
#كسوف_الشمس_دليل_على_وجود_خالق_لهذا_الكون #The_solar_eclipse_indicates_the_existence_of_God

🌘An eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. The world is overwhelmed by darkness for minutes or hours at the brightest time of sunlight❗ 🌞 The light turns into darkness 🌑. 🌘This rare event is more than just an amazing light show;  it's one of the most dramatic pieces of evidence that our planet and solar system aren't not accidents, but are designed by God. 🌘The whole world with its sun, moon, planets,..etc. can't be the design of its own self. Nature is perfectly designed in an accurate system of operation. 🌘The solar eclipse that took place yesterday is an opportunity for all people to reflect and think deeply about it. The atheist has to find answers to the following questions:  Who stands behind the sun, the earth or moon❓ Has the sun created itself or does it have a Creator❓ Has the sun decided to darken its light in the middle of day suddenly❓ Has the moon decided suddenly to pass in front of the sun❓Do the sun and moon control themselves or are controlled by Almighty God ⁉️Has anyone -of any rank- ever claimed to be the inventor of the sun❓Has anyone said I'm gonna make a solar eclipse in a certain day❓Could anyone prevent solar eclipse from taking place❓Has anyone claimed to be controlling the light of sun causing it to appear or disappear❓ 🌘 Actually, the sun, moon, earth and the whole universe   are in full control by their Almighty Creator. They don't move a milimiter by their own. Almighty God ("Allah" in Arabic) says in Qur'an (the last, divine preserved book): "And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing. And the moon - We have determined for it phases, until it returns [appearing] like the old date stalk. It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming." (Chapter Yassin, 38: 40) In  chapter Arrahman (verse 5) , Almighty Allah says: "The sun and the moon [move] by precise calculation" 🌘That's to say, the sun and moon are controlled by Almighty God Who subjected them for the benefits of the whole world; believers and disbelievers alike. Taking away the light of the sun in the middle of daylight is a great sign and evident proof over the existence of the Almighty Creator. The Supreme Creator of the sun is All-Powerful to lighten it and is All Powerful to darken its light too. 🌘The solar and lunar eclipses indicate the wrath and anger of the Almighty Creator over  people's sins and wrong doings. The eclipses are chances for people to go back to the Way of God and to observe His Laws and Commandments. The eclipse is an opportunity to draw people’s attention and tell them it’s not just party time. It is time to revise seriously their relationship with God.

ماذا نفعل إذا رأينا الكسوف؟ What shall we do when we see the eclipse?

🌘Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him advised people-at the time of eclipse- to make repentance, ask God for forgiveness and pray alot till the eclipse is over. In an authentic narration, prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: "The sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse because of someone's death or life. So when you see them, invoke Allah and pray till the eclipse is clear." [Volume 2, Book 18, Number 168] 🌘 In short, the solar and lunar eclipse are a warning from Almighty God to people to return to His Way, Mercy, and Forgiveness. Almighty God makes clear for us these signs as a way of warning. Allah says in Chapter Al Israa (verse: 59): "And We send not the signs except as a warning." It is a chance to repent and be certain of the existence of the All Powerful Creator.

Eclipse in the bible الخسوف فى البايبل

🌘The bible also mentions the solar eclipse as a great sign of Almighty God’s Existence, as in the following verses. "Behold, He who formed the mountains, And created the wind, And has told man what His wish is, Who turns daybreak into blackness, And treads upon the high places of the earth— His name is the LORD, the God of Hosts." (Amos. 4:13) "And in that day —declares my Lord GOD— I will make the sun set at noon, I will darken the earth on a sunny day." (Amos 8:9) 🌘The bible also highlights that the eclipse takes place when people are far from God's Way:  "When you are snuffed out, I will cover the sky And darken its stars; I will cover the sun with clouds And the moon shall not give its light. All the lights that shine in the sky I will darken above you; And I will bring darkness upon your land —declares the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 32: 7-8). The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood. (Joel 3: 4)

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