
 The Lost Truth Through the Centuries: A Journey Through History 🏛️

Human beings have always sought the truth. Since ancient times, we have tried to understand our purpose, our relationship with God, and the correct path to follow. But what happens when history is not what we have been told? 🤔

Today, many people practice their faith without questioning how it came to be. We accept what we were taught in childhood without analyzing whether changes, manipulations, or additions have occurred over the centuries. But if God sent His word to humanity, shouldn’t it remain intact and pure?

If you are someone who seeks answers and wants to know the facts with an open mind, we invite you to explore the evolution of Christianity throughout history. This is not about attacking, but about reflecting. 📖


🔍 Key Moments in the Transformation of Christianity

✅ 325 AD – The Council of Nicaea 🔥

Emperor Constantine the Great convened a council to define fundamental Christian doctrines, including the divinity of Jesus, which was not a consensus in the early centuries.

✅ 327 AD – The Bible is Translated and Altered 📖

Constantine orders Jerome to translate the Bible into the Latin Vulgate, changing Hebrew names and modifying original texts.

✅ 431 AD – The Worship of Mary is Introduced 🏵️

Before this year, Mary was seen as the mother of Jesus, but the Council of Ephesus declared her "Mother of God."

✅ 594 AD – The Doctrine of Purgatory is Born 🔥

A concept with no basis in the original Bible is introduced as a "second chance" after death.

✅ 610 AD – The Title of "Pope" is Created 👑

In the early centuries, there was no central authority, but the Church established the position of "Pope" as the supreme leader.

✅ 788 AD – The Worship of Images and Saints is Allowed 🏛️

Early Christianity rejected idolatry, but over time, the veneration of statues and figures was approved.

✅ 995 AD – The Meaning of "Kadosh" Changes 🔄

"Kadosh" in Hebrew means "set apart" or "sacred," but the Church reinterpreted it as "saint," giving it a new context.

✅ 1079 AD – Celibacy and Restrictions on Priests Are Imposed

Although Peter, the disciple of Jesus, was married according to the Bible, priests were forbidden to marry.

✅ 1090 AD – The Introduction of the Rosary 📿

A practice that did not exist in early Christianity became mandatory in prayers.

✅ 1184 AD – The Inquisition Begins ⚔️

Those who did not follow Church rules were persecuted and severely punished.

✅ 1190 AD – The Selling of Indulgences is Authorized 💰

The "forgiveness of sins" is sold for money, something unjustified in the original teachings.

✅ 1215 AD – Mandatory Confession to Priests 🔐

Before, believers spoke directly to God, but it was established that they must confess their sins to a priest.

✅ 1216 AD – The Bread Turns Into Flesh 🍞➡️💀

The doctrine of transubstantiation is introduced, stating that the Eucharist bread literally becomes the body of Jesus.

✅ 1311 AD – Baptism Becomes Mandatory 🚿

Jesus never imposed it as a requirement for salvation, but it was established as an obligation for all.

✅ 1439 AD – Purgatory Becomes Official Doctrine 🔥

A belief that was previously optional now becomes official doctrine.

✅ 1854 AD – The Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is Introduced 🤍

It is established that Mary was born without sin, something not mentioned in the original scriptures.

✅ 1870 AD – The Infallibility of the Pope is Declared 👑

It is proclaimed that the Pope cannot be wrong in matters of faith, an idea with no precedent in Christian history.


📢 Final Reflection: Where is the Truth? 🤔

If God sent His message to humanity, why would it need to be changed so many times?

📖 Islam, on the other hand, has remained intact since its revelation. The Quran has not been altered, nor have councils been held to modify its message. For over 1400 years, it has remained the same pure and clear guidance for humanity.

💡 God does not need men to edit His word. If we truly seek the truth, we must look for the original source, not the modified versions over the centuries.

📌 Islam offers the clearest, most direct, and unaltered answer. 🌍☝️

Truth does not fear investigation. Reflect. Research. Discover.

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