
Do You Love Jesus? Then, You Need to Read This… 🔥🔵

📢 A Truth That Can Change Your Life

Everyone claims to love Jesus—Christians, Muslims, and even some who don’t follow any religion. But… do we really love him the right way?

If Jesus were to return today and walk among us, would he recognize the way you worship him? Would he approve of what people attribute to him? Or would he look with sadness at how his true message has been misunderstood for centuries?

I don’t ask you to believe blindly in what I’m about to say, but I invite you to read with an open heart and judge for yourself.

🕊 Jesus and Islam: The Truth Hidden from Millions

If I told you that Muslims love and respect Jesus more than you can imagine, would you believe me?

If I told you that Islam is the only religion that still honors his original teachings, would you be willing to listen?

If I told you that Jesus never preached the Trinity, never claimed to be God, and never asked to be worshiped—instead, he always directed people to the One True God… would you dare to investigate?

The truth is, Jesus was not a Christian.

He did not celebrate Christmas.

He never prayed to himself.

He never claimed to be the divine Son of God.

Jesus was a servant of God, a prophet sent with a clear message: Worship the One Creator, with no partners or intermediaries.

And that very message… is the heart of Islam.

📖 What Does Islam Say About Jesus?

✅ Jesus is one of the greatest prophets of God.

✅ He was miraculously born of the Virgin Mary, without human intervention.

✅ He performed miracles, healed the sick, and raised the dead—with God’s permission.

✅ He never claimed to be God or asked for worship, but taught complete submission to God (Islam).

✅ He did not die on the cross, but God raised him up, and he will return before the end of times.

Does this surprise you? I understand. We’ve been told one story all our lives… but have you ever questioned if it’s the true story?

⏳ The Greatest Deception in History

The truth is, Jesus’ message was changed over time. The Bible you read today is not the one Jesus preached. It was written decades after he was gone, altered in multiple councils, and manipulated to fit the beliefs of the Roman Empire.

Why do you think there are over 2000 versions of the Bible, but only one Qur’an?

Because the Qur’an—the final revelation from God—is the only holy scripture that has never been altered. It is the continuation of the same message brought by Moses and Jesus.

And the most shocking part is that you can still find traces of the truth in today’s Bible:

📜 Mark 12:29 – Jesus said: “The first commandment is: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is ONE.”

📜 John 17:3 – Jesus said: “This is eternal life: that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.”

📜 Acts 2:22 – “Jesus of Nazareth, a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs, which God did among you through him...”

Where does Jesus say that he is God?

Where does he say that we should worship him instead of God?

The answer is simple: He never did.

🌟 The Question That Changes Everything 🌟

If Jesus were to return today and find you worshiping him instead of God, what do you think he would say?

Would he praise you… or would he remind you that his mission was always to guide you to the One True God?

If you truly love Jesus, then seek the truth that he himself taught. Not the one invented by men after him.

📖 Islam is not a new religion. It is the same truth that all the prophets, including Jesus, taught. It is the pure call to worship God alone, without partners or human-made doctrines.

The question is: Are you willing to discover it?

I’m not asking you to change your faith instantly. I only ask you to investigate.

Read the Qur’an. Ask questions. Seek the truth with an open heart.

🔍 Don’t just follow what you were taught without questioning it. Because once you discover the truth… there’s no turning back.

📩 If you want to learn more, I am here to help—not with pressure, but with respect and love.

✨ May God illuminate your path and guide you to the truth.

🔄 Share this message. Someone, somewhere, needs to read it.

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