
 Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 Here is the story of a generous prophet from God’s prophets who is also one of the prophets of the Children of Israel. We have explained here part of what the people of Israel have said about his right as a matter of comparison.

 From the door ,, against it things appear ,,

 ,, The prophet of God Dawood Peace be upon him ,,,

 We have already said that God Almighty enabled his prophet David to kill Goliath and his hour, and the king gave him Talot what he promised him of his participation in the king and after the death of Talot God Almighty gathered prophet David peace be upon him the prophecy with the king

 This is because before David, peace be upon him, the kings came from the tribe of Judah, and the prophecy was in the tribe of Levi and David, peace be upon him, from the tribe of Judah.

 As he says: {And David slew Goliath and King Attah God and the wisdom and knowledge of what pleases God and not people pay each other to corrupt the earth, but Allah is preferred to the worlds}

 In other words, had it not been for the kings to establish rulers over people, strong people would have eaten their weak, and this is why it came in some effects:

 On the authority of the Commander of the Faithful, Othman bin Affan: God does not give authority to the Sultan over what is not in the Qur’an

 The truth is that the Noble Qur’an praised all the prophets and gave each one their prestige and prestige, and he spoke about them in the most beautiful way, which is what makes people love and imitate them. The Almighty said:

 {Say praise to God and peace be upon His worshipers who have chosen to choose God: It is better for them to share

 [Surat Al-Naml: 59]

 The Almighty said:

 {Those who have guided Allah, Allah will guide him. ”

 [Surat al-An'am: 90]

 Unlike the books of the Children of Israel and the most famous

 (The Bible)

 Which, unfortunately, he did not leave a prophet except he got from him and detracted from his destiny and made him a bad example.

 The strange thing is that they obtain from the prophets that without whom the Children of Israel would have no value and place.

 For example: they accused our master David of false accusations, and he is the Prophet who rose to their destiny and status, and without him they would have had no history before they were homeless and after him and after his son Solomon, peace be upon them, were made homeless in the land from her day to now and from

 They said about him falsely and falsely:

 That the king ,,, Shawil ,, who is himself the king ,,, Taloot ,, and they always try to change the names so that they do not coincide with the Holy Qur’an in order to show to their children that the Holy Qur’an has no knowledge of the names of their prophets and their kings and this we will give him a special article, God willing

 The important thing is that this king wanted from David, peace be upon him, a dowry for his daughter, very strange for you to imagine that the king asked for, a hundred covers, from the Palestinians is a wondrous and despicable thing that is not appropriate for neither the kings nor the Prophet of God, peace be upon him, but the morals of the Jews.

 The strangest thing is that they mentioned that God's prophet David wanted to

 Honors himself and increases the value of the dowry. And they said,

 In the book of 1 Samuel, chapter 18

 5 And Saul said, “So you say to David: The king’s delight is not in dowries, but in a hundred shells of the Philistines.” And Saul was thinking that David would fall into the hands of the Palestinians. 26 And his servants told David these words, and the words were good in my eyes. David was to be in favor of the king. It has not completed 27 days until David arose, and he and his men went and killed two hundred Palestinian men, and David came to the king Bgfahm Vokmloha king of affinity. So Saul gave him his daughter, Michal, his wife. ,,

 There's no strength except with Allah

 The strangest thing about this is that they accuse him, peace be upon him, that when h4618:50

e grew old he wanted a virgin girl to warm him up and they said in the book of the first kings, the first chapter.

 1 The king David grew old. It went on in the days. They used to spoil him with clothes, and he was not warm. 2 And he said his servants: «to seek for our Lord the King on the virgin girl, Feltagaf before the king and let him lie down and an incubator in the bosom of our Lord Vidvo King». 3 And they searched for a beautiful girl in all the borders of Israel, and they found Abishag the Shunammite, and they brought her to the king. 4 And the girl was very beautiful, and she was the king's incubator.

 In fact, I ask you to excuse the transmission of these words, but we transmit it to show you the greatness of the Holy Quran, its manners, morals and greatness in telling the stories of the prophets

 Look at what the people of Israel said about their prophet David, peace be upon him, and what the Holy Qur’an said about him:

 He says: {And We gave David O mountains of us as well as Opie with him and his bird and Alana iron * to do Sabgat and as much as in the narrative and do good I am Seer of what ye do} [Saba: 10-11] .

 The Almighty said: {‌ .‌ .‌. And we mocked him with the mountains of David, praising you and the birds, and we were doing * and we taught him the craft of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the tongue of the lemon

 [The Prophets: 79]

 May God help him to make iron shields to protect the fighter from the enemies, and guide him to her craft and his quality

 Al-Hassan Al-Basri, Qatadah, and Al-Amash said: God had already made iron for him until he was twisting it with his hand, and he needed neither fire nor a hammer.

 Al-Hassan said: (That the best of what a man ate from his earnings, and that the Prophet of God David used to eat from his hand.)

 He says: {And remember Our servant David The hands * Verily he ever laughed mountains with him Asobhn Basha and radiance * and all his bird wedged Owab * and his property and gave him stressed wisdom and discourse} [p: 17-20 ] ‌.

 Ibn Abbas and Mujahid said: Hands: strength in obedience, meaning: strong in worship and good deeds.

 Qatada said: It was given strength in worship, and jurisprudence in Islam.

 He said: He mentioned to us that he was standing up for the night, and fasting for half the time.

 It has been proven in the two Sahihs that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

 (‌ (I love praying to God, David's prayer, and I love fasting to God, David's fasting: He used to sleep half the night, and a third of him would sleep, and he would sleep with his sixth, and he would fast one day, break the day, and not flee if he met)) ‌) ‌ .

 And he said: {We mocked the mountains with him, praise the evening, and the radiance. * And the bird is crammed, each of which has its coffers.} [P: 18]

 He also said: {O mountains of Obi with him and the bird}

 [Saba: 10] Ie and: Praise him.

 Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and other than one said in the interpretation of this verse:

 {We mocked the mountains with him, praising Eve and the brilliance} That is: At the end of the day and its beginning, and that God Almighty had endowed him with the great voice that no one gave him, so that if he was singing in the air, reading He returns with his return, and swims with his praise, and also the mountains answer him and swim with him, whenever he praises, with rows, on the eve of God’s prayers and peace be upon him (c / p: 2/14)

 * The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

 (فف He was relieved by David for reading, and he was commanding his beard to be saddleed, and he used to recite the Qur’an before his bear was saddleed, and he only ate from the work of his hands) ‌.

 Al-Bukhari narrated it separately fr4418:50

om Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul-Razzaq, and his wording:

 (‌ (He relieved David on the Qur’an, and he used to order his animals to be bounced, and he reads the Qur’an before his cows are saddleed, and he eats only from the work of his hands) ‌) ج. (C / P: 2/15 )

 And God Almighty has said: {We have come to David. ”

 [Al-Israa: 55], and Al-Zabur: A famous book, and he mentioned in the interpretation, the hadith narrated by Ahmad and others, that it was revealed during the month of Ramadan, and it contains preaching and judgment like the books of God Almighty,

 And his saying: {He strengthened us his kingdom, and wisdom gave him and separated the speech} [p .: 20] i.e. we gave him a great king, and an effective judgment.

 Ibn Jarir and Ibn Abi Hatim narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas: that two men fell together with Dawood, peace be upon him in Baqr: The prosecutor is killed, and when he became, David said to him: God has revealed to me that I will kill you. I have inevitably killed you, so what did he tell you about what you claimed on this?

 He said: By God, O Prophet of God, I am true to what I claimed against him, but I used to assassinate his father before this, and David commanded him and he was killed, so David's command was great among the children of Israel, and they were subject to great submission.

 We come to the story that the people of Israel have interpreted incorrectly and insulted the Prophet of God, David, peace be upon him, and so it was necessary for God Almighty to descend the Holy Qur’an in order to absolve his esteemed prophets from what the Israelites accused them of

 The story is as follows:

 {Is Attac the news of the discount as Tsoroa mihrab * as they entered the David Vvzaa of them said do not fear rivals prostitutes on each other so judge us right not Chtt and guide us to the straight path * This brother has nine and ninety ewes Crown ewe one said Okflanaha and harsh to me in speech * He said: I have wronged you by asking your ewes to his ewes, and many blemishes should be to each other. A good works and a little what they thought David Vtnah me that Fastghafr Lord fell kneeled and turns * Vgoverna him that if we have him to Zolfa good Maab} [p: 21-25].

 And Imam Ahmad said: Ishmael - he is Ibn Alia - told us about Ayoub, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he said: In prostration in Surat (PBUH) it is not one of the intentions of prostration, and I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him Peace be upon him prostrating in it.

 Also, Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi, and Al-Nasa’i narrated it from Ayoub’s hadith. Al-Tirmidhi said: Good and authentic.

 God Almighty said: {So we forgive him for that, and for him we have Zalfi and the goodness of Maab}

 That is, he has the Day of Resurrection for Zulfi, which is the closeness with which God brings him closer, and brings him closer to the fold of his sanctuary because of it, as was proven in a hadith,

 The reason for the story is that God Almighty wanted to teach his prophet David, peace be upon him, as well as all the prophets, rulers and judges, and whoever holds the ruling among people to rule with justice

 One of the most important conditions for the availability of justice, the first of which is for the ruler to listen to both opponents both, and then rule according to what is the case.

 But when the two opponents attended, one of them spoke and explained what he was suffering except that the Prophet of God David, peace be upon him, presented the ruling directly without hearing the other, and here God Almighty blessed him by saying:

 {O David Lo! We put thee Khalifa in the land between the people the right to judge for not follow the passion Vidilk for the sake of Allah, those who stray from the path of Allah severe punishment for them as they forgot the day of reckoning} [p. 26]

 This is a speech from God Almighty with David, and what is meant by the rulers of matters, the rulers of people, and their command of justice, and the follower of the truth that is removed from God, and not the4518:50

other opinions and passions, and he vowed from a path other than that, and a ruling on otherwise.

 Therefore, our Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about the ruling among people, but that you are human beings and you seek refuge with me, and perhaps one of you will be compassionate for his brother’s sake, and he will judge for him.

 This is what the Holy Qur’an recounted and interpreters showed it to us

 However, the children of Israel said falsely and falsely that the reason for the story was that our master David, peace be upon him, was ninety-nine women, but he, “God forbid,” committed greed and committed the crime of adultery with the woman of one of his soldiers and her name ,, Bathsheba ,, and the name of her husband, Uriah Al-Hitti ,, then he commanded By killing him and getting rid of him, and there is nothing but power, except in God

 So they said in the second book of Samuel

 Chapter 11:

 1 It was at the full time of the year, at the time of the departure of the kings, that David sent Joab and his servants with him, and all of Israel, Israel, and Israel, Israel, and Israel, through Israel. As for David, he dwelt in Jerusalem. 2 And it was at the time of the evening that David rose up from his bed and walked on the roof of the king's house, so he saw from the surface a command. And the woman was very beautiful looking. 3 So David sent and asked about the woman, and one said, “Is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Eliam the wife of Uriah?” 4 So David sent messengers and took them, and she entered into him, and he slept with her.


 Then he sent the commander of the soldiers to send her husband Uriah and instruct him to go to his home so that the boy who would come from fornication is credited to him, because they said:

 The woman became pregnant, and she sent and told David, and said, "I am pregnant."

 But (Uriah) refused to go to his home, and the result was that David sent the commander a letter telling him that when they start fighting, they leave Uriah in the face of war alone, so he is killed, and they say:

 So David sent to Joab saying, "Send to Uriah the Hittite." So Joab sent Uriah to David. 7 Uriah came to him, and David asked about the safety of Joab, the safety of the people, and the success of the war. 8 And David said to Uriah, “Go down to your house and wash your feet.” Uriah departed from the king's house, and a portion of the king went out to him. 9 Uriah slept at the door of the king’s house with all the servants of his master, and he did not come down to his house. 10 And they told David, saying, "Uriah did not go down to his house." And David said to Uriah, “Did you not come from the travel? So why not go down to your house? »11 And he said to David, Uriah:« The ark and Israel and Judah dwell in tents, and my lord Joab servants came down on the face of the desert, and I come to my house to eat and drink and sleep with my wife? Your life and your own life, I do not do this. 12 And David said to Uriah: “Stay here today also, and tomorrow I will let you go.” So Uriah stayed in Jerusalem that day and left him alone. 13 And David called him, and he ate before him, and drank and drunk him. And he went out at evening to lie down in his bed with his master's servants, and he did not go down to his house.

 14 And in the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it into the hand of Uriah. 15 And he wrote in the scripture, saying, "Make Uriah in the face of intense war, and return from behind him, and he will be beaten and die." 16 And it was in the siege of Joab, the city, that he set Uriah in the place where he knew that the men of despair were in him. 17 And the men of the city went out and fought against Joab, and some people fell from the servants of David, and Uriah the Hittite also died. 18 So Joab sent and told David all the matters of war. 19 recommended that the Prophet said: «When emptied of talk with the king all matters of war 20, the king's wrath flared up, and said to you: Why Dnautam from the city to fight? Did you not know th4418:50

at they were being thrown on the wall? 21 Who killed Abimelech the son of Yerbosheth? Didn't a woman throw him a piece of molasses on the wall, and he died in Tappas? Why did you come near the wall? Say: Your servant Uriah al-Hitti also died.

 22 So the Apostle went and went in, and told David all that Joab had sent him. 23 The Messenger said to David, “The people have been forced upon us, and they have come out to us to the field, so we have been to them forever.” 24 The archers threw your servants on the wall, and some of the servants of the king died, and your servant Uriah the Hittite also died. 25 Then David said to the Apostle, “So you say to Joab: This matter does not matter to your eyes, because the sword eats this and that.” Focus your fighting on the city and destroy it. Emphasize it.

 26 When a Uriah woman heard that Uriah had died her husband, she mourned for her marriage. 27 And when the battle went on, David sent and took her to his house, and a woman became for him and bore him a son. As for the matter that David did, he was ugly in the sight of the Lord.

 We can only say that there is no power but God

 Indeed, they built Israel astonished, and they did not leave a prophet except to insult him

 But to be honest, these words are not from the Torah but from the Bible, which the Israelites wrote with their hands and claimed to be the Torah,

 We have previously shown that the Torah was supposed to have been with the ark and since the Israelites built the ark back to them and they won and became king for them then it is assumed that the Torah will return to them also,

 So, the Torah returned, or what happened to it?

 This is what we will explain in the next lesson, God willing.

 Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.

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