



In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious,

the Most Merciful

Allah has made the message of Islam

easy to understand and to follow. He

annulled some previously prescribed

rites and practices, while he affirmed

others, according to His wisdom.

As a result, the Islamic creed and

law are suited to people’s spiritual,

psychological, social, and economic

needs, for all of humankind and for

all eras. Islamic teachings have the

following unique features:


The truth should be clear and obvious.

It should be so simple that anyone is

capable of seeing it, and this clarity is

the most compelling feature of Islam.

One should not have to work through a

series of complicated logical proofs in

order to derive a fundamental principle,

only to arrive at something that he or

she is unsure of-yet this is often the case

with other religions or philosophies.


Since Allah is perfect, His teachings

must also be perfect and free from

any contradiction or error. The Quran

challenges its readers to find any errors

in it if they do not believe it is really

from Allah:

{Then do they not reflect upon the

Quran? If it had been from [any] other

than Allah, they would have found

within it much contradiction.} (Quran

4: 82)

Dr Maurice Bucaille, a French surgeon,

found many scientific facts mentioned

in the Quran that were not known by

humans at the time Prophet Muhammad

(bpuh) was conveying these verses to

those around him. Dr Bucaille wrote,

“I could not find a single error in the

Quran.” As a result of his findings, he

left Christianity and embraced Islam.


Allah is the Most Compassionate. He

therefore guides people through clear

and simple revelations that are free of

myths, superstitions, and mysteries.



It is not surprising to find in the Quran,

and in the statements of Prophet

Muhammad (bpuh), information that

has only recently been dised by

modern science. This indicates that the

Quran is the word of Allah and that

Muhammad (bpuh) is His messenger.

On the other hand, the religious views

which the church presented concerning

God, the Bible, and the individual’s

relation to God forced people into

an unfortunate choice: either science

or God. Many educated people

have concluded that one cannot be a

scientist or an educated person and be

a true Christian at the same time. Many

philosophers and scientists, and the

majority of lay people, have lost hope

of reconciling religion and science;

thus, the ideology of secularism was

developed and has since flourished.

This dichotomy would not have

arisen if the original scripture that was

revealed to Jesus (pbuh) had not been

distorted. Islam, the pure religion,

raises no contradictions whatsoever

between religion and science. This is

naturally obvious because both religion

and true scientific knowledge are from

the same source: Allah, the Exalted,

who does not contradict Himself.


Many of the events prophesied in the

Quran and in the Prophet’s statements

have come to pass. This is further proof

that Islam is not a man-made religion,

because it would be unimaginable for

an uneducated man who was living

isolated from other civilizations to

make up such prophecies; they must

have been revealed to him by Allah.



In Islam, there is no conflict between

spiritual and worldly life. Rather, it

provides a balance among all aspects

of human life, taking into account

the needs and wants of individuals

and society. Therefore, secularism,

materialism, monasticism, and

extreme asceticism are all rejected by

Islam, which provides a middle way to

achieve harmony and balance between

the spiritual and material needs of

people. This is why Allah has called

the Muslim nation a:

{...just community [moderate

nation]...} (Quran 2: 143)



Islamic teachings provide people with

definite guidelines to follow in all

aspects of life: spiritual, individual,

social, moral, political, economic, and

so on.


Some have claimed that the Quran is

man-made; Allah challenges them to:

{...produce a chapter the like thereof...}

(Quran 2: 23)


Indeed, the entire Quran-its language,

its elegance, its miraculous nature-is

unparalleled. The ancient non-Muslim

Arabs tried to construct a verse yet

failed, even though their language and

poetry were very highly developed

in that era. Even many recent non-

Muslim scholars admit that the Quran

is one of the greatest books known to

humankind. This point ultimately leads

to the fact that Muhammad (bpuh)-the

illiterate-was a true prophet to whom

the Quran was revealed.



All of humankind descended from

one man and one woman (Adam and

Eve). Islam teaches that the criterion

by which all human beings are judged

is righteousness, not the colour of their

skin or their status in society. In the

view of Allah, the best person is the

most righteous. A verse of the glorious

Quran reads:

{...Indeed, the most noble of you in the

sight of Allah is the most righteous of

you...} (Quran 49: 13)



Some people are not able to find the

truth because of their blind commitment

to their beliefs. Their tenacious

adherence is usually not based on

an intellectual understanding of the

teachings but on powerful cultural

and emotional influences. Because

they were brought up in a particular

family or society, they firmly cling to

the beliefs of that group, believing that

they are upholding the truth.


There are others who are convinced

about the religion of Islam and

are mentally ready to embrace it.

However, when they contemplate the

drastic changes it will bring to their

lives, changes that might not please

their families and communities, they

hesitate, and even after taking the

decision, they sometimes go back and

change their minds later.

It is whispered in their ears that no

matter how much money, prestige,

status, and power an unbeliever may

have possessed in this life, he or

she will never have enough to buy

entrance into paradise. In the hereafter,

the poorest inhabitant of Earth who has

testified to the truth of Islam will be

far happier and more dignified than the

richest person who did not accept the

message of Islam.


Rejecting Allah’s message is the

biggest sin that one can commit. For

this reason, while the soul is still in his

or her body, the wise individual should

take this opportunity; he or she is still

alive to accept Allah’s message before

it is too late. The time for repentance

is limited because once death arrives,

it is no longer possible to obtain

forgiveness.1 Allah has mentioned:

{[For such is the state of the

disbelievers] until, when death comes

to one of them, he says: My Lord, send

me back that I might do righteousness

in that which I left behind. No! It is

only a word he is saying…}1 (Quran

23: 99-100)

Religion is, without question, the most

important aspect of a person’s life, for

it determines whether or not a person

is rightly guided. It follows, therefore,


that choosing the true faith is the most

important personal decision one must

make, and this decision needs to be

based on clarity and total conviction.

When it comes to matters of religion

and creed, nothing must be left to

chance because the one who is truly

guided-as opposed to the one who is

not-will surely find eternal happiness

in the hereafter!

Having been presented with the

previous proofs, we should use our

intellect to analyse and reason. A

crossroad has been reached, and Allah

(Glorified is He) calls on all people to

follow the clear, straight road and avoid

all the murky, dubious ones. The right

path has now become distinct from the

wrong path, as Allah has mentioned:

{There shall be no compulsion in

[acceptance of] the religion. The right


course has become clear from the wrong.

So whoever disbelieves in taghoot2 and

believes in Allah has grasped the most

trustworthy handhold with no break in

it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.}

(Quran 2: 256)

It is my duty and responsibility, as a

resident of this great planet, and as one

who has submitted my free will to the

law and commandments of the Supreme

Being, to urge all human beings to stay

away from the worship of false deitiesto

stop putting their faith in statues,

sphinxes, figures, amulets, talismans,

horseshoes, and any other objects that

have been manufactured by humans or

created by God. After first repenting,

a person should submit completely to

the will of Allah, the Only God of the



To download and read the complete book,

click on the  picture here.

This is an excerpt

of a larger book titled

“Is the Bible the Word of God?”

by Majed S. Al- Rassi.


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