
Truth Triumphant,

Falsehood Defeated

His Eminence Sheikh Saleh Bin Muhammad Al-Tâleb‒may Allah protect

him‒delivered this week’s Friday Khutbah titled “TruthTriumphant,Falsehood

Defeated.” He spoke about the eternal battle betweentruth and falsehood and asserted

that victory will inevitablybe on the side of what is right, however long the battle

might take. He also exhorted all Muslims to return to the two divine revelations (the

Holy Qur’ān and the Noble Sunnah), to follow their teachings, and to adopt them as a

way of life.

Part One

Praise be to Allah Who decreed that final glory, supremacy and victory would be

granted to His devout worshippers and loyal servants despite the sufferings and

agonies which might be inflicted on them, and the recurrent predicaments which they

might suffer. that supremacy would be assigned to His loyal servants, notwithstanding

the successive predicaments and agonies to which they might fall victim. Allah ()

promised to bestow on them double relief to face just a single ordeal and vowed that

their gloomy nights would be followed by bright dawn as a token of forgiveness.

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, with no

associate. He alone may deadlock or open up all affairs. commands the obstruction of

whatever state affairs and to Him exclusively belongs resolution to every crisis. He

makes days unfold in alternation among His creatures whose destinies fluctuate in a

preordained direction. I also bear witness that Muhammad () is Allah’s Servant and

Messenger, the most open-handed creature on earth and the noblest in spirit ‒may

Allah’s Salat(Graces, Honours, and Mercy) be sent onto him, his family, and his

Companions, who took maximum advantage of their Prophet’s teachingsand spread

the word of truth after his demise in order to propagate his message and open up new

horizons for it in remote territories.

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Having said that, my counsel to you is to truly fear Allahand hold fast to the

unbreakable bond of Islam: O you who believe! If you obey and fear

Allâh, He will grant you Furqân [(a criterion to judge between right

and wrong), or (Makhraj, i.e. a way for you to get out from every

difficulty)], and will expiate for you your sins, and forgive you; and

Allâh is the Owner of the Great Bounty.[Al-Anfâl: 29]

Certainly, Allah is in full command of all matters in the universe. All creatures are

due to return unto Him to have their fate determined, and all litigants are bound to

convene before Him; so, make your preparations and take all necessary precautions

for this encounter: How (will it be) when We gather them together on

the Day about which there is no doubt (i.e. the Day of

Resurrection). And each person will be paid in full what he has

earned? And they will not be dealt with unjustly.[Al-Îmran: 25]

On resurrection day, people shall be congregated naked, just like their original

state when they were first created (born). They would avail themselves of no garment

whatsoever, except the garment of taǭwa(if ever they happened to observe taǭwa in

the Herein): …And each person will be paid in full what he has

earned[Al-Îmran: 25]. As stated in the Holy Qur’ān above, each person shall be

judged individually, denuded of titles, privileges, decorations, awards or medals.

O Muslims!

In the Book of Allah, there is reassurance and relief to every believer and guidance

for everyone with unshakable faith. Allah will never let down His loyal servants, i.e.

truthful believers, for subsequent to each predicament Allah proclaims to His devout

worshippers: So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be

sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true)

believers.[139]If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a

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similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the

days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns, that Allâh

may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from

among you. And Allâh likes not the Zâlimûn (polytheists and

wrong-doers).[140]And that Allâh may test (or purify) the

believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers.[141][Al-Îmran: 139-


In fact, wrong-doing is futureless. Look at how Allah narrated to people the

histories of ancient nations that had been devastated and therefore doomed to

extinction because they persisted in perpetrating sin. Allah’s () laws governing the

universe dictate that His Servants’ faith must be tested in accordance with the wisdom

stipulated in the above-stated verse: ...that Allâh may test those who

believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you...[Al-Îmran:

140]. Allah’s trials also aim at purging the ranks of the believers. This is indicated in

Allah’s () statement: Allâh will not leave the believers in the state in

which you are now, until He distinguishes the wicked from the

good. Nor will Allâh disclose to you the secrets of the Ghaib (unseen)

...[Al-Îmran: 179]

ZaidibnAsslam narrated: “Once Abu UbaidaibnAl-Jarrah wrote to Omar ibnKhattab

(may Allah be pleased with them both) and mentioned to him the huge number of the

Roman troops. He expressed his anxietyabout their potential threat. Omar replied,

“Whatever predicament is inflicted on a devoted believer will be eased, and Allah will

soon send relief; for a single predicament will never overcome a double relief1. Allah

says in His Holy Book: O you who believe! Endure and be more patient

(than your enemy), and guard your territory by

1Reference is being made here to the verse of Ash-Sharh: Verily, along with every hardship

is relief, Verily, along with every hardship is relief. [Ash-Sharh: 5-6]

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stationing army units permanently at the places from where the

enemy can attack you, and fear Allâh, so that you may be

successful.[Al-Îmran: 200]

Therefore, in Allah we trust. We are hoping to see the break of the dawn of

salvation whose light will eliminate darkness and whose daylight will herald

agreeable hopes!

May Allah bless you and me by the Holy Qur’ān and the Noble Sunnah; and may

we reap the fruit of the signs and wisdom they contain. This being said, I implore

Allah () to forgive us all.

Part Two

Praise be to Allah, the Omnipotent, the Possessor of all things, and to Whom the

entire universe is indebted. I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah Who has no

partner. Those who turn to Him among His servants are never disappointed and those

who embrace His faith are never disgraced. I also bear witness that Mohammad () is

His Servant and Messenger. May Allah send His Salat(Graces, Honours, Mercy),

Peace and Blessings upon him, his family, and all of his Companions!

Now then,

Our ‘yaqin’2 in Allah () is so great, and our faith in His will to carry out His

promises is so unswerving. We turn to Allah, the Almighty, when all paths seem to be

cut off and we find refuge in Him when our prospects turn desolate. Verily, full power

and control lie in no one else’s hands but His.

As we speak, it is the obligation of every Muslim to supplicate Allah with utmost

sincerity on behalf of our oppressed Muslim brothers who have been alternately

victimized with no one to rid them of their distress but Allah.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds! “None has the right to be worshipped

but Allah the Incomparably Great, the Ever-Forbearing. None has the right to be

worshipped but Allah the Lord of the Mighty Throne. None has the right to be

2An Arabic word ( یقین ) meaning certitude, certainty, unswerving religious conviction

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worshipped but Allah the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth, and the Lord

of the Honorable Throne."3

O Allah! You, Whose soldiers areinvincible; Whose promises are never broken;

and Whose command is ever carried out; glory and praise be to You! Honored he is

who seeks Yourneighbourliness! Glorified be Your praise, and sanctified be Your

names! O Allah!We beseech You by Your Supreme Name to have mercy on our

brothers in Syria! O Allah! Have mercy on our brothers in Syria! O Allah!Lift their

distress and grant them speedy relief! O Allah! Have mercy on them for they are

defenseless; mend their breakage and take charge of their case! You, the Most

Merciful, the Most Compassionate!

O Allah! You, Who sent down the angels on the Day of Badr4 and dispersed Al

Ahzāb5on the Day of Al Khandaq (the Trench); Grant victory to the Mujahideen in

Your cause in the Levantin general and in Al Qusair6 in particular! O Allah! Lift the

siege around them, spare their blood, reassure them, feed the hungry among them,

preserve their dignity and honor, strengthen their stamina, and grant them power and

victory over their oppressors!

O Allah!Set right their conditions, unite them around righteousness, andprotect

them against the evil doers among them! O Allah!Suppress their enemy! O Allah!

Suppress their enemy! O Allah!Defeat the tyrants and oppressors and those who side

with them! O Allah!Defeat the tyrants and oppressors and those who side with them!

O Allah!The Revealer of The Book (The Holy Qur'ān), the Runner of the clouds, and

the Defeater of Al Ahzāb (the Confederates)! Defeat the oppressors, shake the ground

from underneath them and grant victory to our brothers in faith over them!

3 The italicized part is from among the supplications of the Prophet ().

4The Battle of Badr ( غزوة بدر ), fought 17 Ramadan, 2 AH) was a key battle in the early days of Islam

and a turning point in the Prophet’s ()struggle with thepolytheists of Makkah.

5Al-Ahzab ( الأحزاب ) (The Confederates, The Clans, The Coalition, The Combined Forces) is the 33rd

surah(Chapter) of theQur’ān with 73 ayats (Verses).Here, Al-Ahzabrefers to the people who gathered

to fight the Prophet () and his Islamic Da’wah in Madina. But Allah’s Power and Mercyfor His devout

believersdispersed the various tribes who attacked Medina,on the Day of Al-Khandaq,and made them


6 A small town in Syria

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O Allah!Grant victory to Your Religion, Your Holy Book, Your Prophet’s Sunnah,

and Your true servants! O Allah!Save Al-Aqsa Mosque from the evil of the

oppressors and the aggression of the occupiers!

O Allah!Set right the conditions of our brothers in Egypt and everywhere! O

Allah!Unite them around righteousness and true guidance. O Allah!Set right their

affairs and protect them against the evil doers among them!

O Allah!Foreordain for this Ummah (the nation of Islam) a matter (an affair) of

rationality (guidance) where the people of piety are honored and those of sins are

guided, and where al-ma’roof (promotion of good deeds) is promoted and al-munkar

(promulgation of evil deeds) is prevented! O Lord of the worlds!

O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims and fail tyrants, atheists and


O Allah!Make preoccupied with their own evil those who wish to harm Islam and

Muslims! Turn their plots and their cunning against them and make that the cause of

their own destruction! O Lord of the worlds!

O Allah! Grant success to all the leaders of Muslims in order to govern by Your

Sharia and follow the sunnahof Your Prophet ()! O Allah! Make them a mercy on

Your believingservants!

O Allah! Make safe and prosperous all of our country and those of all Muslims

around the world! Protect us against the evil of wrongdoers, the maliciousness of the

lecherous! Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in

the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of

the Fire![Al Baqarah: 201],Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our

transgressions (in keeping our duties to You), establish our feet

firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. [Al Omran: 147]

O Allah! Forgive our sins, cover our flaws, make easy our affairs and let our

wishes come true in what pleases You! O Allah! Forgive our sins, those of our

parents, our grandparents, our wives and children, You are All-Hearing! O Allah! We

beseech You to be pleased with us and grant us Your paradise, and we seek refuge in

You against Your wrath and Hell fire!

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O Allah! Send Your Salat(Graces, Honours, and Mercy), Peace and Blessings on

Your Servant and Messenger, Muhammad, and on all of his family and Companions!

O Lord!Accept from us, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing! Accept our

repentance; You are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful!

Glorified be Your Lord, the Lord of Honor and Power! You are free from what they

wrongly attribute unto You! May peace be upon all the Messengers! All praise be to

Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!

Translated by Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

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