
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 God willing, we will complete with you

 They built Israel and what happened to them after Moses, peace be upon him

 So God Almighty, may God Almighty’s prophet, peace be upon him, agreed to lay the foundations and principles for the children of Israel so that they do not disagree or overindulge God’s religion, because Moses, peace be upon him, knows his people, how much they disobeyed him and stubbornly him, and he was among them he showed them, so how do they see them after him?


 * He wrote the Torah with his hand and did not let them copy them because they did not trust them.

 * The best of them was Joshua bin Nun, one of the righteous men, and his servant and owner, who is known to us, was disgraced by Moses, son of Nun.

 * Give the Torah to the scholars of the Banu Levi and carry them with the secretariat to preserve and teach them.

 * Then he moved next to Rabah Gel and Ola

 This was mentioned in:

 (Deuteronomy) (31/24):

 24 When fulfilled Moses, writing the words of this Torah in a book to completeness 25 Moses commanded the Levites, the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying: 26 "Take the book of the Torah this and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, to be a witness against you. 27 I am Arif Tmrdekm solid and your neck. Behold, I am still alive  With you today, you have come to resist the Lord, so how much more after my death!

 * And now the Jews have the Torah in the hand of our master Moses, peace be upon him, and not only this, and until it is accessible to all and no one can argue that the Torah was the preserve of scholars only mentioning the Jews in the book of Joshua that Joshua (Joshua) wrote the Torah again on the stones of the altar according to the command of Moses upon  Peace, and in this they said:

 (30 Then Joshua built an altar to the Lord, the God of Israel in Mount Ebal, as of 31 Moses the servant of the LORD is Israel, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses. Altar of whole stones did not raise one by iron, and offered him burnt offerings to the Lord, and sacrificed peace. 32 wrote there on stones  The copy of the Torah of Moses, which he wrote before the children of Israel: 33 And all Israel and their elders, and the ancient, and the ancient, and the ancient.  Fuwa side of the coffin from here and there against the priests, the Levites, the ark of the covenant of the LORD. Strange as national. Half of them to the point of Mount Gerizim, and half of them to the point of Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the first to bless the people of Israel. 34 And then read all the words of the Torah: the blessing and the curse  According to all that was written in the book of the Torah.

 * Noticeable :

 In our books we call him Joshua, and in their books they call him Joshua, and in both cases the names are for one person and he is Joshua bin Nun bin Ephraim bin Yusuf peace be upon him

 Joshua was the one who entered the Holy Land with the people, and he was supported by the grace of God Almighty.

 * In this he says:

 Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer at the beginning and end - after a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad in Al-Misnad on the condition of Al-Bukhari on the authority of Abu Hurairah stated that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

 (The sun was locked up for human beings only to Joshua bin Nun, nights walked to Jerusalem - intended to Joshua when he entered the city gate, they wanted to enter prostration, i.e. kneeling humble and thankful to God Almighty for the great conquest that God had  He promised them, and that when they entered, they would say: “Hatta”; that is, our sins that preceded us from our prejudice, which was presented to us, would be deprived of us.

 This is when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, entered Mecca on the day of its conquest. He entered it while he was a camel rider.

 He is modest, Hamed Shaker, so that his stools - which is the end of his beard - touch his mank's head, which stains his head, su

bject to God Almighty, and with him the soldiers and armies who do not see them except stare - for what they have of the armor of war shields - especially the green battalion in which the Messenger of God  May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then when he entered it, he washed and prayed eight rakats, which is a prayer of thanksgiving for victory.

 * In spite of what God has in him against the children of Israel, and entered them into the Holy Land and their victory after the years of wandering, they violated what they had already ordered and said, and they entered crawling against their masters, saying: A grain in a hair, and in a narration: wheat in a hair, and it happened that they changed what they commanded mockery  with it ,

 As he says Hakia them in Surat norms which Makiya:) Having them said to dwell in this village, and eat them as you like, and say Hetta and enter the door prostrating forgive you Khtiiatkm we will increase benefactors * Instead of those who wronged them in word but who told them so we sent them wrath from heaven were wronged  الأع [Usages: 161, 162],

 He said in Surat Al-Baqara, a civilian, addressing them:

 ) While we admitted this village, eat them where you will Rgda and enter the door, prostrate and say Hetta forgive you your sins and increase benefactors * Instead of those who wronged word is that they were told Vonzlna on those who do wrong wrath from heaven for their misdeeds (

 [The Cow: 58 and 59]

 * You can imagine that this is their reaction and interaction with Nasrallah, to them. God is the helper.

 * Thus, Joshua bin Nun made a land for them to settle in and wrote a copy of the Torah for them on a wall in the center of the city to view it.

 After this, Joshua moved next to his Lord and succeeded him to the children of Israel, his friend Caleb Jupta, the second righteous man mentioned with him in the verse:

 “Two men said among those who fear God’s favor for them, if they enter the door for them. So if you enter it, then you are all

 [Surat al-Ma'idah: 23]

 * Caleb had no prophecy, but he was a good man whom they would like, so he gave them a time to reside in them from the obedience of God. He was not staying for Joshua until God Almighty seized him on the path of Joshua.

 * Caleb succeeded his son, and he established justice in the children of Israel forty years. When he died, the children of Israel differed, and he called each to himself and to his tribe, then they worked in transgressions and wrangled over the world and loved the king, so God Almighty sent Ezekiel.

 * Muhammad Ibn Ishaq said, on the authority of Wahb Bin Munbah:

 Caleb bin Yovna, when God captured him after Joshua, succeeded in the Children of Israel, Ezekiel bin Buddhist, who is the son of the old man, and he was the one who called for the people whom God mentioned in his book as we reached (c / p: 2/4)

 * The Story of the Prophet (Ezekiel):

 He is the Prophet in which the words of God Almighty were revealed:

 {Do you not see those who have come out of their homes, and they are thousands who have warned about death?) Then God said to them: “They will die, then I will revive them to God.”

 [Surat Al-Baqara: 243]

 Ibn Ishaq said:

 They fled from the epidemic, and they came down from the ground, so God said to them: They died, and they all died, so they prohibited them from a barn without the sevens, so long ages passed on them, so Ezekiel, peace be upon them, passed them and stood on them thinking,

 He was told: Would you like God to send them as you look?

 He said: Yes.

 He commanded that he invite those bones to wear flesh, and that the nerve communicate with each other, so he called on them about God’s command to do so.


 * The story of the Prophet of God (Ilyas bin Yassin bin Feenhas bin Al-Aizar bin Harun bin Imran):

 Muhammad ibn Ishaq said: He did not mention the period of broadcasting of Ezekiel to the children of Israel, then God caught him to him, and when he caught the people of Israel forgot, God’s covenant was made to them, and the events were magnified in them, and t

hey worshiped idols, and it was among what they worship.

 From idols, idol is said to him: Baal, so God sent them to them Ilyas bin Yasin bin Feenhas al-Izzar bin Harun bin Imran,

 The conclusion of the story of this Prophet, peace be upon him, was that God Almighty sent him to the Children of Israel after the Prophet Ezekiel, peace be upon him, and they had worshiped an idol called to him: (Baal), so he invited them to God, and forbade them from worshiping what he had, and their king believed in him, then they turned back and continued  Their misguidance, and no one believed in them, so God called upon them, and the rain locked them for three years, then they asked him to reveal this about them, and they promised him faith in them if they were hit by rain, so God called them, so the sickness came to them, so they kept on the most insidious of what they were from disbelief, so he asked  God grabs him to him,

 The story of Baal included the following:

 It was after the Prophet Ezekiel and spoiled the children of Israel and he was in the era of their king called (Ahab) and he went in wars and was absent from his people and his wife feared that the children of Israel would get out of her husband’s order so she took advantage of their corruption and they worshiped idols and sanctified them and made a statue in the form of her husband and wore armor and told them that  He follows them even if he is far away and named him (Baal), meaning the husband, and indeed he prostrated to him the children of Israel,

 The strange thing is that when her husband returned, he favored the idea and encouraged his people to do so, and that is why God Almighty sent their prophet (Elias) to them. In this, the Noble Qur’an says:

 Allah says :

 {If Elias for those senders (123) when he said to his people not fear (124) Otdon Baala alone the best Kgayn (125) Allah, your Lord and Lord of the first two Ouabaikm (126) Vkzboh they are to Mhoudron (127) only sincere worshipers of Allah (128) and we left it in Aleakharan (  129) Peace be upon El-Yassin (130) We also reward the benefactors (131) because he is one of our believing worshipers (132)}

 [Surat As-Saffat: 123 to 132]

 These short verses are all that God Almighty mentions from the story of Elias, so historians differed in its lineage and in the people who were sent to them, and Al-Tabari said that: Elias bin Yasin bin Feenhas bin Al-Izzar bin Harun,

 As for Ibn Katheer, he says that: Elias and Al-Yaseen are names for one man, so the Arabs follow Al-Noun in many names and replace them with others.

 As for his call, we will mention the most famous accounts of her:

 In the history of al-Tabari on the authority of Ibn Ishaq, his summary states:

 Elias, peace be upon him, when he called on the children of Israel to reject idolatry, and to adhere to the worship of God alone, rejected him and did not respond to him, so he called his Lord and said:

 Oh God, the children of Israel have been blessed except those who disbelieve in you and worship others, so change what is in them of your grace, so God revealed to him that we have made the matter of their livelihood in your hand, you are the one who orders it.

 And Elias said: Oh God, he held the rain for them, and he locked them for three years, until the livestock and trees perished, and the people exerted a great effort, and what he called upon them was concealed from their eyes and his livelihood came to him where he was. So the children of Israel whenever they found the wind of bread in a house, they said here to despair and seek him, and the people of the house are  One of them is evil, and he was once harbored to the house of a woman from the children of Israel, who has a son called Elisha, the son of Khattoub, who harms him, so he sheltered him and hid his command, so he called his Lord to her son, so he recovered from the harm he was in. He followed (Elias), believed in him, believed him, and was obliged.  He grew old and grew old, and Elisha was a young boy, then (Elias) said to the children of Israel if you left play  For idols I prayed to

God to release you, so they brought out their idols and their conversations, so God called them, and he released them and their reliefs, so I revived their country, but they did not turn back from what they were and did not go straight, so when he saw (Elias) of them, he called his Lord to take him to him and grasped and raised him.

 Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.


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