
Why Believe in the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad?

"And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds."

(Quran, 21:107)

Prepared by

Mohamed El-Sayed Mohamed


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Why believe in the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad? Or what is the criterion based on which belief in the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him), or in any of God's prophets, is established?

The answer will be in a very concise manner through brief headings:


Firstly, every seeker of truth must rid themselves of desires and biases, as God will hold them accountable for not following it.

Secondly, it is necessary to identify and study three points or pillars carefully, which are:

(1) The first point or pillar: Identifying the moral qualities of the one who claims to be a prophet sent by Almighty God, clearly showing God's good choice and selection of this prophet with prophecy and message. Among these qualities are the qualities of honesty and trustworthiness.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was, since his birth and before his mission, the best person in character, nicknamed the Truthful and Trustworthy among his people. It would not be for a man known among his people for his honesty and trustworthiness to the extent that he was nicknamed with the above nicknames to leave lying to people and then lie to Almighty God in claiming prophecy and message.

Please refer to the book: "The Concise Introduction of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace be upon him), His Call, Luminous Aspects from His Bright Life, and Evidence from the Proofs of His Prophethood and Message"

(2) The second point or pillar: Identifying his call is accepted by pure natures and sound minds without coercion or forcing the mind by imposing a particular conception. Almighty God has granted man the mind to distinguish between right and wrong and then to make good choices and reach the best, the highest, and the noblest in everything without turning off the power of thinking with which Almighty God (Allah) has blessed him, especially if the matter is related to belief in the Creator God, the Exalted, and the belief that man will be asked about and held accountable by his God and Creator. Among the things to which the Prophet Muhammad called:

    He called to believe in the existence of the Creator God and the oneness of His divinity, greatness, and power and not to divert supplication and worship to anyone else, either humans, stones, idols, statues, animals, or trees and not to fear or hope from any god but Allah (God).

From a mental perspective, just as when a person wonders, "Who created and brought all these creations into existence?" The logical answer is that the one who created them must be a Mighty, Great God described by His ability to create from nothing. If this question is repeated in a different form, "Who created this God and brought Him into existence?" and assuming the answer is, "Another God must have created Him, described by power and greatness," then the person will find himself compelled to repeat this question and its answer endlessly. Therefore, the logical answer to this question is that there is no creator for this God who possesses the absolute ability to create [things] from nothing and that He alone possesses this capability without any partner. Thus, He is the True God deserving of worship alone, without any partner.

Please refer to the book: "God, the Creator, and the Message of His Last of All Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Also, it is not befitting for the Creator, Almighty and All-Powerful, to incarnate in a human being, a creation that sleeps, urinates, defecates, and carries filth (unclean excrement), in its stomach, or to incarnate in a despicable animal like a mouse or the like, or an animal that urinates, defecates, and carries in its stomach blood, guts, and impurities like a cow and others (especially since everyone's fate is death and transformation into decay), or a demeaning statue made by a breakable and perishable creature.

From a mental perspective, it is not fitting for Glorified and Exalted Creator to incarnate or be united with any of His creations, as this would make everything in this universe a god deserving of worship. In a more precise sense, the distinction between the Creator and the creation would disappear, undoubtedly challenging the Creator in His divinity and depriving Him of His greatest right and unique divinity.

Please refer to the book: "A Quiet Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim"

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, called not to depict Glorified and Exalted God in the form of statues or otherwise.

From a mental perspective, the Great and Mighty Creator God is greater and more majestic than any image people can depict based on their whims. Such an act would be considered an insult from them to the Creator. Additionally, instead of directing everyone's face toward the one and only Creator God in supplication and worship, we find them turning their faces toward different gods in the form of various images and statues.

Please refer to the book: "A Peaceful Dialogue between a Buddhist and a Muslim"

He called to exalt the Creator God from the need to have offspring (whether male or female).

From a mental perspective, just as Glorified and Exalted Creator God is One and Unique, not born of anyone, and does not need to have offspring. Otherwise, what would prevent Him from having one, two, or more children, and then their divinity would be among their attributes? This would lead to the supplication and worship being directed toward multiple gods.

He called to exalt the Creator God from the attributes of ugliness, defect, and disapproval attributed to Him in other beliefs that are not befitting His divinity, greatness, and absolute power. This includes addressing the loss and distortion that has affected other beliefs. For instance:

- Judaism and Christianity described the Creator God with regretting and feeling sorry for creating humans, as indicated in (Genesis 6:6) [the Christian Bible includes the Jewish scriptures as one of its two parts known as the Old Testament]. Regretting and feeling sorry for action result only from misconduct and error due to ignorance of the consequences and their outcomes.

- Judaism and Christianity described the Creator God with resting after creating the heavens and the earth, as in (Exodus 31:17) and regaining strength (as in the English translation). Resting and regaining strength are only the result of fatigue and exhaustion.

Please refer to the book: "A Comparison Between Islam, Christianity and Judaism and The Choice Between Them"

    He called to exalt the Creator God from the attribute of racism, and that He is not as Judaism claims (a God for individuals and groups over others or for a specific people (the Jews) over others). Instead, He, the Creator of all humans and others, is a God for all of them, accepting them if they believe in Him and His prophets' messages, forgiving them if they repent to Him, and punishing those who deny and reject (out of arrogance) any of His prophets and messengers after it becomes clear to them the truth of their prophethood and message.

From a mental perspective, if the human being is inherently inclined to reject racism and hate it, is it fitting to attribute it to the Creator God who instilled this inclination in humans? Certainly not.

A society that adopts racism as a creed finds its members suffering greatly from it through the differentiation and discrimination between their different races and ethnicities.

    He called to believe in the Creator God's great attributes, perfection, and beauty, such as His absolute power, perfect wisdom, and comprehensive knowledge. He has complete knowledge of all His past, present, and future creations.

Please refer to the book: "The Concise Methodology of Proving the Existence of the Creator God, His Oneness, and the Sincerity of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, and His Message"

    He called to believe in the heavenly books and Exalted God's prophets, His messengers, and angels.

From a mental perspective, just as a machine with its components needs a manual of instructions from its maker that explains how to operate it and the optimal way to use it to avoid damage (which means that it must be acknowledged that it has a maker). Likewise, humans, being more complex than any machine, need a book of instructions and guidance, a book of guidance, clarifying what regulates their behavior and serving as a means to organize and improve their way of life according to the standards set by their Creator and Maker (which means acknowledging that they have a Maker and Creator, who is Glorified and Exalted God). This is achieved through God's prophets and messengers, whom God has chosen to convey what He has revealed to them, such as laws and teachings outlined in these heavenly books (through the angel entrusted with the descent of the revelation of the Creator God).

    He called to exalt and honor God's prophets and to purify them from what is attributed to them in other beliefs, such as committing acts that cannot be attributed to a virtuous human, let alone a prophet. Examples of this include:

- What Judaism and Christianity attribute to Prophet Aaron of worshiping a graven image in the form of a calf, not only that, but also building a temple for it and commanding the children of Israel to worship it, as in (Exodus: Chapter 32).

- What Judaism and Christianity attribute to Prophet Lot of drinking wine and committing adultery with his two daughters and fathering children from them, as in (Genesis: Chapter 19).

From a mental perspective, insulting those whom Glorified and Exalted God has chosen to be His messengers between Him and His creation to convey His message is equivalent to insulting God's choice and describing Him as ignorant of the unseen and lacking in wisdom due to the poor choice of those whom people are supposed to look up to and follow among the prophets and messengers, who are supposed to be guiding lights for all people. The question then arises: if the prophets and messengers, who were chosen not to fall into such blasphemies, obscenities, and vices attributed to them, are not safe from them, then is the person who follows them safe? This could be a pretext for falling into such blasphemies, obscenities, and vices and their spread.

    He called to believe in the prophethood of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and in the miracle of his birth from the Virgin Mary, as a sign from God exalting his mother, the Virgin Mary, from what Judaism attributed to her of committing indecency, and as evidence of the prophethood and message of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

From a rational perspective: This is the moderate and logical position that avoids Judaism's denial of the message of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and their defamation of him, and also avoids the excessiveness of Christianity, which attributed divinity to him. This demonstrates the credibility of Islam in calling to the belief in the prophethood and message of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and that he is an honored messenger from Exalted God without attributing divinity or any part of it to Him.

This is evident from a rational perspective (though not disabling the intellectual property that God has blessed us with) in the credibility of Islam in what it calls to, as conveyed by the tongue of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in believing in the prophethood and message of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and that he is an honored God's messenger without attributing divinity or any part of it to Him.

As a pure nature and a sound mind cannot accept the call to the meeting of human nature with animal nature (such as the mating of a human with a cow or any other animal) to produce a being that combines both natures, like a being that is half human and half cow because that would be a derogation and belittlement of the status of humans, even though both (humans and animals) are creations. Likewise, a pure nature and a sound mind cannot accept the call to the meeting of a divine nature with a human nature to produce a being that combines both natures (divine and human) because that would be a derogation and defamation of Exalted God as there is a vast difference between the Creator God and humans. And this human came from the private part where blood and impurities come out, especially if the belief in this being involves crucifixion, killing, and burial after insults, cursing, and humiliation (from spitting, slapping, stripping of clothes, and so on), none of these demeaning beliefs are befitting for Great and Exalted Creator God.

Just as a small, limited vessel cannot contain the waters of the seas, rivers, and oceans, it is not possible to accept the claim that the Great Creator God could be contained within the womb of a weak creation, needing to be breastfed and cared for, and so on.

And just as it is not rational for anyone to bear the sin of another, even if it is their father or mother, as stated in Christianity: "Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin" (Deuteronomy 24:16). Also, "The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them" (Ezekiel 18:20). Therefore, it is not logical or rational for the descendants of Adam to bear a sin they did not commit due to the disobedience of their father, Adam. Thus, the same Christian scriptures reject the idea of inheriting sin. Therefore, the issue of redemption is a mistaken concept based on what is not acceptable from a logical and rational perspective. 

Assuming that if God's forgiveness for Adam's sin (which was simply eating from the forbidden tree) required crucifixion and killing, then why wouldn't the crucifixion and killing be for Adam, the one who sinned, rather than for someone else?! Not only that, but the claim of the necessity of the crucifixion and killing of Exalted God, who is alleged to be represented in the form of Christ through incarnation in human form, is even more absurd. To the highest degree, Exalted God is above that. And what about the major sins and transgressions committed by humanity after Adam, such as murder, atrocities, and indecencies? Would that require a new crucifixion and killing of the Creator God, represented in a new human form?! If that were the case, then humanity would need thousands, if not millions or even billions of Christ-like figures to fulfill the alleged role of redemption.

    Why would God not forgive Adam for his disobedience since he repented to Him and regretted his disobedience and pardon him like the rest of the sins, even the greatest ones of different human races? Does He not have the power to do so? Of course, he does.

    If the claim of Christ's divinity is based on his being born without a father, what do we say about Adam, who was born without a father or a mother?

    If the claim of Christ's divinity is based on his miracles, what do we say about the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet Moses, peace be upon them, and the other prophets of God, who also came with many miracles and wonders? Are they also claimed to be divine? Of course not!

Then there is also an essential logical clarification: Since the nature of the Christ that Christianity claims to be a divine savior is not free from two possibilities: either it is mortal or immortal, the following becomes clear:

1. If the nature of Christ is mortal, then he is not divine, and therefore, the claim that he was both divine and a savior at the same time is invalid.

2. If the nature of Christ is immortal because he is divine, then he would not die, and therefore, there was no redemption or any of those illusions.

And what we have logically and rationally clarified about the invalidity of the belief in the meeting of the divine nature with human nature to give birth to a being that combines both natures in a human form, as in the case of Christ, also applies to what other societies have claimed in different times, such as Krishna in India, Buddha in East Asian societies, and Horus among the ancient Egyptians, whose story predates that of Christ.

Therefore, past nations' apparent copying of this belief in various forms of stories and narratives becomes evident.

Please refer to the book: "A Quiet Dialogue Between a Christian and a Muslim"

    Islam called to believe in the Last Day when all creations will be resurrected after their death and held accountable. Those who have faith and do good will be rewarded with significant compensation and eternal bliss, while those who disbelieve and commit evil will face severe punishment in a wretched life. 

Therefore, the complete agreement between what is morally, ethically, and rationally acceptable and what Islam advocates becomes evident. The call to have faith in the existence of the Last Day, when all creations will be resurrected after their death and held accountable, encourages striving for good deeds, upholding noble values and principles, and maintaining good morals, including having good thoughts about others and not harboring ill thoughts about them. This stands in stark contrast to the beliefs of Hinduism or Buddhism, which claim that the soul of a person transfers to the poor, sick, and disabled as a reward or punishment for their past deeds, which is morally, ethically, and rationally unacceptable, and abandoning such reprehensible and vile actions.

    It called to upright legislation and noble teachings, and addressing the previous misconceptions and the distortions that have been added to them. For example:

- Women: While Judaism and Christianity attribute to Eve (the wife of Adam, peace be upon them) that she was the cause of Adam's sin by tempting him to eat from the forbidden tree, as in (Genesis 3:12), and that God punished her with the pain of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the rest of her offspring, as in (Genesis 3:16), the Noble Quran (the revelation that Exalted God sent down to His Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) came to clarify that Adam's sin was due to the whisperings of Satan (i.e., not because of his wife Eve), as in [Surah Al-A'raf: 19-22] and [Surah Taha: 120-122], and thus removing the previous misconceptions of disdain and contempt for women due to this imagined belief.

- Wars: While we find in the references of Judaism and Christianity many stories of wars that call for killing and destruction of everyone, including children, women, and elderly, as in (Joshua 6:21) and others, which explains what we find today in contemporary times of thirst for killing and indifference to massacres and genocides as it is happening in Palestine and elsewhere, we see the tolerance of Islam in wars in the prohibition of treachery and the prohibition of killing children, women, and elderly, and non-combatants. An example of that is the saying of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him: "Do not betray," [Narrated by Muslim], and his saying: "Do not kill a child, a woman, or an elderly person," [Narrated by Al-Bayhaqi], and even showing kindness to the prisoners who were fighting against the Muslims and prohibiting any harm to them.

Please refer to the book: "Islam's Teachings and How They Solve Past and Current Problems"

(3) The Third Point or Pillar: Recognizing the miracles and supernatural events that Glorified and Exalted God performed through His Prophet, Muhammad, as a testimony to His support and selecting him for prophethood and message.

Allah (Glorified and Exalted God) granted the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the greatest miracle, the Quran, in addition to both types of miracles: sensory and non-sensory.

Firstly, there is the miracle of the Quran, which is the everlasting miracle until the Day of Judgment. It is unlike any sensory miracle of any prophet, as those end with the specific situation and are witnessed only by their contemporaries and do not remain except through transmission across generations. This is except for the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which is the eternal miracle, as there is no prophet or messenger after him. Therefore, Glorified and Exalted God preserved this miracle to testify to the truth of his call and the credibility of his message.

The Quran came with a new, exquisite style and beautiful, eloquent composition, unique in a way that the Arabs, known for their eloquence and rhetoric, had never seen before. The first thing that the Quran challenged the Arabs for is to produce anything like it in its composition, eloquence, precision of wording, comprehensiveness, beauty, and lofty aims and objectives. None of the Arabs could make anything like it, even if they combined their efforts. They failed to produce even a single chapter like its smallest chapter. Their eloquence and rhetoric praised its beauty and greatness, acknowledging that the Quran is supreme and cannot be surpassed.

The Quran has informed us of many unseen matters (past, present, and future) to prove that it is the speech of Almighty Creator, the Knower of the unseen. An example of such future unseen matters is its prediction that after the Romans were defeated by the Persians (a great power at that time), the Romans would be victorious again and overcome the Persians. Not only that, but the Quran also specified the duration within which the victory of the Romans over the Persians would occur, just as it was mentioned in the Quran. (Surah Ar-Rum: 2-4).

The Noble Quran has informed and pointed to many unseen scientific facts in various fields, of which no one had the slightest knowledge for since over fourteen hundred years. Then modern science came to discover the truth and accuracy of what was stated and thus became a reason for the conversion of many scientists to Islam in various scientific fields (such as Yoshihide Kozai, Director of the Tokyo Observatory in Japan). This is an example indicating that Almighty Allah will increase the expanse of the sky and make it expand and widen continuously, as in His saying: "And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander." [Quran 51:47], and this had just been discovered scientifically.

Please refer to the book: "Islam and the Discoveries of Modern Science as One of the Evidence of the Prophethood and Message of Muhammad (peace be upon him)." It was translated into English and other languages.

Secondly, his sensory miracles are numerous and diverse. For example:

- The miracle of splitting the moon for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) into two halves when the disbelievers of Mecca asked to see a sign of his prophethood. The modern science has recently discovered what is known as Rimae or Lunar Rilles.

- The spring of water gushing from between the fingers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and this miracle of water played an essential role in saving the believers from perishing of thirst on multiple occasions.

- The blessing of a small amount of food to be sufficient for a large number of people and this miracle has been repeated in many different situations.

Thirdly, his non-sensory miracles are also numerous and diverse. For example:

- The Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) answered supplications, including his supplication for rain and the defeat of the polytheists (as seen in the Battle of the Trench), as a confirmation from Almighty Allah of his supplication and as evidence of the credibility of his message.

- The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied many past, present, and future unseen matters that people had no prior knowledge of, and they came true precisely as he had announced, serving as evidence of his connection to revelation and the truth of his prophethood.

He (peace be upon him) informed about the future conquests of the Muslims to Egypt, Persia, Constantinople, and Jerusalem and the expansion of their rule at a time when Islam was only represented by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and those who believed in him (the noble companions who were chosen by Exalted Allah to accompany His Prophet and to spread this religion - Islam - and its noble teachings after him) in the face of persecution and war from their people who did not believe. Everything he (peace be upon him) informed about came true.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also indicated the conquest of Ashkelon in Palestine and its annexation to the town of Gaza (historically known as Gaza Ashkelon) through his saying: "And indeed, the best of your jihad is in the cause of Allah, and the best of your jihad is in Ashkelon." This implies a subtle implicit reference that this place mentioned in the hadith will be a place of grand jihad in the future, requiring great patience from dear jihadists through perseverance and defense in the cause of Allah, and what he informed about came true.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed of many unseen scientific facts in various fields, which no one had the slightest knowledge of for over fourteen hundred years. Then, modern science discovers the truth and accuracy of what was informed. So, it will be a witness that he is a prophet from Almighty God, the Knower of the Unseen, and thus became a reason for the conversion of many scientists to Islam in various scientific fields, such as Professor Joe Leigh Simpson (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at North Western University in Chicago).

Also, his precise description of the time when the mixed sperm (from the man and the woman) is formed and the creation of human's hearing, sight, skin, flesh, and bones, as he said: "When forty-two nights have passed over the conceptus, Allah sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, sight, skin, flesh, and bones." [Narrated by Muslim]. Modern science has discovered that at the beginning of the seventh week, specifically starting from the 43rd day from the date of conception - i.e., after forty-two nights - the fetal skeletal structure begins to spread, and the human form begins to appear, in accordance with what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed about.

    This criterion, which we have referred to, is one that all minds can comprehend, regardless of their levels, and it is accepted by pure nature and rational minds. Therefore, everyone must apply it.

Logical Note: If any of the followers of previous religions (Jewish or Christian) were asked, "Why do you believe in the prophethood of a certain prophet from among the prophets, even though you have not witnessed any of his miracles?" The answer will be: "This has been confirmed for me through the repeated testimonies of the reporters.

This answer, from a logical and rational perspective, would lead them to believe in the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (peace be upon him) because the consistent transmission of the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the signs of his prophethood, far exceeds that of any other prophet. Additionally, Exalted Allah combined sensory and non-sensory miracles for His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him).

    Important Note: The global proclamation of the final message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was foretold in previous religions such as Judaism and Christianity, and a concise example of this is as follows:

1. The Book of Isaiah (21:13) says: " This is God’s message concerning Arabia:", " An oracle concerning Arabia:", " This is the divine revelation about Arabia" as an indication of the revelation and prophecy of the Prophet who would appear in the land of Arabia, with the clarification that the accurate translation of the Hebrew text is: " This is the divine revelation in Arabia "

2. What is mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy (33:2) and its text: "The Lord came from Sinai, and dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran.." contains a comparison of the prophecy of Moses, peace be upon him, to the coming of the morning " The Lord came from Sinai," a comparison of the prophecy of Jesus, peace be upon him, to the shining of the morning "and dawned on them from Seir," and a comparison of the prophecy of Muhammad, peace be upon him, to the rising of the sun and the gleaming of its light in the horizons "He shone forth from Mount Paran." Due to what is stated in the Book of Genesis (21:21) "He (Ishmael) lived in the wilderness of Paran", and as it is known by consensus that Ishmael, peace be upon him, lived in the land of Hejaz. Therefore, the mountains of Paran are the mountains of Hejaz in Mecca. 


Important Note: In the Book of Deuteronomy (33:2), the phrase "and came with ten thousands of saints" has been omitted from the Arabic text after the paragraph "He shone forth from Mount Paran" so as not to explicitly refer to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he came to Mecca, conquering it without shedding blood and forgiving its people, accompanied by ten thousand noble companions at that time. The text of this omitted part "and he came with ten thousands of saints," is confirmed in the King James Version, and the Standard American Version of the Bible.

In addition to the above, Glorified and Exalted God preserved the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with its purity and excellence as a complete open book endorsing the truth of his call, where:

1. His constant dedication to what he called for and adherence to the establishment of righteous legislation, noble teachings, virtuous ethics, gentle worship, and wise dealings based on principles of goodness and virtue.

2. Allah's protection for him (peace be upon him) until he conveyed his message as a support from Allah for him, and He pleased him by the establishment of the State of Islam (which he called for, and which means submission to God and complete obedience to His commands) that spread to east, west, north, and south, within a few years after people embraced it in multitudes.

Islam is the only religion that embraces everyone and accommodates them under its umbrella, recognizing the rights of non-Muslims, whether they are Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, or others, regardless of their sects, and making sure to invite them to Islam. It calls for believing in all God's prophets, from Adam, the first human created by God, to Moses, Jesus, and finally, the seal of the prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). It clarifies that whoever denies any one of Allah's prophets and rejects any of their messages is as if they have disbelieved in all of them.

Please refer to the book: "Why choose Islam as a religion?"

3. How can a person who is illiterate and not a poet bring forth the Quran, challenging the linguists and orators, as well as the scholars in various scientific fields (through the Quran's precedence in pointing to astonishing scientific facts more than 1400 years ago, which were only discovered in this modern age)? Scholars in various scientific fields, jurists, and hadith scholars emerged from his university. This means that he (peace be upon him) informed that the Quran is a revelation inspired by his Exalted Lord to be a miracle testifying to the truth of his message.

4. What does the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) eagerness to educate his companions and thus his nation after him indicate for not exaggerating in venerating him? It is demonstrated in the incident of the solar eclipse at the time of the death of his son Ibrahim. When the companions thought that the eclipse was a sign of the Prophet Muhammad's eminence, peace be upon him, he stood up, at the time of his pain and sorrow for the loss of his son, as a teacher, advisor, and guide for his noble companions, refuting that mistaken understanding. After praising and commending Allah (God), he said, "The sun and the moon are two of the signs of God; they do not eclipse for the death or life of anyone. So, when you see them, invoke God and pray until it clears." [Agreed upon]. Isn't that evidence of the truth of his call?

5. What prompts the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to instruct his companions not to exaggerate in praising him due to their intense love for him and strong attachment to him? This is evident in his saying: "Do not extol me as the Christians extolled the son of Mary. I am only a servant, so say, "Servant of Allah and His Messenger" [Sahih al-Bukhari]. This means not to praise me falsely and not to exceed the limits in praising me as the Christians did with Jesus, son of Mary, whom they praised to the extent of making him a deity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is keen on guiding people to Exalted Allah and preventing them from going astray after him. Therefore, this serves as evidence of the authenticity of his message.

The critical question here is: Why did the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reject what was offered to him by the people of Mecca in terms of wealth, power, honor, and marriage to their noble daughters in exchange for abandoning his call to the monotheism of Allah and sincere worship of Him, and rejecting the worship of idols, enjoining good, and forbidding evil? What did he seek from this call that brought him enmity and various forms of harm, which led him to migrate from his hometown of Mecca after enduring severe suffering and facing intense persecution, and then engaging in wars against his people, peace be upon him?

Isn't that evidence that he (peace be upon him) was sincere in his call and a messenger from Almighty Allah? Therefore, the concise, logical answer would be: Yes. Indeed, the evidence and proofs that attest to the sincerity of his call and the authenticity of his message have converged.

Please refer to the book: "Muhammad (peace be upon him) Is Truly the Prophet of Allah" It was translated into English and other languages.

A brief description of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) physical and moral traits as if you are looking at him: He was of sweet speech, always contemplative, and slow to speak unless necessary. He was gentle, never angry for his own sake, and his laughter was a smile. He used to joke and play with his companions and only spoke the truth. He had a fair complexion with a tinge of redness, a round face, kohl-lined eyes (naturally beautiful, not due to the application of kohl), and long eyelashes that added to the sweetness and beauty of his eyes. He had a broad forehead, a high nose, the most beautiful lips, good spacing between the front teeth, and when he was pleased, his face would light up like a piece of the moon. His hair was black, wavy, and dense, and his body was well-built, not too plump or thin, and of medium height. His chest was broad, and his abdomen was moderate, and when any part of his body was exposed, such as his shoulder during pilgrimage or Umrah, it would shine like light due to the beauty of his fairness.

Finally, the answer to the question (Why believe in the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, peace be upon him?) was given objectively and logically. It was compatible with the clear mind that Almighty God has granted us to distinguish between the true and the false, the good and the bad. It aligned with what pure souls aspire to regarding elevation and refinement in belief. Therefore, the question for anyone who has been shown the truth from the evidence of the truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammad's call, peace be upon him, and has not yet believed is: What is holding you back (behind those who have embraced Islam) from not following the call of truth and believing in the last Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, knowing that you will be held accountable by Majestic and Exalted God? 

May Allah guide us all to what is good and right.


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