It is not unlikely that these ideas may have jumped into the mind of one of the Hindu monks, as a kind of imagination resulting from sitting for long hours without food or drink, which happens in the Prana rituals.
It is well known that the Prana rituals include sitting for long hours at a specific position without eating or drinking.
This complete calmness for hours at a certain position without food or drink gradually results in a deficiency of brain ions because of a decrease in blood glucose levels. As a consequence, the endorphin hormone is secreted in an unregulated manner, causing real hallucinations. ( )
What the monks see and what they penned in the Puranas about repeated births is closer to hallucination or brain numbness.
This is affirmed by modern science. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a US government website which is considered one of the biggest medical research references worldwide, the decrease in glucose levels in the blood for long periods like this leads to hallucination. ( )
Imām Adh-Dhahabi (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: "When a worshiper who is devoid of knowledge leads a life of asceticism, celibacy, and hunger, abandons meat and fruits, and restricts himself to scraps of food, he gets haunted by thoughts, and the devil freely goes inside and outside him, while he thinks that he has reached a high spiritual level. Thereupon, the devil dominates him and starts his whisperings." ( )
Islam, therefore, warned of leading a life of austerity and hardship in this way.
Such hardship leads to deficient conceptions and ruins religious commitment over time.
In the noble Qur'an, Allah Almighty says: {Say: "Who has forbidden the adornments and lawful provisions that Allah has brought forth for His slaves?"} [Surat al-A‘rāf: 32]
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Do not impose hardships on yourselves and so Allah will impose hardships on you; for some people imposed hardships on themselves and so Allah imposed hardships on them. Their survivors are found in cells and monasteries. {As for monasticism, they invented it – We did not prescribe it for them.} [Surat al-Hadīd: 27]" ( )
Such an austere and harsh way of life led to hallucinations, which in turn resulted in these conceptions that run counter to the Vedas and have become one of the fundamentals of Hinduism today.
If, on the contrary, we look at the miracles with which Allah Almighty supported His prophets, we will find that they would happen suddenly, without prior preparation, and people would see and witness them with their own eyes; and that no human can produce the like of these miracles.
This is the difference between the prophets' events and those seen by Hindu monks.
8. How Hindus view the universe.
The universe, according to the Hindu philosophy, is in a state of decay and then it emerges once again, and this happens on a constant basis.
The universe forms and then disintegrates and then forms again, and so on.
This conception about the disintegration and formation of the universe is scientifically erroneous.
Scientifically, the universe was not preceded by other universes; rather, it was created and built in an unprecedented manner.
This is the Muslim belief which was told by a man who used to shepherd sheep on a small piece of land for the people of Makkah 1400 years ago, called Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh, the Messenger of Allah and the Prophet of Islam. Allah Almighty revealed to him that this universe was created in an unprecedented way. In the Qur'an, He says: {The Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, “Be,” and it is.} [Surat al-Baqarah: 117]
9. What is the human body composed of in Hinduism?
In Hinduism, the human body is composed of the powers of the five elements: water, earth, air, fire, and space.
The entire universe, with all what is contained therein is formed from these five elements.
Each of these five elements has a similar planet. Mars is fiery and Saturn is earthly. And each organ in the human body is similar to one of these elements. The spleen is earthly and the heart is fiery.
In fact, all what exists is classified according to the five elements, including times. To them, a disease is nothing but imbalance in these five elements.
The idea of the five elements became common through the Prana, which includes rituals of hunger and sitting in complete calmness for long hours.
Unfortunately, the idea of the five elements spread across the globe and gave rise to numerous sciences of energy therapy.
The sciences of energy therapy, macrobiotic, feng Shui, color therapy, and other such practices are based on regulating these elements.
They believe the regulation of these five elements brings provision and wards off evil.
In Hindu temples today, massaging is done for regulating the five elements, considering this to be a remedy for several illnesses.
This idea - the idea of the five elements - has no relation whatsoever to science.
And it has no relation to physics or medicine.
Rather, science judges it and the associated practices to be a kind of superstition, illusion, and deception.
The idea of the five elements has been classified as pseudoscience. ( )
And the practices associated with it have been judged to be imaginations and illusions. ( )
The idea of the five elements may have jumped into the mind of a monk in the same way the idea of repeated births and soul transmigration did jump - without any intellectual, scientific, or logical proof.
It is nothing but an imaginary idea.
The problem is that the practices associated with this idea are mere pagan talismans and attachment to the stars, shapes, symbols, colors, and amulets, for which Allah did not send down any authority. ( )
Islam was ahead of modern science in warning of these practices associated with the idea of the five elements, for they cause delay in taking the right remedy and drive a person to live in illusions, side by side with the real world, and to get attached to other than Allah. That is why Islam issued a stern warning against these practices. In a qudsi hadīth, Allah Almighty said: "'Some of My slaves have entered the morning as believers in Me and some as disbelievers. He who says 'We have had a rainfall due to Allah's grace and mercy' believes in Me and disbelieves in the stars; and he who says 'We have had a rainfall due to the rising of such and such star' disbelieves in Me and believes in the stars." ( )
So, he who believes in the stars and their influence on people and their sustenance, has disbelieved in Allah; and he who believes in Allah, has disbelieved in the stars' ability to intervene in people's destiny.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Indeed, spells, amulets, and love-potions are polytheism." ( )
A Muslim, therefore, does not believe the superstitious influence of the five elements and the associated talismans and amulets.
It is even determined in Islam that creating talismans, geometric figures, energy pendulums, and other things associated with the five elements and believing that such talismans bring about benefits or ward off evils is sheer polytheism and disbelief in Allah.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) saw a man with a brass ring on his hand. He said: "What is this?" He said: "It is for al-wāhinah." He said: "It will only increase you in wahan (i.e. weakness). Take it off, for if you die while wearing it, you will be left to it." ( )
In another version: "If you die while wearing it, you will never be successful." ( )
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: "Creating talismans to bring about benefits and ward off evils is the very major polytheism." ( )
This is the same creed adopted by the Bhagavad Gītā भगवद्गीता, as it says: "Those who worship the deities will gain the deities; those who worship the ancestors will gain the ancestors; those who worship the devil will gain the devil; and those who worship Me will find Me." ( )
Whoever gets attached to such talismans apart from Allah is a worshiper of other than Allah.
His fate, according to the Vedas, is eternity in the Fire. The Yajurveda says: "He who worships manufactured things apart from Allah will drown in darknesses and taste the punishment of the Fire for endless ages." ( )
Allah Almighty says: {To Allah belong all matters.} [Surat ar-Ra‘d: 31]
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If you ask, ask from Allah, and if you seek help, seek it from Allah." ( )
Therefore, Muslims do not believe the superstitious influence of the five elements, the stars, and talismans and amulets. Rather, they believe that this is sheer paganism, misguidance, deception, and superstition.
10. What is the Hindu community like?
Given its belief in soul transmigration and karma, the Hindu society is certainly a caste-based one.
A corrupt person will be born next time into a lower caste.
Consequently, an afflicted person deserves his suffering.
This lays the foundation for complete oppression against the poor and afflicted and indifference towards them. It is explicit naturalization and acceptance of oppression.
People in Hinduism are divided into four castes, as follows:
1. Brahmins: Teachers and priests.
2. Kshatriyas: Warriors and kings.
3. Vaishyas: Farmers and traders.
4. The Shudras: Laborers.
The lowest caste is the Untouchable Shudras, who do filthy work, in their view, like cleaning and serving.
A person's caste determines the type of his work, clothing, and food.
Marriage takes place within the same caste.
One is doomed to belong to the caste into which he is born until he dies.
This discriminatory conception has originated, as I said earlier, from the belief in soul transmigration and karma, the punishment and recompense. The Shudras deserve to be among the Untouchables because they surely were sinners in the previous births and so they were born into this caste.
This erroneous conception ruins life in its entirety, as we will thus consider help to the Untouchables as a kind of disrespect to the karma.
Indeed, this is a sort of reconciliation with backwardness, injustice, class discrimination, and transgression.
The philosophy of soul transmigration and the karma has produced this classism and this wrong conception about pitiful people who are poor, sick, weak, and totally helpless.
Hinduism wasted the opportunity of supporting those people and giving them a helping hand.
This Hindu view runs counter to the nature of human inherent disposition, which prompts people to show compassion towards the poor, needy, and sick people and to have a sense of obligation towards them in the form of providing services to them and attempting to alleviate their troubles and afflictions.
I do not know how Hindus went far away from the belief in the Last Day that is written in the Vedas; this creed by which people's lives and view on the world can be set aright. The reckoning of people will happen in the Hereafter before Allah, and everyone is born innocent. Moreover, lending a helping hand to the afflicted people raises one's status in the sight of his Lord in the Hereafter.
So, which view is worthier and more beneficial for people and closer to their natural disposition?
The philosophy of karma, or the creed of the Vedas?
The Rig Veda says: "O Allah, You give the righteous man the best recompense." ( )
It also says: "Give me eternal life in the place where all kinds of enjoyment and pleasures are available, and where all what the souls desire are given." ( )
This is the Vedic creed.
There is Paradise where the righteous will be in bliss.
And there is also, according to the Vedas, a punishment prepared for the sinners.
"A very deep bottomless place for sinners." ( )
How can these places be reconciled with the idea of repeated births and soul transmigration?
Where does the very deep place stand in the philosophy of karma?
Then, the philosophy of karma as a whole is a human invention and conception that contrasts with the spirit of the Vedas.
The creed of all prophets was: Belief in the Last Day and in Paradise and Hellfire, and that everyone is born innocent and sinless.
Indeed, this is the creed in agreement and harmony with our natural disposition and running counter to injustice, backwardness, classism, and transgression.
The religion of the prophets aims at elevating people and calls for treating them equally.
The value of a person in Islam does not lie in his social class, appearance, health condition, or financial standing, but in how much he performs good deeds.
Islam calls for uplifting all and disregards lineages and social ranks.
And it firmly rejects the idea of the Untouchables and classism in general.
In the noble Qur'an, Allah Almighty says: {O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may recognize one another. Indeed, the most noble of you before Allah is the most righteous among you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.} [Surat al-Hujurāt: 13]
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever is slowed down by his actions will not be hastened forward by his lineage." ( )
He also said: "People should not come to me with their deeds and you come to me with your lineages." ( )
Lineages have no worth or weight in Islam.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "O people, verily your Lord is One, and your father is one. Verily, there is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for a white person over a black one, nor for a black person over a white one, except in terms of piety." ( ) In another Hadīth, he said: "Seek for me your weak ones, for you are given provision and help only because of the weak amongst you." ( )
So, look at this view "Seek for me your weak ones, for you are given provision and help only because of the weak amongst you" and how Hindus view the weak.
Human soul is naturally disposed to feel compassion towards the poor, weak, simple, and foolish people. The opposition of modern-day Hinduism to this natural disposition is a real problem.
11. Do Hindus actually sanctify cows?
A cow in Hinduism has a particular sacred position, because it is a source of giving. Another point is that modern-day Hindus think that God resides in His creatures, including cows, in what is known as the unity of existence. So, there are different forms of sanctity for cows in Hinduism.
Special celebrations are often held for cows in different parts of India.
By contrast, the Vedas glorify Allah and consider Him to be far exalted above all things and creatures.
The Rig Veda says: "I am Allah, Who existed before everything. I am the Owner of the whole universe, and I am the real Bestower of favor and the absolute Chooser of all blessings. So, all souls should call upon Me for help and provision." ( )
This is a crystal clear text denying the idea of the unity of existence. Allah is the Creator of the universe and is separate from it.
The text also warns of sanctifying the material world and seeking help from created beings. Help should only be sought from Allah, the Creator of cows and the Creator of everything.
Submission to Allah Almighty alone is the core of the Muslim creed.
Islam holds that cows and all material things around us are subjected for us - created by Allah Almighty, Who says in the noble Qur'an: {And He has subjected for you all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; all is from Him. Indeed, there are signs in this for people who reflect.} [Surat al-Jāthiyah: 13]
This is the creed of Islam and the natural disposition of human beings.
Hindus cannot return to the original teachings of the Vedas - of monotheism and submission to Allah - except through Islam, for it alone speaks the truth contained in the Vedas, corrects all humanity's errors, and eliminates all human distortions of the divine revelation.
12. But Hinduism has a great deal of abstinence and keenness to keep away from sin. Is this not a distinctive trait?
I have previously noted the excessive immoderation in Hinduism. But what I would like to say here is that pangs of conscience due to sinning are something natural and linked to the divine ordainment.
When we are under a certain obligation, we have twinges of conscience in case of the commission of any violation.
This is a natural disposition. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: {This is the natural disposition with which Allah has created mankind.} [Surat ar-Rūm: 30]
Having this natural disposition, a person feels pricking of consciences whenever he violates the values of goodness and the truth.
In the final message of Islam, Allah Almighty directs us to the means whereby we can ask for His forgiveness and repent from any violation of the values of goodness and the truth. He also orders us to return due rights to their owners in order for the associated sins to be blotted out.
In Hinduism, on the other hand, we find another method for resisting sin, and that is by making things too hard for oneself, in addition to a group of practices, contemplations, and static rituals in which a person remains totally calm.
13. But are the total calm and contemplative sessions in Hinduism not good things?
Contemplation in Hinduism, like in the yoga sessions, which emerged in the later Prana philosophy, is not deemed reflection on Allah's perfect creation, wisdom, and blessings.
Contemplation to them is a kind of total calmness and draining the mind of any distraction or vain thought.
It is a complete stillness like that of the dead, in which the mind is stopped from thinking - Silence Your Mind During Yoga.
Such strange static contemplative sessions, which emerged in the post-Vedas era, affected their thinking, and hallucinations and fantasies began to come to them, and the devils set out to tamper with their minds.
Some of them think they obtained a great deal of knowledge, but this was nothing but hallucinations resulting from disorder in the brain ions along with the lack of food and total calmness, as I noted earlier. ( )
Long static contemplation and severe hunger lead to such hallucinations, as admitted by one of the most famous founders of static contemplation schools in the world, Mikao Usui.
He stated that he began to lose his consciousness and experience hallucinations after long hours of hunger and deprivation, and at that moment thoughts started to come to him. ( )
Psychologist Donovan Rawcliffe maintained in a separate research that the thoughts that come as a result of these practices are no different from the sick illusion stemming from a hallucination. ( )
In addition to the foregoing, most yoga sessions are unhealthy and practicing it for long leads to disturbance, confusion, and loss of feeling about place and time, which weakens memory and accelerates Alzheimer's. ( )
By these practices, Hinduism became far removed from the Vedas and the prophets' teachings.
Islam calls for thinking, reflection, and contemplation of Allah's creation, which leads to service, obedience, and gratitude to Allah and hard work in life, and not stillness and silencing of the mind followed by motionlessness.
True thinking is that which leads to obedience to Allah Almighty and returning to Him. {Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect upon the creation of the heavens and earth [saying]: "Our Lord, you have not created all this in vain. Glory be to You. Protect us from the punishment of the Fire."} [Surat Āl ‘Imrān: 191]
This is the kind of thinking enjoined by Islam and which accords with the human natural disposition and helps people ponder Allah's blessings that surround them and show gratitude to Him for that.
As for the sessions of total stillness in present-day Hinduism, they are hotbeds for devils, who provide those people with some visions and revelations during these static contemplative sessions and so they become receptive of ideas such as the repeated births, soul transmigration, the unity of existence, and the embodiment of God in idols. Monks throw such thoughts and teachings to their followers, thus going astray and leading them astray.
14. What is wrong with retirement in deserted areas, as happens in modern-day Hinduism?
Hinduism fights instinct and desire, not for the purpose of refining them, yet for burning the body. Modern Hinduism strongly drags people towards monasticism and abandonment of life.
Hinduism sees that forgetting the instinct happens by forgetting the body.
So, a Hindu who wants the Moksha (salvation) goes to wasteland where his body gets rotten and he spends the rest of his life as a beggar, until he dies.
This is a catastrophic fault that ruins individuals, families, and societies.
Instinct and desire are divine gifts meant for forming families and societies and working hard and building a life.
Instinct can be addressed by refining it and putting it in its natural course, not by burning the body.
Who can say that the purpose of our existence is to beg for a meal and then spend the rest of the day in wasteland until we die!
Who can say that we came to this life in order to wear a piece of saffron clothing and then retire from the world until our death!
The smallest insects are more aware than us of the mission of existence, populating the earth, and reforming life. You find flocks of bees working in a diligent and orderly manner for their benefit and the benefit of their offspring. Likewise, the delicate bacteria are arranged in the intestines so as to derive and give benefit.
Life as a whole runs according to certain rules and system.
Modern-day Hinduism calls for idleness, negligence, and begging. In Hinduism, begging has become a way of life.
The question here is: What is the meaning of a Hindu retiring from people and resorting to mountain tops and deserted areas? What benefit can this offer to people?
The true religion and the correct way of life is a way of hard work, advice, and associating with people, reforming them, and enduring their harm patiently. It is not escaping from them to the valleys and deserts.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "A Muslim who associates with people and endures their harm is better than a Muslim who does not associate with people and does not endure their harm." ( )
15. What is the best way for resisting desire and getting rid of sins?
Resisting desire and instinct has its roots in natural disposition and religious obligations. A Muslim is committed to refine desire as commanded by the divine revelation.
There is righteous marriage, lowering one's gaze, and fear of Allah in secret and public, and there is a divine warning of the punishment for committing sins.
And there is a way for repentance if one weakens and errs.
In Hinduism, on the contrary, when a Hindu wants to reach the Moksha, he abandons his wife, children, and job, and sleeps on sidewalks and wastelands and begs for a meal after meal, and he continues to burn his body in this way until he dies. Is this a proper method for soul refinement?
Hindu monks, numbering more than 5 million in India today; they do not only neglect those under their care, but they themselves become dependents in need for someone to feed and care for them.
Islam has refined the human soul in the best and wisest way.
Islam has declared it unlawful for a man to neglect those under his care. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: "It is sufficient for a man as a sin to neglect those he provides for." ( )
Moreover, Islam has determined that the self can be reformed and refined by doing good deeds and resisting desire, without retiring from the world. In Islam, a person can live in his society and build it and attain Allah's salvation all at the same time, without the need to burn his body in this way as seen in Hinduism.
Allah Almighty says: {But those who feared standing before their Lord and restrained themselves from evil desires, Paradise will surely be their abode.} [Surat an-Nāzi‘āt: 40-41]
Fear of Allah and performance of good deeds are the way to Paradise, even if one is living in a palace.
Self refinement does not require burning of the body. Allah Almighty says: {Yet he did not make his way through the steep path, and how do you know what the steep path is? It is freeing a slave, or giving food on a day of hunger, to an orphan relative, or to a needy person in misery, then [most importantly] to be one of those who believe and exhort one another to patience and exhort one another to compassion. Such are the people of the Right.} [Surat al-Balad: 11-18]
In order to win Paradise, you should set slaves free, feed the poor, do pious deeds, and exhort people to do good.
In this way you attain salvation.
You will not attain it by keeping away from people and begging for the rest of your life.
16. Why does Islam reject Hinduism?
Hinduism today is not a religion, doctrine, or creedal movement, yet it has turned into a mix of the Vedas and the philosophies and teachings of monks and the Tantra, as well as innumerable rites.
Hence, Hinduism is no longer a single worshipful theological system, a clear system of rituals, a fixed religious course, or a central religious structure that brings Hindus together. Nothing of these exists today. You are literally faced with thousands of totally scattered theologically independent religious groupings. ( )
How can we worship Allah by such a chaotic thing for which He has sent down no authority?
And how can we derive from such a chaotic mix of conceptions a purpose of life?
Besides, consider how modern-day Hindus have taken idols as embodiment of Allah!
Allah Almighty describes those who take idols as embodiment of Him and as a means to draw close to Him as disbelievers. He says: {Indeed, sincere devotion is due to Allah alone. As for those who take others as guardians besides Him, [saying]: "We only worship them so that they may bring us closer to Allah." Allah will judge between them concerning that over which they differ. Allah does not guide anyone who is a liar and persistent disbeliever.} [Surat az-Zumar: 3]
By taking these idols, Hindus contradict the Vedas, as I have pointed out earlier, and run counter to their own natural disposition, for they know that they possess no inherent proof in support of their taking these idols as embodiment of Allah. {Is He [not better] Who originates creation then repeats it, and Who gives you provision from the heaven and earth? Is there any god besides Allah? Say: "Produce your evidence if you are truthful."} [Surat an-Naml: 64]
But how can they produce evidence!
They cannot produce any evidence!
The problem of modern-day Hinduism is that it amplifies paganism and considers it as one of the pillars of religion.
Idols are everywhere.
And they believe God resides in the idols.
There are thousands of forms of idols, images, and icons in Hinduism.
Hinduism has become a religion of idols, human castings, and icons.
Also, modern-day Hinduism believes in the unity of existence.
And modern-day Hinduism holds that the universe is timeless.
And it also lays the foundation for classism.
And modern-day Hinduism believes in God's incarnation in humans: Avatar.
And it believes in God's incarnation in idols and images: Sakti.
And contemporary Hinduism believes in soul transmigration.
And it believes in repeated births.
It also believes in the five elements and the resultant talismans, amulets, and attachment to other than Allah.
Due to all of this, Islam rejects Hinduism, for it has contradicted the prophets' teachings and forgotten monotheism.
Islam calls upon every Hindu to return to Allah through Islam. There will not be salvation with Allah by other than that.
Allah Almighty says: {The true religion with Allah is Islam.} [Surat Āl ‘Imrān: 19]
He also says: {Anyone who seeks a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted from him; and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.} [Surat Āl ‘Imrān: 85]
Allah Almighty also says: {Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen Islam as your religion.} [Surat al-Mā'idah: 3]
No Hindu or any other person can attain salvation except through this religion: Islam.
Islam is not a mere religion on earth among other religions. But it is the only monotheistic religion with which Allah Almighty sent all prophets. All prophets were tasked with calling people to monotheism. Nothing of this pure monotheism remains today but Islam, whereas other religions have their share of polytheism, be it small or great.
Islam is to worship Allah Almighty alone, beside any other, observe His commands, prohibitions, and limits, believe in all what He informs about, whether it had already happened or is yet to happen, and disavow all idols, images, and icons.
Allah, the Exalted, says: {Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Might, far above what they ascribe [to Him].} [Surat as-Sāffāt: 180]
Far exalted is Allah above the Hindu belief in His incarnation in idols.
{And peace be upon the messengers.} [Surat as-Sāffāt: 181]
Peace be upon the messengers, who make people cognizant of their Lord and declare Him far exalted above any imperfection.
17. Why should every Hindu embrace Islam?
In addition to Islam being the religion which Allah has approved for His servants and the only divine Shariah accepted by our Lord, the Hindu books, which probably have some prophetic remnants, have given numerous glad tidings about the coming of Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). This is a strong reason for the Hindu to embrace Islam and unhesitatingly follow the only path for his salvation with Allah on the Day of Judgment.
I will quote here some of the glad tidings in Hindu scriptures about the coming of Islam.
But prior to that, we should remember the condition of the Hindu legislations and how a Hindu burns his body in order to purify himself.
And how a Hindu practices unnatural austere rituals.
Their condition is not so different from that of the people of the book, who, especially the Jews, were also subject to numerous restrictions with regard to purification, foods, and the legislative rulings, which were imposed on them due to their wrongdoing, transgression, and corruption.
In the noble Qur'an, Allah Almighty says: {For the wrongdoing of the Jews, We prohibited for them good things that were lawful for them; and for their frequent hindering many from the way of Allah.} [Surat an-Nisā': 160]
It is enough to read in the Book of Leviticus, in the Torah, the rulings related to menstruation for Jewish women. It says:
"Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean. Whoever touches her bed must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. Whoever touches anything she sits on must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. Whether it is the bed or anything she was sitting on, when anyone touches it, he will be unclean till evening. If a man lies with her and her monthly flow touches him, he will be unclean for seven days; any bed he lies on will be unclean."
These tough rulings were in response to the harshness of the Children of Israel and their hard-heartedness.
Allah Almighty informed them in the Torah that He would send a prophet who would remove these shackles from them.
When Prophet Ya‘qūb was dying, the Torah tells us that he gathered his 12 children and advised them. About this famous advice, the Torah says:
"Then Jacob called for his sons and said: 'Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come. Gather around and listen, O Children of Ya‘qūb, and listen attentively to you father, Israel.'"
Then, he addressed Juda, the grandfather of the prophets: Dāwūd (David), Sulaymān (Solomon), and the Messiah (peace be upon them all).
He said to him:
"The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his." ( )
This text constitutes great and very important good news, without any difference of opinion among the People of the Book.
It is good news about a person who would come and to whom the prophethood and rule and legislation would devolve.
"The scepter will not depart from Judah." The scepter is the staff of power. This means: There will be among the descendants of Juda prophet rulers.
"Until Shiloh to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his."
Who is Shiloh whose coming was foretold by Prophet Ya‘qūb (peace be upon him) and to whom the nations would be subservient?
Before answering this question, it should be noted that the last prophet among the Children of Israel is the Messiah (peace be upon him), and he was a descendant of Juda.
Then, the prophets of the Children of Israel came to a sudden cessation!
According to Ya‘qūb's prophecy, it is supposed that rule, prophethood, and legislation did move to another person from outside the descendants of Juda after the cessation of prophethood among the Children of Israel. Is this not true?
It is self-evident that this person is not the Messiah, because the Messiah was a descendant of Juda.
Moreover, the nation of this person would take the very land of Juda, according to Ya‘qūb's prophecy: "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his." The nation of this coming prophet will take the land, Palestine, and to which the major empires will be submissive.
Caliph ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) took the sovereignty of the land of Juda during his caliphate, and the Levant, Iraq, and Persia embraced Islam.
This is a fact that needs very little thinking or consideration.
Then, history tells us that the prophecy included in Ya‘qūb's advice to his children did materialize, and it applied to no prophet other than Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), and it did not occur, with all the relevant details, in any nation other than his nation.
But, what does the word 'Shiloh' mean?
Shiloh means rest-giver or shackle-remover, a view favored by many of the websites of the biblical studies specialized in the Old Testament. ( )
Ya‘qūb (peace be upon him) gave glad tidings to his children about the coming of the person who would remove the shackles and restrictions that had been imposed upon them.
Now, let us read the verse that says: {Those who follow the Messenger – the unlettered Prophet – whose description they find in their Torah and the Gospel. He enjoins them to do what is good and forbids them from what is evil; he makes lawful for them what is pure and makes unlawful for them what is impure; he relieves them of their burden and the shackles that were on them.} [Surat al-A‘rāf: 157]
He relieves them of their burden and the shackles that were on them: There came the tolerant and easy Islamic Shariah, which removed all those shackles and restrictions.
Now let us move to the Hindu scriptures. ( )
Hinduism too, as I said, abounds with tough rituals meant to burn the body for purification from sins.
So, the Hindu scriptures give glad tidings about the coming of a great prophet who would relieve them of their burden and purify them of their sins.
The Hindu books say: "Kalki will be born on bright 12th of Shukla baksh Madhav month." ( )
Kalki means: the purifier from sins.
The month of Madhav: the pleasant month of Rabī‘.
So, the coming prophet who would purify them of their sins would be born on the 12th of Rabī‘ month.
Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), as it is well-known among the majority of Muslim scholars, was born on the 12th of Rabī‘ al-Awwal month. ( )
As for the place of his birth, the Hindu scriptures say: "Kalki will be born in the village of Sambhala, with the servants of the House, in the house of a man called Washnuyash." ( )
The village of Sambhala means: the secure city.
And the secure city is Makkah. {And [remember] when Abraham said: "My Lord, make this city [of Makkah] a sanctuary."} [Surat al-Baqarah: 126]
Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was born in Makkah.
"In the house of a man called Washnuyash". Washnuyash means: the servant of Allah.
As for the mother of this coming prophet, she is called 'Sumati': "Kalki will be born in the house of Washnuyash and his wife Sumati." ( )
Sumati is a derivative of security, meaning: secure.
It is well known that Muhammad's mother is called Āminah (which means secure in Arabic).
Kalki, according to Hinduism, would come out of his village Sambhala, fight the devil and stamp out darkness, corruption, and oppression, and then come back to it in his last days, and thereafter Allah will raise him to heaven.
Every Muslim knows this fact. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) left Makkah for Madīnah, spread monotheism among people, and then went back to Makkah as a conqueror a few years before his death.
Hinduism added some attributes to this coming prophet, which we do not approve. For example, Kalki, to them, is incarnation of Allah, as usual in their beliefs - far exalted be Allah above that. We have previously responded to this fabrication in detail from the Vedas.
Indeed, Allah is not incarnated in His creation, and neither His heaven nor His earth can contain Him.
But one of these traits in their books about this coming prophet particularly caught my attention. It says that he would ride a white horse, and indeed the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) had a white horse called Al-Murtajiz. ( )
Likewise, the Hindu statues depict the coming prophet Kalki as someone riding a white horse and putting the sword on his shoulder. All the Hindu images and statues that I saw depict him in this way.
He is a prophet of Jihad, and this is a trait of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), who engaged in Jihad with the sword and fought the enemies of Allah.