How Much Time Do You Have Left? Questions You Never Asked Yourself 🤯
We live in a constant rush. Running after money, success, pleasures...
But have you ever stopped to truly ask yourself?
💡 Why is the human being different from animals?
✔️ We eat, sleep, and live like them, but... why do we think? Why do we seek purpose?
✔️ If we were just bodies without souls, why do we feel guilt when we do wrong?
✔️ If life was only about pleasure and survival, why do even the richest feel an emptiness inside?
🔹 Why did you accept without questioning?
Since childhood, we are taught what to believe, what to reject, what to fear. But have you ever investigated for yourself?
If what you believe is the truth, why are you afraid to question it?
If what you follow is right, why can't you explain it with certainty?
📖 God says in the Quran:
"Do not follow what you have no knowledge of. Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart—all will be called to account." (Quran 17:36)
⚖️ Are you responsible for what you follow?
One day, you will stand before your Creator.
Not your father, not your pastor, not your teacher... just you.
🔹 Will you be able to justify your beliefs before Him?
🔹 If He asks why you followed what you followed, will you have a logical answer?
🔹 If He says you rejected His truth based on prejudice, will you dare to say you never investigated?
📖 God says in the Quran:
"They will say: ‘Our Lord, we obeyed our leaders and elders, and they led us astray from the right path.’" (Quran 33:67)
🔹 What if what you rejected all your life was actually the truth?
🔹 What if Islam was not what they made you believe, but rather the pure and original religion of God?
🔹 What if the Quran is truly the unaltered word of God?
🌙 Islam: The Truth You Ignored
Islam is not just a religion. It is the truth that God revealed since the beginning of humanity.
It is the faith followed by Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
It is pure worship of one God—without intermediaries, without man-made doctrines, without distortions through the ages.
📖 God says in the Quran:
"Indeed, the religion before God is Islam." (Quran 3:19)
The problem is not death. The problem is reaching it without having discovered the truth.
🔹 How many years do you have left?
🔹 How many more chances will you get?
🔹 What if today was your last opportunity?
📖 God says:
"Does man think that he will be left without purpose?" (Quran 75:36)
Don't wait until it's too late.
Don't close your eyes to what your heart already feels.
Don't ignore the voice of your soul calling you to search.
Because maybe what you always avoided... was what you needed to discover the most: Islam.