
A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


(Question 17) Hindu: Did you know that the Hindu religion says that society

is divided into four different classes? What is the view of Islam in this?

(Answer 17) Muslim: Yes, I know. Here is its detail. The Hindu religion

divides society into four varying ranks. The highest one is called the Brahman and

the least is (Chaudhry). The latter are foul disregarded people who were only

created for the service of the upper classes. Hinduism claims the existence of

human beings who are created from the head of god (The class of Brahmans, they

are the scholars and wise men). Some are created from his hands (the Kacher, the

soldiers who protect the country and its system). Some are created from his thighs

(the classes of Walsh who run business and industry) and others who are created

from his feet (Chaudhry). Each of them has his degree and status in the society.

Therefore, there must be the difference between them in treatment, marriage and so

on. For example, while the first three classes are allowed to marry each other, they

are not allowed to wed the fourth ones. Also, the fourth ones are not allowed to

marry those who are higher than them.

Before I shed light on the view of Islam in that, I will basically explain:

Firstly, it is known that stratification and discrimination between individuals

and groups is an outcast which leads to the spread of hatred and distasting among

different groups of society and thus it leads to the division, disintegration and

instability of society. Thus, Islam came to eliminate these class differences in

societies between individuals and groups, and then spread good, virtue and

maintaining the cohesion and stability of society.

Islam has shown that there is no distinction between any of the human races

and there is no difference between a country and others and a nation and others.

Everyone is equal in the sight of Almighty Allah because He is the one who created

them and no preference for the individual over the other with Allah except by faith,

piety and good deeds which include the good reconstruction of the Earth and not its

destruction. The Prophet Mohammed-peace be upon him-said: ''There is no

preference for an Arab on non-Arab and vice versa. Also, a white person is not

better than a black one and vice versa except by piety. People are from Adam and

he is from the soil. '' It is reported by Ahmad.

Islam came to call for the unification of nations and peoples, as God says: ''O

mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples

and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the noblest of you in the sight of

Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing and Acquainted. ''

Surat Al-Hujurat, verse 13

Secondly, it is clear that there is a large difference between the stratification occurring in the other societies and the one occurring according to the Hindu religion, where the discrimination of other societies can be dealt with, removed and eliminated, whereas according to the Hindu religion is considered divine destiny and

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


command where it cannot be separated or get rid of it except by abandoning

Hinduism itself. Thus, these classifications are attributed to God as an attribute of

injustice and racism.

Let us ask. Can God be a racist unjust? Is it permissible to attribute to God the

status of injustice and racism? The answer is no. Almighty Allah is True and Justice

who has the most beautiful qualities that can never decrease.

Therefore, Islam has called to purifying the Creator God from the status of

injustice and racism. Also, He is not God to individuals and groups without others,

to a nation without other nations or to some people without others. However, He is

the Exalted God of the worlds who can accept all of them (if they come to Him,

believe in Him and obey Him). He forgives them, opens the doors of His mercy to

them, places them in His Paradise and pleases them. He is the Highest True Justice

God that does not oppress any of His slaves at all. All in the sight of Allah are equal

and no one is preferred over the other except by piety, good deeds which he seeks to

get close to Him and satisfy Him and by believing in his God and Creator.

According to what I have pointed to, it appears to us the wisdom of Islam's

prohibition of racism and the elimination of discrimination in societies between

different individuals and groups.


Muslim: Now that I have explained detailed answers to you, I would like to

present some of the important questions and inherent answers to them, as follows:

(1) Is not the Exalted God the Creator of human and other creatures? Is not

Allah their Protector and who alone has the control of everything in this universe?!

The answer is yes.

(2) Is it not the Exalted God alone, who blessed humans with His many

countless bounties? The answer is yes.

(3) Is not in the hands of Almighty God alone the reward and punishment?!

The response is yes.

(4) Is it permissible then to associate anyone with Him in His divinity or

worship other than Him?! The answer is no. Allah is Almighty God who has

bestowed on man all the uncountable blessings. Not only is that but also reward and

punishment are in His hand alone. For that, He deserves to be worshipped.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


(5) Which is closer to the clear mind: the belief that there are many gods,

portraying the pictures of God in various images including dispersion, the worship

of different gods such as the idols, stones and statues of different multiple gods plus

other images of reverence, worship of the suns, planets, cows, various animals, trees

as well as neglecting and insulting Him or belief in the oneness of Almighty God,

uniting people, their meeting on worship, praying to one God, purifying Him from

the shortcomings, defects, ugly acts of trivial, appreciating Him and glorifying Him?

Answer: There is no doubt that the latter is closer to the explicit intellect without any

opposition to it.

(6) Which tend to pure instinct and clean soul: belief in the multiplicity of

gods which leads to a contradiction, the absence of a specific way in worship or

belief in the oneness of Almighty God and uniting people on how to worship one

God!? Answer: There is no doubt that the tendency will be to believe in the oneness

of Almighty Allah and then uniting people to worship one God in one way.

After these questions and their answers, it is sufficient for you to know that if

you return to the Hindu scriptures, you will find what is consistent with the origin of

Islam such as a call to believe in Allah (the One God). Furthermore, there is in it not

to have a partner to Allah and prohibition of portraying God’s images and statues. I

have explained to you a lot of places in Hindu books that illustrated them.

Thus, this is in conformity with what Islam has said, Almighty God says:‘Say

(O Muhammad): He is Allah, (the) One, and the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all

creatures need. He begets nothing and He was not begotten. Also, there is none coequal

or comparable to Him.’ Surat Ikhlas, Verses 1-4 Thus, it is clear that believing

in the existence of other gods with Allah, taking their statues and worshipping them

is contrary to what is stated in the books of Hinduism and Islam.

In addition to the evangelization of Hindu books by the coming of the

Prophet, Muhammad-peace be upon him- at the end of time as the Messenger and

the Seal of all prophets and apostles.

(Question) Hindu: You told me during your talking that the Hindu books

talked about the coming of the Prophet Muhammad in the last time as a seal for all

the prophets and messengers. Are you sure of this and what is it?

(Answer) The Muslim: Definitely, yes. It is in many places and I would like

to explain.

(1) Verily, Allah used to send His prophets and messengers in consecutive times to different nations and peoples. He sent them to their people only except the

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


last message which was given to the Prophet Muhammad. It was sent to all nations

in every place and time for being the last one. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad

is the seal of prophets and messengers. After that, if the previous books stated what

was consistent with the Holy Quran’s instructions, we would believe them. On the

other hand, if they talked about what was contrary to the Qur’an’s lesson, we

would not believe them. However, whatever is not mentioned in the Quran or the

Prophet's statements, we will not accept it as a truth or reject it as a false.

A lot of clear explicit explanations about the coming of the Prophet

Muhammad in the last time are available in Hindus books such as the good news

by Nrachans in each of the Hindus four books (Rick Wade - Yajr Wade - Sam

Wade - Ataru Wade). Also, the word of Trishna which contains two words: The

first: 'Nar' meaning a person and the second: 'Ashnsa' meaning someone that is

praised a lot. It is as if they mentioned this word as a gist that this chosen character

for praise is among the human race. It is known that the name of the Prophet

Muhammad was derived from Hamad (praise) means the one who is praised and

lauded a lot. Also, it is known that the name "Ahmed" is another name of the

Prophet-peace be upon him-and the synonym of the name "Muhammad". It is also

derived from Hamda.

If there is no any good news about the Prophet Muhammad except this

proclamation, it is sufficient as evidence for the sake of its clarity and frankness.

Not only these but also there are many good news and places that give a

description in Nrachans:

Rick Wade, (Reg Ved: Book: 1 / Chapter: 106 / Number: 4)

Rick Wade, (Reg Ved: Book: 5 / Chapter 5: Number: 2)

(2) An explanation of the characteristics of the last Apostle for all the former

ones as in Hindus books where it is mentioned that he is the last Temprishi: the last


Among the places that show the coming of the last messenger and his

attributes: Book: Kalki Pirana / Bab: 2 / Number: 15, 11,7,5,4. The book mentions

that his mother's name is Sumati. This word in Sanskrit means peace and security.

It is known that the mother of the Prophet Muhammad is called "safe" means peace

and security.

The book says that the name of his father is Washu Yas and the word

Washnu means God and the word Yas means: Abdul. That is his name is Abdullah

and this is the name of the father of the Prophet Muhammad.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


The book states that it is born in a country of peace and security. It is known

that the country where the Prophet Muhammad was born is Makah.

The book states that it will be a universal missionary and this is identical to

how Allah has described His last Messenger Muhammad in the Holy Quran He

says: ‘O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness, a bringer of good tidings

and a warner.’ Surat Al-Ahzab: verse 45

It also mentions that he will receive the revelation on Mount and it happened

so on the Mount of Light.

In addition, it says that he will migrate to the north and then return and it is

known that the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina and then

came back to it again on the Day of the Conquest. Thus, it is clear that these good

tidings are the emblems of the Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him-.

(3) In many places, the Prophet Muhammad has been mentioned by another

name "Ahmed" means someone that is praised such as in Reg Vida: Book: 8 / Part:

6 / Number: 10 and other places giving the tidings of the coming of the Prophet

Muhammad in the last time as the last Messenger.

(Question) Hindu: So, what are the attributes of God in Islam?

(Answer)Muslim: Islam called to believing in the goodness, beauty and

greatness of the attributes of Almighty Allah. All these qualities are nice, perfect and

great without any diminution. It is only Him (who has no partner) that deserves

them. Creating, bringing to life and protecting are all in His hand. He is alone who

has to act in all things. He is Almighty Allah. Among the attributes of Almighty

Allah are:

-The attribute ‘eternal’: It means that He is the First who has nothing before

Him and the Last who has nothing after Him. He neither overlooks nor sleeps. He is

the Living that will never die. If places and times finish, He will not dismiss because

He is the Creator of both.

- The attribute ‘power’: It means that Almighty God is the owner of absolute

power and that He is the one who is capable of doing everything. If He wants

anything, He will say to it ‘Be and it will be’. The effects which are indicative of the

transcendence of the power of God are uncountable. Among them is the admirable

creation of the universe, its assets and creatures including the human being and the

creativity in the creation of spirit, mind, heart and complex internal systems and so


A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


- The attribute ‘knowledge’: It means that He is All-Knowing and His

knowledge is wide, complete and surrounding everything such as place and time

(past - present - future). He is Almighty God Creator who brought everything to the

existence from nothing.

- The attribute ‘wisdom’: It means that He is wise and that His wisdom is

comprehensive and complete.

- The attribute ‘will’: It means that He does His will and wants in the

framework of His virtue and justice depending on the capacity of His knowledge,

perfection of His wisdom and greatness.

- The attribute ‘forgiveness, mercy and generosity’: It means that He loves

forgiveness, mercy and generosity and forgives the sins of His slaves and their

shortcomings if they repent to Him believe in Him and obey His orders. He blesses

them, honours them by His grace and puts them in His paradise where therein is a

great permanent stable bliss.

- The attribute ‘truth and justice’: They mean that He loves the truth and

justice. He does not oppress His slaves or discriminate among them at all. Therefore,

there is no difference between any of the human races, since no one is favoured over

anyone in the sight of Allah except with faith, piety and good deeds.

Also, no one can bear the error of another, even if he is his father or his

mother. Every person is responsible for himself and whoever does an atom of a good

deed will find his reward and compensation on the Day of Resurrection (the day

when people will be raised up after their deaths to hold them accountable for their

deeds in this world and to reimburse them). On the other hand, whoever does an

atom of evil will be held accountable as well.

- The attribute ‘peace’: He loves peace and orders His slaves to establish it

and its causes on the Earth. Furthermore, He prohibits injustice and tyranny for them

so that they can have peace and security. Here we may recognize the wisdom that

greeting in Islam is peace, that is the first person should say, ‘peace be upon you’

and the second one should reply with ‘peace be upon you, too’ so that you feel

safety and security.

Islam has shown that nothing is like Him in His perfection, beauty, majesty,

greatness, strength, absolute power, wide knowledge and perfect wisdom and other



A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


(Question) Hinduism: Why should we believe in the Holy Qur'an as the last of

the heavenly books?

(Answer) The Muslim: It is because the Holy Qur'an includes what supports

its truthfulness and sanctity as follows:

(1) It contains the clean belief in Almighty Allah-as mentioned previously and

briefly-and the pure call including guiding worships which lead to self-sufficiency,

ascendancy and purifying oneself from the inferior manners.

It also has the sound laws, the noble teachings and the rational guidelines

which let the life of mankind be on Allah’s path. It solves all the problems with the

beauty of its style, organizing, great rhetoric, the accuracy of the words,

comprehensiveness and splendour in a way that people cannot bring a chapter like it.

(2) The Holy Quran and the Prophet's Hadiths have pointed to amazing

scientific facts (in heaven, earth, mountains, seas, man, animals, birds and plants)

especially in the case of creation since more than 1,400 years ago, at a time when no

one had any knowledge about it. Then, the modern science came with its advanced

techniques to discover its authenticity and credibility. Therefore, it confirmed the

fact that this book (the Holy Quran) is the complete word of Almighty Allah.

Examples of these scientific facts related to the issue of creation such as the

origin of the universe and how God created the heavens and the earth as well as the

embryo and its stages of development:

Example one: Almighty Allah says: ‘Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?’ Surat Al-Anbya, verse 21:30.

The meaning of "Kanata ratqan": are connected, that is, the heavens and

the earth were linked, not divergent. The meaning of "fafataqna huma": separated

them, that is, We separated the sky and the earth after they were linked. The

Quranic gracious verse speaks about the God's creation of the heavens and the

earth and the beginning of His creation. It calls to contemplating about the

creativity in His creation and how this acclaimed universe began to recognize its

Creator and believe in Him, His great qualities and His unlimited power. The

Quranic verse tells us that the heavens and the earth were at first connected as one

thing as in His word, ‘they were joined’ and then they were detached as in His

word ‘they were separated’.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


The modern science has discovered the truth of what was told by the

Quranic verse such as the surprising scientific fact that the scientists have

discovered in this modern age. Hence, they have developed the theory of the Great

Explosion, the prevailing theory in this modern era, after the discovery of the

expansion and extension of the universe continuously.

Also, the theory of the Great Explosion, says that as long as the universe to

the day diverges, it must have been close one day. Moreover, if we imagine that

these galaxies are moving in the opposite direction to the direction of their

divergence today, that is to say, they move close together, therefore they will

become one segment adhering to one another as in the word of Allah ‘they were

linked’ and equal to the size of the galaxies made for them.

Physicists say: The closer these galaxies come from each other and the

more their mass increases, the more gravitational they become then the closeness

increases as in Allah’s statement ‘they were linked’, the more spaces between the

stars forming the galaxies disappear and the gravitational pressure increases on

the stars themselves. That is how the pressure will continue until the constituent

material of the universe becomes in the size of the atom, and then the pressure

will continue till this material becomes the smallest possible, and then it exploded

as in the word of God ‘then we separated them’. The parts of this material which

has great pressure and tremendous energy spread in the form of radiation. After

that, it gradually cooled down till this seen universe was formed in the heavens

and the earth.

How accurate are the words of the Qur’an and its rhetoric! And on what

does that indicate! There is no doubt that all of this evidence indicates the

credibility of the Holy Quran and that it was revealed by Allah to His trustworthy

Prophet, the seal of the prophets and messengers.


Example two: Allah says: ‘Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it

was smoke…’ Surat Fusilat: verse 11.

The verse indicates that the sky at the beginning of its creation was created

by Blessed and Exalted Allah as smoke.

The modern science has been able to portray the first cosmic smoke resulting from the process of the Big Bang at the beginning of the creation of the universe. They found archaeological remains on the edges of the perceived part of the universe which confirms that the sky at the beginning was created by Allah

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


and it was smoke as in His word. "Then He directed Himself to the heaven

while it was smoke…"

How accurate are the words of the Qur’an and its rhetoric! And on

what does that indicate!

Example three: He says: "And [mention] when your Lord took from the

children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify

of themselves…" Surat Al-Ahraf, verse 172.

The Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him- says: "Verily, Allah took a

covenant from Adam’s back and brought out from his spine all descendants He

created…" It is narrated by An-Nasahi.

The previous verse, as well as the Prophet's Hadith, shows that all the

offspring of Adam (the first father of all human beings and the first one created

by God) were in his spine at the moment of his creation.

The modern science has discovered the so-called chromosomes in

addition to the discovery of the role of the genetic chromosome in

embryology. Thus, it has been proven to the embryologists that the creation

of man is predetermined in the sperm of both his father and mother and that

this estimate extends through the past centuries (distant past) to contact the

genetic codes of parents and grandparents until it reaches Adam-peace be

upon him-.

This genetic code is programmed with great accuracy and folded into

the nucleus of the living cell of the reproductive cells. This means that each

of the sons of Adam was present in the genetic code of his father Adam at the

moment of his creation (1). Then, the compatibility of what is mentioned in

this Quranic verse, and the Prophetic Hadith is clear. The content of their

references has been discussed at a previous point with the discoveries that the

modern science has reached.

Example four: Allah says: "Does man think that he will be left

neglected? Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted?" Surat Al-Qiyama,

verse 36-37

The meaning of ‘does man think that he will be left neglected?’ Does a

person think he will be ignored without being assigned to perform orders from

Allah or he will be neglected without accountability or compensation (reward

or punishment) for his obedience or disobedience to the commands of Allah?

(1) Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah, Part 3, by Dr Zaghloul Al-Najjar

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


The answer is that the person will not be left neglected unless he is assigned

and ordered to execute commands from Allah and will not be left with no account

and no reward for his obedience or disobedience to the commands of Allah. He will

be asked and will be held accountable and rewarded for all. He who does an atom of

good will get its reward and whoever does a whit of evil will be held accountable.

The meaning of "sperm": It is less than semen and it is the cause of

procreation of men and women. The meaning of "produced sperm": water that is the

cause of reproduction and the creation of the fetus. That is, the human being was the

first to be created from one sperm (very small in size) including semen that is the

cause of reproduction and that contains many sperms.

The Quranic verse is identical to what modern science has proven. The verse

indicates that the embryo is formed from one sperm (as it is often), which is

contained in semen, as God says "sperm", which refers to individuals, not to plural.

The sperm does not contain all semen while the latter contains millions of the formal

but the term "sperm" is not used in a plural form in the Quran because it is only one

that vaccinates a female egg. This is the selected egg among the thousands of its

types contained in the ovary so that it can be vaccinated by sperm.

After that, the compatibility is clear between what this Quranic noble verse

referred to and discoveries that have been reached by the modern science, which

demonstrated the accuracy of the words of the Qur’an, its rhetoric and conformity.

Example five: Allah says: "Then He made his posterity out of the extract of

a liquid disdained." Surat Sajda: verse 8

The term "extract" is a very small abstract extract (selected and extracted)

from the water that is the cause of reproduction. It is the semen that is explained in

the previous verse (referred to above in the second example). The meaning of the

verse is that the beginning of man's creation as a gene is from extraction a very small

(abstract) descendant (selected and extracted) from the water that is the cause of


The modern science has shown that the specifications of the semen (the sperm

of the man in the semen), from which the embryo is created, and from which the

offspring of man are exactly identical to what the Holy Quran mentioned and

referred to through the word of God "extract" as follows:

The term Sulala meaning extract is derived from Salla meaning sheath, so the

name given to the semen has several meanings as follows:

- The small part (the semen) of the man represented by the sperm.

- This small part of the fluid resembles a long fish.

- This small part of the fluid creeps out of man gently.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


Modern science has discovered that the semen which embryo is produced

from is a very small part (one sperm - as it is often - as shown by the verse we

referred to in the second example) from the liquid contained in the semen and the

shape of this part (sperm) is similar to the long fish which its length is longer than its

width. It comes out gently from the center of the overcrowding of too many sperms

at the cervix by swimming in the semen for the vaccination of the egg.

All these [evidence] are identical to what the Holy Qur’an had explained and

pointed to in more than 1,400 years ago, where he pointed to these astonishing

scientific facts at a time that no one knew anything about it. Therefore, these

precious verses are amazing and witness to the truth of the Qur’an. They also testify

that it is a revelation from Almighty God and confirm the credibility of the Prophet

Muhammad’s message.

Example six: Allah says: ‘Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop

mixture…’ Surat Al-Insaan, verse 2

The meaning of "a sperm-drop mixture" is that it is mixed from man and

woman's water. Imam Ahmad narrated in his Musnad that a Jew asked the Prophet,

Muhammad. He said: O Muhammad, from what man is created? The Messenger of

Allah-peace be upon him- said: "O Jew, he is created from the sperm of man and

woman." It is narrated by Ahmad, Hadith 4424.

The Quranic verse clearly tells us that the sperm from which man is created is

not only from the man or the woman but from the both of them together as indicated

by God's statement. This is also evident from the Noble Prophet's Hadith, which

explains that man is created from the sperm of both man and woman.

It was believed in the past till the end of the eighteenth century that the body

of a human being - with extremely small dimensions- is formed from the menstrual

blood but after the discovery of the female egg, it is believed that the human body is

fully created inside the egg. Then, after the discovery of the sperm, it is believed that

the whole human body is created inside its head.

However, with the passage of time and awesome progress in modern

technological means, modern science has discovered the invalidity of all these

claims and confirmed the truth of the Holy Quran’s fascinating scientific facts since

more than 1,400 years. That is after the stages of fetal creation have been portrayed

through modern techniques.

The findings of modern science can be summed up in scientific discoveries in

the following:

Millions of semen do not reach the cervical canal of uterus except only a very

small number which does not exceed 500, not only that but also it is only one sperm

that penetrates the female sperm to form a mixed sperm (1). This process was what

(1) The Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah by Dr Zaghloul Al - Najjar.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


the third Quranic verse said as in Allah’s word, ‘a sperm-drop mixture’ that is mixed

from male and female sperms and as in the Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith-peace be

upon him-.

Let us ponder on the word of God "sperm" in the verse where it came in the

singular and not in the plural form (sperms) where it is only one that can mix with

the woman’s to form the mixed sperm. This finding shows the accuracy of the words

of the Holy Quran, its comprehension and the extent of its conformity with the

discovery of the modern science.

Example seven: "O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection,

then [consider that] indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then

from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed…" Surat

Al-Hajj, verse 5

The meaning of "sperm": It is smaller than water that is the cause of

procreation of man and woman as in the word of God: "Mixed sperm" that is, the

sperm of man that mixed with woman’s. The meaning of "leech": a frozen bloodrelated

piece of the uterus. The meaning of "chew": a piece of meat that can be

chewed. The meaning of "created and uncreated": This piece of meat, which can

be chewed, has two parts. Some organs of the body have been created in one of

them. This is the meaning of the word of God "created", and nothing is created in

the other part this is the meaning of Allah’s word "and uncreated ".

Allah says: "And certainly We created man from an extract of clay. Then We

placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a

clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the

lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into

another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators." Surat Al-Muminoon,

verse 12-14.

The meaning of "an extract of clay": that is, We created Adam- the father

of all human beings - from an extract of clay.

The meaning of "sperm", "Mixed sperm", "leech" and "chew" have been

explained earlier.

Allah says: "What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allah

[due] grandeur while He has created you in stages?" Surat Nooh, verse 13-14

The meaning of "stages" is different phases. After the stages of fetal creation were depicted (as indicated by the Holy Quran as shown by the word of

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


God "Atwara") through modern techniques (1), man has the possibility to see the

mixed sperm, and then see the fetus as a piece of frozen blood-related at the top of

the uterus. Also, he can see the fetus as a piece of meat or mud clay placed under

the molars. The fetus at this stage resembles something chewed, as in the words

of God "chewed". After that, he can see its qualitie that is it has two parts. Some

of the organs of the body were created in one of them as in the words of Allah

"created "and the other part was not created as in the words of God "uncreated",

that is, if we describe this "embryo" as a creature or non-creature, that description

is wrong and non-scientific but the exact scientific description is what the Holy

Quran said as in Allah’s words created"and "uncreated".

How accurate are the words of the Holy Quran! Then, he can see the stage of

creating bones, as God says, "Then We changed the embryo to bones." and then he

can see the stage of cladding bones with the flesh, as in the words of God "And We

put meat on the bones". Also, he can see another stage of creation where the human

embryo becomes different at this stage from what was in the previous ones. Here, its

shape is distinct from other embryos of other organisms, as in the words of God

"And then, We created another creation". These are the stages of the development of

the fetus (human creation) in this order that is mentioned by the Qur’an with great

accuracy and wonderful depicting using brief words.

How accurate are the words of the Qur’an and its rhetoric! What does the

priority of Holy Quran and the Noble Prophetic Traditions refer to in these

amazing scientific facts since more than 1,400 years ago, which were discovered

only after technological progress in this modern era ?!

There is no doubt that all of these [facts] indicate the credibility of the Holy

Quran, and that it is a revelation from Almighty Allah to His trustworthy Prophet,

Muhammad, the seal of prophets and messengers.

Thus, protecting the Holy Quran (from God) in the framework of the Lord

to this day and to the Hour with the loss and distortion of other prior books is

evidence that it is the Book of God, which sealed all the previous heavenly books.


(1) You can refer to the book: Miracles of the Quran in what is hidden

in the womb, by Professor Karim Naguib Al-Aghar, in order to see all the

stages of embryo creation, which were illustrated through modern techniques,

showing the duration of each stage.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


For more information on these amazing scientific facts, which were told by

the Holy Quran and referred to by the Noble Prophetic Traditions in more than

1,400 years ago, at a time when no one has any knowledge of them, you can refer


1- Some Scientific Miracle Verses (Heaven, Earth, Animals, Plants) in the

Holy Quran, by Dr Zaghloul Al-Najjar

2 - Parts 1-2-3 of Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Traditions by Dr

Zaghloul Najjar

3 - Encyclopedia of Islam and Modern Science, Scientific Miracle in the Holy

Quran by Dr Zaghloul Najjar

4- Embryology in the Light of Quran and Sunnah by the International

Organization for Scientific Miracles in the Quran and Sunnah

5 - Hidden Quranic Miracles in the Womb by Professor Karim Najib al-Aghar

6 - Islam and Modern Science Discoveries as One of the Evidence of the

Prophecy and the Message of Muhammad-peace be upon him- by Professor

Mohamed Sayed Mohamed.


(Question) Hindu: Why is it a must to believe in the Prophet of Islam,

Muhammad-peace be upon him-and the ratification of his call and his message?

(Answer) Muslim: It is because of what I have shown in my answer to the

previous question to clarify what the Holy Quran contains in attesting to its

truthfulness and sanctity since the Prophet Muhammad was the one who the Holy

Qur’an was revealed to. This [fact] shows the truthfulness of his call and the

credibility of his message including the prior answers to the previous questions

about the clear good news of the coming of the Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon

him- at the end of time according to the Hindu Holy books. Therefore, I will now

summarize for you examples of evidence and proofs of prophecy and the message of

the Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him- as follow:

- The pure creed and the clear call brought by the Prophet of Islam

Muhammad-peace be upon him-are accepted by flawless instinct, good souls and

rational minds (which I have referred to above).

- His good morals and dignified qualities, including the sweetness of his logic and speech, the beauty of his condition, the perfection of the qualities of his creation

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


and his noble relation (where he was the most honourable of the Arabs) are the

proofs that he was distinguished by Allah with the prophecy and message.

- His asceticism and abstaining from the adornments of the world and its

attractions and his struggling in the worship of One God including his calling to the

ways of good deeds, virtue, ethics, tying the relation and continuous remembrance of

Almighty Allah by his heart

- His mercy for human and compassionate for all the creatures of God and

blessing everyone who came to him for any reason.

- Almighty God’s support for him in response to his prayer, to be a proof of

the truth of his call-peace be upon him.

- Almighty Allah supports him with miracles and paranormals that no one can

bring them except the prophets of Allah and His messengers to be a witness to the

sincerity of his call and the credibility of his message including the Great Miracle

(which Almighty Allah promised to keep to this day and to the Last Hour). It is the

seal of all heavenly books. The Holy Quran preserves its divine text and

enlightenments challenging [people] by its eloquence, the splendour of its meaning,

the accuracy of its words, its structure, its lofty objectives and its goals for the Arabs

and others everywhere and every time. It defied them to bring even one chapter

(consists of one line) like it but they could not and failed.

- Also, the Holy Quran has contained amazing scientific facts for more than

1,400 years. The modern science has confirmed its authenticity and credibility to be

the proof that it is the revelation from Allah and that Muhammad is the seal of His

prophets and messengers.

- Allah's protection for him till he delivered his message and spread it despite

many attempts of enemies of Islam to kill or hurt him. The Qur'an was revealed to

him at the age of 40 and he died at the age of 63. This estimate indicates that he

spread his message for 23 years. That time is equivalent to the duration of the rule of

many presidents and emirs but he was able during that period to uproot the

polytheism, worshipping idols and anything other than Allah. Furthermore, he was

sent to instil faith and monotheism in the hearts and found the worship of Allah in a

clean way without ascribing a partner to Allah. Likewise, he removed the root of all

bad habits from the Arabian Peninsula, so that it will be a proof that He supported

him and his message.

The summary of the condition of the praised Prophet Muhammad was that he was always thoughtful, silent and did not speak except if it is needed. He did never

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


get angry for himself (it was only when someone violated Allah’s commands). Most

of his laughers were smiling. He joked with his companions and played with them

but he did not say except what is right.

Here is a summary of some of the physical qualities of the Prophet

Muhammad. These qualities include: he had flower colour, white-reddish face. He

had a round face like the moon on the night of the full moon. He had moderate black

eyes. If you looked at him, you would think that there was kohl in his eyes due to

their natural beauty and not because of adding kohl. They are wide with the presence

of length in the part of the eye and in his eyelids. This length added beauty to his

eyes. His eyebrows are thin in the length without being connected. He had a broad

forehead, high nose and the most beautiful lips and had a good divergence between

the front teeth. When he spoke, people would see as if the light came out from his

incisors. If he is happy, his face becomes bright like a piece of the moon. He had

black hair that is neither crimp nor long. His neck was clean like silver. He had a

black beard with small white hair after being old. He had a moderate body neither fat

nor slim. He was neither tall nor short but he is close to tall. Also, he had straight

chest and abdomen. He was patient. He was so handsome to the extent that when

people saw his shoulders during Hajj and Umrah, they thought they were light due to

the beauty of their whiteness. Not only that but the Prophet Muhammad-peace be

upon him-also had other good physical qualities.

(Question) Hindu: Why should Islam be chosen as a religion?

(Answer) The Muslim: In addition to what I have explained in answers to the

previous questions such as clarification of the contents of the Holy Quran and what

attested to its truthfulness and sanctity. After that, I showed the sincerity of the call

of the Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him-because he was the one that the Holy

Quran was revealed to including some examples and evidence that indicated the

credibility of his message. Now, here are more illustrations:

Verily, Islam is the religion of instinct on which Allah created His creatures. It

is the religion of monotheism which calls to believing in the Creator, Almighty

Allah, and in the oneness of His divinity. It provides typical logical answers to all

humans' thoughts, questions and needs .

Islam is the only religion that calls to believing in all Allah's prophets and

messengers. It respects them and does not discriminate among them. It enjoins upon

Muslims to believe in all of them, their messages and honour them as well as

testifying that the last scripture is that of the Prophet Muhammad, the seal of all of


A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


Certainly, the heavenly book which Islam brings is the Holy Quran. It is the

only book that Almighty Allah promised to save from loss or distortion because

there is no any Prophet or Messenger after the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, it is

the last heavenly book. It is the seal for all the previous ones. Moreover, it has

remained in the framework of the Lord who preserves it by His shining light. It

includes all that man needs to establish his life in this world and the Hereafter. The

following is a part of what it consists of:

(A) An authentic, pure, clean creed in which there is no defect and no murk.

(B) The right legislation that let the life of all mankind be upright.

(C) Guiding worships that purify the human soul, clean it from vices and evil

deeds and promote it to the highest levels of kindness.

(D) Good morals and gracious transactions.

(E) The highest teachings through which the progress, advancement and

civilization can improve.

(F) Many and varied references to abundant cosmic sciences in various

scientific disciplines to let them be impressive flashes: to advance the path of


(G) The lofty guidelines that will solve the various types of problems faced by

man in the past and the present.

Therefore, it is necessary to believe in this heavenly book, the Holy Quran,

which brought by Islam, and then choose Islam as a religion.

The moderation of Islam: This is evidenced by the fact that Islam is moderate

and not extremist in creed, which contains pure clean faith and calls for faith in the

Creator God, Allah, and the unity of His divinity including His glorification,

exaltation, and purification Him from any attribute of defamation, deficiency or

defect. Also, it calls to believing in all the prophets of Allah and His messengers as

well as respecting them because they were chosen by Allah to spread His message.

The moderation of Islam is also reflected in the legislation and worship. It does not assign a soul except what he can and does not enjoin upon him any difficulty. Its moderation is in everything such as eating, drinking, spending, and non-extravagance. Likewise, it is in giving the body and the spirit their rights and requirements. That [example] is in the Prophet Muhammad’s confirmation to the statement of the companion, Salman, -who studied on his hand- to Abu Darda. He

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


said: "Your Lord has a right upon you, also your soul and your family. Give each

one of them their rights." Then, the Prophet said: "Salman is right." It is narrated by

Al-Bukhary in a long Hadith, Hadith 1867.

Islam is the religion that achieves moderation and balance between the world

and the Hereafter, giving each of them their rights. Therefore, Islam must be chosen

as a religion because of a lot of evidence and proofs that attest to it being the true

religion of Blessed and Exalted Allah.

Here is its explanation. It is generally a must for every human to search for the

truth and follow it wherever he finds it as long as there is evidence that proves its

credibility. It is not proper that since a thought or belief has prevailed in a society for

a long time, therefore individuals should surrender for it and they should remain

committed to its belief and stuck to it in order not to violate what their predecessors

lived on especially if there is no evidence or proof for its authenticity. Therefore, if

the invalidity of that thought and belief becomes clear to them and they find out the

truth in another one, it is an insult to the human mind, which Almighty God has

honored them with, to accept a belief or imagination that is merely based on

illusions, assumptions and guesses without any evidence of their validity, especially

if they are contrary and opposite to the rationality and obscure to its necessities. For

that reason, we invite everyone to think about Islam in a logical and impartial way

and then the evidence and proof of its credibility will show to them including that it

is the true religion of Blessed and Exalted God.


(Question) Hindu: What is the result of choosing Islam in the Hereafter?

(Answer) Muslim: Allah said: "But whoever comes to Him as a believer

having done righteous deeds - for those will be the highest degrees [in position]:

Gardens of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide

eternally. And that is the reward of one who purifies himself." Surat Taa-haa, verse


Almighty God, in this Quranic verse, tells us the beauty of his reward and

great compensation for those who believed in Him and the oneness of His divinity

and performed good deeds with sincerity in their intentions and also surrendered to

His commands. [Part of] all these rewards are high degrees in the Gardens of

Eternity in addition to permanent, lasting, stable and immortal bliss.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


Parts of the Descriptions of Paradise in Islam:

1- Its enjoyment is permanent and does neither reduce nor stop.

2- It is illuminated and decorated for its people. There is no heat or cold in it

and whoever enters it will forever be happy and never be wrenched.

3- Its soil is very white. Also, it has pure musk strong sweet smell and its

small stones are pearls and rubies.

4 – Its palaces are made of gold and silver.

5 – Its rivers are the most beautiful with splendid scenery including their

multitude and diversity. They consist of pure water and others have milk that its

taste does not change. Also, some rivers contain filtered honey and so forth.

6 – It is full of green orchards and fresh fruitful trees. The Prophet

Muhammad-peace be upon him-said: "There is a tree in Paradise [which is so huge

that] a rider can travel in its shade for a hundred years…" Saheeh Al-Bukhary,

Hadith 3252. He also said: "There is not a tree in Paradise except that its tree is of

gold." Saheeh At-Tirmidhi, Hadith 2525

7- Its fruits are sweet, abundant and varied. They will not stop at any time at


8 -All different types of delicious food, meats, and drinks are available in it .

9 -Everything that hearts and eyes desire is there. Neither eyes have ever

seen its enjoyment before nor ears have ever heard it and no human minds have

thought about them.

Parts of the Descriptions of the People of Paradise in Islam :

1- Their faces are attractive beautiful fresh and shining like the moon on the

night of the full moon.

2- Their length is sixty arms.

3- Their age is 33 years old. They will never become old because they will

forever live in it as young. Their youth shall not perish nor shall their clothes be

ragged. They shall be blessed and never die therein.

4- They will be healthy and never get sick.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


5- They will be blessed with the grace of the Exalted Allah and He will never be displeased with them. Then, they will not be afflicted with depression, distress, affliction, sorrow or misery. They will always be happy and never become wrenched. 6- In addition, they will enjoy and delight in seeing Almighty Allah without encompassing Him because nothing is like Him. 7- There will be no hatred, discrimination or envy among them; their hearts are like the heart of one man. 8- All that they will eat and drink is sweet and delicious. 9- They will neither spit nor blow their noses. Not only that but they will not urinate or defecate. Any excess of their food and drinks will come out of their bodies in forms of sweat from their skins and its scent will be better than that of musk. 10- One of the people of Paradise shall be given the power of one hundred men. 11- They will marry the fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes (Women of the people of Paradise). If a woman among the women of Paradise looks at the earth, everything between it and the heaven will be full of light and good scent due to the extent of her elegance and beauty. It is known that Almighty Allah will recreate Muslim women and they will be more beautiful than the women of the Paradise. In addition, they will be with their husbands in Paradise. 12- Their handsomeness and comeliness will be constantly renewed, as their attractiveness and gracefulness will forever increase. 13- They will be inspired the glorification and praising of Almighty Allah like the self-inspiration without the slightest hardship or fatigue.

The Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him- said: "Allah would say to the

inmates of Paradise: ‘O, Dwellers of Paradise, and they would say in response: At

Your service and pleasure, our Lord, the good is in Your Hand. He (the Lord)

would say: Are you well pleased now? They would say: Why should we not be

pleased, O Lord when You have given us what You have not given to any of Your

creatures? He would, however, say: May I not give you (something) even better

than that? And they would say: O Lord, what thing can be more excellent than

this? And He would say: I shall cause My pleasure to alight upon you and I shall

never be afterwards annoyed with you." It is reported by Muslim, Hadith 2829.

A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


The Messenger of Allah-peace be upon him- said: " When those deserving

of Paradise entered it, the Blessed and the Exalted Allah would ask: Do you wish

Me to give you anything more? They would say: Have You not brightened our

faces? Have You not made us enter Paradise and saved us from Fire? He said: He

(God) would lift the veil and of things given to them nothing would be dearer to

them than looking at their Lord, the Mighty and the Glorious. The Prophet said:

‘That is the increment’. Then, he recited this verse: ‘For those who have done good

is the best [reward] and extra.’ " It is reported by Muslim, Hadith 181.

With a simple explanation, which is looking at Almighty Allah does not

mean that people encompass Him because He is greater than what can be

surrounded by the eyes of a creature. Therefore, a place cannot surround Him and

time cannot finish for Him; He is the Creator of both of them.


(Question) Muslim: Now that I have answered what you have asked about

and explained it to you, I would like to ask you: What is your opinion on Islam?

(Answer) Hindu: Undoubtedly, I have seen in Islam compatibility and

conformity with the instinct that Almighty God has created His creatures. Also, I

have found in Islam logical and typical answers to everything I thought and I

needed a rational answer for. In addition to that, through what Islam told us about

the Paradise that God prepared for His believer slaves, my mind has been

interested in it including a great permanent bliss as well as the pleasure of looking

at Almighty Allah because if the Paradise is created with this wonderful beautiful

description, there is no doubt that the Creator God is the Biggest, Handsome and



(Question) Muslim: So, will you accept Islam as a religion?

(Answer) Hindu: Certainly, with all longing and gracious reception, from

now I do not want to contradict the instinct that Almighty God created me upon.

Likewise, He has blessed me with the grace of brain to think and reason.

Therefore, I do not want to oppose what is consistent with the explicit mental.


A Peaceful Dialogue between a Hindu and a Muslim


(Question) Hindus: What is the way to enter Islam?

(Answer) Muslim: In fact, we can say: how to convert to Islam instead of

saying: how to enter it because Islam is the religion of instinct that humans were

created on and it is compatible with it.

In any case, converting to Islam is through the heart’s belief in the Creator

God and the oneness of His divinity-He is the Exalted Allah- including having

faith in the truth of call and the message of the Seal of the prophets of Allah and

His messengers Muhammad-peace be upon him-and then uttering them as

declaration of faith in this way:

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that

Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.

Thus, one becomes a Muslim without the need for any rituals or formalities

and turns into a new brother (or new sister) in Islam to all Muslims around the


Hindu: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that

Muhammad is His slave and His messenger. I have become a Muslim from now


Muslim: Congratulation, my dear brother and welcome as a new brother in


Hindu: Praise be to Allah who guided me to the grace of Islam and led me to


In conclusion, we thank the Exalted Almighty God for the favour of Islam

with which He has blessed us and for letting us be monotheists and Muslims. We

worship Allah with the best religion which the last Prophet-peace be upon himbrought.

O Allah shower Your mercy, peace, and blessing upon your Prophet and

Messenger Muhammad-peace be upon him- and on all his pure family including

his good companions as well as the followers of his guidance and path plus the

imitators of his tradition to the Day of Judgment.

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds.


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