
Iꞌm Scared of Death, Please Help!

QSalam dear sister, I’m a person suffering from thanatophobia. I can’t think straight, I really do try to go about my day and do it with so much positivity but I can’t, I’m so scared. I’m always anxious, I get panic attacks.

I don’t know what to do, I over analyze every single thing someone says to me and pick the most negative out of it. I know I have a problem and try to accept it but then my mind starts,the what ifs, what if it’s actually going to happen. Then deep down in my mind somewhere I’ll just convince myself that’s going to happen.

I pray all the time, and I know Allah is the greatest healer, but sometimes I get scared even telling God about my problems. I don’t know what to do again, I have tried everything, I’m scared of talking to my family and friends, because I’m afraid of what they’ll say to me and I’ll take it out of context.

I can’t even think of my future as far as the next day or week because I’m so afraid. This is very hard for me coming here to state my problem, but I know talking about it helps, so I’m here to try everything I can to get myself back to normal.

I would really appreciate it if you could answer me. Thank you so much.


Hannah Morris

16 April, 2022

Wa Alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuh Sister,

This is something that most people experience to some extent. However, you are experiencing it to a level that it is having such a huge impact on your daily life and psychological well being, so it is certainly something that needs addressing. 

I would advise that in a case like your own you do get some additional ongoing support to deal with this phobia as it has apparently reached a level that needs some form of clinical intervention. There are some types of therapy available that deal with phobia very specifically that would be useful for you. I would advise that you go to your doctor to get advice on this and referral to the appropriate service.

In the context of this type of counseling I can’t provide ongoing support; but I can give you some tips that I hope will help in the meantime until you are able to get this additional support. 

Iꞌm Scared of Death, Please Help! - About Islam

Should Muslim Feel Anxious about Death?

Alhamdulilah as a Muslim, you have lots of solutions at your fingertips that should help at least take the edge off these difficulties.

Increase Your Good Deeds 

As I said, fear of death is something we probably all experience to some extent. It’s not a pleasant feeling to be so anxious, however, there are ways that we can use it to our benefit, particularly as Muslims. We know that death is surely coming to us, and we know that when that time comes, we must face our deeds. This can be very scary for everyone as we have all committed some level of sin in our life.

However, with this knowledge, we can use this to push to do good to ensure that our scale of good deeds is heavy on the day that it really matters. Use this as an opportunity to increase your good deeds. This may in the form of increasing your acts of ibadah, doing more voluntary prayer and reading more Quran for example.

Al Hadi - The Source of All Guidance

Al Hadi - The Source of All Guidance

Additionally, use this as a motivation to restrain from sin. However, at the same time, do not lose hope in Allah’s Mercy, in the knowledge that He loves to forgive and He will forgive you as long as you continue to turn to Him for guidance and in repentance. Find comfort in this and this will help to reduce the anxiety pscyhologically, but also the physiological effects of feeling anxious too.

Remember Allah

Sometimes, the feeling that you’re having possibly can be attributed to the whispers of Shaytan, especially if they are distracting you from Allah and turning to Him. Whether it is or not, there is no harm in making sure to tackle this also by keeping Allah in mind all the time and repelling Shaytan. 

Make sure not to neglect your morning and evening adhkar to protect you from this, as well as doing all the necessary duas as you do different acts during the day right down to those you say before you enter the bathroom and so on. This ensures Allah is always close and Shaytan is not given the space to enter your mind with intrusive thoughts.

May Allah guide you out of this distressing situation that you are in and may you find great comfort in His remembrance. 

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