
 Quran is free from the myth of its time 


In a time of a world that was full of superstitions , illusions and imaginary legends , when you find that a one thousand four  hundred years old book don't have s single contradiction to any scientific fact that is recently proven right , inspite of containing more than one thousand verses talking about nature, wind , rain,  mountains , embryos etc , you become completely convinced that it's God's words. This is the greatest miracle of Noble Quran.

     Unlike all the books that were written  whether in the time of prophet Mohammad , peace and blessings be upon him,   before him ,   or even after till about two hundreds years ago ,   Quran is not affected by those superstitions and has no inconsistencies.

Let's take a look at some of those superstitions:

👉Aristotle thought that the brain was a radiator that was responsible for cooling down blood whereas the heart was responsible for heating !

👉 Males had more teeth than females.

👉 A warm grew up to become a  serpent.

👉Aristotle also assumed that the upper part of the embryo body is first marked out in the order of development then as time goes on the lower also reaches its full size.

This is Aristotle one of the most important heads of science in ancient times.

👉Hippocrates who was the father of Medicine imagined that the embryo was formed by the effect of water , air, earth and fire. He even assumed that the embryo started as a piece of meat that was affected by the heat inside the womb and that was how bones were formed.

👉Galen ,who was one of the most important physician of that age and who also happened to be the student of Hippocrates , stated in his book On Semen that veins, arteries , nerves ,bones and all the parts that are membranous were drawn out from semen whereas all the parts that are fleshly in form are generated from menstrual blood . The same thing is found in Talmud which was greatly affected by the culture of that time.

👉Galen and his teacher Hippocrates also believed that a male fetus came from the right testicle while a female fetus came from the left one. This was a very common belief till few centuries ago . Hence ,  people in  ancient Greece used to tie the left testicle to avoid having girls while the French people went even further to completely remove it.

👉As for the Sun , the Rig Veda mentions that a chariot with seven horses is responsible for its motion and that the solar eclipse is caused by a ghost that hides the sun.

     These are some of the strange scientific myths that books in these eras are filled with. While Quran stands as a unique book that is totally free from ancient superstitions and illogical cultural mythology. It's a book that falsehood cannot come to it from before it or behind it as described by Allah.

 (it is) sent down by the All-Wise, Worthy of all praise (Allah).


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