A Global Religion
Faten Sabri Faten SabriFaten Sabri
A Word From Heart 1
Resorting to the Creator of Heaven 4
Inner Peace 8
Beyond Death 16
The Founder of Existence 18
Monotheism: A Starting Point 23
The Qur'an: Accuracy of the Source 25
The Qur'an: Between the Past and Future Predictions 28
No Assignment Beyond Capacity 32
Buddhists Pope's Testimony & the Absolute Truth 35
A Global Religion 39
The Blessing of Islam 41
Your God is One God 44
Knowing the Creator 47
Monotheism: The Way of Salvation 52
Emergency Law 54
The Creator’s Right 57
Human Rights 59
Truth: What Matches Reality 66
Justice of Religion 68
Justice, not Equality 72
Islam: Life and Religion 76
Islam: An Eternal Civilization 79
Islam: An Incubating Environment for Science 82
Islam: Civilizations Establishment, not Colonialism 84
Justice Establishment and Truth Testimony 88
No pluralism in the Truth 89
Islam’s Tolerance: Reality’s Testimony 91
Attractiveness of Islam 93
Islam: Religion and State 97 The Difference Between God's Religion and Peoples' Traditions 101
Islam Teaches Us 105
Information 110
A Message From Heart 110
Author's books 111
References 112
A Word From Heart
We used to hear cabin crew instructions about the importance of taking care of ourselves first and then our children, that were also in danger during the flight.
These instructions are similar to what the priests did when they asked their followers to resort to the Creator directly and avoid approaching them due to the fear of infection after the Corona pandemic. Those who resort to idols in request and worship rushed to sterilize their gods and not approach them due to the fear of infection.
The Creator said:
If you call upon them, they cannot hear your calls. And if they were to hear, they could not respond to you. On the Day of Judgment, they will disown your worship ˹of them˺. And no one can inform you ˹O Prophet˺ like the All-Knowledgeable1. As if humans are the virus due to their actions, and Corona is the cure. Until the earth despite its vastness, seemed to close in on humans, and their souls were torn in anguish.
The Creator said: … until the earth, despite its vastness, seemed to close in on them, and their souls were torn in anguish. They knew there was no refuge from Allah except in Him. Then He turned to them in mercy so that they might repent. Surely Allah ˹alone˺ is the Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful2.
The Coronavirus is one of the most powerful messages that tell people:
At a specific moment, everyone will turn to the source of his existence (the Creator), willingly or by force. No matter how much we rely on each other and strive to make society happy, there will come a day when we and humanity will not be able to save ourselves. We will feel that we need an Absolute Power, that is absolutely independent and do not depend on anything.
This Power is:
The Creator of Buddha, Ram and Krishna, the Creator of monks, saints, and priests, the Creator of the prophets of God, like Muhammad, Jesus Christ, and Moises, may peace be upon them. It is not permissible to supplicate and demand from the creations.
1 (Qur’an. Sura Fatir. 35:14).
2 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Tawba. 9:118).
There is no Trinity, no divinity, no refuge for a prophet. The different races are not required to search for a god of their own, and there is no good or evil god.
When I was young, my father was like a superman to me. He was capable of anything, fulfilling my requests, no matter how great they were to me. I never saw him getting tired of fulfilling my wishes. I never liked to see him tired or sick. For me, he was the hero who never got tired. We often hear the expression, "The woman and the little child think that the man is omnipotent."
Our desire as human beings to have a source of absolute power that humans embodied in the character of Superman stems from an instinct planted in our hearts on the fact that there is a Higher Power different from humans, free of human qualities, and capable of everything.
Just like how the old age, illness, and the death of my father assured me that he is a human being who gets tired, has needs, and dies, also confirmed to me the existence of a Great Power that does not depend on others, is independent, does not get tired, does not have needs, and does not die. That can be only the Creator of all that exists.
That is why I focus on the importance of the genuine concept of the Creator in my lectures and dialogues with Muslims and non-Muslims. The followers of all religions distorted this concept except in Islam. Non-Muslims ascribed to the Creator human attributes such as having a child, getting tired and not knowing, sighing, and regretting. The problem became worse when some religions considered that the Creator would embody an insect, a tree, an animal, or a human being. The worst of all is that they made the Creator the sin itself, exalted be God The Almighty far above that.
A young American once asked me how to balance our urgent need to connect with our Creator to win eternal bliss with the pleasures of this life.
I told him what I heard once: When you have an important exam the next day, do you spend the night thinking about breakfast or the test?
He said: I spend my night thinking about the exam.
I said to him: Life's pleasures are like the breakfast meal, but knowing the purpose of your existence, the source of your presence, and your destiny after death, and communicating with the source of your existence is the test. There is no contradiction between them.
No matter how varied and expensive the breakfast was and how luxurious the restaurant was, it would not occupy the thoughts of those who wanted to pass the test.
The young man said: I like communicating with the Creator directly and not through a priest?
I said to him: It is more than the idea of like or dislike. Your communication with the Creator directly is one of your rights.
The right of the Creator over His creatures is to worship Him alone, and the right of creations is to communicate with Him directly.
It always caught my attention how young people are attached to social media these days, especially before the spread of the use of cameras, and I said to myself: A man may talk to his friend for years without seeing him. He may feel comfortable and harmonious by talking to him occasionally, and when he meets him directly, he will be overjoyed.
As soon as I am asked about the reason behind the strong Muslim's attachment to prayer and his frequent encounter with his Creator daily at any moment, and through the five daily prayers, I mention the following example: When a Muslim communicates with the Creator to repent from sin, thank for a blessing, or seek a need, and acknowledge that whatever bad happened to him was from himself and the good he obtained was from the Creator, he would have achieved the goal of his existence.
Tranquility will fill his soul, and his life will move on with happiness. Therefore, the moment he meets with the Creator after death will be the happiest.
The Creator said:
Say, ˹O Prophet, ˺ "I am only a man like you, ˹but˺ it has been revealed to me that your God is only One God. So whoever hopes for the meeting with their Lord, let them do good deeds and associate none in the worship of their Lord"3.
A young man in his twenties from Chile asked me about the concept of Pantheism.
I was surprised when he gave me the term in Arabic even though the dialogue was in Spanish.
I asked him about it, and he said: One of my relatives spoke to me about this concept, for I am of Arab-Christian origin.
I was shocked and said to myself: How tough these times are for the youth, in which concepts have been distorted. They cannot differentiate between the reality of their existence and its origin.
I said to him: You can somehow make it square if you have a circular electrical wire. But it is impossible to call it round and square simultaneously. Either it remains circular, or it turns into a square.
3 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Kahf. 18:110).
A drowning person waiting for a helping hand to save him from death and perishment will not be satisfied with uniting with the seawater as a means to be saved. He is looking for an independent being who will take his hand and lead him out of the situation he lives in, facing the threat of death.
How someone who takes a picture from his phone can unite and become a single thing with the phone and the picture?!
How can someone who plays electronic games be part of the game?
We need a Power greater than all to guarantee our salvation and security after death, not to unite with us and make us both faceless.
The Creator is unlimited and eternal, He is before everything, after everything, and none of His creatures can be equal to Him.
Today, there are demands to admit the validity of all religions and the relativity of truth to raise the slogan of a global religion. I am writing this book to prove that the truth is absolute, whether we like it or not, and religion is one, which is: Acknowledgment of the Creator. He has neither a son nor a partner. The true God does not embody a human form or animal, nor does He unite with his creatures. Everyone must communicate with this Creator directly, not through a saint or priest. And the recognition of the day of Judgment when the Creator will hold people accountable for their deeds. Only this way can we live in peace and have a global religion.
I pray to the Almighty Creator to accept this work from me and make it a source of guidance for all. Ameen.
Resorting to the Creator of Heaven
Robert Powell, who played "Jesus" in the movie" Jesus of Nazareth" (1977), told people to stop worshiping him as if he is the real Jesus4. It is common to see many believers in the divinity of Christ displaying Powell's photos in places of worship, schools, offices, cars،, etc.
Some use these images for prayer, while others claim that they bring them good luck.
Many of them don't realize that the person in the picture is not, and could not be, Jesus Christ.
4 https://thenewsnigeria.com.ng/2019/11/20/flashback-actor-robert-powell-says-stop-worshipping-me-i-am-not-the-real-jesus/
Robert said: "I am here to straighten a fact exasperating me for a while, now seeing numerous people insinuating some handsome white men to be Jesus. Who knows whether he was black or white? It's not about color; it's an almost unforgivable intentional identity mistake."
This story is the most significant evidence that a person is bound to have faith, whether the belief in the true God or any false deity. Both Robert and Christ are false gods.
Christ is a human being, God created him without a father as a great prophet sent by Him, just as God created Adam without a father or a mother, and Robert is a human (an ordinary person).
Does a person accept that someone changes his data in his identity? In this case, he becomes another person in the first place.
A little boy of a British family once asked me: Why does God force us to worship Him when He does not need our worship? Why does He scare us with fire?
I said to him: The Creator is self sufficient, He does need our worship. He asks us to worship Him for our own good. Doesn't your father force you to go to school?
Wouldn't your mother warn you if you don’t tidy up your room?
Doesn't your teacher scare you from failing and threatens you with consequences?
Our lives dwell between dos and don'ts.
Doesn't your father avoid stopping or parking in unauthorized locations for fear of paying a fine?
For example, when we get a pet, we want its obedience for its own good and protection, so we train it and expect obedience. We expect the template from the pet; although we didn't create it, we just bought it. So, what about your Creator? Is He not worthy of your obedience, worship, and submission?
In most aspects of life, we already submit to God: we don't choose our parents; our genes; don't control our breathing, don't pump our hearts, etc. Our Creator wants us to willingly submit to Him in other aspects where He gave us a free choice, to arrive safely.
We live in his land and eat his sustenance. People should reciprocate these blessings with the appreciation of the bounty of the Donor. Otherwise, ingratitude and lack of recognition is an underestimation of the Donor.
A person needs to have faith in a deity, whether the belief in the true God or any false deity. He may call this deity god or name it anything else.
A person’s god may be a tree, a star in the sky, a woman, a boss at work, a scientific theory, or even himself (his own desires). It is necessary to believe in something that follows it and sanctifies it,
along with returning to it in his way of life and may die for it; this is what we call worship. Worshiping the true God frees a person from slavery to others.
His request that we worship him is not because he needs worship; he is entirely independent and has no needs, but is for our own good. As our Creator, he knows what's best for us.
The child said: Why do we have to devote some time to worship, isn't our time part of our rights?
I said to him: Who gave you this right in the first place? Is it not the Creator Himself?
When you wish to release your instincts, you tend to be a servant to them (instincts). Yet, God wants you to become a master over them. He wants you to be a reasonable, wise person who manages his instincts. At the same time, you are not supposed to restrict them. It is better to direct them towards upgrading your soul and elevating yourself.
When a father obliges his children to devote some time to studying to have an honorable intellectual rank in the future, everyone respects him and does not accuse him of cruelty.
● The "agnostic" says: I believe in the existence of a Power and Energy in the sky that created this universe.
● When an "atheist" feels intense fear, he turns to the Power in the heaven5.
● In "Buddhist" traditions, he turns to the Power of the heaven when he hears thunder's frightening sound6.
● The "Hindus" believe that the Power in the heaven is the only God, to whom they resort when the earthly causes are interrupted7.
● The "primitive negro” turns to the Power of heaven in danger.
Using the term" Power" in singular form by all of them indicates the implicit recognition of one God.
"There are no atheists in foxholes" is an aphorism used to suggest that times of extreme stress or fear can prompt belief in a Higher Power. It was spread around the time of World War II. This aphorism means that everyone acknowledges the existence of his Creator in times of crisis. A man turns to what he really believes and stops deceiving himself because he has faced real danger.
5 Http://www.kaheel7.com/ar/index.php/2012-12-04-18-20-16/1550-2013-12-06-17-24-34
6 https://youtu.be/j2XxN8vZ1Cg
7 The general conclusion reached by the research committee is that the majority of Indians believe in a firm belief in one higher being—encyclopedia of the Story of Civilization, Will Durant, Vol. 3, p. 209.
In 2005, in a clip in an American morning television program about "Hurricane Katrina", the host said: "There are no atheists in the foxholes." The American Atheists organization then requested a retraction of the phrase8. This story is evidence that some people are deceiving themselves.
What is the greatest secret of this Power in the sky, which represents the source of existence, to which everyone resorts in adversity, while the Muslim resorts to it in good and bad times?
If everyone resorted to it as Muslims do in good and bad times, humanity would get united.
the Creator is perfect and unique. He is not multiple. Why should He be various? What does God lack to find in another god besides Him?
In an interview I had with a Hindu doctor who defended the concept of Pantheism (a doctrine that regards the universe as a manifestation of God), I told him:
Since God is in everything, what is the meaning of performing rituals to reach "nirvana" and "moksha"? These terms mean to achieve complete unity with God!
So, how do you reach something in you while you are in it?
Why are you keen to get rid of sins, as long as disobedience is within the unity of existence?
How can God Himself be the sin, the murder, and the adultery?
How can a thing be a cause for its appearance if it has not yet appeared in the first place?
What is the difference between the belief in the "universal soul," which is a metaphysical faith, and the belief in a "creator", which is metaphysical faith as well?
However, the first is illogical and insulting to man.
The "universal soul" means that there is no creator or creature. So, who created the "universal soul," and who created the world?
Also, if aliens have created the world, who created the aliens?
If other worlds helped create the world, who made those other worlds?
Therefore, the purpose of human’s existence should be to know the Creator Who is the source of this existence, not to unite with the Creator. This union is illusory salvation for something that does not exist. So, when a non-Muslim criticizes a Muslim for his belief in the unseen, we find, on the other hand, those who adopt very similar ideas by communicating with other worlds after their union with the absolute, by practicing static meditation, according to their claim.
8 https://www.atheists.org/flash.line/weir2.htm
The followers of Man-made religions do not believe in angels, but they do believe in (good and evil spirits), which is unseen9.
However, the first is illogical and insulting to man as mentioned before, while the second is by reason, logic, and science raises man's status.
Inner Peace
An elderly German surprised me with his admiration for Buddhism and his extreme hatred towards Islam؛ arguing that Buddhism is a religion of Inner Peace, while Islam calls for violence.
I said to him: First of all, one of the essential teachings of “Gautama Buddha” is: The theory of causality, (No effect without a cause)10.
These teachings are consistent with what modern science has brought recently. Scientists say that the universe is expanding, so it has a beginning and an endpoint, and behind the starting point, there is a great reason which gave the first click to the “Big Bang.11”
Islam has spoken about the existence of a Creator to the universe and its contents. The Creator created human beings for a specific purpose. Knowing that the Qur’an was never changed, while material science is speculative, empirical, and ever-changing.
I started a discussion with the questioner by making a comparison. This comparison was between the teachings of Buddhism and the teachings of Islam as follows:
Gautama Buddha spoke of only four truths:
Gautama Buddha spoke of the Truth of suffering (the existence of man in this world and the consequences of disability and old age, disease, pain, etc.): Dukkah.
The Qur’an reveals the secret of this fact:
˹He is the One˺ Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving 12.
9 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article
11 https://livre.fnac.com/a16108992/Michel-Yves-Bollore-Dieu-La-science-Les-preuves
12 (Qur’an. Sura. Al-Mulk.67 :2)..
Gautama Buddha spoke of the Truth of the origin of suffering (lust and attachment): Samuda ya.
The Qur’an tells us about the cause and origin of suffering, which is the assignment and the test:
God said:
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.” They said, “Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we exalt You with praise and declare Your perfection?”He [Allah] said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know”13.
And said:
Verily! We have made that which is on earth as an adornment for it, so that We may test them (humankind) as to which of them are best in deeds14.
He also said:
God is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything 15.
Gautama Buddha spoke of the Truth of the cessation of suffering (giving up the causes of lust): Nirodha.
God said:
And as for those who were in awe of standing before their Lord and restrained themselves from ˹evil˺ desires16 .
The Qur’an tells us about the reward for those who pass the test:
God said:
And those who were mindful of their Lord will be led to Paradise in ˹successive˺ groups. When they arrive at its ˹already˺ open gates, its keepers will say, “Peace be upon you! You have done well, so come in, to stay forever”17.
Gautama Buddha spoke of the Truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (by self-control and meditation): Magga.
The Qur’an tells us how to pass the test.
13 (Qur’an Sura Al-Baqara.2:30).
14 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Kahf.18: 7).
15 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Zumar.39 : 62).
16 (Qur’an. Sura Alnazya’at.79:40).
17 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Zumar.39:73).
I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me 18.
Gautama Buddha said: Suffering comes in many forms, including old age, disease, and death. Suffering goes further because life is not perfect, and it does not always live up to our aspirations. Man is exposed to complex desires, but even if we achieve them, they do not last, for pleasure does not last, and if it lasts, it becomes boring.
One of his most important instructions is to work diligently to get rid of the cycle of birth (reincarnation) to obtain Inner Peace. In the Buddhist tradition, “karma “refers to action driven by intention (cetana ), leading to future consequences. Those intentions are considered the determining factor in the kind of rebirth in “samsara”, the cycle of rebirth.
The cycle of birth for Buddha is a kind of torment. Man, according to Buddha, will not obtain salvation (security after death) unless he unites with existence.
Buddhism has eight paths to reach the end of suffering:
The first path of Buddhism is Right Understanding – Samma ditthi. Acceptance of Buddhist teachings about the Truth: The belief that Truth is the guide to man.
The Qur’an tells us that the Creator is the Truth:
Guidance comes only from the Truth that created the existence.
God said:
That is because Allah is the True Reality, and that which they call upon other than Him is falsehood, and because Allah is the Most High, the Grand 19.
The second path of Buddhism is the Right Decision: To always be calm and never cause harm to any creature, human, animal, or bird.
Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
A Woman entered Hell because of a cat that she tied up & did not Feed, nor did she let it loose to feed upon the vermin of the earth20.
God said:
18 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Dhariyat.51: 56).
19 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Hajj. 22: 62).
20 (Sahih Al-Bukhari).
Because of that, We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all humankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity 21.
The third path in Buddhism is Right Speech (Samma va ca ): Speaking truthfully, avoiding slander, gossip, and abusive speech.
The Prophet, may God grant him peace, said:
There are three signs of a hypocrite: When he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust”22 .
The Prophet said as well:
The believer does not insult others, does not curse others, is not vulgar, and is not shameless23.
And he said:
Have taqwa (fear) of Allah (God) wherever you may be, and follow up an evil deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards the people24.
The fourth path of Buddhism is Right Actions (Samma kammanta): Behaving peacefully and harmoniously; refraining from stealing, killing, and overindulgence in sensual pleasure.
God said:
And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause... 25.
The Qur’an is the finest example of human behavior.
Adjusting words:
God said:
…speak kindly to people… 26.
Adjusting gait and voice:
God said:
21 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Ma’idah.5:32).
22(Sahih Al-Bukhari).
23 ((Narrated by at-Tirmidhi).
24 (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi).
25 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Isra. 17:33).
26 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Baqarah.2: 83).
Do not walk on earth with pride and arrogance. If you walk haughtily on earth, you will not be able to split the earth, nor will your stature reach the mountains in height and elevation. Why then are you so proud27?!
And said:
Be moderate in your pace. And lower your voice... 28.
Adjusting gazes:
God said:
And strain not your eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to various groups of them, the splendor of the life of this world, that We may test them thereby. But the provision of your Lord is better and more lasting29 .
Adjusting hearing, concerns, and ideas:
God said:
O believers! Avoid many suspicions, ˹for˺ indeed, some suspicions are sinful. And do not spy, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of their dead brother? You would despise that!1 And fear Allah. Surely Allah is ˹the˺ Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful30.
Adjusting food:
God said:
O Children of Adam! Dress properly whenever you are at worship. Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely, He does not like the wasteful31.
Adjusting souls:
God said:
O you who believe! Let not one people mock at (another) people. Maybe they (the mocked) are better than the others, and nor women (mock) at other women; perhaps they (the others) are better than themselves. And do not defame one another, nor call one another by
27 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Isra.17: 37).
28 (Qur’an. Sura Luqman.31: 19).
29 (Qur’an. Sura Taha.20:131).
30 (Qur’an. Sura Hujurat.49:12).
31 (Qur’an. Sura Al-A’raf.7: 31).
nicknames. Evil is transgressed names after the Faith, and whoever does not repent, then such are indeed the wrong-doers32.
Adjusting statements:
God said:
And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allah). Do not speak without Knowledge33.
The fifth path in Buddhism is Right Livelihood (Samma a jī va): Avoiding making a living in ways that cause harm, such as exploiting people or killing animals, or trading in intoxicants or weapons.
God said:
Indeed, Allah commands you to return trusts to their rightful owners; and when you judge between people, judge with fairness. What a noble commandment from Allah to you! Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-seeing34.
Almighty said:
And do not come near the wealth of the orphan—unless intending to enhance it—until they attain maturity. Give full measure and weigh with justice. We never require of any soul more than what it can afford. Whenever you speak, maintain justice—even regarding a close relative. And fulfil your covenant with Allah. This is what He has commanded you, so perhaps you will be mindful 35.
Also said:
…give full measure and full weight and do not diminish to men the value of their things. Do not make mischief in the earth after its reform. This is better for you if you are believers”36.
The sixth path of Buddhism is Right Effort (Samma va ya ma): Cultivating positive states of mind; freeing oneself from evil and unwholesome states, preventing them from arising in the future, always striving for all that is good, and staying away from that which is evil.
God said:
32 (Qur’an. Sura Hujurat.49:11).
33 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Isra. 17: 36).
34 (Qur’an. Sura An-Nisa.4: 58).
35 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Anaam.6:152).
36 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Ar’af.7:85).
As for he who gives and fears Allah (5) And believes in the best [reward], (6) We will ease him toward ease. (7) But as for he who withholds and considers himself free of need (8) And denies the best [reward], (9) We will ease him toward difficulty37.
The Seventh path of Buddhism is Right Mindfulness (Samma sati): Developing awareness of the body, sensations, feelings, and states of mind. Never surrender to Joy or Sadness Meditation.
God said:
So that you may not grieve for what has come out of your hand, nor be happy (brag) with what is given to you. And Allah does not love any of the arrogant and boater38.
The eighth path in Buddhism is Right Concentration (Samma sama dhi): Developing the mental focus necessary for this awareness. This development is only by following the previous rules and reaching the stage of complete Peace, “Nirvana” which is the union of the creature with the source of existence. But is the union with the existence logical in the first place and provides Inner Peace and delivers from torment?
Who created the existence in the first place?
Without an answer to this question, we will not have any Inner Peace. The person, in this case, spins in a vicious circle.
● There is no Inner Peace without recognizing the source of existence and communicating with this source (the Creator) directly (not through a priest or a saint).
● There is no Inner Peace unless we know our destination after death. We will not get the answer except from the one who gave life.
● There is no Inner Peace without knowing the purpose of our existence.
Life’s journey is like a train journey; the train passenger will not enjoy his journey unless he knows his destination and the point from which the train departed.
Knowing the starting and ending point is a great and lofty goal that every human must strive for. The primary purpose of life isn’t to enjoy a temporary sense of happiness but to achieve Inner and Deep Peace through knowing and worshiping the Creator. Achieving this aim will eventually lead to eternal bliss and true happiness. So, if this is our goal, we will go through every trouble to achieve it.
The questioner asked: How does a Muslim obtain security after death and achieve Inner Peace?
37 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Layl.92:5-10).
38 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Hadid.57:23).
I said to him: The Muslim obtains Inner Peace by:
● Recognizing the source of his existence.
● Knowing the purpose of his existence.
● Knowing his destiny after death.
● Establishing the direct connection with the source of his existence (The Creator).
● Doing good deeds and taking reasons.
Only in this case can he attain security after death.
Humans cannot achieve this beautiful meaning unless the Creator is independent of His creations. Humans can achieve this meaning as well by having faith in the Day of Judgment and, therefore, punishment or reward.
The well-known orientalist Voltaire says39:
“The faith of the Last Day alone is enough to create a moral framework in society.”
God asks His Messenger Muhammad to convey to humankind the means of salvation:
Say (O Muhammad ): « I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to me that your God is One God. So, whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord»40.
God told us about the destination:
˹Allah will say to the righteous, ˺ “O tranquil soul! Return to your Lord, well pleased ˹with Him˺ and well pleasing ˹to Him˺. So, join My servants, and enter My Paradise”41.
The questioner said: What is Islam’s interpretation of human suffering?
I said: Whenever you encounter evil, you must ask yourself the fundamental existential question: Why are we here?
God created us to test us. He explained to us what is good and what is evil, then He gave us the freedom to choose between them. What we encounter in life; crises, injustice, affliction, disease, and poverty is one of two paths:
Either to increase closeness to God, or a path to infidelity and atheism.
You have to choose between them.
He said: Is there absolute justice?
39 Windeland, history of philosophy. Page 496.
40 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Kahf.18:110)..
41 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Fajr:27-30).
I said: Yes, in the hereafter, not in this world.
This world is not a paradise, so how can the criminal and the wicked deserve it? As we see in our lives, many people are criminals.
The Creator will not reward the criminal for his crimes. The Creator has decreed Paradise for those who deserve it. Because not everyone deserves it, and humans have no right to object to any evil, disease, or problem that afflicts it.
Before objecting to any evil, a person must ask himself, if he wanted this world as Paradise, what did he do to deserve it? Paradise will be won later by those who deserve it, as the matter is nothing but a process of sorting out the ranks and levels of people. The Creator did not exclude anyone from affliction, even the prophets42.
This world is a short time in our real long-life journey.
We may see part of justice in this world, but absolute justice will be in the hereafter only.
Beyond Death Modern science declared not long ago, that there was a beginning and an end to the universe. Knowing that science is constantly changing. This result is the truth that the Islamic religion brought fourteen centuries before science: The acknowledgment of the existence of a Creator of the universe and the inevitability of meeting the Creator after death for Judgment, which refutes the philosophy of reincarnation.
All that exists in the universe is under God's possession and domination. He has comprehensive knowledge, prevalent power, and absolute control. Everything is subjected to His Absolute Knowledge and Will. The Sun, planets, and galaxies have operated in precision without fail since God created them. This same precision is applied to human creation. Perfect harmony and order between body and soul show that God never puts the souls of human beings into the bodies of animals. God never let him wander between plants and insects (reincarnation), in case the person will never know what his past was in his previous life.
God made the human being civilized innately, gave him mind and knowledge, and assigned him vicegerent of earth and commander over other creatures.
42 Citation. https://fb.watch/ba2zErGFFG/
God will never humiliate human beings. Day of Judgment, Heavens [Paradise], and Hellfire represent the Justice of the Creator, when sins and good deeds of humans are weighed as the Creator said:
Whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it43.
Therefore, the worldly life is the beginning of an eternal journey that a person resumes after death.
Islam considers that our existence in this world is for a supreme goal and purpose: God Almighty's acknowledge and worship Him by having a direct connection with Him.
God said:
Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is moved away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful44 .
In an interview with a group of Buddhist youth who adopt the concept of reincarnation.
I told them: No school or university administration accepts that anyone except its students completes the exam for themselves when the time of the exam is over. Life is your exam paper.
Why are infants not born with the same mental abilities as adults?
Why are the numbers of beings constantly increasing? Isn't it supposed to prove the number of beings based on the concept of reincarnation?
Why does no one remember his past life?
Wasn't there a time without a universe?
Wasn't there a time that contained a universe without beings?
Wasn't there a time that contained a universe of few beings?
Why does a Hindu perform religious rituals to calm the souls of the dead (shrada)? As long as the soul moves from one body to another?
Does not the doctrine of reincarnation justify committing crimes because it is claimed by its believers that man will inevitably be saved in a second birth, and he has to enjoy this birth?
Tree spirits are different from human spirits, so how does the human spirit choose the image of trees?
If we accept that the human souls chose the bodies of the animals, and became changeable in their origin, then the torment would be for the changed image, not for the souls of erring human beings.
43 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Zalzala. 99:7-8).
44 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Imran.3:185).
Trees and animals are a blessing from the Creator for man to benefit from in his worldly needs. If they were a penalty for people's sins through the incarnation of human souls in them, then it is as if human sins have become an inevitable necessity to invest in trees and animals. The doctrine of reincarnation necessitates that people misunderstand the poor, the sick, and the disabled as if they had reached this bad state because they had committed sins in the previous life, which leads to social cast.
Where was the starting point: birth, human, or animal?
If it is the first, what is the good deed that he brought at the beginning of childbirth?
And if it was the second, what was the evil he committed?
This life is not suitable to hold the criminal accountable, as the maximum punishment for him in this life (which is: capital punishment) is nothing but retribution for one victim. Then, what about the rest of the victims?!
It is excellent and commendable behavior when someone exposes himself to death to save another person's life (defending him). Are a person's good manners enough to make him put himself to death to save another person?
Is it logical for a person to lose his life to adopt good manners without being rewarded? Or that man sacrifices himself for the sake of the Creator and awaits His reward. The Creator has urged humans to do so. There is no doubt that the logical answer is that a person sacrifices himself for what God Almighty has urged him to do.
So, witnessing the defects in this life and injustice between people makes it unbelievable that this life will end with the unjust people getting away with their actions and the oppressed not being paid back. There is a comfort in the idea of the existence of resurrection and the Hereafter and retribution. Undoubtedly, the person who knows that there will be a judgment on actions won't be left without guidance, encouragement, and intimidation, which is the role of religion.
The Founder of Existence If a person throws a coin and it falls in his hand on one of its sides (head or tail), everyone will say it happened by chance. Still, if we know all the factors associated with this action, we would predict with a high probability the result. Such as the density of the substance, for example, air humidity, temperature, air pressure, the height from which it will fall, the force at which the person tossed
this coin, and when it falls, what effect will it have on his hand, the pressure that will fall on his hand and the force of the rebound.
Our ignorance of these factors is what everyone calls a “coincidence”. If we limit all these factors, and this can be done in scientific laboratories, there will be no coincidence in that case. Coincidence cannot create the universe because it is not the main cause but rather a secondary result that depends on the availability of other factors (the existence of time, space, matter, and energy) for something to be formed by chance in the first place.
The word "coincidence" cannot be used to explain anything because it is absolutely nothing.
Today, the entire world is talking about a book by 20 philosophers and scientists that has caused a sensation in France. This book is currently one of the best sellers in France despite its size and relatively high price. It was co-authored with twenty leading scholars and philosophers. Thus, it is a collective work.
The newspaper "Figaro" wrote about this immediately after its publication, saying: This is a great incident. Finally, astrophysical science comes to prove God's existence.
All these scientific discoveries conclude that the universe has an entirely definite beginning, meaning that it was created. Also, if it had a start, then this means that there is a reason or cause for this beginning. Thus, the most logical conclusion leads us to believe that there is an intelligent source behind the phenomena, which is the existence of a higher power that moves everything from behind the curtain, who gave the first click to the big bang and the world's creation.
In a nutshell, all this proves the existence of a great Creator of the universe. All these discoveries and theories follow one another over the twentieth century45.
One day, an American atheist told me: The faith in a Creator's existence disrupts the mind and contradicts science and logic.
I replied: The role of the mind is to logically reason and judge matters and then approve them. The inability of the mind to reach the purpose of man's existence, for example, does not nullify his role but instead allows religion to tell him what he was unable to comprehend. So, religion tells him about his Creator, the source of his existence, and the purpose of his existence to establish understanding, judgment, and belief. Based on this information, the recognition of the existence of the Creator did not disrupt the mind or logic.
45 https://www.vaughaoday.ca/a-book-thntat-aims-to-prove-the-existence-of-god-through-scientific-evidence/
I also told him: It is the idea of denying the existence of the Creator of the universe that contradicts reason, logic, and modern science, not the faith as you think.
British researcher Sabbour Ahmed says46:
“Science is based on mathematics and logic. Science cannot explain the mathematics on which it is based in the first place.” and he says:
“The source of human rationality was and still is a fundamental problem for atheists who admitted their failure to reach it. We can obtain the scientific method through the source of human sanity. Therefore, in the same way, that science cannot explain the basics on which it is built, it cannot explain the origin of logic and reason.
The atheist then resorts to taking an unrealistic position using an anti-scientific approach and claims it to be the best workable model they came up with, but they have no right to claim it is the correct model. The existence of a universe creator is the only explanation for rationality: the ability to think, contemplate the universe, practice science, calculate, conclude, weigh things, and discover the laws of the universe created by the Creator, etc.”
The atheist- who follows Darwin's theory again said47:
Give me proof of the existence of the Creator.
I said: This question is a fallacy because the term evidence indicates the rationality that the followers of Darwin's theory failed to prove its meaning, not even its source through their theory. The conception of rationality is confirmed only by the presence of a Creator. Rationality has no meaning except with the existence of the Creator.
Asking for evidence of the Creator's existence stems from logic and rationality. Atheists use rationality, which can only be proven by the Creator's existence, to ask about the evidence for this Creator's existence. But the question itself is evidence of the Creator's existence.
There are many irrefutable beliefs, such as our belief that the world is real. Thus, we cannot refute the belief in the existence of the Creator of the universe because He is the explanation of reality itself and is not based on a conclusion from reality that does not need an explanation.
The famous philosopher Aristotle said48:
“If you question every belief, you will not have knowledge. There are things that you must admit to being true, which are the foundation upon which everything later is built.”
46 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRkKHyivwGmz36qGgXnZHjQ
47 A theory states that the origin of man is a result of random mutations, meaning the simplest successive errors in the genetic material.
48 https://iep.utm.edu/aristotle/
A person can use his logic and reason to become an atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, etc.
However, what makes man distinguish between right and wrong is the ability to comprehend the source of this reason and logic. And the ability to know the valid attributes of this source. (God is one, He is not embodied in the image of a human being, idol, or a stone and has no child, He is omnipotent, omniscient, etc.). In addition to the ability to realize the explanation of this rationality that we possess. This ability distinguishes us from the rest of the creatures whose value exceeds what man needs for survival and procreation.
Darwinists attributed interdependent systems to a random nature to avoid mentioning the Creator.
Although they never admit it, atheist scientists refer to the Creator by other names (Mother Nature, Laws of the Universe, Natural Selection "Darwin's Theory," etc...) in desperate attempts to escape the logic of religion and belief in the existence of a Creator.
The Creator said:
These ˹idols˺ are mere names that you and your forefathers have made up a practice God has never authorized. They follow nothing but ˹inherited˺ assumptions and whatever ˹their˺ souls desire, although ˹true˺ guidance has already come to them from their Lord49.
From what I also previously heard50:
Atheist philosophers of biology, including the American biologist and philosopher “Alex Luzmberg”, say as they declare their failure:
Natural selection does not explain the truth; it only explains procreation and survival.
They also say: All we have to explain biochemistry, biology, anatomy, and linguistics is only reproduction and survival. Therefore, we cannot trust our rationality because we have no explanation for it.
Charles Darwin wrote a letter to his friend William Graham in 1881 saying51:
"I have a terrible doubt whether the convictions of the human mind, which evolved from the minds of inferior beings such as the ape, are of any value or deserve the slightest confidence. Can a person trust the convictions of the mind of an ape? If there are convictions in such a mind."
The problem with Darwinists also arises when they want to explain right and wrong beliefs (truth and falsehood).
49 (Qur’an. Sura An-Najm.53 : 23).
50 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRkKHyivwGmz36qGgXnZHjQ
51 https://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/letter/DCP-LETT-13230.xml
They say: For example, some mushrooms are poisonous, and some are not. A person can survive and live under the false belief that all kinds of mushrooms are toxic. He cannot differentiate between poisonous and non-poisonous. He cannot distinguish between true and false because rationality is not geared toward truth but rather toward survival from the Darwinian point of view.
How can we trust our rationality when our rationality is not directed toward the truth but only toward procreation and survival? Thinking is a quality that revolves around truth, not about survival and procreation.
The Darwinists, by their admission, faced the problem of the human rationality source as mentioned earlier and wondered, how does an inanimate, metaphysical matter appear in the tangible matter that leads to rationality?
How does rationality arise from a random, irrational source? And they acknowledged that their theory does not answer this question as we mentioned and could not give an explanation for it. How can an atheist trust his mind and logic when his mind did not help him know the source of his sanity?
Here, the Darwinists ran into a problem, which is the source of human sanity.
The animal is also sensible in its search for its food, place of residence, and so on, but it does not possess the ability to think that would enable it to distinguish between right and wrong.
Rationality distinguishes man, which is a gift from the Creator of the universe to him, and it is the secret of assignment. The followers of this theory had only two options:
Either they consider themselves irrational and indistinguishable from any animal or inanimate based on their theory. Or to admit a source outside the scope of nature. A metaphysical source, independent of itself, which has created their rationality.
Without the reality of the Creator's existence, there is no mind for man to reason. The several attempts conducted to know the source of man's rationality and logic through the theory of random selection, which is blind to anything right or wrong, have failed.
Therefore, the only explanation of our existence is the existence of a Creator, whose existence was proven according to the book published recently.
Dr. Abd Alwahab El-Massari says52: "God is the one who gives values their meaning. God is the one who gives existence its meaning. Without Him, existence has no meaning, values have no meaning, and its alternative is absurdity, meaninglessness."
Monotheism: A Starting Point
In 1872, researcher “George Smith” made a discovery that shocked the world. While studying a tablet from the relics of the Mesopotamian civilization, he found a story that was known to him. When he succeeded in reading the text and deciphering its symbols, he realized that the tablet contained an Iraqi tale (mentioned in Gilgamesh) similar to what was mentioned in the Old Testament (Genesis) about Noah's Flood.
The stories about the flood exist in ancient Sumerian texts, Greek, Mesoamerica, China, North America, and the eastern part of Colombia. One of the oldest and most exciting stories is in Indian mythology. Although some differences exist between them, they bear remarkable similarities compared to the story of Noah's Flood.
God said:
And build the Ark under Our ˹watchful˺ Eyes and directions, and do not plead with Me for those who have done wrong, for they will surely be drowned. So he began to build the Ark, and whenever some of the chiefs of his people passed by, they mocked him. He said, "If you laugh at us, we will ˹soon˺ laugh at you similarly. You will soon come to know who will be visited by a humiliating torment ˹in this life˺ and overwhelmed by an everlasting punishment ˹in the next˺." And when Our command came and the oven burst ˹with water˺, We said ˹to Noah˺, "Take into the Ark a pair from every species along with your family—except those against whom the decree ˹to drown˺ has already been passed—and those who believe." But none believed with him except for a few53 .
The Indian tale exists in several sources. While the first story is in the Vedas (Shatapatha Brahmana), we find it in a later story in the Puranas, including in the (Bhagavata Purana) and (Mestaya Purana), as well as in (The Mahabharata).
Regardless, all of these stories come to one conclusion; they agree on the central character of the flood, "Manu Vivasta." in parallel with the Prophet of God Noah, peace be upon him.
52 https://youtu.be/dw9Y4awv0Go
53 (Qur’an. Sura Hud. 11: 37-40).
"Manu" is described as a righteous and virtuous man. The story says that there lived that time a saint named "Manu." Through his direct relationship, communication, and obedience, he attained the rank of righteousness in the sight of the God of heaven as they believed.
God said:
Indeed, We sent Noah to his people ˹saying to him˺, "Warn your people before a painful punishment comes to them"54.
They spread throughout the earth, including India and Sindh, to apply the doctrine of monotheism after the flood. According to them, "Manu" had three sons before the flood, "Charma," "Shirma," and "Yapeti/Yafiti." On the other hand, Noah also had three sons, "Ham," "Sam," and "Japheth."
Monotheism means to believe in one God Who has no son or partner and have a direct connection with Him, not through any priest or saint.
Prophet Noah's ark was saved with the believers inside it and was the rebirth of Pure Monotheism as a religion of all people. People started their lives and taught their children to worship God alone, not through any priest, idol, or saint. But later on, many people followed their desires and went far from the prophetic teachings.
While God mentioned many of the prophets and messengers that He sent to different nations by name in the Qur'an (i.e., Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, David, Solomon, Ismail, Isaac, Joseph, etc.), He did not mention others. Therefore, the possibility that other famous religious teachers were prophets of God, cannot be outrightly negated. Such as the Hindu Lords Rama, Krishna, Gautama Buddha, etc.
God said:
"And We have already sent messengers before you [Muhammad]. Among them are those [whose stories] We have related to you, and among them are those [whose stories] We have not related to you. And it was not for any messenger to bring a sign [or verse] except by permission of God. So when the command of God comes, it will be concluded in truth, and the falsifiers will thereupon lose [all]"55.
He also said:
And messengers that we have mentioned to you before, and messengers that we have not mentioned to you…56.
54 (Qur’an. Sura Noh. 71:1).
55 (Qur’an. Sura Ghafir. 40:78).
56 (Qur’an. Sura An-Nisa. 4: 164).
Many claims that the similarities between a Qur'anic story and a Hindu or Buddhist legend are evidence that the Qur'an copied the tales of the ancients. The similarities between the stories are evidence of the story's validity. The existence of the legend does not mean that there is no valid origin for it, which the Holy Qur'an brought.
It is said: There is no smoke without fire. A hundred years ago, science was far from the Qur'an. Science began to get closer and closer to the Qur'an, even though science is changing and the Qur'an never changed.
By this measure, we can prove the authenticity of the Qur'anic stories, which came to correct myths and give the actual stories.
The Qur'an: Accuracy of the Source
An atheist once told me: We atheists believe in empirical science. If a new scientific theory refutes an old one, we accept it. This situation applied to historical stories as well.
While you Muslims are fanatic about your old book. You do not accept any scientific or historical information that contradicts it.
I said to him: What's best for you to get the correct information straight away? Or does it remain for life searching for the truth, shifting from one scientific theory to another or from one myth to another?
At the beginning of the last century, the difference between Quranic facts and scientific theories was vast. During these years, empirical science is getting closer and closer to the Qur'an, although the Qur'an has not changed, and science is constantly changing.
What does that indicate?
Almighty says:
If you are in any doubt whether it is We Who have revealed this Book to Our servant, then produce just a surah like it, and call all your supporters and seek in it the support of all others save Allah. Accomplish this if you are truthful57 .
This verse presents a challenge to find any error in the Qur'an.
The source of the Qur'an for us is the Creator who originated the universal laws that scientists are trying to discover.
The Creator is the witness to the universal events as well.
57 (Qur’an. Sura Al-Baqarah. 2: 23).
Therefore, the Quranic scientifical facts and Quranic historical events stories are accurate because they came from the source that established the universal laws and testified to the life events on earth.
He is the First and the Last, the Most High and Most Near, and He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things58.
The scientific method came from a Muslim named "Hassan Ibn Al-Haytham," about 800 years before Galileo. He is the first scientist ever, according to the west.
Secular historians such as "David Hillenburg" admit that the scientific method came from the Islamic world.
British researcher "Sabbour Ahmed," says59:
Philosophically, there are several roots of knowledge:
● Science gives us the root of knowledge.
● Philosophy.
● Self-proven facts.
"Philosophically, nothing in science-based upon induction can challenge something based upon deduction. "
He says:
"If what is based on intellectual exhortation conflicts with textual and deductive evidence, then we must choose the deductive."
The researcher continues:
"We believe that the faith in the Creator is not based on logic, but rather it is an innate belief that is supported by logic."
"The belief in the Qur'an is based on logic. Therefore, it must contain things that can be tested and refuted."
"If science comes with a theory that the Qur'an did not talk about or that contradicts a scientific fact mentioned in the Qur'an, then, of course, the Muslim will start thinking and researching, but all that science can do is to develop workable scientific theories models. This is based on scientific research."
Philosophically, scientific research cannot be a substitute for textual evidence.
For example:
58 (Qur’an. Sura Al- Hashr. 59:3).
59 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRkKHyivwGmz36qGgXnZHjQ