In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
There are well-established public and
private rights in the Islamic society. In the
section below we will highlight the most
important public and private rights in the
Islamic law and teachings:
01 Rights of Almighty God
02 Rights of the Prophet Muhammad
03 Rights of other Prophets and
04 Rights of Parents
05 Rights of Husband towards His Wife
06 Rights of Wife towards Her Husband
07 Rights of Children
08 Rights of Relatives
The essential right of man towards God is
to worship Him alone, setting up no rivals
or partners with Him, nor attributing any
sons or daughters to Him. The eternal truth
of all existence is that LA ILAHA ILLAALLAH:
“there is nothing worthy of being
worshipped except God,” meaning that
there is no so-called “god”, deity, or entity
worthy of worship and absolute obedience
except for the One Creator. This is the
testimony of faith of a Muslim that involves
the following requirements:
1. God alone deserves to be worshiped
and obeyed in an absolute sense. None
has the right to be worshiped along
with or besides Him. All statements,
acts and hidden intentions must agree
with what the Almighty has designated.
All actions of man must be performed
for the Pleasure of the Almighty. The
Almighty states in the Qur’an: “And
your Lord says, ‘Call upon Me; I will
respond to you.’ Indeed, those who
disdain My worship will enter Hell
[rendered] contemptible.” [40:60]
2. A Muslim is required to believe in the
Names and Attributes that God has
given Himself, or those attributed to Him
through revelation by His Prophet and
Messenger . No one may attribute any
name or quality to God by speculation
that neither God nor His Prophet and
Messenger have attributed to Him. He
must not offer any undue explanation,
similitude thereof, or express an opinion
concerning these Names and Attributes
of God. God the Exalted says in the
Glorious Qur’an:
“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is
the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.” [42:11]
3. Man must submit himself to God,
in faith with total and sincere belief,
declaring with his tongue, accepting
with his heart and showing with his
actions the truth of the statement that
God, the Almighty, states in the Qur’an:
“So know, [O Muhammad], that there is
no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness
for your sin and for the believing men and
believing women. And Allah knows of your
movement and your resting place.” [47:19]
4. Human beings are obligated to give
full and total submission to the Will of
God. This is based on the instruction
of the following verse of the Qur’an: “It
is not for a believing man or a believing
woman, when Allah and His Messenger
have decided a matter, that they should
[thereafter] have any choice about their
affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and
His Messenger has certainly strayed
into clear error.” [33:36]
5. A Muslim must have pure love for God
as well as His Prophet and Messenger
. This love should dominate the love
of other beings and his own self. God,
the Exalted, says in the Qur’an:
“Say: [O Muhammad], ‘If your fathers,
your sons, your brothers, your wives, your
relatives, wealth which you have obtained,
commerce wherein you fear decline, and
dwellings with which you are pleased are
more beloved to you than Allah and His
Messenger and jihad in His cause, then
wait until Allah executes His command.
And Allah does not guide the defiantly
disobedient people.’” [9:24]
6. Man must worship God only in the
manner and form legislated by God
through his Messenger and Prophet
. It is not allowed to invent an act
of worship through speculation and
then ascribe it to the true religion.
All worship should be in line with the
revealed religion of Islam. For example,
concerning offering prayer, one of
the fruits of offering and maintaining
such prayer is that it helps to enjoin
good and stop all evil acts. God, the
Almighty, states in the Qur’an:
“Recite [O Muhammad] what has been
revealed to you of the Book and establish
prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality
and wrongdoing, and the remembrance
of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that
which you do.” [29:45]
The payment of Zakah (obligatory charity)
to the destitute and needy generates selfpurification
and elimination of miserliness,
as well as alleviation of the pains and trials
of the less fortunate. God, the Almighty,
states in the Qur’an:
“He who spends his wealth for increase in
self-purification. And who has in mind no
favor from anyone to be paid back. Except
to seek the Countenance of his Lord, the
Most High. He surely will be pleased.”
Observing fasting enables man to have
better control and self-discipline over
temptations and passions. Man becomes
more pious and God-fearing, and
becomes more conscious of the needs of
the poor and less fortunate. Almighty God
states in the Qur’an:
“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed
for you as it was prescribed for those
before you, that you may achieve piety.”
Hajj (pilgrimage) also has many benefits,
as God, the Almighty, states in the Qur’an:
“That they may witness benefits for
themselves and mention the name of Allah
on known days over what He has provided
for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat
of them and feed the downtrodden and
poor.” [22:28]
All these and other acts of worship in Islam
are meant for man’s own benefit. There is
never undue hardship when performed
under normal circumstances. God, the
Almighty, states in the Qur’an:
“God intends for you ease and He does
not want to make things difficult for you.”
The Messenger of God said in support
of this concept: “If I command you to do
anything, do as much as you can.”
And he said: “Religion is easy…”
In the event of sickness and other
legitimate hardships, acts of worship are
either completely exempted or lessened,
with some concessions. For instance,
standing is required to perform the dailyprescribed
prayer, but if one is unable to
stand, he may offer it sitting down. If that
is not possible, he may lie down on the
side of the body, on his back, or in any
other way that is suitable and comfortable
to his situation. If a worshipper is not able
to maintain his prayer in any of the above
situations, he may pray by the motions of
his hands or even his eyes.
It is incumbent to perform ablution prior
to offering a prayer but this requirement
is waived if a Muslim cannot find water or
there is some harm in its use. In place of
water, he performs dry ablution instead,
and offers his prayer exactly as if he had
performed ablution with water.
A woman in her menstrual period or
one who is experiencing post-natal
bleeding is exempted from both fasting
and performing prayer until her bleeding
completely stops, and she is not required
to make up the prayers she missed later.
A Muslim, male or female, who does not
possess Nisab (the requisite minimal
amount on the basis of which it is obligatory
to pay the obligated charity of Zakah), is
not required to pay any Zakah.
An old person who is unable to observe
fasting, and a sick person who also cannot
observe fasting, are exempted from
fasting. They have to pay its atonement
if they are able. Atonement is to feed a
needy person one meal for each day not
fasted. Similarly, a traveler may break his
fast while traveling, as traveling involves
hardship and fatigue.
The Hajj is not obligatory on any person
who is incapable due to physical inability
or financial constraints since the person
intending Hajj must have sufficient funds
to satisfy himself and his family’s needs
beyond the expenses of pilgrimage. God,
the Exalted, says in the Qur’an:
“In [the House of worship in Makkah] are
manifest signs [such as] the Station of
Abraham; whosoever enters it, he attains
security. And the pilgrimage to the House
is a duty that mankind owes to God, those
who can afford the expenses; and whoever
disbelieves, then God stands not in need
of any of His creatures.” [3:97]
Another example of the mitigation of
hardships in Islam is when a person faces
the shortage of lawful food and is on the
brink of death; in this case, he is allowed
to eat even unlawful food items, like blood
and the meat of dead animals, that is
enough to keep him alive. This rule is also
based upon the instructions of the Qur’an:
“[God] has forbidden you only the dead
animals, and blood, and the flesh of swine,
and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice
for others than God. But if one is forced
by necessity without willful disobedience
nor transgressing due limits, then there is
no sin on him. Truly, God is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.” [2:173]
God sent His Messenger to guide mankind.
If man believes in, and obeys him, giving
him all his due rights, God has promised
that person success in this life and the
Hereafter as a reward. These rights are
summarized in the following testimony
along with the above testimony: “There
is nothing worthy of being worshipped
except God, and Muhammad is the slave
and Messenger of God.” This declaration
requires the following:
A believer must comply with the
commands of the Prophet and must
strive to avoid acts of disobedience as
God, the Exalted, says in the Qur’an:
“So take whatsoever the Messenger gives
you, and abstain from that which he forbids
you. And fear God, verily God is severe in
Punishment.” [59:7]
A Muslim must follow the authentic
traditions of the Sunnah (way of the
Prophet) to the best of their ability. No
one has any authority to alter, add or
omit any of the Sunnah traditions of the
Messenger of God . God, the Exalted,
says in the Qur’an: “Say: ‘If you really
love God, follow me: God will love you
and forgive you your sins. And God is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’” [3:31]
A believer must honor the special status
and dignity bestowed by God to His
Prophet . No one must go to extremes,
either by exaggerating or degrading
this status. The Prophet said: “Do
not exaggerate in praising me as the
Christians exaggerated in their praise
of [Jesus] the son of Mary; (as) I am no
more than a servant (of God). So say:
‘God’s servant and His Messenger.’”
And he said: “O people! Say what you
have to say, and do not allow yourselves
to be seduced by Satan. I am Muhammad,
the servant and Messenger of God. I do
not like you to elevate me above the status
assigned to me by God, the Almighty.”
And he is reported to have said: “Do
not praise me more than I deserve. God
created me as a slave before calling me a
Prophet and Messenger.”
A Muslim must show acceptance of and
satisfaction with any verdict passed
by the Prophet of God as God, the
Exalted, says in the Qur’an:
“But no, by Your Lord, they can have no
(real) Faith, until they make you judge in all
disputes between them, and find in their
souls no resistance against your decisions
and accept them with full submission.”
Belief in the universality of the Message
of Prophet Muhammad to all of
humanity. Islam is not designated to a
specific category of people, as it was
the case with previous Prophets and
Messengers . This is derived from
the Qur’an: “Say: [O Muhammad], ‘O
mankind, indeed I am the Messenger
of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom
belongs the dominion of the heavens
and the earth. There is no deity except
Him; He gives life and causes death.’
So believe in Allah and His Messenger,
the unlettered prophet, who believes in
Allah and His words, and follow him that
you may be guided.” [7:158]
Belief that God’s Messenger and
Prophet, Muhammad , has been
protected by God against possible
human errors in relation to his mission
to mankind. This includes the belief that
the Prophet never omitted or added
anything to the complete Message of
God. This is based on the following
statement from the Qur’an: “Nor does
he speak of his own desire.” [53:3]
Belief that the Prophet Muhammad
is the final Prophet and Messenger of
God to mankind, and that no Prophet or
Messenger will come after him . God
says in the Qur’an:
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your
men, but (he is) the Messenger of God,
and the Last of the Prophets.” [33:40]
And the Messenger of God said: “… and
there is no prophet after me.”
Belief that the religious duties and
divine commands God sent to mankind
are complete, and that the Prophet
has delivered the Message of God in
its entirety, and gave the best advice to
his community and the best guidance
to do all good and to avoid all evil. This
is based on the verse of the Glorious
“This day those who disbelieve have
despaired of [defeating] your religion;
so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I
have perfected for you your religion and
completed My favor upon you and have
approved for you Islam as religion.” [5:3]
Belief that the laws legislated in Islam
are approved by God, and that all the
various types of worship are based
upon and revolve around these divine
laws. Independent human actions will
not be accepted, unless and until they
are in conformity with these divine
laws. This is based on the statement
of the Qur’an: “And whoever seeks a
religion other than Islam, never will it be
accepted of him, and in the Hereafter
he will be among the losers.” [3:85]
A Muslim must offer the proper greeting
to God’s Prophet and Messenger
when his name is mentioned as a form
of respect, as instructed in the Qur’an:
“Indeed, Allah confers praise upon the
Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do
so]. O you who have believed, ask [Allah
to confer] praise upon him and ask [Allah
to grant him] peace.” [33:56]
A Believer must have true love and
affection for the Prophet and Messenger
of God above the love of all others.
As all the information and practices of
the true religion of God, the only true
means of salvation, were delivered to
us through the relentless efforts of the
Prophet, we should love him dearly.
Additionally, we should not forget the
many blessings that the Prophet
brought as guidance. This is based on
the instruction of the Qur’an:
“Say: [O Muhammad], ‘If your fathers,
your sons, your brothers, your wives, your
relatives, wealth which you have obtained,
commerce wherein you fear decline, and
dwellings with which you are pleased are
more beloved to you than Allah and His
Messenger and jihad in His cause, then
wait until Allah executes His command.
And Allah does not guide the defiantly
disobedient people.’” [9:24]
A Muslim must devote every possible
effort and opportunity available to him
to call, with wisdom and patience, all
others to the Message of Muhammad
. He should strive to inform those
who are unaware and misinformed
and strengthen the faith of people with
weak, wavering faith. As God, the Most
Wise, says in the Qur’an:
“Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with
wisdom and beautiful preaching; and
dialogue with them in a way that is better
and most gracious. Truly, your Lord knows
best who has gone astray from His Path,
and He is the Most Aware of those who are
guided.” [16:125]
This is also based on the statement of
God’s Prophet and Messenger , “Share
with others, on my behalf, even one verse.”
A Muslim’s belief in Islam is not complete
or acceptable unless he declares belief
in the truth of all the previous Prophets
and Messengers of God. A Muslim must
believe that all the previous Prophets and
Messengers were sent for specific groups
of people during a specific time, whereas
the Message of Islam is universal, and is
for all times and places until the Day of
Judgment. God says in the Qur’an:
“The Messenger has believed in what
was revealed to him from his Lord, and
[so have] the believers. All of them have
believed in Allah and His angels and His
books and His messengers, [saying], ‘We
make no distinction between any of His
messengers.’ And they say, ‘We hear and
we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our
Lord, and to You is the [final] destination.’”
Muslims are required to deliver the
Message of Islam to others, but never to
force or compel others to accept it, as
God, the Exalted, says in the Qur’an: “Let
there be no compulsion in religion.” [2:256]
The rights of parents include respect,
love and obedience. This obedience is
conditional in that it does not contradict
obedience to the commands of God
and His Messenger. It involves care and
kindness to both parents, and provision
of necessities for elder parents. Humility
and respect to both parents equally is an
obligation, and any arrogance or insolence
is forbidden. Patience and perseverance
are required when serving parents, no
matter what the circumstances. God says
in the Qur’an: “And your Lord has decreed
that you worship none but Him, and that
you be kind to your parents. Whether one
or both of them attain old age in your life,
say not to them even the mildest word of
disrespect, nor abuse them, and address
them with kind words.” [17:23]
The Messenger of God instructed us
“God’s Pleasure (on someone) is based
on the pleasure of his parents. The Wrath
of God is based upon the anger of his
Both parents are entitled to this right even
if they are not Muslims, so long as they
do not command their children to do any
act of disobedience to God. Asmaa -the
daughter of Abu Bakr- said: “My mother
came to visit me while still not a Muslim.
I asked God’s Prophet concerning her
visit (and how to treat her while visiting me)
and said, ‘My mother is eager to visit with
me. Should I (or should I not) extend my
courtesy (as a host) to her?’ He said:
‘Yes, extend her your courtesy.’”
The mother must be given priority in terms
of kindness, sympathy, good feelings,
love, and affection as mentioned by God’s
Prophet : “A man came to God’s Prophet
and asked him, ‘O Prophet of God! Who
is the most worthy and deserving person of
my good treatment and companionship?’
He replied, ‘Your mother.’ The man
asked, ‘Who is next worthy person of
my companionship?’ God’s Messenger
replied, ‘Your mother.’ The man asked,
‘Who is next?’ God’s Messenger replied,
‘Your mother’. The man asked, ‘Who is
next?’ God’s Messenger replied, ‘Your
father.’ In another version, there is the
ending: ‘…your father, and then the next
nearest and next nearest.’”
God’s Messenger assigned the mother
with a three-fold portion of the right of
companionship. The father, in comparison,
receives only one share. This is due to the
fact that mothers suffer more hardships
during pregnancy, during the delivery, and
during caring of their children. God says in
the Qur’an:
“And we have enjoined on man kindness
to his parents. His mother carried him
with hardship and gave birth to him with
hardship...” [46:15]
This in no way demeans the rights of the
father, since the Prophet said:
“No son can repay (the right of his father)
unless he finds him a slave, buys him and
then emancipates him.”
A husband has the right of ultimate
authority of the home management since
he is responsible for the family and
is accountable for all aspects of their
maintenance. His leadership should be
with justice, patience and wisdom. As God
says in the Glorious Qur’an:
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of
women, because God has given one more
than the other, and because they spend
(to support them) from their means.” [4:34]
The main reason for this added degree
of responsibility is that men are given
a higher portion of the inheritance as
a result of their financial obligations. A
wife is required to obey the commands
and instructions of her husband as
long as these do not involve any act of
disobedience to God’s command and the
Prophet’s instructions. ‘Aishah, the wife of
the Prophet questioned him:
“Whose right is the greatest on a woman?”
He replied, ‘That of her husband.’ The
Messenger was asked: “Whose right
is the greatest on a man?” He replied,
“That of his mother.”
A wife must not demand from her husband
things that he cannot afford, what he is
not capable to produce, or tasks beyond
his ability. A wife is required to protect the
children and the reputation of her husband
by protecting herself and being completely
chaste. She should be a trustworthy
guardian of his wealth. She should not
leave her husband’s home without his prior
knowledge, nor allow any person who her
husband dislikes to enter his home. This
is to protect the honor and harmony of the
family, as instructed by the Messenger of
God : “The best of women is the one,
who, if you look at her you will be pleased
with her, if you request her [to perform any
lawful action] she will obey you, and if you
are absent, she will protect and preserve
your wealth and honor.
The rights of wives concerning their
husbands are many and may be
summarized as follows:
A wife is entitled to receive a dowry from
her husband at the time of marriage; a
marriage contract is void without it. The
dowry is not to be forfeited, but after the
completion of a marriage contract, she
may forfeit her right as God says in the
“And give women [upon marriage] their
dowry graciously. But if they give up
willingly to you anything of it, then take it in
satisfaction and ease.” [4:4]
Financial Support:
A husband is required to provide, within
his means and limits, all the essential and
basic requirements of his wife, children
and entire household. God, the Exalted,
says in the Qur’an:
“Let a man of wealth spend from his wealth,
and he whose provision is restricted-let him
spend from what Allah has given him. Allah
does not charge a soul except [according
to] what He has given it. Allah will bring
about, after hardship, ease.” [65:7]
To encourage generosity towards the
wives, Islam has considered this financial
support as charity which is rewarded
greatly by God. The Prophet said to
Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqas: “No amount you
spend on your family seeking reward from
God but that He will reward you, even if it
is a bite of food that you put in your wife’s
A wife has a right to take the required
amount from her husband’s property
for herself and her children without her
husband’s knowledge if he spends miserly
on them, according to the hadith wherein
Hind bint ‘Utbah said: “‘O Messenger of
God: verily, Abu Sufyan is a miser and
doesn’t give me enough for myself and my
child except what I take from his wealth
without his knowledge,’ so he said:
‘Take what is reasonably enough for you
and your son.’”
Companionship and intimate relationship:
One of the most important rights of a wife is
to secure from her husband a satisfactory
level of intimate relationship, as well as
a fair amount of time with him. This right
of the wife and family members must be
fully maintained since a wife needs an
affectionate husband to take care of her
and fulfill her basic needs. As stated by the
Prophet : “The best of you are those who
are the best to their wives.”
Protection of all the secrets of the wife:
A husband must not disclose any of his
wife’s deficiencies or shortcomings. He
must keep all what he sees and hears from
his wife as a secret that should not ever
be disclosed. The intimate relationship
between a husband and wife in Islam
is cherished and protected. Marital
relationships are sacred relationships
according to Islam, as we read in the
instructions of God’s Messenger : “One
of the worst circumstances in the sight of
God on the Day of Judgment is that of a
man who will have an intimate relationship
with his wife, and then spread the secrets
of his spouse to the public.”
Equality and Fairness:
The husband who is married to more
than one wife must provide equally to all
of his wives by offering them the same
- or comparable - housing conditions
and clothing. He is to spend equal time
with each one of them. Any injustice in
this regard is strictly prohibited as the
Messenger of God said: “He who has two
wives and does not treat them both equally
will appear on the Day of Judgment while
he is half paralyzed.”
Fair and kind treatment:
A husband must extend just treatment to
his wife and household. A husband must
demonstrate care and kindness, and
must solve any problem within his means,
while being gentle and forgiving with his
wife, seeking the Pleasure of God in both
worlds. A good Muslim husband should
consult with his wife concerning their life,
and future needs and plans. He is required
to provide for his wife and household all
means of a peaceful environment, at home
and outside. The Messenger of God
said: “Those believers who have the most
complete faith are those who possess the
best of character, and the best among you
are those who are the best to their wives.”
Protection and Preservation:
By all abilities available, a husband must
not place or expose his wife or family
members to any immoral situation or
evil environment. This is based on the
instructions of the verse of the Glorious
“O you who believe! Save yourselves and
your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men
and Stones, over which are appointed
angels stern and severe, who flinch not
from executing the Commands they
receive from God, but do precisely what
they are commanded.” [66:6]
He must protect the private wealth and
property of his wife, and must not use
any of her personal funds or possessions
without her prior approval. He must not
engage in any transaction concerning his
wife’s finances without her consent.
The rights of the children are numerous,
beginning with the entitlement to be given
honorable names. The Prophet said:
“Verily, you will be called by your names
and your fathers’ names on the Day of
Judgment, so give yourselves good
Their rights include provision of all the
necessities of life, such as affordable
housing, lawful food, beneficial education
and proper upbringing. The Messenger of
God said,
“It is a sufficient sin to lose and waste
those whom you are obligated to support
[i.e., by not providing proper care and
Parents should teach them good moral
behavior and protect them against bad
habits such as lying, cheating, deception,
selfishness, etc. The Messenger of God
“Each one of you is a shepherd and is
responsible for those under his care.”
Children are entitled to receive just and
equal treatment without being preferred
one over another in terms of dealings and
treatment, gifts, grants, inheritance etc.
Unfair treatment to children may result
in bad behavior towards either or both
parents and the other siblings.
Nu’man b. Basheer said the following: “My
father offered me a gift from his wealth,
so my mother Umrah bint Rawah said: ‘I
would not agree to that until the Messenger
of God witnesses it.’ So, my father went
and asked him to witness my gift. The
Messenger of God asked: ‘Did you offer
the same to all of your children?’ The man
replied, ‘No!’ God’s Messenger said to
him: ‘Fear God and be just in dealing with
your children.’ So, my father returned and
placed back that gift.”
Relatives have specific rights entitling
them to special attention, visits and
support. A wealthier Muslim is obliged
to assist his or her relatives, with priority
given to the nearest in kin, and then in
order of nearness in relationship. A Muslim
supports his siblings and relatives in times
of need and shares their concerns. In the
Qur’an, we find the saying of God, the
“O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who
created you from a single person, and
from him He created his wife; and from
them He created many men and women;
and fear God through Whom you demand
your mutual rights and do not cut the family
ties. Surely, God is ever an All-Watcher
over you.” [4:1]
Islam encourages a Muslim to be kind to
his relatives even when they are unkind to
him, and asks him to continue his relations
even when they cut them off. Boycotting
relatives and family members falls into the
category of a major sin in Islam, as God
says in the Glorious Qur’an:
“So would you perhaps, if you turned away,
cause corruption on earth and sever your
[ties of] relationship? Such are the men
whom God has cursed, so He deafened
them and blinded their vision.” [47:22-23]
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This is an excerpt
of a larger book titled
“Human Rights in Islam”
by Abd Ar-Rahman
bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.
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