


“Terrorism” is of two kinds: terrorism that is evil based upon wicked tyrannical acts, and terrorism that is good and desired based on necessary and justified acts. The terrorism that is evil is injustice, double standards, tyranny, and aggression, in all the hateful connotations that these words imply. It targets women and children, civilians and non-combatants, trying to force defeat and difficult political decisions by spreading terror. This kind is what most people immediately think about when hearing the word terrorism. Often people associate it with what they have been preconditioned to picture by various government agencies and segments of the mass media. Muslims are routinely portrayed as terrorists even though many are either totally innocent of the charge or are more innocent than many of their antagonists who aggress against them. “Muslim terrorism” is a media and think tank byword, even though one would be hard pressed to find the equivalent term of Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Buddhist terrorism in usage. Certain institutions and individuals - with known agendas and backings - have been instrumental in fabricating and perpetuating misinformation, exaggeration, and previously disqualified and refuted misunderstandings and slanders.

The terrorism that is desired and based on necessary and justified acts is enforcing the rule of just laws, providing fair punishments commensurate to the crimes committed, and preparing and defending against attacks, aggression, and corruption. It is used against the criminal evildoers themselves, and never targets women, children and non-combatants. We use the word “terrorism” here in a new and positive connotation, perhaps unimagined by the reader. In

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this positive sense terror is rightfully struck into the hearts of the evildoers, the enemies of Allah, as a deterrent so that they will fear a quick and harsh retribution for any evil acts they perpetrate or conspire to enact. In this sense only it is termed terrorism, although just and beneficial terrorism condoned in principle as legitimate by all universally. Allah () says in the Majestic Qur’an about the justified form of terrorism which we are speaking of and which prevents and deters aggression:

Make ready against them your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of God and your enemies, and others besides them whom you may not know but whom God knows well. Whatever you spend in the cause of God will be repaid unto you, and you will not be treated unjustly. (8:60)

One might claim that we are using terror here in its linguistic meaning and outside the scope of the technical legal definition of terrorism, but since that definition is hotly under contention because no universally accepted standard has been agreed upon, since many grievances against the hypocrisy and double standards of the major powers that are coming more and more into light, and since might is still not considered legally right, the point we are emphasizing is a return to universal common sense: terror can have a negative and a positive sense according to circumstance and context.

Terrorism invariably does not arise in a vacuum but in a historical context of persecutions, injustices, and grievances that build up over time to the point of explosion and rebellion. A common form of undeniable terrorism is state terrorism, but this is often purposely neglected or downgraded in legal and government sponsored examinations of the issues surrounding terrorism for the simple fact that those who hold

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power often do not wish that their institutional and party crimes are exposed as crimes against humanity and as incidents of state terrorism. That their agendas of labeling others but not their own operatives as criminals and terrorists are not discovered. Is clandestine assassination and murder a form of terrorism? Is torture and rape a form of terrorism? Is deliberate military, political, economic and environmental sabotage resulting in mass death a form of terrorism? Are wholesale persecutions of one racial or ethnic group or one class with lynching, killing and beatings of some others terrorism? Is target bombing a form of terrorism? Is the use of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction on major population centers a form of terrorism? What is justifiable collateral damage? If these acts are not terrorism, then what are they exactly? If they are not legal and justified, then what do we call numerous examples around the globe during the 20

th century of unprecedented human wars and mass destruction? What do they call the implemented policies of what is coerced upon the world nowadays in this 21st century, and which some neo-conservative minded pundits call the “Project For a New American Century,” and related “PAX AMERICANA”? Many difficult issues remain under investigation and contention, and demand serious and reasonable answers from scholars and politicians alike.

Many of the national and secular governments and systems claim to champion human rights, peace, prosperity, and happiness for man, but in reality we see that they practice narrow national and party politics meant to empower and enrich selected groups, and that they are inherently fragmented and self contradictory by seeking to serve various special interest groups while professing to serve the general public good. The legislations of these regimes and agencies enact laws and policies that serve the interests of power and

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wealth in their societies. The social, political, economic, and environmental consequences of unchecked power and greed for profit and luxury is detrimental to the majority of mankind and is leading humanity in general to irreversible devastation and destruction.

Islam, on the other hand, is a comprehensive and universal religion for all races and classes of people not inclined to serve a specific category or group of people but specially aimed to address the needs of all humanity with its moral, spiritual, social, legal, political and economic systems. Its moral purity and clarity, simplicity in a strict monotheistic creed and faith, and comprehensive prohibition of all types of criminality, oppression and injustice appeals to all classes and categories of people, regardless of race, culture, education, social and economic status. The aim of Islam is to establish the ideal human society and brotherhood spreading general benevolence and the divine guidance among men for their betterment and salvation. Part of its mission is to establish justice at all times and at all levels, to maintain amicable relations even with potential enemies as long as there are no open acts of hostilities, and to promote peace whenever possible. Allah the Almighty states in the Glorious Qur’an:

It may be that God will grant love and friendship between you and those whom you hold as enemies. For God has power over all things; And God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. God forbids you not, with regard to those who do not fight you for your Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God loves those who are just. God only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for your Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support others in driving you out, from turning to them for

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friendship and protection. Those who turn to them (in these circumstances) do wrong. (60:7-9)

These verses call for peace with those that refrain from the hostile actions mentioned.

And Allah Most Glorified said in His Majestic Qur’an:

If they incline towards peace, then incline towards peace, and trust in God, for He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing. (8:61)

This verse states that whenever the enemy inclines towards peace it is incumbent on the Muslims to incline towards peace.

It is hoped that researchers and scholars will investigate Islam and its laws and principles with impartiality and thoughtful reflection. The true beauty and awesomeness of Islam is only evident in fuller vitality to those who live by it and practice it, but all students can admire just laws, universal brotherhood, noble and rational principles, and excellent moral examples of purity, uprightness, truthfulness, generosity, courageousness, and justice. One of the evidences of the greatness of this Divine faith is that, regardless of the weak support extended by the followers of Islam and the vast war waged against it by its vicious critics and enemies; it has resisted corruption and distorting innovations, and continues to spread on its own merits and values in various parts of the world. What is behind this expansion of Islam, despite the weaknesses of the Muslims, except the inherent strength of the truth and justice that by nature dissipates and conquers all falsehood and injustice? In Islam people find full satisfaction that includes both their spiritual and moral, and their physical and practical expectations and needs.

As for the people who refuse to open their eyes, see, hear and investigate the truth, they will undoubtedly remain mired

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in false desires, narrow biasness and ignorant prejudices. A well-known principle is that man by nature rejects that which he fears. He fears that which he is ignorant about, and therefore, makes enemies of what he does not know. Allah has described them in the Glorious Qur’an saying:

Many are the jinn and men We have made for Hellfire: they have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle. Nay! They are even more misguided. They are the heedless and neglectful. (7:179)

Cattle follow blindly, but at least they follow the natural laws and instincts created by Allah for their survival while many of men follow blindly custom and their leaders, rejecting what Allah has revealed for man’s own benefit and salvation. As Allah mentions:

Nay! They say: We found our fathers following a certain religion, and we do guide ourselves by their footsteps.


I do hope and pray that Allah, the Exalted, will bring benefit from what we read, hear and say. Ours is a humble effort, presented with a pure intent, to contribute to the wealth of human information and to advance understandings. The writer offers, in addition, an open invitation to all those who are interested in learning more about Islam to communicate with him at the address given, and would be delighted to answer all inquiries about Islam and provide additional literature on it.

The author expresses his deep gratitude to Allah Most Exalted for His continuing aid. Any and all shortcomings and omissions in this booklet are his for which he takes responsibility, and requests from all the readers forgiveness,

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and seeks the pardon and forgiveness from Allah the Most Merciful.

May Allah's Blessings and Mercy be upon the Prophet Muhammad () the final Prophet and Messenger of Allah to mankind, and may the blessings and peace of Allah also be upon his family and companions and all those who follow their guidance and the footprints until the Day of Judgment.

Dr.Abdurrahmaan al-Sheha

Riyadh, 11535

P.O. Box 59565


Islam is the Religion of Peace


The Meaning of Islam

The word Islam means submission to Allah the Almighty, the Creator and Lord of all creation, with the entire soul and body, by obedience to what He commanded and prohibited in His Revealed Law, by compliance and willful yielding of one’s will to His Will and Judgments, and by acceptance of all that Allah has predestined for man on earth. Allah is the Most Beneficent and Merciful who knows all man’s rightful needs, who enjoins all that is good and warns against all that is evil. Thus His revealed Law is perfectly suited to the universal needs, rights and responsibilities of man.

The Almighty Allah states in the Glorious Qur’an in relation to the Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham) ():

Behold! His Lord said to him: Submit (aslim). He said: I submit (aslamtu) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe. (2:131)

The word “Salam” means “Peace" and is derived from the same Arabic three-letter root SLM as the word Islam. “Salam” is one of the Attributes of Allah, blessed be His Names and Attributes and Exalted His Majesty, as the Qur’an states:

Allah is He, there is no other god except Him; the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory is to Allah! High is He above the partners they attribute to Him. (59:23)

"Salam" is also one of the names of Jannah (Paradise). The Almighty Allah states in the Glorious:

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For them will be a Home of Peace with their Lord. He will be their Friend, because they practiced righteousness. (6:127)

The inhabitants of Paradise will greet each other with "Salam” when they meet their Lord, Allah as he mentioned:

Their salutation on the Day they meet Him will be “Peace” and He has prepared for them a generous Reward. (35:44)

Muslims exchange the purified and noble greetings “As-Salamu Alaikum” (Peace be upon you) when they meet, when they pass by one another, when they call one another. Even when a Muslim enters his own home and finds no one there, he says as-Salamu Alaikum since he offers this greeting upon the angels who are present in that place and upon himself. This form of greeting helps to relieve the hearts from all forms of enmity and grudges and rancor people may keep within them, replacing it with good will, mutual respect, tranquility, security and happiness. Often Muslims greet one another by saying the fuller version, which has been taught by the Prophet of Allah: 'As-Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatul'laah' i.e. “May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you, and His Mercy.”

In the Prophetic traditions (hadith) we find the words of the Messenger of Allah () which make the spreading of this greeting from among the traits of the perfection of faith:

“You would not enter Paradise until you acquire full faith, and you would not acquire full faith until you love one another. Should not I guide you to an action which if you establish among one another, you would love one another? Spread the greeting of “Salaam” (Peace) as

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much as you can amongst yourselves (in the community).”


And the Messenger of Allah () said:

“Offer food generously to others, initiate the greeting of “peace” amongst yourselves to those whom you know and those whom you do not know.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

The purpose of Islam is to continually seek to please Allah, the Creator and Lord of the Universe, by universal good and righteous deeds. Allah says in his Glorious Book, the Qur’an:

O People of the Book! There has come to you Our Messenger revealing to you much that you used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary). There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book by which Allah guides all who seek His pleasure to ways of “salam” (peace and safety), leads them out of darkness, by His Will, to the light, and guides them to a Path that is Straight. (5:15-16)

Islam comprises the complete comprehensive meaning of peace that includes the inner personal and spiritual peace and the outer social peace. As the Messenger of Allah () said:

“A true Muslim is the person from whom other Muslims feel secured against abuse and attacks from his tongue and hands, and a true immigrant is a person who forsakes what Allah the Almighty has declared unlawful.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Moreover, it includes the global vision of general universal peace for all humanity, since its basic principles include stability, mutual respect, and non-aggression to those who abide peacefully to just terms, especially those who have the

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basic understanding of a revealed religion from Allah as the basis of their civilization like the Christians and Jews.

O you who believe! Enter into “as-Silm” (the peace of Islam by submission to Allah) completely and whole-heartedly, and do not follow the footsteps of the Satan, for he is indeed an avowed enemy to you. (2:208)

The invitation of Islam, Allah’s universal religion, is extended to all. Allah Most Exalted said in His Majestic Book:

Say (O Muhammad) ‘O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah... (7:158)

And He () said:

Truly the religion before Allah is Islam. (3:19)

And He () said:

And Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. (3:85)

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The Misconception that Islam was spread by Force

One misconception, promoted by the enemies of justice who do not read of the historical sources impartially but rehash old propaganda over and over again, is the false accusation that Islam was spread by compulsion and coercion. Various scriptures from the Majestic Qur’an can rebut this vile slander.

Allah Most Exalted says in His Majestic Book:

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghoot (Satan, idols, tyrants, etc) and believes in Allah, has grasped the most trustworthy hand hold that never breaks. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (2:256)

And He, the Most Exalted, says:

If it had been your Lord's Will, they all would have believed, all the people on earth! Will you then compel mankind, against their will, to believe! (10:99)

And He, the Most Exalted, says:

Say, The Truth is from your Lord: Let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject and disbelieve. We have prepared for the wrongdoers a Fire whose smoke and flames, like the wall and roof of a tent, will overwhelm them. If they implore for relief they will be granted water like melted brass that will scald their faces. How dreadful a drink! And how uncomfortable a couch to recline on! (18:29)

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And He, the Most Exalted, says:

But if they turn away, your duty is only to preach the Clear Message. (16:82)

And He, the Most Exalted, says:

Therefore give admonition, for you are indeed one to admonish. But you are not one to manage the affairs.


And He, the Most Exalted, says:

Say: Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger: but if you turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him, as you are likewise responsible for the duty placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to preach the clear Message. (24:54)

And He, the Most Exalted, says:

If one of the pagan idolators ask you for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah, then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge. (9:6)

These and many other verses of the Qur’an and teachings of Prophetic traditions make it clear that no coercion or compulsion in religion is allowed: no one is ever to be forced against his will to convert to Islam. Faith must be by knowledge and free will and based upon firm conviction in the heart, followed by the testimony of correct words and good deeds. A mere pronouncement on the lips of the creed of Islam, “LA ILAHA ILLALLAH” (There is no god except Allah (that is worthy of being worshipped) - is not enough to confirm one as a believer, even thought, if said with the kernel

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of initial faith, one immediately becomes a Muslim. As Allah said about the Bedouins who professed verbally without firm conviction:

The desert Arabs say: ‘We believe.’ Say: ‘You do not yet have real Faith, but rather say only: ‘We have submitted to Allah (aslamna: we are Muslims),’ since Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not slight you (the reward) of your deeds: for Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.


It is known that someone cannot be forced to change what is in the depths of his heart, and that one may profess with his tongue what he does not really believe with certainty: this is not Islam nor Islamic faith. For this reason Allah said the following about the one compelled under torture to renounce his faith in Islam:

Anyone who utters words of disbelief after accepting Faith in Allah - except under compulsion while his heart remains firm in Faith - such as one who opens his breast to disbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and there will be a dreadful Penalty for them. (16:106)

Disbelief occurs by opening the heart to disbelieve willingly, and upon this basis, one speaks evil and commits his criminal acts rebelling against Allah and the revealed guidance of the Messengers and becomes an apostate after being a Muslim.

Another accusation related to the above is that Islam was spread by force of arms and warfare. It is an established fact that any system or government, regardless of its source, requires a protective force to defend it adherents, preserve its values, spread its principles, ensure a fair application of its law, and enforce the just execution of legal penalties against

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criminals and those who rebel against the system. As reported in the tradition of the Prophet ():

“Truly, Allah admonishes with the authority of the ruler, more than what He admonishes with the Divine Revelation of the Qur’an” (i.e. more by enforcing the punishments justly than the God-consciousness from reading scripture) (al-Hindi, Kanz-ul-Aámaal)

Let us take a glimpse of the early days of Islam and its amazing spread over the known world to analyze the truth of this accusation in the light of documented historical fact. The Messenger of Allah Muhammad () after his commission from Allah to arise and publicize his divine message, remained in the sacred city of Makkah for thirteen years inviting his people of the Quraish tribe and the visitors of Makkah to Islam. He engaged every possible way to inform and convey the message of the revelations of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, encountering false accusations, slander, persecutions, harassment, boycotts, threats, attacks, and brutal physical aggression from his people. Those who believed shared in his sufferings, and since he was not yet commanded by Allah to meet violence and aggression with armed defense, his followers persevered and suffered the harshest forms of persecutions withholding their hands and adhering to the precepts of peaceful missionary activity. Many were tortured and some were martyred for their faith in Islam, and the accounts of these brave souls bear testimony to the long sufferings his followers endured in this period of severe testing. The Prophet soothed the wounds of his companion Ammar ibn Yasir and his parents who eventually became the first martyrs of Islam with the words:

“Be patient, O family of Yaser! Paradise will be your permanent abode” (Al-Hakim)

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The Prophet () allowed those of his followers that wished to immigrate to Ethiopia to escape from this oppression and torture. They sought refuge under the tutelage of its just ruler of the era, the Najashi, who eventually accepted Islam. Even in these dire circumstances Allah the Most Wise and Merciful commanded His Messenger Muhammad () to be patient, forbearing and tolerant with his people while propagating the message. There are repeated examples of his exceeding mercy, graciousness, magnanimity, and compassion in the face of this continued violence and aggression. The Prophet and his companions stood firm in their belief and conveyance of the message, obeying the following command of Allah:

Therefore patiently preserve, as did all the Messengers of inflexible purpose; and be in no haste about the disbelievers. On the Day that they see the Punishment promised to them, it will be as if they had not tarried more than an hour in a single day. Your duty is but to proclaim the Message. None shall be destroyed except those who transgress. (46:35)

And still he would pray for their guidance saying: “O Allah! Please guide my people as they know nothing.”

The Prophet () continued to propagate the message in Makkah, and to seek out any tribe that would be able to protect and aid him: he would present himself and his mission to the visiting individuals and tribes in Makkah and at the times of the great Arab markets and meeting places. Then it so happened that a group of the people of the city of Yathrib, (nowadays known as “Madinah,” City of the Prophet) believed in the Message of Islam and gave him their pledge of allegiance to support and defend him in the same way as they would defend their own wealth, honor, integrity and

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household, if he were to seek refuge and immigrate with his band of believers to their hometown.

This coincided with the persecution in Makkah reaching a grave critical stage, and the leaders of the Quraish tribe even conspired to murder the Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him. The event of immigration was to be the watershed in Islamic history, for in Madinah the Prophet’s first mosque was built, the brotherhood of Muslims expanded and grew, and the nascent Islamic state was established and developed under his direct guidance.

Note that Prophet Muhammad () and his followers never shed a drop of blood in retribution throughout these long years of persecution and oppression in the city of Makkah since he was not commanded to fight, but rather to be patient and persevere. Confrontation and armed hostilities from the Muslim side did not begin until two years after his immigration from Makkah to Madinah, when the Quraish tribe feared for its dominance and continued on the path of persecution and obstruction of the message of Islam, and after all avenues of peaceful propagation were exhausted.

Since the town of Madinah was enroute of the Quraish tribe’s merchant caravans to Greater Syria, the first act of confrontation occured when Allah's Messenger () engaged a commercial caravan lead by the Quraishi nobleman Abu Sufyan. The Prophet () intended to impose a kind of economic sanction on the tribe of Quriash to allow him to peacefully propagate his faith to others in the open, and to compensate the believers for the properties, possessions and wealth which were unjustly confiscated by the Quraish in Makkah before the immigration. The caravan escaped the ambush but after learning about the incident the leaders of Quraish prepared a relatively large and well-equipped army to attack the Muslims. Consequently the first decisive battle

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took place at Badr, and the smaller and ill equipped Muslim force of 313 fighters crushed the arrogant Quraish army with a humiliating and decisive defeat.

Allah Most Exalted and Supreme, describes the just rationale for this battle and those to follow:

(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly, only because they say ‘Our Lord is Allah.’ If Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, many monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure, would surely have been pulled down. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His cause. Indeed Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might. (They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer, give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And with Allah rests the end and decision of all affairs. (22:40-41)

And Allah the Wise and Sublime says:

And why shouldn’t you fight in the cause of Allah, and for those who, being weak, are persecuted and oppressed? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: ‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us, from Yourself, a protector, and raise for us, from Yourself, a helper! (4:75)

And Allah the Exalted says:

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors.


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In all the battles fought and all the victories that Allah's Messenger and his companions achieved within the period of twenty-three years of the Prophet’s mission in Makkah and then in Medinah, only three hundred and seventy five people were killed in this fighting. In the ninth year of the Hijra (Immigration) known as the Year of Delegations, the Prophet () met with about a hundred various delegations from tribes over the entire Arabian Peninsula to confer and negotiate with the Prophet (). He met them with generosity and magnanimity and replied to all their questions and concerns about the Islamic Creed (Aqeedah) and Law (Shari’ah). The majority of them were suitably impressed by the call of the Prophet () and they accepted Islam. The Messenger of Allah () also sent letters to the leaders of the surrounding regions calling them to accept the Message of Allah as will be mentioned below.

In the Prophet’s lifetime and soon afterwards, the entire Arabian Peninsula was for the first time in its history unified in one just and egalitarian rule of law and divine religion. The majority of Arabs accepted Islam willfully in droves after hearing the Qur’an, seeing the example of the Prophet in his Sunnah (Way) and his companions, and witnessing the Islamic system, with only a few holdouts among some Jewish and Christian pockets, allowed to remain within the Islamic State on their old faith by contract stipulating specific rights and obligations and the payment of the Jizya tax in lieu of the state’s protection and not participating in military service. Indeed this revolutionary change was a miraculous achievement considering the meager material means by which it took place and its lasting worldwide effect, and Allah Most Great gives success to whom He will.

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The rightly-guided Caliphs, companions and righteous predecessors followed the example of the Prophet after his demise, defending the Islamic State from its enemies, conquering the surrounding tyrannical empires which threatened their existence and spreading Islam by the zeal of their faith and missionary activity and with their excellent upright morals and just relations. These individuals were, by no standards, equal in number or war equipment, preparations, and professional military skills, to the people they vanquished, but the vitality of their divine faith and mission and moral superiority of their characters conquered the common people’s hearts and minds before there was a need to vanquish the corrupt tyrannical armies whose oppression of the masses was unbearable.

One of the new converts (reverts) to Islam in our time, named Basheer Ahmad, said in reflection on this issue: “One of the most puzzling questions to me, and one of my most serious concerns prior to accepting Islam and embracing it as a way of life, was that we Christians claim that Islam spread by the edge of sword. Therefore, I posed the following question to myself: If that claim is true, why, then, do we notice that many people, in every corner of the world, still adhere to Islam and embrace it, join it, and accept it as a way of life? Why do we notice people come to join Islam daily, without any compulsion or force by anyone?” [Paraphrased from Dr. Imad-du-Deen Khalil: “What Do They Say about Islam?” p.295]

Norman A. Daniel says on the origins of the fabrication of this myth “… West formed a more or less invariable canon of beliefs about Islam; it decided for itself what Islam was... The important thing was it suited the West... it gave Christendom self-respect in dealing with a civilization in

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many ways its superior.” [Islam and the West: The Making of an Image, p. 270]

De Lacy O'Leary comments on this fallacy: “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.” [Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p. 8]

Dr. Gustav LeBon states in his book “Civilization of the Arabs [p.127–128]: “...force was never a factor in the spread of the Koranic teachings, and that the Arabs left those they had subdued free to exercise their religious beliefs. If it happened that some Christian peoples embraced Islam and adopted Arabic as their language, it was mainly due to the various kinds of justice on the part of the Arab victors, with the like of which the non-Moslems were not acquainted. It was also due to the tolerance and leniency of Islam, which was unknown to the other religions.” [Paraphrased from Dr.Imad-du-Deen Khalil: “What Do They Say about Islam? p.314]

He also says: “…the early Caliphs… were remarkably kind in the way they treated the peoples of Syria, Egypt, Spain and every other country they subdued, leaving them to practice their laws and regulations and beliefs and imposing only a small Jizya in return for their protection and keeping peace among them. In truth, nations have never known merciful and tolerant conquerors like the Arabs."

If Islam did spread as a consequence to the wars imposed on the Muslims from those enemies threatening their survival, and the conquests of these oppressive and corrupt regimes

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that followed consequently, is this unique and unknown in history, especially when compared to other civilizations? What is truly unique of the Islamic conquests is that they are generally liberation from oppression, as in the famous answers that the companions of the Prophet () gave to the Emperor of Persia when he asked them what had brought the Muslims to their lands, as mentioned in the history books: “Allah has sent us to take whoever wishes from the slavery of mankind to other men, to the servitude and worship of Allah, from the confines of this world to the expanse (which Islam brings to this world and the Hereafter), and from the injustice of the ways of life (of the worldly rulers) to the justice of Islam.” [see Ibn Katheer, Bidayah wa Nihayah].

In direct contrast to the many examples of massacres, rapes and pillaging, and injustices in history mentioned in the preface, we do not find comparable accounts in the history of these early Islamic conquests.

Thomas Carlyle, in his famous series of lectures, commented on the spread of Islam with the following words: “Much has been said of Mahomet’s propagating his Religion by the sword. It is no doubt far nobler what we have to boast of the Christian Religion, that it propagated itself peaceably in the way of preaching and conviction. Yet with all, if we take this for an argument of the truth or falsehood of a religion, there is a radical mistake in it. The sword indeed: but where will you get your sword! Every new opinion, at its starting, is precisely in a minority of one. In one man’s head alone, there it dwells as yet. One man alone of the whole world believes it; there is one man against all men. That _he_ take a sword, and try to propagate with that, will do little for him. You must first get your sword! On the whole, a thing will propagate itself as it can. We do not find, of the Christian

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Religion either, that it always disdained the sword, when once it had got one. Charlemagne’s conversion of the Saxons was not by preaching. I care little about the sword: I will allow a thing to struggle for itself in this world, with any sword or tongue or implement it has, or can lay hold of. We will let it preach, and pamphleteer, and fight, and to the uttermost bestir itself, and do, beak and claws, whatsoever is in it; very sure that it will, in the long-run, conquer nothing which does not deserve to be conquered. What is better than itself, it cannot put away, but only what is worse. In this great Duel, Nature herself is umpire, and can do no wrong: the thing which is deepest-rooted in Nature, what we call _truest_, that thing and not the other will be found growing at last.” [‘Heroes, Hero Worship, and the Heroic in History,’ Lecture 2, Friday, 8th May 1840]

In comparison to the above, let us take some passages from the Holy Bible and read what the Jews and Christians hold as sacred and divine guidance about the conduct of war, and which has lead them in times of their expansions and conquests.

We read in the Book of Deuteronomy:

“10/When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.11/And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.12/And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: 13/And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:14/But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and

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thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.15/Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations.16/But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: 17/But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee…” [Deuteronomy 20: 10-17].

On the conquest of the city of Jericho and the fate of the indigenous inhabitants therein we read: "The people called and used the trumpets so the wall fell in its place, they entered the city and murdered all its people, males, females, children, and the old people, even the cows, goats, and donkeys, using swords." [Yusha' 6/20]

In the towns of Muqeideh and Labneh, they did the same as in Jericho. [Yusha' 10/28].

A perplexing passage of the Gospel of Mathew on a statement of Jesus () reads: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace, but a sword." [Matt. 10:35-37; and compare Luke 22:36]

What is this sword? Who has the authority to raise it? This is not clear and is hotly contested. Perhaps it will be raised upon his second coming. Until Constantine the early Christians were a persecuted minority apparently committed to non-violence and waiting for his imminent return, but thereafter, when Trinitarian Christianity became the official state religion in the era after Constantine, the sword was welded by the State, and Christian rulers down through history conducted

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numerous wars and conquests in the name of religion. The Christian principle of obedience to any authority in power is based upon the purported statement of Jesus () to “render unto Caesar.” This was increasingly extended by the Christian theologians to rationalize and legitimize the right of divine rule and then, even national and secular rule, on the basis of Pauline doctrine as enshrined in his decree: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” [(NIV) Romans 13:1]

The statements and facts above will be compared with some of the guidance from Allah’s Book, the Qur’an, and the Way of the Prophet, the Sunnah, to provide more proofs that indeed Islam is the religion of peace, despite the fact that some disobedient Muslims have distorted, by word and deed, the image of Islam, and despite the venomous propaganda, slander and ridiculous misinformation fabricated and distributed by the enemies of Islam in their crusades against Islam and the Muslims.

We do not deny that aberrations and injustices took place occasionally by some of the Muslims, but the general sweep of historical trends is our evidence, as noted above. And along these lines it may be pertinent to mention a couple more examples, since they show a general pattern. The Christian conquerors of Jerusalem slaughtered all of its Jewish and Muslim inhabitants, whereas the re-conquest of Jerusalem by Salahudeen al-Ayubi stands as a noteworthy example of magnanimity and generosity. We also have the contrast of Andalus (Muslim Spain) and Anatolia (Asia minor). The Christians expelled the Muslims and Jews from Spain or put them to the sword or forced them to convert to Christianity

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during the infamous “Inquisition,” the paradigm of the treatment of Muslims under Christian rule. In the same era when the Muslims mostly of Turkish stock conquered what is now Turkey, they were comparatively much more tolerant, and to this day the seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church remains in Istanbul (the conquered Constantine). The noted orientalist Sir Thomas Arnold rejects this malicious propaganda about Islam saying: “…of any organized attempt to force the acceptance of Islam on the non-Muslim population, or of any systematic persecution intended to stamp out the Christian religion, we hear nothing. Had the caliphs chosen to adopt either course of action, they might have swept away Christianity as easily as Ferdinand and Isabella drove Islam out of Spain, or Louis XIV made Protestantism penal in France, or the Jews were kept out of England for 350 years. The Eastern Churches in Asia were entirely cut off from communion with the rest of Christendom throughout which no one would have been found to lift a finger on their behalf, as heretical communions. So the very survival of these Churches to the present day is a strong proof of the generally tolerant attitude of Muhammadan [sic] governments towards them" [Sir Thomas W. Arnold: The Preaching of Islam, a history of the propagation of the Muslim faith, Westminster A. Constable & Co., London, 1896, p. 80]

The unfortunate reality of history is that European rather than Islamic historical trends have come to dominate the world, and that the reactions against the incessant religious wars among the Christian sects of Europe created the seedbed for the rise of modern European secularism, humanism, nationalism, atheism, and godlessness, and we see that these trends are the roots of the major political and socioeconomic plagues ravishing mankind to this day.

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The Misconception that Worldly Gains were the Aim of the Islamic Conquests

A third and related accusation is that the swift Islamic conquests, which startled the known world and by which the Muslim faith was able to spread East and West, were primarily only for war booty, worldly pleasures, fame and glory.

Let us present some facts about the biography of the Prophet () and about Islamic principles from the historical record. The Prophet Muhammad () at the beginning of his mission as the Prophet and Messenger of Allah was approached by his people in every possible way and by every possible means to back off and abandon his Call to Islam besides their other attempts by open persecution and oppression to thwart his mission mentioned earlier. The Prophet () was asked by the Quraish leaders: If you need possession and dominion over all the Arabian Peninsula, we ensure this for you. If you need marriage, we offer you, freely, to marry the most beautiful virgin girl in the Arabian Peninsula”. The Prophet () was offered excesses of wealth that no one ever dreamed of possessing in the Arabian Peninsula, but he denied this offer as well. The Arab leaders Quraish made all their offers with the condition that he ceased calling to his religion of Islam and ceased castigating and exposing as foolish their Pagan beliefs in idols and superstitions. The Prophet's () simple, direct and honest reply to all their tempting and lucrative deals was full and final rejection. One famous narration of the words of the Prophet () is recorded as follows:

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“By Allah! If they were able to place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand in order to pressure me to abandon the call for this mission, I would not. I will never surrender, nor accept their requests, (but will continue on my mission) until either this Call (of the religion of Islam) becomes predominant and widely accepted and practiced in the Arabian Peninsula, or my head is removed of my body.” [Ibn Hisham, The Biography of Muhammad () vol.1, p.170]

Another fact worthy of noting is that the letters that the Prophet () sent to the prominent kings, governors and rulers of neighboring countries were very clear in allowing them to keep their positions of leadership, dominations, and possessions if they accepted Islam and preserved peace and justice.

For instance, the following famous letter to Heraclius, Emperor of Roman & Byzantine Empire reads as follows.

“In the name of Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful From Muhammad, who is the servant of Allah and His Prophet to Heraclius (the ruler at that time). Peace be on him, who follows the right path. After this, I invite you to the fold of Islam. Therefore, if you desire security, accept Islam. If you accept Islam, Allah shall reward you doubly and if you refuse to do so, the responsibility for the transgression of the entire nation shall be yours. [Allah the Almighty says]:

Say: O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah. If then they turn back, say: Bear witness that we

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are Muslims (who submit to Allah's Will). (3:64)” (Bukhari & Muslim)

The companion Anas () reported that:

“Allah's Messenger () was never approached to give a reward to a person who accepted Islam, but condoned it. Once, a man came and asked for something if he accepted Islam. The Prophet () offered him (from the Islamic treasury) a herd of sheep that was grazing in a valley between two mountains (at Madinah). As such, the man who received the reward went back to his people and told them, O My people! Accept Islam, as Muhammad () gives such rewards that the recipient will never fear poverty. [All the people related to this man accepted Islam and joined the Muslims]. Anas () continued in his report saying: ‘A man would accept Islam only for materialistic gains, but as soon as he would feel the sweetness of Islam the faith would become dearer to the heart of such person, more than the entire world and its possessions.’” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Let's also examine the amount of wealth that the Prophet () left behind as inheritance after his death. Amr bin al-Harith () reported:

“The Prophet () upon his death left no dirham or dinar (denominations of money), slave, maid or anything else, other than his white mule, his weapon, and a piece of land which he had declared as a charity for Muslims.”


In fact the Prophet's personal armor was bonded to a Jew as a pawn against a measurement of barley for his family's food at the time of his death. How could any sensible person, then,

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accuse a man like the Prophet Muhammad () of being infatuated with materialistic gains and possessions, ephemeral status and glory? Emperors, nationalistic leaders, their generals and warriors seek after glory, land and booty, but the facts above prove that the aim of the Messenger of Allah () was to spread the religion of Islam to mankind by peaceful means for their benefit, and leave them alone in earning their livelihood and fulfilling their material needs as they pleased within the boundaries of Islam.

The companions of the Prophet () and the followers in truth, show by example of their righteous, upright and ascetic way of life, that they were not after worldly possessions and the fleeting pleasures of this life.

During the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet () commented: “Get up to gain Paradise which is as spacious as all the heavens and earth put together!” A man named Omair bin al-Hemam () heard the Prophet's () statement. As such, this man raised the question to Allah's Messenger (): “O Prophet of Allah! Did you say the reward is Paradise, which is as wide as the heavens and earth put together! The Prophet () answered positively. The Companion said: Blessed be it! Blessed be it! The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, asked the man: “What urged you to say what you said?” The man replied: ‘O Prophet of Allah! The only hope I entertain is to be one of the dwellers of this Paradise!’ The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Surely, you are one of the dwellers of this Paradise.” Upon hearing such a word from the Prophet (), the man got few dates out of his bag to eat before the fight began. But, the man threw the dates in the air and uttered, By Allah! If I lived to finish eating these dates it would be a very long life! He rushed to fight the enemies of Islam with all his might until he was killed.” (Muslim)

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A man called Shaddad bin al-Hadi () reported that a Bedouin came to Allah's Messenger () and expressed interest in Islam. The Bedouin soon embraced Islam. The Bedouin expressed his interest to Allah's Messenger () to immigrate with him to Madinah. As such, Allah's Messenger () asked Muslims to take care of the Bedouin, [which they did]. The Muslims fought a battle against the pagans and as a result, they won some war booty. Allah's Messenger () distributed the booty among his Companions. The Bedouin was given a share of the booty due to his participation in the fight. The Bedouin asked, 'What is this for?' Allah's Messenger () stated, 'This is a share of the booty for your participation in the fight.'

The Bedouin uttered, 'I did not give you my pledge of allegiance for worldly gains. In fact, I followed you and embraced Islam hoping that an arrow of the enemy would hit my throat, then I would die, then I would be rewarded with Paradise.' Allah's Messenger () commented on the statement of the Bedouin, 'If you are truthful with Allah, surely Allah would fulfill your desire.' Later on, a battle was fought, the Bedouin was found dead with an arrow in his throat. He was carried forward and brought before the Prophet (). Allah's Messenger () inquired, 'Isn't he the same Bedouin?' The people answered affirmatively. The Messenger of Allah () said,

'Verily this man was truthful with Allah. Therefore, Allah Most Exalted is Truthful with him.'

Allah's Messenger () gave his cloak to be used as a shroud for the martyred Bedouin. The funeral was brought forward and they offered a funeral prayer for his soul, using the following supplication for the soul of the martyr:

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“O Allah! This is Your slave-servant, who immigrated for Your cause. He was killed as a martyr. I am a witness for that.” (Nisaa'e)

The incident is a testimony for this man and his likes who refused to accept his entitled share of the war booty seeking complete sincerity in his desire for the reward from Allah alone.

Omar bin Al-Khattab () the famous rightly-guided Caliph and Companion of the Prophet () whose conquests reached into vast areas in the known world including the Roman and Persian empires, heard his stomach growl due to lack of proper diet. Upon hearing the growl of his own stomach, Omar () exclaimed, O My dear stomach, growl or be still! By Allah! You will not get properly filled until all Muslims have enough to eat (and enjoy a proper diet)” (Baihaqi in al-Sunan, 9/42]

The booty and spoils of warfare the early Muslims gained by their conquests were sufficient to let them lead a prosperous and gracious life, but the real motive behind the conquests was to call other peoples to the Word of Allah and the religion of Islam, proven by the fact that the conquered peoples were given the freedom of choice to accept Islam as a religion and way of life, and if they did, they would be entitled to all the rights of the other Muslims. This equalitarian and universal approach was unknown in the world at that time built upon racial and national empires where some were privileged nobles and the rest were second-class citizens at best and more probably servants, slaves and feudal serfs. If the conquered people rejected Islam, and remained upon the religion but they did not declare war against the Muslims, they were required to pay the Jizyah (“Head Tax”) a symbolic amount of tax in exchange for the protection of their lives, properties and wealth guaranteed and secured by the Islamic state.

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Additionally, payers of the head tax would enjoy all public facilities offered and maintained by the Islamic state and were not required to pay any additional taxes whereas Muslims, on the other hand, were required to pay the Zakah (obligatory charity on accumulated wealth, the sum of two and half percent of their annually accumulated funds or a specified amount of agricultural and husbandry produce). Zakah is often much more than what the amount of the head tax is annually. If the non-Muslims in a conquered land refuse to accept either option, and choose to remain belligerent, war would be waged against them in order to deliver the Message of Islam to the people in general. The essential reason for waging a war against other non-Muslims is the fact that, some inhabitants of such non-Islamic countries may, embrace Islam, have they known its principles and mission. For this essential and noble objective, Allah Knows best, Islam imposes on Muslims to wage wars in order to deliver the Message of Allah to the non-Muslims.

One of the greatest generals of Islam, namely, Khalid bin al-Waleed (); the most famous and successful general of the early Muslims, expired while he owned only a horse, a sword, and a servant. Where could any one find a trace of materialistic life in the inheritance of such a great Muslim general and warrior?

The books of the Islamic history are replete with numerous narratives of men of this high caliber that confirm that worldly gains were not the objective of the early Muslims, rather, they hoped for the reward from Allah the Most Generous and Bountiful for their sincerity in calling to Islam, the divine religion of guidance from Allah.. As was revealed and promised by the Prophet () like when he said:

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“If a single soul, male or female, is guided through you to Islam, it is better for you than the choice red camels (of the world, i.e. the most prized possessions of the Arabs).”

(Muslim & others)

There are many reliable accounts of early Muslims willingly giving up their entire wealth and life savings as charity upon their conversion to Islam. The early members of the Quraish tribe were noteworthy in this regard. Others were deprived of their wealth because their families boycotted them in anger for their embracement of Islam. Others had all their possessions confiscated upon immigration to Medina. Others were extremely involved in the work of Islamic propagation and gave their time and wealth to this activity. To site one example, in the major and decisive battle of Nahawand, a companion of the Prophet () named an-Nu'man bin Muqrin al Mozani () offered the following supplication, “O Allah! Honor and Glorify Your Divine religion, and make those victorious who believe in You. 'O Allah! Let me be the first to be martyred in the battle. O Allah! Grant my eyes the true pleasure to see the best conquest that grants honor and dignity to Islam. O people! Put faith in Allah, He will certainly shower you with His Mercy”. Do you see any materialistic greed and desire for personal glory in this supplication? The main objective is surely to seek the Pleasure of Allah and the sincere wish to call others to accept Islam for their own benefit.

The Ruler of Egypt, the Muqawqis, sent his messenger to the Muslim General, Amr bin al-Aas () who conquered Egypt. The Muslim General was holding the Babylon fortress in siege. The Egyptian Ruler asked his spy to report on what they observed. They all had a consensus on their observation. They said, “We have noticed that they prefer death over life. They prefer to be modest and humble, rather than proud and

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arrogant. We have noticed that they have no interest among them in worldly gains and possessions. They sit on the floor, and their leader sits like one of them. No one could differentiate between the leader and the led, the master and the slave. They are almost alike, irrespective of their ranks.”

These and many more examples show that accumulation of the spoils of war and self-aggrandizement were not the objectives of early Muslims, rather the zeal of the mission of Islam to guide mankind propelled them from their native homeland to the surrounding areas, carrying with them the universal message of Islam.


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Just War Theory and Practice in Islam

Islam, as we explained earlier, is a divine religion of submission to Allah and His revealed guidance for man, which seeks peace and teaches mercy. Although Islam calls for peaceful interactions with all peoples of all countries, engagement in war may become necessary at times as a final remedy. Allah has limited the application of the times to go to war to five situations. It is not called war but “Jihad” according to Islamic terminology, meaning to strive and exert one’s utmost effort in the cause of Allah. The essential difference between war and Jihad is that the objective of Jihad is to defend the Muslims and allow their right to deliver the Islamic invitation to Islam, and to spread the universal message of the Divine Word of Allah, Most Exalted and Almighty. As for war, it may be for defense against aggression, a legitimate reason within certain conditions, but in broad and general historical terms it most often is waged as an aggression and for unjust personal and national vendettas; for imperial, colonial and corporate expansion and hegemony; for the control, exploitation, plunder and theft of material and human resources; or for mere fame, glory and arrogance. Islam does not condone any of the war objectives and above purposes and considers them all illegitimate and worthy of just retribution. There are only five legitimate reasons for Jihad, as follows:

1. Defense against attack upon life, property, wealth and honor of the Muslim nation and national borders. This is based on the verse revealed in the Glorious Qurán:

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Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah does not love the transgressors. (2:190)

This is also based on the tradition of the Messenger of Allah () who said:

“Whoever is killed while attempting to protect his belongings is a martyr; whoever is killed while attempting to protect himself is a martyr; whoever is killed while attempting to protect his religion is a martyr; and whoever is killed while attempting to protect his family is a martyr.”

(Tirmidhi, Abu Da`ood, Nisaa’I & Ibn Majah)

2. Defense against oppression or those assisting in the oppression of the weak and defenseless. Jihad in this type has a clear obligatory humanitarian objective. Allah, Most Majestic, states in His Glorious Qur’an:

And why shouldn’t you fight in the cause of Allah, and for those who, being weak, are persecuted and oppressed? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: ‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us, from Yourself, a protector, and raise for us, from Yourself, a helper! (4:75)

This command to resist aggression and persecution is also based on the verse revealed in the Glorious Qur’an:

Those who believed, immigrated, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who gave them asylum and aid, these are all friends and protectors, one of another. As to those who believed, but did not immigrate (in the cause of Allah); you do not owe them the duty of protection until they come into exile; but if they seek your aid in

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