
Part one

Praise be to Allah for His great blessings! We thank Him for His munificence and infinite graces.

I bear witness that there is no deity worth worshipping except Allah alone with no partner to his

Lordship (Sovereignty), Divinity and perfect Attributes. I equally bear witness that our Master

and Prophet Muhammad is the Servant and Messenger of Allah. His words and deeds are

exemplary. May Allah send His Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy), Peace and Blessings upon

him, his Companions, family and tabi’in (the contemporaries of the Companions of the Prophet

[may Allah’s Peace and Prayer be upon him] after his death)as long as yearscomeandgo.

Now then,

I urge you ‒O people‒ and myself to observe fear of Allah. Fear Allah –may Allah have mercy

on you! He who reflects on the consequences of the herein observes caution, and he who

embarks on a long journey makes good preparation for it.

It is most surprising to see people rejoicing at their own vanity and indulging in distraction.

How wretched would be those who got preoccupied with their worldly pleasures at the expense

of their own chastity and integrity!And how miserable would be those who gave in to carnal

desires and sensual whims!

Many a hardship breeds comfort, and many a haste begets relief. He who garners sins with the

sickle of piety enjoys straightforwardness. He who cuts unnecessary speech with the knife of

silence is rewarded by dignity and peace of mind. Surely, Shaitân (Satan) is an enemy


to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy. He only invites his Hizb (followers)

that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire [Fātir: 5-6]

O Muslims!

At the outset of the New Year, I implore Allah (glorified be He) to make it a herald of

benediction, security, comfort, peace and blessing for us, for our Muslim brothers and

sisterswherever they may be and for all mankind.

My brothers and sisters in faith! On such an occasion, it is incumbent on all of us to urge one

another to thank Allah for His blessings and to meditate on our present situation as well as to

exchange exhortation on such matters. These blessings may not persist except with thankfulness.

The latter is to be manifested through the employment of such blessings in obeying Allah and in

seeking His satisfaction.And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "If you

give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allâh), I will give

you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily!

My Punishment is indeed severe." [Ibrāhīm: 7]

Allah does not strip people off their security and comfort until they deny His blessings. And

Allâh puts forward the example of a township (Makkah), that dwelt secure

and well content; its provision coming to it in abundance from every place,

but it (its people) denied the Favors of Allâh (with ungratefulness). So Allâh

made it taste the extreme of hunger (famine) and fear, because of that (evil,

i.e. denying Prophet Muhammad SAW) which they (its people) used to do

[Al-Naḫl: 112]

The greatest manifestation of thankingAllah for Hisgraces is to remember them and talk about

them. It is said in the hadith “Talking about Allah’s graces is giving thanks.” Omar Ibn Abdul

Aziz –may Allah have mercy on him– said, “Remember Allah’s graces; for, remembering them

is thankingAllah for them.”

What is more truthful and more articulate in this regard is Allah’s verse, And proclaim the

Grace of your Lord (i.e. the Prophethood and all other Graces) [Al-Dhuḫā: 11]


Among the most important matters that we and indeed all Muslims have to talk about and for

which we have to give thanks is the grace of tawheed(belief in Allah’s Oneness) and unity that

Allah Almighty has bestowed on this country the country of the Two Holy Mosques. This

includes implementing shar’ (Islamic Law), law enforcement, affluence, and absence of political

turmoil, civil wars and sectarianism.

Allah has blessed this country with the omen of good fortune: the Founder Imam –and his

men– May Allah bless their souls! With Allah’s help they were able to unify the nation, spread

security, and implement shar’. Theirs was an age of transition in the history of this country as it

passed from one condition to another. It passed from rampant chaos, destructive perdition, dark

ignorance, pandemic diseases, and fatal fear to security and stability, unity and order, tawheed

and tranquility, knowledge and health, and sound thought and modernization. All gratitude and

thanks are verily due to Allah!

Remember Allah and offer Him due thanks. Your country was a human jungle divided against

itself on the political, historical and security planes. It used to be a country plagued by inner

conflicts and living on the margin of history. Now it has become the house of the Holy Mosque,

a Muslims’ home whose status soared so high that it has become one of the big decision makers.

It has become a home that dwells in history and a home where history dwells.

Brothers and sisters in faith!

None knows the merits of security better than those who have suffered the pangs of fear, terror,

chaos and displacement. Just ask those around you. Ask those who have left their homeland; ask

those who have become refugees. Watch with a thankful eye and insight the live transmissionsin

this regard on your TV screens every day.

The world around you is ransacked by fitan (trials, afflictions), wars, famines and disturbances.

People are overcome by fear, hunger, despair, and anxiety. They live in absolute chaos:

plundering and looting.It is a dreary jungleof bloodshed and death. Hideous crimes are

committed and blind fitan are perpetrated. May Allah protect them and have mercy on them and

may He restore their peace, stability and comfort!

Beloved brothers and sisters!

One form of giving thanks is to remind ourselves of some factors of security and reasons for

stability. One of the most important factors of stability is belief in Allah and complete reliance

on Him (may He be extolled). It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh and

worship none but Him Alone) and confuse not their belief with Zulm (wrong


i.e. by worshipping others besides Allâh), for them (only) there is security

and they are the guided. [Al-An’ām: 82]

The most important manifestations of belief consist in the implementation of Allah’s shari’a,

maintaining its objectives, implementing its hudūd(Islamic penal laws), adherence to the

principles of the righteous salaf and enjoining good and forbidding evil. Other manifestations

include ignoring rumours and doubts about applying the strict rules of shar’ under the pretext of

observing civility and human rights. Who has compromised human rights and is now

sheddingcrocodile tears about them, pray you? Implementing Allah’s shar’ is the decisive factor

on which depends the security and prosperity of this country and on which rests the system of its

government, this country of the Two Holy Mosques where Muslim sanctuaries are hosted.

O servants of Allah! Other factors of security and stability include absolute obedience (to

authorities) save in matters involving disobeying Allah. Ubādah ibn Al-Sāmit (may Allah be

pleased with him) reported, “The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him) called us

and we swore him allegiance. He took our covenant to offer him ‘obedience in what we like and

dislike, in rich and poor, to give him priority over ourselves, and not to contend authority.He

said: ‘Unless you see glaring disbelief on which you can establish conclusive evidence’.”

Wa’il Ibn Hajar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported, “We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah!

What if we had chiefs that deny us our rights and demand theirs?’ ‘Listen and obey,’ he

answered. ‘They will be held to account for their deeds and you for yours,’.”[Narrated by


Al-Hāfiz Ibn Rajab –May Allah have mercy on him– says, “As for listening to and obeying

Muslim rulers, this breeds prosperity in the herein: it organizes peoples’ affairs and helps them

maintain their religion and obey their Lord.”

Obeying the authorities helps straighten out the nation’s affairs, organize the state’s issues, unite

public ranks, achieve tranquillity of the people and their homeland, foster social relations, and

maintain the state’s prestige. This allows people more time for worshipping Allah, and for

building and working.

O Muslims! Showing obedience to the rulers does not negate the right to offer them advice or

to demand of them legitimate rights in a sincere, credible and civilized fashion. The aim is to

give them support to uphold righteousness, or to remind them of the people’s needs and rights.

This should be accompanied with the desire to set them right, and assemble the nation around

them, and practice religion through obeying them, for obeying them is part of obeying Allah and

His Messenger:O you who believe! Obey Allâh and obey the Messenger


(Muhammad SAW), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority [Al-

Nisā’: 59]. It is detestable to see the Ûmmah in dissent over their rulers. Rather, Muslims should

seek to support their rulers in pursuit of obedience to Allah and they should mend rather than

find fault with their oversights.

The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him) said, “The heart of the believer should

not contend three things: sincerity in worshipping Allah, offering advice to the rulers, and

adhering to Muslim congregation.” [Narrated by Imam Ahmad]

Dear brothers and sisters!

Other factors enhancing security, stability and prosperity include the necessity for every citizen

to shoulder his/her responsibility and duty in maintaining these graces and benefits. The

homeland belongs to all, and security is a grace bestowed on all, which makes it everybody’s

responsibility: the government official, the businessman, the teacher, the thinker, and themedia


Everybody must have heard of the attempts aiming to rupture our unity, undermine our security

and loot our fortune out of envy. The perpetrators begrudge us our unity and the security of our

religion, our economy, our families, and our possessions –blessings that are absent from many


Menof reason have already realised that there shall be no room for saboteurs among a vigilant

people that knows the meaning of construction and stands to uphold it with loyalty, sincerity,

vigilance and integrity.

A sincere and truthful believer would be someone who feels for his family (people) and

country. He would be someone who works more than he speaks,with a hand that protects and

another that builds.Hewould be on his guard and warns others against all aspects of disorder and

disturbances.Hewould be someone who is smart and who is aware of the

enemies’plotting.Hewould be loving, exemplar, responsible, hardworking, and ready to prevent

trouble making.

Every loving and sincere person would never allow anybody to work towards destroying his

country, challenge its values and principles,try to spread chaos, or conspire with those who wish

to disturb stability and violate security.

Therefore ‒may Allah protect you‒ security is the vein of life.There is no security of wealth

or souls unless Allah keeps the security of towns and homelands. Under security, food becomes

delicious, sleep delightful, and a Muslim can taste the sweetness of worship. The Prophet (may

Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him) said:"Whosoever begins his day secure in his household,


endowed with sound health, and possessing provision for his day is as though he had

possessed the whole world.'' [Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi.]

Beware of oblivion, for awakening afterwards will be too late and regret will be of no

avail. Indeed, long familiarity might cause one to lose sensitivity. Look around you at your

neighbours who lost security and stability and see how often they wish to return to their previous

conditions.Youalready realise that pre-emptive measures of avoiding sedition and troubles are

much easier than seeking solutions to get rid of them. Therefore ‒O servants of Allah‒ protect

Allah's blessings.Whenever a day passes while your faith, body, wealth, children are safe, then

giveprofuse thanks to Allah, the Almighty.

Many are those whoare deprived of practisingtheirreligion, whose property is taken away, whose

privacyis violated, and who is completely wrecked, while you are enjoying security, protection

and well-being.

O Allah! Make us among those who praise and thank You; O Allah! Make us among those

who praise and thank You; O Allah! Help us to remember and praise You, to thank You and

worship You the way You should be worshipped! O Allah! Make us thankful and contentedwith

Your blessings! O Allah! Make Your blessings on us perfect, O You, the Owner of generosity,

favours, and munificence! O Allah! Protect all Muslim homelands!Grant Muslims security in

their homes, homelands, and families, O You, the Hearer of supplications!

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan:Have they not seen that we have

made (Makkah) a secure sanctuary, while men are being snatched away

from all around them? Then do they believe in Batil (falsehood, polytheism,

idols and all deities other than Allah), and deny (become ingrate for) the

Graces of Allah? [Al-͑Ankabūt: 67]

May Allah benefit me and you from the Glorious Qur'ān and the Guidance of Muhammad (may

Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him). This being said, I ask Allah to forgive my sins, yours,

and those of all the Muslims, so ask Him for forgiveness, for He is Most Forgiving, Most


Part Two

Praise be to Allah, a good, abundant and blessed praise as our Lord wishesittobe.Thanks are

due to Him for whatever He has given of His great blessings. I bear witness that there is no deity

but Allah alone with no associate. Praise be to Him in the Hereafter and in this life! I also bear

witness that our Master and Prophet, Muhammad, is His Servant and Messenger who is sent with


mercy and guidance. May Allah’s Salat (Graces, Honours and Mercy), Peace and Blessing be

upon him, his family, his wives, Companions, and the tabi’în (the contemporaries of the

Companions of the Prophet [may Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him] after his death) and

those who righteously followed them! O Allah! Send much of Your infinite Peace unto them!

Now then, OdearMuslims!

Among the factors of stability is the truthful media that abstains from proliferating lies and

disquieting news, reversing truths, blowing events out of proportion, and deceiving people.The

media can either build or destroy. What can secure protection against that, Allah willing, is never

to surrender to and credulously believe everything that is broadcast or published bysuch mass

media, for this is quite dangerous and represents a direct threat to the security of individuals and


O servants of Allah! May Allah protect you! You should know that one does not need to have

an opinion or a position regarding every single issue that is raised, a matter discussed or an

incident that is taking place, for a true opinion and a sound stance are only demanded from a

specialised expert who has a comprehensive knowledge of the issue and all its dimensions.

It is not a sign of wisdom or advertence to participate in every issue or hasten to tweet about

every subject even though one might think that what is being said is true and correct. Rather, too

many participations and interpositions might be a cause of raising trouble, spreading false ideas

and rumours, and hunting for mistakes and lapses. A prudent person should not rush to speak at

every occasion neither should he start speaking about every issue.

Indeed, exaggeration in following up tweets, and insistence on pursuing those who are at the

centres of tension would eventually lead one to go astray, be perplexed and confused. The

consequence of this would be dissention, social cracks, and destruction of accomplishments.The

end result of which would be intellectual chaos, confused interjections, and miserable comments

where everything would be muddled due to the participation of everybody! The result would be

division and torture that would breeddreariness and mutual spite without any justification or


Therefore, fear Allah –may Allah Have mercy on you! This is the path of stability and

security.Let the advising and sincere Muslim take care especially of himself, of what concerns

him and what he cando with skill.Let him be busy with what is useful to him and to his Ummah,

family, and country, for the best of people are those who are most useful to people; and

successful indeed is he who keeps himself busy with his own defectsratherthan with those of

other people.

This being said, I advise you to send your salat and peace on the Mercy and Blessing Allah

bestowed on you, your Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him), the


Messenger of Allah, as Your Lord commanded you to do in His wise Book where He so

truthfully and graciously said: Allâh sends His Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings,

Mercy) on the Prophet (Muhammad صلى لله علیھ وسلم ), and also His angels (ask

Allâh to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salât[1] on

(ask Allâh to bless) him (Muhammad صلى لله علیھ وسلم ), and (you should) greet

(salute) him with the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salâmu

‘Alaikum. [Al-Aḫzāb: 56]

O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours, Mercy), Peace and Blessing on Your Servant and

Messenger, our Master and Prophet, Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him),

the beloved and the Chosen One, on his virtuous and immaculate family and on his wives,

mothers of the believers. O Allah! We seek Your satisfaction with the four Caliphs, Abu Bakr,

Omar, Othman, and Ali,with the Prophet’s Companions, the tabi’in and those who followed

them in righteousness until the Day of Judgement! O Allah! We seek Your Satisfaction with us

as well, as You are Most Forgiving, Most Generous, and Most Beneficent!

O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! O

Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! And fail polytheism and polytheists! O Allah! Let

down tyrants and infidels and all other enemies of Islam!

O Allah! Grant us security in our homelands! O Allah! Grant us security in our homelands,

and set right our Imams and leaders! O Allah! Entrust our government to those who fear You and

seek Your satisfaction, O Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Grant our Imam and Leader success of Your own! Honour him with Your obedience

and make Your word the uppermost through him! Make him an asset to Islam and Muslims!

Grant him sound health and wellness! Extend his life so he can worship You more! Guide him,

his Crown Prince, his brothers and his aides to do what You love and please, and lead them to

righteousness and piety!

O Allah! Help the Muslim leaders to abide by Your Book and to follow the Sunnah of Your

Prophet, Mohammad (may Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him)! Make them a blessing on

Your faithful, and unite them on the grounds of righteousness and truth, O Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Set right the conditions of Muslims! O Allah! Set right the conditions of Muslims

and spare their blood! Unite them on the grounds of truth, guidance and the sunnah and grant

them victory against Your enemy and theirs!


O Allah! Whoever intends to carry out evil deeds against us, our religion, our homeland, our

Ummah, our security, our unity, our leaders, our ulama (religious scholars), the people of virtue,

goodness and piety among us, keep him, O Allah, busy with himself, let his plotting be to his

own detriment, and make his destruction in his planning, O You, the Strongest, the Almighty!

O Allah! Make for this nation (the nation of Islam) a matter (an affair) of rationality

(guidance) where the people of piety are honoured and those of sins are guided, and where virtue

is promoted and vice is prevented! Verily, You are the Omniscient!

O Allah! Grant victory to our brothers and sisters in Syria! O Allah! Grant victory to our brothers

and sisters in Syria! O Allah! Bring an end to their suffering! Grant them speedy relief and draw

them closer at heart! O Allah! Grant them an aid, a fighting power and a triumph of your own!

O Allah! Defeat the tyrants and oppressors in Syria and those who sympathize and side with

them! O Allah! Disperse their gathering, scatter their crowds, and tear them apart! O Allah!

Make their plotting to their own detriment!

O Allah! Destroy the usurpers among the Jews! O Allah! Destroy the usurpers and occupiers

among the Jews, for You are certainly able to do so! O Allah! Inflict Your wrath which is so

inevitably destined to strike the people who are Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists or sinners)! O

Allah! We pray You to drive them off to their own detriment and we seek refuge in You from

their evils!

O Allah! Guide us to the path of repentance to You and reliance on You! O Allah! Guide us

to the path of repentance to You and reliance on You, and open up for us the doors of acceptance

and gratification! O Allah! We implore You to accept our obedience, and supplication! We

implore You to make righteous our deeds, expiate from us our wrongdoings, lead us to

redemption, forgive our sins and bestow on us Your mercy, O You, the Most Merciful!

O Allah! You are Allah and there is no other deity except You! You are the Self-Sufficient

and we are poor; send us rain and do not make us desperate! O Allah! You are Allah and there is

no other deity except You! You are the Self-Sufficient and we are poor; send us rain and do not

make us desperate! O Allah! You are Allah and there is no other deity except You! You are the

Self-Sufficient and we are poor; send us rain and do not make us desperate! O Allah! Send us

rain! O Allah! Send us rain! O Allah! Send us rain!

O Allah! We seek Your forgiveness; You are Most Forgiving!Let the sky pour abundant rain

on us and make what You have sent down to us a source of empowerment so that we can duly

worship You and also a reminder of Your bounties for the generations yet to come till Judgement



O Allah! We are but creatures among Yours; we cannot live without Your rain! O Allah! Do

not hold Your grace from us because of our sins!

On Allah we depend; O our Lord! Do not make us a fitnah (temptation) for the oppressors!

Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow

not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers.[Al-A͑rāf: 23]

… Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter

that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire![Al-Baqarah:


Glorified be You, our Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! You are free from what they

attribute unto You! May peace be upon the Messengers! The last of our supplications is all praise

be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!

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