
To know anyone, you have to know those closest to them—those who shaped them, taught them, inspired them, cared for them.

In this way, to know the Prophet (PBUH), you have to know who the people around him were. To be sure, he was supremely influential. He shaped the lives of his companions in incredible ways. His legacy is still shaping our lives today.

But like any other human being, he was also influenced by others. Thankfully, Allah (SWT) surrounded the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with many amazing people, including some very strong women. Here is a very brief look at some of great qualities these women possessed:

Barakah- The Mother

Barakah (may Allah be pleased with her- RA), was a servant in the family of Muhammad (PBUH) long before Muhammad was even born. She looked after the affairs of his mother and father with great devotion and commitment.

Once Barakah (RA) narrated that Muhammad’s (PBUH) mother, Aminah said:

O Barakah! I have seen a strange dream,’

‘Something good, my lady’, I asked.

[Aminah said], ‘I saw lights coming from my abdomen lighting up the mountains, the hills and the valleys around Makkah.’

‘Do you feel pregnant, my lady?’

‘Yes, Barakah,’ she replied. ‘But I do not feel any discomfort as other women feel!’

‘You shall give birth to a blessed child who will bring goodness,’ I said.

When Aminah gave birth to Muhammad (PBUH), Barakah (RA) was the first person to hold him. Early in his childhood, Aminah, while on a journey, became seriously ill with fever and passed away. Barakah became like a mother to the orphan child when he was in the care of his grandfather and then his uncle.

She continued to look after and care for Muhammad into adulthood as a mother would look after her own child. She stayed with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) even after his marriage to Khadijah (RA).

And when the message of Allah came to Muhammad, Barakah was one of the first people to accept Islam. Barakah was warm, protective, and nurturing and became like a second mother to the Prophet (PBUH) who was orphaned so young. He called her “ummi”, meaning mother in Arabic. [i]

Rufaydah- The Doctor

During the battle of the Trench, Mu’adh (RA) sustained a serious injury for which he sought medical treatment. It is in this instance that we first come across the name Rufaydah, her medical skills, and her clinic- which was a simple tent called ‘Rufaydah’s tent’

Rufaydah became very skilled in healing broken bones, wounds of war, etc. from on the job experience. She was keen, compassionate, and resourceful. It was said that she sought whatever means was available to her to treat those in her charge.

Remarkably, she never asked for a fee for the treatment she gave, instead spending out of her own money for her patients’ needs. [ii]

Al-Khansa – The Poet

Al-Khansa (RA) was a true artist who saw beauty in language. She started crafting poems at an early age, but was timid and never produced more than a few lines. That was until she retreated into her art when faced with the loss of her brother.

In her sorrow, she refined her talent and produced sophisticated and bountiful verses. She attained fame for her skill in language.

Al-Khansa (RA) embraced Islam in Madinah and pledged her loyalty to the Prophet (PBUH). The Messenger of Allah once heard her recite poetry and requested her to continue. The Prophet encouraged her in her art and loved to hear her recite. [iii]

Khawla- The Feminist

It is narrated that Khawla’s husband, while in an argument with her, declared that she was like his mother’s back to him-an idiom of the Arabs at the time, meaning he was divorced from her. She was very hurt by this.

When her husband cooled down, he returned to her to have intimate relations. She refused since he had said that she was no longer like a wife to him.

She took her case to the Prophet (PBUH), knowing this was not just her concern but a concern for her sisters and Muslim women who would come after her. She refused to leave until the issue was resolved. Allah (SWT) revealed the verses:

{Allah has indeed heard (and accepted) the statement of the woman who pleads with you concerning her husband and carries her complaint (in prayer) to Allah: and Allah (always) hears the arguments between both sides among you: for Allah hears and sees (all things). If any men among you divorce their wives by zihar (calling them their ‘mothers’), they cannot be their mothers. [to the end of verse 4]} (Quran 58:1-4)

Khawla (RA) demanded justice and Allah (SWT) revealed that men have no right to treat their wives as wives when they feel desire and then treat them as if they aren’t their wives when they are angry. [iv]


Sumayya- The Martyr

Sumayya (RA) was a slave who accepted Islam when it was very dangerous to do so. She was among the most vulnerable to the persecution of the Quraysh since, as a slave, she had no protection in the Arab class system, something Islam had come to abolish.

So, she, her husband and their son were among those new Muslims who were tortured for their choice of faith. On one particularly gruesome episode of torture at the hands of Abu Jahl, Sumayya (RA) was told she could save herself from the torture if she denounced her faith. Abu Jahl repeatedly give her this option and she repeatedly refused.

Abu Jahl impaled her, killing her for refusing to deny her faith in God. She became the first martyr in Islam. For her bravery and courage of conviction in the face of extreme pain and even death, she was granted paradise. [v]

Nusaybah- The Warrior

Nusaybah took part in numerous battles to defend Islam. But Nusaybah is most famous for her bravery in the Battle of Uhud. The Prophet (PBUH) said about her, “Wherever I turned, left or right, on the Day of Uhud — I saw her fighting for me.” She was inflicted with 13 wounds. At Nusaybah’s request, the Prophet (PBUH) asked Allah (SWT): “Oh Allah, make them my companions in the Garden.”

She was not only brave in battle, but she was also an advocate for Muslim women. She asked the Prophet (PBUH) why the Quran only mentioned men, and not women. Soon after Allah (SWT) revealed:

{Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so – for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.} (Quran 33:35) [vi]

Al-Shifa- The Sherriff

Al-Shifa (RA) came to Islam during the time of the Prophet (PBUH). She was known to be very clever and could read and write at a time when most people were illiterate. Because of her education, the Prophet asked her to teach his wife how to read and write and she obliged.

Because of her sharp and inquisitive mind, she became a scholar of Islam, and during the Caliphate of Umar (RA), she was appointed to oversee the market.

“Her duties were to ensure that business practices should always be consistent with Islam. She would go around the market, making sure that no cheating or tricks took place and that buyer and seller conformed to Islamic values. Umar told shopkeepers that if they were in doubt about the legality of a particular transaction, then they should ask Al-Shifa.” [vii] Al-Shifa served and protected her people.

Having a great relationship with a loved one takes care and attention. If we want to love Prophet Muhammad, we need to make a continual effort to know him. 

Here are 15 best and easy ways to learn about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) captured by the following audiobooks, video series and films. Check the reviews and have a sample listen. Enjoy!


1 – The Sealed Nectar: Biography of Prophet Muhammad

By Darussalam Publishers, Safiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri

From the Publisher’s Summary: “A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri. 

The Sealed Nector was honoured by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to know the whole life style of the Prophet in detail must listen to this audio-book.”

15 Best and Easy Ways to Learn About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - About Islam

2 – Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources

By Dr. Martin Lings

From the Publisher’s Summary: “Widely recognized as the best biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in English, Dr. Martin Lings’ award-winning book is now available in audio, read by well-known narrator Sean Barrett.

This excellent audiobook is the first of its kind and has been selected by a number of organizations as a worthy introduction to the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), including Muslim Welfare House, London, and the Muslim Council of Britain.”

15 Best and Easy Ways to Learn About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - About Islam

3 – Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters

By Omid Safi

From the Publisher’s Summary: “In Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters, leading Islamic scholar Omid Safi presents a portrait of Muhammad that reveals his centrality in the devotions of modern Muslims around the world.

This religious biography offers new insights into Islam, covering such hot button issues such as the spread of Islam, holy wars, the role of women, the significance of Jerusalem, tensions with Jews and Christians, wahabbi Islam, and the role of cyberspace in the evolution of the religion.”

15 Best and Easy Ways to Learn About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - About Islam

4 – Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time

By: Karen Armstrong

From the Publisher’s Summary: “From the best-selling author of Islam: A Short History comes an important addition to the Eminent Lives book series. A former Roman Catholic nun and winner of a Muslim Public Affairs Council Media Award, Karen Armstrong shows how Muhammad’s life can teach us a great deal about our world….

Armstrong sets the record straight, shattering the myth that Islam is a religion of cruelty and violence. One of the world’s leading religious experts, Armstrong is a deeply respected voice in the continuous struggle for interfaith understanding. Her cogent assessment of Muhammad’s genius and insightful summary of his authentic beliefs are priceless in this modern world troubled by religious extremism and intolerance.”

15 Best and Easy Ways to Learn About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - About Islam

5 – In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

By Tariq Ramadan

Publisher’s Summary: “… a marvelous biography of the Prophet Muhammad, one that highlights the spiritual and ethical teachings of one of the most influential figures in human history. Here is a fresh and perceptive look at Muhammad, capturing a life that was often eventful, gripping, and highly charged.

Ramadan provides both an intimate portrait of a man who was shy, kind, but determined, as well as a dramatic chronicle of a leader who launched a great religion and inspired a vast empire. More important, Ramadan presents the main events of the Prophet’s life in a way that highlights his spiritual and ethical teachings.”

15 Best and Easy Ways to Learn About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - About Islam

Audio Series

6 – Life of Muhammad and beginnings of Islam (3-Part Series)

By Khan Academy

Description: “The early life of Muhammad including his work as a merchant, his marriage to Khadijah, his early revelations and the persecution of early Muslims by his own Quraysh tribe.”

7 – The Life Of The Prophet Muhammad

By Hamza Yusuf Hanson

Description: “This brilliant narration of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was presented by Hamza Yusuf in a twelve week course based on the book, ‘Muhammad’ by Martin Lings. It is unrivaled in its analysis of the Prophet’s life, making his amazing persona come alive.

The focus of the narration is the Prophet’s relationship with Allah through the Qur’an. Listeners learn verses in the order they were revealed to show how they impacted the young Muslim nation.”


8 – Seerah for New Converts (13+ Video Series)

By About Islam

Description: “This is a special series of articles and videos for new converts to learn about Islam in a comprehensive way through learning the Seerah (Biography of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) in a gradual chronological way from Year 1 to Year 23 of the mission of our Prophet.”

9 – A Mercy for Mankind: Seerah – Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh/s.a.s)

By Yasir Qadhi

Description: “Join Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he gives a detailed analysis of the life of the Prophet (S) from the original sources.”

10 – Seerah: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 

By Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman

Description: “The biography of the greatest man to walk this earth: Muhammad PBUH.” 

11 – Life Of The Final Messenger – Muhammad pbuh (Seerah)

By Mufti Ismail Menk

12 – Seerah – Life of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) 

By Shaykh Ibrahim Osi Efa



13 – The Message

Description: “The film chronicles Islam’s beginnings in Mecca in which the Muslims are persecuted, the exodus to Medina and ending with the Muslims’ triumphant return to Mecca.”

14 – Islam Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet (PBS)

Description: “Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet is a PBS documentary film about the life of the Islamic prophet Muhammad based on historical records and on the stories of living American Muslims who call Muhammad the Messenger of God.”


15 – Muhammad: The Last Prophet

Description: “An animated cartoon movie of the story of Muhammad called Muhammad The Last Prophet.”

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