
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Islam The Religion of the Lord of the Worlds

Who is your Lord?

This is the most significant question ever, and the most important question a person have an answer to.

Our Lord is the One Who created the heavens and the earth, sending down rain from the sky to nourish the fruits and trees as food for us and the animals we feed on.He is the One Who created us, created our predecessors, and created everything. He is the One Who made the night a time for sleep and rest, and the day a time for seeking sustenance and subsistence.Moreover, He is the One Who subjected to us the sun, the moon, the stars, and the seas, and also subjected to us the animals from which we eat and benefit from their milk and wool.

What are the attributes of the Lord of the worlds?

The Lord is the One Who created the creation, and He is the One Who guides them to the truth and to righteousness. He looks after the affairs of every creature, providing for them, and has ownership of everything in both this worldly life and the Hereafter, and everything apart from Him is His possession.He is the Living One Who does not die or sleep, and He is the All-Sustaining by Whose command every living thing is sustained, and He is the One Who has mercy over all things, and He is the One to Whom nothing is hidden on earth or in heaven.There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, and He, above His heavens, does not need His creation, while His creation needs Him, He does not indwell in His creation, and nothing of His creation indwell in Himself, the Almighty.He is the Almighty, having fashioned the physical world with its intricately balanced systems, spanning from the workings of human and animal bodies to the celestial systems of the universe, including the sun, stars, and beyond.

And everything that is worshiped besides Him possesses neither the capacity to benefit nor harm itself, so how can it benefit those who worship it or ward off harm from him?

What is the right of our Lord upon us?

His right upon all people is to worship Him alone and not to associate partners with Him. Acts of worship are not to be directed towards any human, object, celestial body, or entity other than Him. Rather, devotion should be solely dedicated to God, the Lord of all worlds.

What is the right of people upon their Lord?

People have the right upon God, if they worship Him, to grant them a good life in which they find safety, security, peace, tranquility, and contentment, and in the afterlife, to admit them to Paradise, where there is enduring bliss and eternal life. And if they disobey Him and disobey His command, He will make their lives miserable and sorrowful, even if they think that they are in happiness and comfort. In the Hereafter, He casts them into the Fire from which they will not get out, and they will have therein eternal torment and eternal immortality.

What is the purpose of our existence? Why are we created?

The Exalted Lord informed us that He created us for a noble purpose; to worship Him alone without associating any partners with Him. He has entrusted us with the responsibility of nurturing the earth with righteousness and goodness. Whoever worships other than his Lord and Creator does not know the purpose for which he was created, nor does he fulfill his duty towards his Creator. And whoever causes corruption on earth does not know the task for which he was assigned.

How do we worship our Lord?

The Lord Almighty did not create us and leave us neglected, nor did He make our lives purposeless. Rather, He selected messengers from among their peoples, distinguished by their perfect moral character, pure souls, and virtuous hearts. He sent down to them His messages, including everything that people should know about the Lord Almighty and about resurrecting people for the Day of Judgment, which is the Day of reckoning and reward.The Messengers conveyed to their people how to worship their Lord, and explained to them the manner and times of acts of worship and their reward in this world and the Hereafter. Moreover, they cautioned against what their Lord had prohibited in terms of food, drink, and marital relations, guided them toward noble virtues, and prevented them from reprehensible behavior.

What religion is acceptable to the Lord Almighty?

The only religion acceptable to God is Islam, and it is the religion that all the prophets preached. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not accept any religion other than it. Every religion that people have embraced other than Islam is a false religion, and will not benefit those who follow it. On the contrary, it will bring misery to them in this world and the Hereafter.

What are the principles and pillars of this religion (Islam)?

This religion is made easy by Allah for His servants. Its greatest pillars are that you believe in Allah as your Lord and God, and you believe in His angels, His books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny, so you bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Also, performing prayers, giving zakat if one possesses wealth subject to it, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the ancient house of Allah, built by the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) for those who are able, physically and financially.Abstaining from what Allah has forbidden, such as polytheism, murder, adultery, and the consumption of prohibited wealth, is imperative. If you believe in Allah and perform these acts of worship and avoid these forbidden things, then you are a Muslim in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection, God will grant you eternal bliss and everlasting life in Heaven.

Is Islam a religion for a specific people or race?

Islam is God's religion for all people. No one is superior to anyone except through piety and good deeds, for all people are equal in Islam.

How do people know the sincerity of the Messengers, peace be upon them?

People can judge the truthfulness of the Messengers in several ways, including:

The truth and guidance they brought are normally accepted by rational minds and sound nature. Their message resonates with the innate goodness within individuals. No one besides the Messengers can convey anything like what they brought.

What the Messengers brought contains reformation to the people’s religions and their worldly life, straitening of their affairs, advancement of their civilizations, and safeguarding of their religion, intellects, wealth, and dignity.

That the Messengers (peace be upon them) do not ask people for a reward for their guidance to the good and righteousness. Rather, they expect their reward from their Lord only.

What the Messengers brought is true and certain, not mixed with doubt, without contradiction or confusion, and every Prophet confirms the previous prophets and calls for what they called for.

That Allah supports the Messengers (peace be upon them) with clear signs and compelling miracles that He performs at their hands to be evidence of the truth that they were sent from God, and the greatest miracle of the Prophets is the miracle of the Seal Messenger, Muhammad (ﷺ), which is the Holy Qur’an.

What is the Noble Qur’an?

The Noble Qur’an is the divine scripture of the Lord of all creation, revealed through the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) to the Prophet Muhammad. It encompasses all that God has mandated humanity to know concerning Him, His angels, His scriptures, His Messengers, the Hereafter, and destiny, its good and bad aspects.Within its verses lie the obligations of worship, the prohibitions to be heeded, virtuous conduct, and reprehensible behavior, as well as guidance on matters pertaining to religion, worldly affairs, and the afterlife. This miraculous scripture challenges mankind to produce anything comparable to it, and it remains preserved in its original language until the Day of Judgment, without a single letter missing or altered.

What is the evidence on resurrection and reckoning?

Do you not observe how the earth appears lifeless, but when water descends upon it, it stirs and becomes adorned with lush vegetation? The One Who rejuvenates the earth has the power to resurrect the dead.Just as He created humankind from a mere drop of despised fluid, He is fully capable of resurrecting them on the Day of Judgment to judge and reward them accordingly based on their deeds—rewarding good with goodness and recompensing evil with its equivalent.The Creator of the heavens, the earth, and the celestial bodies has the power to recreate mankind. Indeed, it is easier to recreate humanity a second time than creating the heavens and the earth.

What is the Day of Resurrection?

The Almighty Lord raises the creation from their graves, then He will hold them accountable for their deeds. Whoever believes and acknowledges the Messengers will be admitted into Paradise, which is the eternal bliss of greatness that does not occur to man, and whoever disbelieves will be admitted into Hell, which is an eternal torment that man cannot imagine. When a person enters Paradise or Hell, he shall never die and will abide eternally either in bliss or torment.

If a person wants to convert to Islam, what should he do? Are there rituals that he must perform, or people must give him permission?

If someone recognizes that Islam is the true religion; the religion of the Lord of all creation, he should not hesitate to embrace it. When a rational individual discovers the truth, he should hasten to embrace it without delay.Embracing Islam does not necessitate undergoing certain rituals, nor does one require the presence of witnesses. However, if one chooses to declare their faith in the presence of a Muslim or at an Islamic center, it is commendable. It suffices him to say: (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), knowing its meaning and believing in it. By doing so, one becomes a Muslim. Subsequently, he gradually learns the remaining laws of Islam to fulfill what Allah has enjoined upon him.




Islam The Religion of the Lord of the Worlds....................................................................................

Who is your Lord?........................................................................................................................

What are the attributes of the Lord of the worlds?..........................................................................

What is the right of our Lord upon us?..........................................................................................

What is the right of people upon their Lord?..................................................................................

What is the purpose of our existence? Why are we created?...........................................................

How do we worship our Lord?.......................................................................................................

What religion is acceptable to the Lord Almighty?..........................................................................

What are the principles and pillars of this religion (Islam)?..............................................................

Is Islam a religion for a specific people or race?............................................................................

How do people know the sincerity of the Messengers, peace be upon them?..................................

What is the Noble Qur’an?............................................................................................................

What is the evidence on resurrection and reckoning?.....................................................................

What is the Day of Resurrection?..................................................................................................

If a person wants to convert to Islam, what should he do? Are there rituals that he must perform, or people must give him permission?.................................................................................................................................


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