslims, O Lord of the Worlds! Grant them good

health and well-being, O Most Generous!

O Allah! Grant victory to our fellow Muslims in Palestine. O Allah! Grant victory

to our fellow Muslims in Palestine. O Allah! Grant victory to our fellow Muslims in

Syria. O Allah! Grant victory to our fellow Muslims in Burma. O Allah! Give victory to

our fellow Muslims, the people of the Sunnah, everywhere, O Lord of the Worlds! O

Allah! Give victory to our fellow Muslims, those who follow the Sunnah and the way of

the Companions and their successors, everywhere, O Lord of the Worlds! O Allah! They

have been afflicted with harm and You are the Most Merciful of all the merciful. O

Allah! They have been afflicted with harm and You are the Most Merciful of all the


O Allah! Provide food for the hungry among them. O Allah! Provide food for the

hungry among them. O Allah! Provide clothes for the unclothed among them! O Allah!

Provide shelter for the homeless among them. O Allah! Heal the injuries of the wounded

among them. O Allah! Cure the sick among them. O Allah! Accept their dead as martyrs.

O Allah! Grant them victory over their enemies and Your enemies, O All-Hearer of


O Allah! Take revenge on the criminal tyrants, the disbelievers, and the

superstitious polytheists. O Allah! Take revenge on the superstitious polytheists. O Allah!

Take revenge on the superstitious polytheists, O Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Have mercy on our dead, cure the sick among us, relieve the distress of

the afflicted among us, release our prisoners, and grant us victory over our enemies, O

Lord of the Worlds!


O Allah! Answer our prayers and supplications, O Most Generous! O Most

Merciful! O All-Hearer! O Responsive!

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