
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 We complete the study of religions with you and we had stopped at the Prophet of God, Elias, who entrusted his guardian after him and he was the Prophet of God, Jesus, peace be upon him.

 Muhammad ibn Ishaq said in what was mentioned to him about Wahb ibn Munabah, who said: Then he prophesied about them after the despair of his guardian, Elisha ibn Akhtoub, peace be upon him. These are:

 The story of Elisha, peace be upon him:

 And God Almighty mentioned it with the prophets in Surat Al-An'am in the Almighty saying: {And Ishmael and Al-Jaysa and Yunus and Al-Lot and all of us so preferred us over the two worlds} [Al-Anam: 86]

 The Almighty said in Surat Al-S: {And mention the Ishmael and El-Jis’ah and the guarantor and all of the goodness} [P: 48] ‌.

 Ishaq bin Bishr Abu Hudhayfah said, Saeed told us, on the authority of Qatada, on the authority of Al-Hassan, he said: It was after Elias Elisha, peace be upon them, so he stayed, what God willed to remain, he invites them to God, adhering to the method of Elias and his law until God Almighty seized him,

 Then he left behind in the children of Israel, and magnified

 Including events and sins, and mighty men,

 And they killed the prophets, (c / r: 2/6)

 Ibn Jarir and others said: Then the sons of Israel were praised, and sermons and sins were glorified among them, and they killed those who killed the prophets, and God gave them authority over the prophets as mighty kings, who wronged them and shed their blood,

 And God blessed the enemies against them as well, and if they fought any of the enemies, they would have the ark of the covenant with them, and they would support his blessing.

 When in some of their wars with the people of Gaza and Ashkelon, they overcame them and subjugated them to take it, they took the coffin out of their hands,

 When the king of the children of Israel learned about that time, his neck tilted, so he died as a pest, and the Israelites remained like sheep without a shepherd, until God sent a prophet among them to the prophets called Shmoul, so they asked him to establish a king for them to fight with the enemies,

 Ibn Jarir said: It was from the death of Joshua bin Nun until Allah the Exalted, the Majestic, resurrected, Shmuel ,,, four hundred sixty years.

 * Here we would like to mention that the enemies of the Children of Israel, after defeating them, took over the coffin,

 * And do not forget that the sarcophagus contained the tablets and the remains of the Musa family and the family of Aaron and of course the Torah that Moses, peace be upon him, had instructed them not to leave the sarcophagus,

 And from that moment on, they built Israel in misery and misery, to the point that for the first time they demanded a prophet to pray

 God Almighty allows them to fight enemies

 But they quickly recoil on their heels and returned to their nature, as soon as God started them fighting, they returned to their cowardice and fear, had it not been for God’s mercy on them to leave them in their misguidance and their displacement.

 It was from their story at the time:

 The story of Shmuel, peace be upon him, in which David's peace be upon him began

 He is Shmuel and is told to him: Ashmuil bin Bali bin Alqamah bin Yarmakhim bin Alihu bin Tahu bin Suf bin Al Mahath bin Amosa bin Azaria (c / p: 2/7) He is from the heirs of a Prophet God, Aaron, peace be upon him,

 Al-Sadi recounted with his chain of transmission on the authority of Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masoud, people from the companions, Al-Thaalabi and others: that when the Amalekites from the land of Gaza and Ashkelon overcame the children of Israel, and they killed many of them creatively, they insulted their children a lot, and the prophecy was cut off from the tribe of Levi, and it was not left Among them is a pregnant woman, so she prayed to God Almighty to give her a male boy. She gave birth to a boy, and she named him Ashmill, meaning in Hebrew Ismail, meaning God heard my prayers.

 When his mission was brought up to the m3912:43

osque and he became Muslim with a good man in it, he would have to learn from his goodness and worship, and he had when he reached his most intense while one night he was sleeping if a voice came to him from the side of the mosque,

 So when Gabriel called him, he came to him, and he said: “Your Lord has sent you to your people, so whoever commanded them with them did not cut God in his book,” God Almighty said in his dear book:

 {Have you not seen publicly of the children of Israel after Moses, when they said to the prophet of them send us a king to fight for God's sake, she said Do Asitm wrote that you fight not fought say and what we do not fight for the sake of God has brought us out of our homes and our children when he wrote them fighting They recited only a few of them, and God is aware of the unjust. * And their prophet told them that God has sent to you, so long as the king That we have a king on us and we are more deserving of the king of it has not borne the capacity of the money said that was chosen by God upon you and Zadeh Basta in science and the body and God pays his kingdom pleases God all Knowing * and told them their prophet that any kingdom that comes to the coffin in which a knife from your Lord, and the rest, leaving Al Moses and the family of Aaron the angels will bear. For in that there is a sign for you if you are believers * When he was separated Ot soldiers said that God Mbtelicm River, it is drinking it is not me and not feed it to me only from the insider cruised room with his hand Fsharbwa him only a little of them when Jaozh is those who believe with him said no energy to us today Bjalot and his soldiers said, who think they Mlaqo God, how many of a few A large group overcame with the permission of God and God, with the Sabeans. * And when they appeared to Goliath and his soldiers, they said Of our Lord, we emptied the Sabra and proved our feet and give us victory over the disbelievers * Vhzmohm God willing, and the killing of David and Goliath Attah God, the king and the wisdom and knowledge of what pleases God and not people pay each other to corrupt the earth, but Allah is preferred to the worlds}

 [The Cow: 246-251] ‌.

 Most of the commentators said: The prophet of these people mentioned in this story was Shmuel.

 What is meant is that when these people were exhausted by wars and oppressed by the enemies, they asked the Prophet of God at that time and asked him to erect for them a king who would be under his obedience, to fight behind him and with him and his enemies,

 Look at the scrutiny and really a sincere messenger

 God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he said:

 (You find people like a hundred camels, a man does not find them leaving) Sahih Muslim.

 This means that the time for prosperity is many, but the time of hardship and need does not find out of every hundred men a man with a woman.

 Exactly like a man with a hundred camels caring for them and caring for them, but when the pasture ended and I wanted to move to another pasture, he went looking for a camel that could put his luggage, tent, and possessions on him, which is what is known as the late unfortunately, he did not find,

 Likewise, they built Israel at the beginning. All of them, without exception, asked to fight, as the Holy Quran narrated:

 “Did you not see the public from the children of Israel after Moses when they said to a prophet to them, send us an angel that we fight in the way?”

 Because he is among them and knows their condition and knows their news

 He said to them:

 “Would it be that if the fighting was written against you, did they not fight? They said, and we do not fight in the path of God.”

 That is, and anything that prevents us from fighting

 {We were driven out from our homes and our children.}

 They say: We are motorists, so it is true for us to fight for our oppressed, vulnerable children who are trapped in their grip.

 But here began their first lethargy and was as follows:

 The Almighty said: {When the fighting was written against them, they took over only a few of them3712:43

, and God knows the unjust.

 Then the second examination and the second check for them began

 {Their prophet said to them that God has sent to you Talo kings to you. ”Al-Thaalbi said: It is Taloot bin Qish bin Avil bin Saru bin Tahort bin Avih bin Anis bin Binyamin bin Yaqoub bin Isaac bin Ibrahim Al-Khalil,

 And because he was a descendant of a poor tribe, they objected, and this is why:

 {They said that the king will have it over us, and we will have the right to the king from him, and not enough money will be paid.}

 And they mentioned that the prophecy was in the tribe of Levi, and that the king was in the tribe of Judah, so when this was from the tribe of Benjamin, they turned away from him and stabbed his emirate over them, and they said we are more rightful to the king than him, and they mentioned that he was poor and had no money with him, so how would such a thing be King?

 Although the prophet Shmuel justified them the reasons for God Almighty choosing him, and even without justification what God wanted, there is no reason to judge him, and their prophet was afraid of them for annihilation or replacement, so he said to them:

 Allah has chosen it for you and has increased it simply in science and in the body.

 It was said: In the matter of wars, and it was said: In absolute,

 (And the body), and it appears from the context that he was the most powerful and informed them after their Prophet, peace be upon him.

 {And God will give His kingdom to whoever desires}

 He has judgment and has manners and command

 {And God is All-Knowing}

 (C / p: 2/9)

 Then their Prophet began to kindly show them

 For fear of losing them and losing them:

 {And he told them their prophet that any kingdom that comes to the coffin in which a knife from your Lord, and the rest, leaving Al Moses, and all Aaron bear angels in this is a sign for you if you are believers} This is also a blessing state of this man's good for them and Emenp them to respond God be upon them the coffin which was robbed of them, and their oppression

 The enemies are against him, and they were victorious over their enemies because of him: {The angels bear him

 That is, the angels bring him to you, and they carry it, and you see this in visible form, so that it will be a sign of God to you and a brilliant argument for the truth of what I say to you and the validity of the mandate of this good king over you and for this he said:

 {In that matter for you, if you are believers}

 Then came the third test:

 {So when Talo separated the soldiers, he said that God suffers you by a river, so whoever drinks from it, it is not from me, and whoever does not feed it, then what is it?

 Ibn Abbas, and many interpreters, said:

 This river is the Jordan River, and it is called the Sharia. So, one of the commanders who asked his soldiers at this river for the command of God’s prophet for him, on the authority of God’s test and test for him, is that whoever drank from this river does not accompany me in this battle, and he is accompanied only by those who did not feed him A room in his hand, God Almighty said:

 {And they drank from him, except for a few of them}

 (C / r: 2/10)

 Have you seen all of these backsliding on their heels, choosing to line up, we ask God the Almighty to persevere in the matter and seek refuge in Allah from the betrayal,

 God said :

 {Then it is removed after it has been proven.}

 [Surat Al-Nahl: 94]

 Glory be to God, and there is no power but from God

 She had a foot after being proven and did not say that she was

 It was oscillated, so God will leave you,

 So you can imagine that they built the whole of Israel at the beginning of their matter, they asked for fighting and indicated that they are ready for that, and as they retreated and diminished, even after crossing the river with the saved of them, they would almost be mesmerized if it were not for God Almighty to cover,

 Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih from the hadith of Israel, Zuhair, and al-Thawri, on the authority of Abu Ishaq, on the authority of Al-Bara ibn Azib, who said: We were companio3512:43

ns of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. A few ten and three hundred believers.

 God Almighty said: “So when he was permitted, he and those who believed in Him said, There is no energy for us today, with Goliath and his soldiers.”

 That is, they resigned themselves and weakened them from resisting their enemies in relation to their shortage and the large number of their enemy.

 Were it not for God Almighty, He would prove these believers

 The Almighty said:

 {Those who think that they find God meet how many of a few category have overcome a large group with the permission of God and God with those who are patient.

 Meaning: the horsemen had them, and the horsemen:

 People of faith and faith are patient with the executioner, the argument and the obedience. May God Almighty help them to resort to God and seek help from Him. Then Almighty said about them:

 {And what emerged to Goliath and his soldiers said our Lord, we emptied the Sabra and proved our feet and give us victory over the disbelievers} asked God to unload them patience, which were filled with him from above them Vtstqr their hearts and do not worry, and prove to their feet in the field of war and the realm of heroes, Houmt battlefield The supplication to the battle, so they asked the apparent and inner confirmation, and victory over them against their enemies, and his enemies are disbelievers who are ungrateful in its verses and loyalties. Then the great, Hearer, the Hearer, the wise and experienced expert answered them to what they asked, and they received what they desired in him.

 That is why he said: {Defeat them with the permission of God}

 That is: By the grace of God, not by their grace, and by the power and victory of God, not by their strength and number, with the multiplicity of their enemies and the completeness of their number, as God Almighty said:

 {And God has helped you in full victory, and you are humiliating, so fear God, that you may be grateful.} آل [Al-Imran: 123] ‌.

 It was from the destiny of God Almighty that he was among these faithful believers (God’s prophet David)

 He was not a prophet yet, but God Almighty arranged for this war for him and it was from God’s destiny that their king longed for what he saw from the strength and the might of the leader of the giants, Goliath ,, and until he encouraged them to fight, he said who killed ,, Goliath ,, he will participate in the king and marry his daughter, so he was of destiny God Almighty

 That God Almighty granted success to David, and God Almighty said:

 {David Gallut killed and God belonged to the king and wisdom and taught him what he wanted.}

 It indicates the courage of David, peace be upon him, and that he killed him

 And his soldiers humiliated him and broke it, and there is no greater than foray in which the enemy of his enemy is killed, so he will lose the rich money, and the heroes, the brave and the peer are captivated and the word of faith rises above the idols, and the guides of God are shown to his enemies, and the true religion appears to the falsehood and its saints. (C / P. 11/2)

 So Taloot fulfilled his promise, so he married his daughter, and held his rule in his possession, and David peace be upon him was great for the children of Israel, and they loved him.

Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.

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