
Evidence for the Impossibility of the Quran Being Authored by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

‏This article examines the evidence proving that the Quran is not the work of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but rather a divine revelation from God. The evidence is varied, including linguistic, scientific, historical, and legislative aspects, making the idea that the Quran was authored by a human being impossible.

‏1. Linguistic Miracles of the Quran

‏A. The Unique and Inimitable Style

‏The Quran was revealed in a linguistic style that even the most eloquent Arabs could not replicate. Despite their mastery of poetry and rhetoric, they failed to meet the Quranic challenge:

‏“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:23)

‏Even the fiercest opponents of Islam could not produce anything like it. If the Quran were authored by Muhammad ﷺ, others would have been able to imitate its style.

‏B. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Was Illiterate

‏The Prophet ﷺ was known to be illiterate—he could neither read nor write. This makes it impossible for him to have composed such a sophisticated text. The Quran itself states:

‏“And you did not recite any scripture before it, nor did you write it with your hand. Otherwise, the deniers would have had [a reason for] doubt.” (Surah Al-Ankabut 29:48)

‏If the Prophet ﷺ had been literate, his opponents would have accused him of borrowing from earlier texts.

‏2. Scientific Miracles in the Quran

‏A. Scientific Facts Unknown at the Time

‏The Quran contains numerous references to scientific facts that were unknown in the 7th century, such as the origin of the universe, embryonic development, and the water cycle.

‏1. The Origin of the Universe

‏“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them.” (Surah Al-Anbiya 21:30)

‏This verse aligns with the Big Bang Theory, which was only discovered in the 20th century.

‏2. Embryonic Development

‏“Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh.” (Surah Al-Mu’minun 23:14)

‏The stages described in this verse correspond with modern embryology, a field that did not exist at the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

‏B. No Scientific Errors

‏Unlike ancient texts that contain outdated scientific misconceptions, the Quran has remained free of any scientific contradictions, even after 1400 years of scrutiny.

‏3. Legislative Miracles in the Quran

‏A. A Comprehensive and Timeless Legal System

‏The Quran provides a complete and balanced legal system regulating social, economic, and political affairs. Unlike human laws, it remains applicable across different eras and cultures:

‏“And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things.” (Surah An-Nahl 16:89)

‏If the Quran were authored by the Prophet ﷺ, it would have been influenced by the pre-Islamic culture. However, its laws introduced revolutionary concepts, such as banning interest-based transactions and granting women unprecedented rights.

‏B. Harmony with Human Nature

‏Despite the complexity of human legislation, the Quranic laws align with innate human nature (fitrah), ensuring justice and stability without contradicting fundamental human needs.

‏4. The Psychological Aspects of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

‏A. Verses That Rebuke the Prophet ﷺ

‏If Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had authored the Quran, he would not have included verses that reprimand him. Yet, the Quran contains such verses:

‏“He frowned and turned away because there came to him the blind man.” (Surah Abasa 80:1-2)

‏This verse criticizes the Prophet ﷺ for momentarily neglecting a blind man. If the Quran were his own work, it is unlikely he would include passages that could be used against him.

‏B. The Prophet ﷺ Never Altered the Quran for Convenience

‏Despite facing hardships, the Prophet ﷺ never changed Quranic rulings to suit his situation. For example:

‏“And if he [Muhammad] had made up about Us some [false] sayings, We would have seized him by the right hand; Then We would have cut from him the aorta.” (Surah Al-Haqqah 69:44-46)

‏This verse warns of divine punishment for fabricating revelations. Such a verse would not exist if the Prophet ﷺ were its author.

‏5. Challenges Faced by the Prophet ﷺ

‏A. The Quran Remains Unaltered

‏Unlike other religious texts that have been altered over time, the Quran has remained unchanged since its revelation over 1400 years ago:

‏“Indeed, it is We who sent down the Reminder, and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Surah Al-Hijr 15:9)

‏B. The Prophet ﷺ Gained No Material Benefit

‏If the Prophet ﷺ sought personal gain, he could have accepted the wealth and power offered by the Quraysh in exchange for abandoning his message. Instead, he endured persecution, exile, and hardships to convey the revelation.


‏The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that the Quran could not have been authored by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Its linguistic, scientific, legislative, psychological, and historical dimensions all point to a divine source. The Quran remains a living miracle, convincing millions of its divine origin.

‏Testimonies of Non-Muslim Scholars on the Quran’s Divine Origin

‏Many non-Muslim scholars and intellectuals have acknowledged that the Quran cannot be the work of a human being and that it must be of divine origin. Here are some of their statements with references:

‏1. Maurice Bucaille (French Physician)

‏Maurice Bucaille conducted a comparative study of religious texts and modern science. He concluded that the Quran contains scientific facts unknown at the time, proving its divine origin:

‏"How could a man, who was illiterate at the beginning of his mission, become the greatest literary figure of all time and express scientific truths that no human could have known at the time—without making a single error?"

‏(Reference: The Bible, The Quran and Science, 1976)

‏2. Debra Potter (American Journalist, Convert to Islam in 1980)

‏Potter noted that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, an illiterate man in a pre-scientific society, could not have known the cosmic miracles described in the Quran:

‏"How could Muhammad, an illiterate man who grew up in an ignorant society, know the wonders of the universe that science is still uncovering today? This must be the word of God."

‏3. Montgomery Watt (British Orientalist and Anglican Priest)

‏In his book Islam and Christianity in the Modern World, Watt stated that the Quran is not the product of Muhammad’s thinking but the direct word of God:

‏"The Quran is in no way Muhammad’s speech, nor is it a product of his mind. It is purely the speech of God, intended to address Muhammad, his contemporaries, and those who came after."

‏4. Émile Dermenghem (French Orientalist)

‏In his book The Life of Muhammad, Dermenghem emphasized that the Prophet ﷺ saw himself as a mere conduit for divine revelation, not its author:

‏"Muhammad considered himself merely a medium for conveying the revelation. His utmost concern was to faithfully transmit it as he heard it, without alteration or interpretation."

‏Final Thoughts

‏These testimonies from non-Muslim scholars confirm that the Quran is not the work of a human being, but a revelation from God

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