
We know him by his signs all around us

We know Allah by his messengers who he sent 

By his Holy books that he revealed 

We know there is none like Him. 

The One who has no beginning and no end. 

The One who has full knowledge of everything that happens before it happens. 

The One that is neither limited by time nor space, and to whom nothing is hidden. 

The One whose vision encompasses all whilst no vision can encompass Him. 

The One who can hear all and knows our deepest thoughts. 

The One who flattened the earth and made it liveable for His creation. 

The One who brings rain from the clouds and revives the dead land after its death. 

The One who created man from dust, then from a drop of semen, and nurtured the foetus in the womb. 

The One who gives life and death. 

The One who over centuries revealed to mankind different miracles, inviting them to know Him and believe in Him.

The One who sent messengers to each nation and revealed scriptures to them, and sent Muhammad as the final Messenger and the Qur’an as the final scripture. 

The One who created this life as a test and the afterlife as an eternal abode. 

The One who guides whomsoever He wills and lets go astray whomsoever He wills.

We know there is no barrier between us and Allah. 

Every call and supplication whispered or uttered loudly reaches him directly. 

We know He responds to us; He plans the best plans, He provides and withholds from us for our benefit, He grants ease through hardship in ways unimaginable, He makes miracles happen when we put our trust in Him, that He makes the truth stand out against falsehood, that He never breaks His promise, He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He places contentment into the hearts of those who worship Him alone and believe in His message.

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