In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
Since man’s knowledge and
understanding is limited only to the
tangible world in which he lives, there
is no need for him to comprehend
the unseen world; except in matters
that would lead him to knowing the
greatness of his Creator and bring him
closer to His pleasure and reward. For
this reason, Allah, the Exalted, sent
Messengers to mankind continuously
and He gave them knowledge of the
unseen world such that the goodness
of man could be attained. If the human
intellect is unable to realize what occurs
in the next room, then by extension, it
would not be able to comprehend the
unseen world. Allah says:
([And] who created seven heavens in
layers. You do not see in the creation of
the Most Merciful any inconsistency.
So, return your vision [to the sky];
do you see any breaks? Then return
your vision twice again. Your vision
will return to you humbled while it is
fatigued.) [67:3-4]
Allah says:
(And it is He who created the heavens
and earth in truth. And the day He says,
‘Be,’ and it is, His word is the truth.
And His is the dominion on the Day
the Horn is blown. [He is the] Knower
of the Unseen and the seen, and He is
the Wise, the Acquainted.) [6:73]
The following are examples of some of
the creations found within the heavens
and earth:
Allah says:
(And We made the sky a protected
ceiling, but they turn away from its
signs. And it is He who created the
night and the day and the sun and
the moon; all (heavenly bodies) are
swimming in an orbit.) [21:32-33]
Allah says:
(Are you a more a difficult creation
or is the heaven? He constructed it.
He raised its ceiling and proportioned
it. And He darkened its night and
extracted its brightness. And after that
He spread the earth. He extracted from
it its water and its pasture. And the
mountains He set firmly. As enjoyment
for you and your grazing livestock.)
Allah says:
(And We have sent the fertilizing
winds and sent down water from the
sky and given you drink from it. And
it is not you who are the owners of its
stores.) [15:22]
There are different types of winds;
some are a mercy from Allah. Allah
(And it is He who sends the winds
as good tidings before His mercy
until, when they have carried heavy
rainclouds, We drive them to a dead
land and We send down rain therein
and bring forth thereby [some] of all
the fruits. Thus, will We bring forth the
dead; perhaps you may be reminded.)
While others are a punishment. Allah
(Or do you feel secure that He will not
send you back into [the sea] another
time and send upon you a hurricane
of wind and drown you for what you
denied? Then you would not find for
yourselves against Us an avenger.)
And He says:
(…and it is hit by a whirlwind
containing fire and is burned.) [2:266]
And He says:
(So, We sent upon them a screaming
wind during days of misfortune to make
them taste the punishment of disgrace
in the worldly life; but the punishment
of the Hereafter is more disgracing,
and they will not be helped.) [41:16]
Allah created seven heavens and seven
earths. Allah says:
(It is Allah who has created seven
heavens and of the earth, the like of
them. [His] command descends among
them so you may know that Allah is
over all things competent and that
Allah has encompassed all things in
knowledge.) [65:12]
In the beginning of creation, the
heavens and earth were joined together.
Allah says:
(Have those who disbelieved not
considered that the heavens and the
earth were a joined entity, and We
separated them and made from water
every living thing? Then will they not
believe?) [21:30]
Allah has informed us when the
heavens, the earth, and all that is in
between was created. He says:
(Say, ‘Do you indeed disbelieve in
He who created the earth in two days
and attribute to Him equals? That is
the Lord of all that exists.’ And He
placed on it firmly set mountains
over its surface, and He blessed it
and determined therein its [creature’s]
sustenance in four days without
distinction - for those who ask. Then
He rose to the heaven while it was
smoke and said to it and to the earth,
‘Come willingly or unwillingly.’ They
said, ‘We have come willingly’ And
He completed them as seven heavens
within two days and inspired in each
heaven its command. And We adorned
the nearest heaven with lamps and as
protection. That is the determination
of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.)
The Angels are a creation of Allah
which He created from light. The
Messenger of Allah said:
“The angels were created from light,
the Jinn were created from a smokeless
flame of fire, and Adam was created
from what was described to you (in the
Qur`an: black dry clay).” [Muslim]
Allah created them to do certain tasks;
which they execute. Allah says:
([The angels say], ‘There is not among
us any except that he has a known
position. And indeed, we are those who
line up [for prayer]. And indeed, we are
those who exalt Allah.’) [37:164-166]
Allah has informed us of some of
their names, such as Jibreel (Gabriel),
Mikaa`eel (Michael), and Israafeel
(Rafael). Allah says:
(Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His
Angels and His Messengers and Gabriel
and Michael - then indeed, Allah is an
enemy to the disbelievers.) [2:98]
Jibreel (peace be up him) is the angel
who descends with the revelation upon
the messengers, who convey it to their
nations. Allah says:
(The Trustworthy Spirit has brought
it down. Upon your heart, (O
Muhammad ), that you may be of
the warners.) [26:193 -194]
Meekaa`eel (peace be up him) is
assigned with the task of distributing
rain and vegetation, while Israafeel has
been assigned the task of blowing the
horn that signals the events of the Last
Day. He will blow it for the first time,
and all would be struck with terror.
Allah says:
(And [mention] the Day the Horn
will be blown, and whoever is in the
heavens and whoever is on the earth
will be terrified except whom Allah
wills.) [27:87]
Thereafter, he would blow the
trumpet two more times on the Day of
Judgment; the second with which all
would die, and the third with which all
would be resurrected and brought back
to life. Allah says:
(And the Horn will be blown, and
whoever is in the heavens and whoever
is on the earth will fall dead except
whom Allah wills. Then it will be
blown again, and at once they will be
standing, looking on.) [39:68]
Among the angels is also the Angel of
Death and his helpers. Allah says:
(And He is the subjugator over His
slaves, and He sends over you guardianangels
until, when death comes to one
of you, Our messengers take him,
and they do not fail [in their duties].
Then they are returned to Allah, their
true Lord. Unquestionably, His is the
judgment, and He is the swiftest of
accountants.) [6:61-62]
Among them are also those who bear
the Throne of Allah and those who are
also close to Him. Allah says:
(And the angels are at its edges. And
there will bear the Throne of your Lord
above them, that Day, eight [of them].)
Some have been assigned tasks
in Jannah, while others have been
assigned tasks in Hellfire. Allah says:
(O you who have believed, protect
yourselves and your families from a
Fire, whose fuel is people and stones,
over which are angels, harsh and
severe; they do not disobey Allah in
what He commands them but do what
they are commanded.) [66:6]
Among them are those who have been
assigned the task to protect humans.
Allah says:
(For each [person] there are angels
in succession, before and behind him.
They guard him by the Command of
Allah.) [13:11]
Some of them record man’s deeds.
Allah says:
(And indeed, (appointed) over you are
keepers(4), noble and recording; They
know whatever you do.) [82:10-12]
Allah created Angels to worship Him.
He says:
(To Him belongs whoever is in the
heavens and the earth. And those near
Him are not prevented by arrogance
from His worship, nor do they tire.
They exalt [Him] night and day and do
not slacken.) [21:19-20]
No one knows their exact number
except Allah. Allah says:
(And We have not made the keepers of
the Fire except angels. And We have
not made their number except as a trial
for those who disbelieve.) [74:31]
Whoever desires to learn more on this
subject may read books (which are
based on the Qur’an and authentic
Sunnah) which talk about the angels
and their duties.
Jinn are an unseen creation of Allah
who were created to worship Him.
Allah says:
(And I created not the jinn and
humans except they should worship
Me. I seek not any provision from
them nor do I ask that they should
feed Me. Indeed, it is Allah who is
the [continual] Provider, the firm
possessor of strength.) [51:56-58]
They are charged with the same
legislations of the Deen as humanity.
Allah says:
(And [mention, O Muhammad], when
We directed to you a few of the jinn,
listening to the Qur’an. And when they
attended it, they said, “Listen quietly.”
And when it was concluded, they went
back to their people as warners. They
said, ‘O our people, indeed we have
heard a [recited] Book revealed after
Moses confirming what was before
it which guides to the truth and to a
straight path.’) [46:29-30]
Allah created them from fire. He says:
(He created man from clay like [that of]
pottery. And He created the jinn from a
smokeless flame of fire.) [55:14-15]
Allah also says:
(And indeed, We created man from
sounding clay of altered black smooth
mud. And the jinn, We created before
from the smokeless flame of fire.)
(peace be upon him)
Adam is the father of humanity. Allah
(And [mention, O Muhammad], when
your Lord said to the angels. ‘Indeed, I
will make upon the earth a successive
authority.’ They said, ‘Will You place
upon it one who causes corruption
therein and sheds blood, while we
declare Your praise and sanctify You?’
He said, ‘Indeed, I know that which
you do not know.’ And He taught
Adam the names - all of them.
Then He showed them to the angels
and said, ‘Inform Me of the names
of these, if you are truthful.’ They
said, ‘Exalted are You; we have no
knowledge except what You have
taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the
Knowing, the Wise.’ He said, ‘O Adam,
inform them of their names.’ And when
he had informed them of their names,
He said, ‘Did I not tell you that I know
the unseen [aspects] of the heavens
and the earth? And I know what you
reveal and what you have concealed.’
And [mention] when We said to the
angels, ‘Prostrate before Adam’; so
they prostrated, except for Iblees. He
refused and was arrogant and became
of the disbelievers. And We said, ‘O
Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in
Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease
and] abundance from wherever you
will. But do not approach this tree, lest
you be among the wrongdoers.’ But
Satan caused them to slip out of it and
removed them from that [condition]
in which they had been. And We said,
‘Go down [all of you] as enemies to
one another, and you will have upon
the earth a place of settlement and
provision for a time.’ Then Adam
received from his Lord words [of
repentance], and He accepted his
repentance. Indeed, it is He who is the
Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.
We said, ‘Go down from it, all of you.
And when guidance comes to you from
Me, whoever follows My guidance -
there will be no fear concerning them,
nor will they grieve. And those who
disbelieve and deny Our signs - those
will be companions of the Fire; they
will abide therein eternally.’) [2:30-39]
Humans are from the progeny of Adam
(peace be upon him). Allah says:
(O mankind, fear your Lord, who
created you from one soul.) [4:1]
The Prophet said regarding this:
“O people, your Lord is One, and
indeed your father is one. All of you
were created from Adam, and Adam
was created from the earth. There is no
excellence of an Arab over a non-Arab,
a non-Arab over an Arab, a red person
over a white, nor a white person over a
red, except in righteousness and piety.”
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This is an excerpt
of a larger book titled
“The Beginning and The End”
by Abd Ar- Rahman
bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.
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