
After all the effort in this life will it all end badly too?

We face challenges, struggle, suffer, and overcome obstacles… But what is the point of all this if, in the end, we ignore what God truly wants from us?

🌍 We spend our lives building, dreaming, and seeking happiness, but if we close our eyes to the truth, wouldn’t it be a waste if, after all that effort, our eternity ends in suffering?

Islam is not just another belief. It is the clear and preserved truth, the pure guidance that Allah has sent us to save us.

📜 The Quran is the only book that has never been altered. While other scriptures have changed over the centuries, the Quran remains untouched, free from contradictions, with a clear message: Worship God alone, with no intermediaries.

☝️ God has no partners or children. He has always been One, without needing to divide Himself or take human form.

🔍 Jesus (Isa, peace be upon him) was a prophet, not God. At no point did he say that we should worship him. Like all prophets, he called for the worship of the one true God.

📌 Think about this:

If, after all the struggles of life, we ignore the truth that God has sent us, wouldn’t it be a tragedy for our final destination to be eternal suffering?

Imagine spending years climbing a mountain, only to reach the top and realize you were heading in the wrong direction all along. Wouldn’t that be devastating? 🏔️💔

💡 You still have time to open your eyes. Don’t let deception cause you to waste your eternity.

✨ But what if you choose the right path? Do you know what awaits you?

🌿 Paradise is more beautiful than we can imagine. A place where fear, pain, and sadness do not exist. Where every desire is fulfilled instantly.

🏡 Rivers of milk, honey, and pure water. Palaces of gold and pearls, endless gardens with trees whose shade never ends.

😊 You will never feel distress again. Only peace, love, and eternal happiness, surrounded by loved ones and witnessing Allah with your own eyes.

📖 Allah promises in the Quran:

"And for those who have believed and done righteous deeds, We will house them in gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever…" (Quran 4:57)

🔥 But what if we ignore this truth?

There is no guarantee of a second chance after death. Don’t wait until it’s too late. The truth is here, the decision is yours.

Because if, in the end, it all comes down to Paradise or Hell… isn’t it worth making sure?

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