Standing up for Prophet
Muhammad ()
How Should It Be?
Part One
Praise be to Allah Who has His unique Supreme Name, Who is distinguished by
the rule of the Most Powerful Kingdom, the Eternal, with no beginning and no end.
He encompassed everything with His Mercy and Knowledge and bestowed His
abundant blessings upon His servants. He sent them a Messenger (Muhammad)
from among themselves, Arabs and non-Arabs. All Praise be to Allah and I bear
witness that there is no deity worthy of worship save Allah alone, Who has no
partners. And I also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, who
is the best amongst all creatures in mind, knowledge and tolerance. His Lord purified
his soul and body and guarded him against any flaw or disgrace. May Allah send His
Salat and Peace upon him, his kind, virtuous family, his honourable, blessed
Companions, and those who follow their footsteps in righteousness until the Day of
Guard taqwa (fear of Allah), O people! Guard taqwa! Keep to it secretly and
openly, and make ready for that which saves you at the Day of Exposure before Allah,
for we all shall return unto Him. Once judged, there is either eternal bliss (in Paradise)
or eternal torment in the blazing Fire. The successful people are those who save their
own souls and get ready for the Great Event (the Day of Judgment). May Allah
cleanse our hearts, forgive all our sins, guide us to what saves us from His
punishment, and bring us closer to His Mercy.
O People!
Land and mankind, books and words might be equal in their abstract origins;
however, if they are attached to anything, they shall acquire their value from that
thing to which they are attached. The greatest, the most important and serious
attachment is the attachment to Almighty Allah. For the Books of Allah are the crown
of all books, the houses of Allah (mosques) are the most immaculate houses, and the
word of Allah is the best of all words, and His Messengers are the best of all mankind
and the ornament of life.
Allah selected them as the best descendants from the best ancestors, saved them
from committing sins before and after prophethood. Human perfection is represented
in them, the eminence of humanity is represented in their souls, and the straightest
paths are represented in their guidance.
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The messengers and prophets of Allah are the best who have trodden the earth, the
noblest and most pious humans. There is no path that leads to Paradise and away from
the Hell Fire except by believing and obeying them. No person can ever reach Allah
without their guidance. The greatness and honour of a Messenger derives from the
greatness and honour of the One Who has sent him. Thus, their dignity in the eyes of
Allah is great.
Truly, Allah is vigilant in defending his messengers. How many a nation has been
annihilated because its messenger invoked Allah against it and how many a country
was turned upside down, struck violently or quaked because they belied their
messengers and mocked them. And indeed (many) Messengers before you
were mocked at, but their scoffers were surrounded by the very
thing that they used to mock at. [Al-An’âm: 10]
The messengers and prophets still have of a great position in divine laws and
Messages. Whenever there came a messenger, he believed in the one who came
before him and gave glad tidings of a messenger to come after him. The glad tidings
of all the messengers to their people agreed upon a messenger to come called 'Ahmad'
(the more praiseworthy). He is the Seal of all of them and their Imam (leader) even
though he was the last of them. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him
and upon all prophets and messengers and all their followers.
O Muslims!
All expressions, praises, meanings and talents fall short in front of the greatness of
the Arab noble Prophet and Messenger Muhammad ibn `Abd Allah ibn `Abd al-
Muttalib Al Hashimi Al Qurashi. Neither pulpits nor inkstands will suffice to grant
him his due worth. His honorable Sira (life) need not be told about, as his standing is
lofty and his objective is eminent. (Then, the sheikh cites a line of poetry describing
the Prophet's standing): How could prophets attain your level, O you, who is a lofty
heaven, no other heaven can be compared with.
O People!
Never has the world, from its creation to eternity, known a man with such
attributes as Prophet Muhammad (). For, he was pure, reputable, good-looking,
brave and deeply attached to Allah. Neither has the world known a man who opened
the way of perfection, paved it very well to people, called them cordially to it, and
explained its features to them in the most subtle way as Muhammad () did. He also
endured for the sake of Allah what no other human could endure.
Those who have studied about the philosophers of ethics, sociologists, politicians,
army leaders, and founders of civilizations and states stand still before the greatness
of this perfect man, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, to find that all the geniuses of the earth
have disappeared in the brightness of his light, that their legacies have shrunk in front
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of his guidance, and that the privilege those great people had over their peers became
nothing in front of the rising sun of prophethood and its beautiful aura.
The verity of the Messenger () is above all descriptions. The great services he
has offered make every believer indebted to him for the light of faith that illuminated
his/her life and purified it. And verily, you (O Muhammad
are indeed guiding (mankind) to the Straight Path (i.e. Allâh’s
Religion of Islâmic Monotheism). The Path of Allâh to Whom belongs
all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Verily, all
matters at the end go to Allâh (for decision). [Ash-Shûra: 52-53]
Prophet Muhammad () came after some prophets whose fruits were spoiled and
damaged by Satan. The Prophet's Message was the last heavenly Message. Thus, it
was a guarantee preventing crookedness, and protecting from corruption, to safeguard
the long future of humanity. In the Holy Qur'an, we read: By Allâh, We indeed
sent to the nations before you, but Shaitân made their deeds fairseeming
to them. So he is their Wali today, and theirs will be a
painful torment. And We have not sent down the Book to you
except that you may explain clearly unto them those things in
which they differ, and a guidance and a mercy for a folk who
believe. [Al-Nal: 63-64]
There were contrived religions and beliefs which attributed to Allah what does not
befit Him and attributed false reports to Him. Such contrived religions and beliefs
were so deeply rooted that they strongly resisted the Truth, when it came. As a result,
the world won only misery. That is why Allah () says, Then, who does more
wrong than one who utters a lie against Allâh, and denies the truth
when it comes to him! Is there not in Hell an abode for the
disbelievers? And he who has brought the truth and believed
therein, those are Al-Muttaqûn. They shall have all that they will
desire with their Lord. That is the reward of Muhsinûn. [Az-zumar:
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Indeed, Muhammad's Mission () was the birth of Truth in its best form and
brightest rays. The rise of this Truth was an indication for the demise of the prevailing
confusion and overhanging misery.
Islam has come to declare that there is only one God who created everything and
that there is nothing like Him: There is nothing like Him; and He is the
All-Hearer, the All-Seer. To Him belong the keys of the heavens
and the earth. He enlarges provision for whom He wills, and
straitens. Verily He is the All-Knower of everything. [Ash-Shura: 11-
Absolute monotheism is the truth which Islam overemphasized and extended its
signs in every horizon. The Mission of Muhammad () was salvation from atheism
and its nefarious consequences, removal and repulsion of injustice and of the
enslavement of man by man. These were the first signs of the overwhelming mercy
with which was sent the one entrusted with of this great message. Then, the emphasis
of good deeds and behavior followed. Muhammad () did come to all races with a
religion telling them to enjoin Al-Ma‘rûf (good deed) and forbid Al-Munkar (bad deed
or evil), sanctioning At-Tayyibât (anything that is good and harmless) and forbidding
Al-Khabâ’ith (anything that is evil and harmful). Muhammad () is a divine creation
which did not recur. Glorified be He who excelled in creating Mohammed.
O People!
Today we are not trying to talk comprehensively about the standing of the
Messengers and the merit of their Seal (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon
them all), neither are we trying to prove the truthfulness of the prophethood of
Muhammad () and the truthfulness of his Message, for no one respecting his/her
mind can contest this as there are so many channels of knowledge available
nowadays. Yet, there are views and indications flaring up in our chests and boiling in
our hearts that need to be made about what preoccupies people concerning the abuse
of Prophet Muhammad () and the prejudice towards our religion. Let it be known
that there is no good in a nation whose prophet is hurt and does not get angry, and
there is no good in being angry for the sake of Allah's Messenger () which leads to
the wrath of Allah and His Messenger.
It is impossible for a man with a respected culture or a shrewd mind to harbor any
sort of malice against Prophet Muhammad (). Why harbor malice against him? Is it
just because his Book describes the Almighty Creator (Allah) saying: Allâh! Lâ
ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), AlPage
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Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and
protects all that exists). Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him.
To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the
earth. [Al-baqarah: 255]
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (), for whose sake I sacrifice my father,
my mother, and myself is followed today by more than a billion and a half people,
who love him more than themselves, their money, their children and the rest of
mankind. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for his sake, and protect his honor
with theirs. All of them reiterate what Hassan (The Prophet's poet) said:
(My father, my grandfather, and my honor are shields for Muhammad's honor against
A question I ask those who claim to defend the freedom of speech: For whose sake
are such incitements to evil raised?! For whose sake are civilizations and cultures
pushed to clash?! And when has the freedom of speech meant aggression without
limits or restrictions?!
Where indeed did the freedom of speech disappear when the Holocaust, which
took place decades ago, was denied? Was not the Holocaust imposed by politics
rather than by historical facts? No person in the world dare deny or question it. If ever
one dares, he will be pursued by world organizations, governments, courts and
politicians. Whereas, talking malevolently about the great Messenger Muhammad ()
is permissible and the freedom of speech is guaranteed by law! How do you judge
Politicians and decision-makers should realize that peoples’ reactions are typhoons
which cannot be controlled and an explosive hell which cannot be avoided. Matters
may get out of control, and in this case, no word would be heard and no wisdom
would be useful, especially if a nation is humiliated in its sacred symbol.
So the wise have to prevent the foolish and politicians have to prevent those who
light fires, and no one would accept any excuses from those who abuse his religion.
We call for dialogue, understanding and tolerance, but all this is of no avail if the
hearts of those people continue to inherit the hatreds of centuries and heap fathomless
scorn on Islam, its Messenger and its ummah.
Where are the international law and treaties that criminalize the advocacy of hatred
and racial discrimination, especially when they constitute a direct incitement to
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We call upon the world which claims, in its totality, to have made a set of rules to
protect all people to issue a code of conduct and enact a binding law which prohibits
and criminalizes insulting the prophets and messengers, and their Heavenly Messages.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has advocated this in every occasion and
sought to build bridges of dialogue between the followers of the Monotheistic
religions and human cultures so that the relationship between the nations of the earth
is built on the basis of acquaintance, justice and mercy and thus the
world turns from the clash of civilizations to the dialogue of civilizations and calls for
the Truth without any discouragement or distortion. This is our principle, the principle
of Islam, which means believing, respecting, and following all the Prophets as well as
disseminating good, peace and security.
Describing His Prophet Muhammad (), Allah says: And We have sent you
not but as a mercy for the ‘Âlamîn. [Al-Anbiya: 107]
May Allah bless you and me by Qur'an and Sunnah and benefit us with their
verses and wisdom! Having said this, I ask Allah, be He exalted, to forgive me and
Part Two
Praise be to Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Lord of the worlds, the Only
Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of
Resurrection). I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah alone who has no
partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. May Allah
bless him, his Companions, the tab'in, and those who follow them until the Day of
Servants of Allah!
It was once said to one of our predecessors: “Someone slandered you.” He
responded, “He, thus, threw an arrow towards me, but it didn’t reach me until you
stabbed me with it.”
The Prophets of Allah (May peace be upon them all), and their followers are still
abused and mocked in every era, and in every country. And never came a
Messenger to them but they did mock him. [A-Hijr: 11]
While such an action emanates from people that belong to the lowest classes of
humanity and occupy the bottom status in the two worlds (this world and the
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Hereafter), it is the duty of anyone, who hears derisions, not to spread them nor
transmit them except to a capable ruler who can prevent the transgressor.
The infidels’ satirical poetry mocking Prophet Muhammad (), the master of all
messengers, faded into oblivion although it was widely spread and recited. Such
poems vanished immediately because Muslims neither paid attention to them nor
circulated them. Most of these poems are not mentioned in any of Arab news or
collections of poetry.
O servants of Allah! Your religion is manifest and your Prophet is taken care of by
Allah and he is victorious:
It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad
with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâm), to make it superior
over all religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans,
idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) hate (it). [At-Taubah:
The standing of the prophets will not be lowered due to an impertinent atheist, or a
disheartened infidel. Allah, be He exalted, says: Truly! We will suffice you
against the scoffers. [A-Hijr: 95]
The Prophets’ standings are preserved and their fates are precious and protected,
but the impertinent transgressor is the miserable loser. For he who hates you
(O Muhammad
), he will be cut off (from posterity and
every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter). [Al-Kauthar: 3]
This verse heals the suffering souls and sweetens the hearts of ardent believers and
guides them in their thankful devotion and rewarded advocacy.
O Moslems!
In the notorious “ifk” (fabrication) (ifk about Aisha (May Allah be pleased with
her), the Prophet's wife), Allah () says:
... Consider it not a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you. [An-
Nûr: 11]
In the insolent fabrication of these days against the Prophet (), Muslims’
feelings, which have long lain dormant, have flared, and many non-Moslems have
paid attention to our honorable religion and our Noble Prophet (). Today’s
fabrication moved stagnant water in Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
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If Muslims make good use of this event, it can be a road for conquest and triumph,
and if they misuse it, it can lead to relapse and alienation.
The benevolence with which the Muslim Ummah (nation) is depicted is an
indivisible whole. Therefore, Muslims should show their benevolence in their
reactions. It is not benevolent to kill innocent people or destroy properties. It is not
benevolent to follow hooliganism while dealing with such events.
If Muslims had demonstrated closer adherence to their Prophet’s guidance and
footsteps, and spread his tradition and biography, making use of the international
social networks to communicate with others as some Muslims have already
thankfully done this would have been the most effective response to the insolence of
the attackers, and we would have seen how our enemies would hasten to prevent the
repetition of the abuse leveled at our Prophet () when they witness our counter
abuse activities. Such a response would be the most productive vis-à-vis those who
have abused our Prophet () and the best way to refute the intentions of the
But, following those who harbor evil intentions towards this Ummah (nation)
either through keeping it busy with the problems which are afflicting it in these times,
or provoking the Muslim communities in foreign countries to commit irresponsible
actions that will lead to their expulsion, which right-wing parties in those countries
are calling for; or to lead those countries to prohibit or suspend any activities for
da'wa (religious call) in the West, after they realized the presence of Islam in each
corner in their countries and that the future belongs to it.
Muslims should realize that they do not need any more of such events that may
result in restricting the tide of Islam and losing its gains. Muslims should show a high
level of maturity and awareness, and they should not repeat the same mistakes. They
also should know that sometimes living for Islam has a heavier negative effect on its
enemies than dying for it.
Standing up for the Prophet () does not mean breaching his Sunnah, nor does it
lead to an action that opposes his guidance. The abuse that has occurred should make
the Ummah cling more firmly to its religion, defend more ardently its Prophet, and
follow his Sunnah in contentment and wrath, in strength and weaknesses. So be
patient (O Muhammad
). Verily, the Promise of Allâh is
true; and let not those who have no certainty of faith, discourage
you from conveying Allâh’s Message (which you are obliged to
convey). [Ar-Rûm: 60]
O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy) and Peace on Your
servant and Messenger Muhammad, the Given Mercy, the Offered Blessing! O Allah!
Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy) and Peace on Your servant and
Messenger Muhammad, on his kind, virtuous family and his honourable, blessed
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Companions! O Allah! Be pleased with the guided imams and the righteous tab'în
(the contemporaries of the Companions of the Prophet after his death), and all the
Caliphs –Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman and Ali– and on all of Your Prophet's
Companions, and on those who follow their path, O Lord of the Worlds!
O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims, and fail polytheism and polytheists
(who associate partners with You). O Allah! Destroy the enemies of Your Religion.
O Allah! Grant safety and security to this homeland and to the rest of Muslim
O Allah! Fail those who want to harm or divide our country, turn their plots
against them, and make that the cause of their own destruction!
O Allah! Grant us safety in our homelands, guide our leaders and those responsible
for our affairs, and support with the Truth our Imam and leader. O Allah! Grant
success to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and make his deeds the source of
Your Satisfaction, and provide him with a righteous retinue! O Allah! Reunite
through him the word of all Muslims and raise high the emblem of our religion! O
Allah! Reward him for supporting the causes of all Muslims, for his striving to unify
them, and for his firm stance for blocking all the electronic links that insult our noble
Prophet! O Allah! Grant him and our Crown Prince success, and help them all in
their endeavors for the good and welfare of this nation.
O Allah! Improve the conditions of our Muslim brothers in all countries. O Allah!
Improve their conditions in Syria. O Allah! Gather them around Your Truth and
Guidance. O Allah! Spare their blood, reassure them, feed the hungry people among
them, preserve their dignity and honour, strengthen their hearts, and grant them power
and victory over their oppressors! O Allah! Lift the siege around them! O Allah!
Bring an end to their suffering! O Allah! Bring an end to their suffering!
O Allah! Come to the succor of the orphans, the widows, and the oppressed! O
Allah! Have mercy on them, O You our Lord, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, O
You Who help the oppressed!
O Allah! Defeat the tyrant and oppressors! O Allah! Inflict Your suffering and
contempt on them! O You, the Lord of the Truth!
O Allah! Grant victory to Your Religion, Your Holy Book, Your Prophet’s
Sunnah, and Your true servants! O Allah! Grant victory to the oppressed among the
Muslims everywhere, and reunite them around Your Truth. O You, Lord of al-'alamîn
(the worlds)! O Allah! Grant them victory in Palestine over the Zionist occupiers! O
Allah! Grant victory to the oppressed in Burma! O Allah! Spare their blood, improve
their conditions!, and be on their side, O You Lord of the worlds, Most Merciful,
Most Compassionate!
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… Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the
Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the
Fire! [ Al-Baqarah: 201]
O Allah! Forgive our sins, pardon our shortcomings, make easy our affairs, and
fulfill our hopes in accordance with Your pleasure! O Lord! Forgive our parents, our
grandparents, our wives and children, O You, Who hears our prayers!
O Allah! Accept our prayers, and forgive us! You are indeed Most Forgiving,
Most Merciful!
Glorified be You Lord, the Lord of Honor and Power! You are free from what they
attribute unto You! May peace be upon the Messengers! The last of our supplications
is all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!