Peace, mercy and blessings of God
* We had stopped in the last lesson at the third forty years of the life of Moses, peace be upon him
And in it:
* Our master Moses, peace be upon him, suffered from his people suffering no less than his suffering with Pharaoh, but that his suffering with Pharaoh made him call them genocide, when he said:
{And Moses said unto the Lord you Ouati Pharaoh and decorations and filled in Imola present life of our Lord to lead astray from your path of our Lord Atms on their money and stress their hearts they do not believe until they see the painful punishment}
[Surat Yunus: 88]
Indeed, his Lord answered him and Almighty said:
He said: "Your invitation has been answered, and they are righteous and do not follow the path of those who do not know."
[Surat Yunus: 89]
* Pharaoh did not believe except in the severe torment in the sea. The Almighty said:
[Surat Yunus: 90]
* However, faith at the time of gargling does not help. The Almighty said:
{You have disobeyed before and you were spoilers}
[Surat Yunus: 91]
* But after he drowned and his death was fulfilled, God Almighty commanded the sea to cast the body of Pharaoh on the shore so that his successor from the tyrants would be a sign that God Almighty does not incapable anything on earth or in heaven.
* So it was possible for Moses, peace be upon him, to call upon his people, but this means their extermination, and so they endured their stubbornness and their tyranny more than once. Their sad positions are many, including what they mentioned in their books, including what they concealed and concealed, but the Holy Qur’an mentioned it as we will show, God willing, later.
* Among the things that I mentioned with them and with them is their failure to enter the Holy Land. In the Holy Qur’an, they said after a long dialogue and desire from our master Moses, peace be upon him, to obey his command. They said:
They said: “We will never enter it, as long as they stay in it.” So you and your Lord will go and kill us, but they will come.
[Surat al-Ma'idah: 24]
* The penalty was of the same type of work. They refused to enter the Holy Land, and God Almighty forbade them from it. The Almighty said:
He said: “It is forbidden for them ۛ forty years ۛ lost in the land ۚ So do not despair over the immoral people.”
[Surat al-Ma'idah: 26]
* On the other hand, and the thing is something that reminds the companions of our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, when they were surprised by the battle of Badr, and they went out to meet the convoy, so when it became war and promised them very simple, but they were better than the children of Israel in response and treatment, they said:
(O Messenger of God, we do not say to you, as the children of Israel said to Moses: Go you and your Lord, and fight, here we are sitting, but we say go you and your Lord, so fight: I am with you fighters)
* Indeed, their actions were in line with their words, and they fought the battle. God Almighty rewarded them with several rewards, including:
* May God the Almighty grant them victory over the tyrants of Mecca, dear their backs, and the highest measure of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his companions, may God be pleased with them.
* Including: that the Almighty enabled their religion.
* Including: that the Almighty arranged for them to enter the Holy Land, Makkah Al-Mukarramah after years, and entered it safely Ghanem.
* We return to our master Moses, peace be upon him:
Because of the denial of his people from entering the Holy Land, he is also prohibited from entering it, and not only this, but they did not calm for them a decision and did not settle for them so they became wandering from one place to another and everywhere they cause Moses, peace be upon him in embarrassment with his Lord Almighty and from them that they wanted to see God in public Even God Almighty would have destroyed them, had it not been for Moses, peace be upon him, praying.
* Including: They asked for food other than that from God
* The strangest thing is their worship of the calf at the time when Moses, peace be upon him, went to ask his Lord to send them a book that organizes their lives as he promised them.
* Even more surprisingly, they accused Aaron, peace be upon him, that he was the one who made the calf for them, and there is no power except for God, as we will show, God willing, how they distorted the Torah, and what are the things that they misrepresented about it.
* At Mount Tur, our master Moses, peace be upon him, received
The tablets were a total Torah meaning:
God Almighty mentioned to him in the spirits of everything a sermon and a detail of everything.
* Then the verses began to descend on our master Moses, peace be upon him, until the Torah was completed.
* Therefore, we find scholars two opinions on the matter of the Torah, whether it was revealed altogether or in detail:
A team confirming that it was revealed altogether and has opinions, and a team confirming its descent is a harmonious one with opinions.
The team that sees it coming down depends on:
When the polytheists said:
{He said those who disbelieved, but the Qur’an was passed upon from the Qur’an
[Surat al-Furqan: 32]
They said that if the Torah had not been revealed a sentence, the Qur’an would have returned to them and said: Like it did not come down a sentence, but the Qur’an explains only the reasons for the separation of the Qur’an separately.
The Almighty said:
{We likewise prove to y ُ your gifts and sang a chant
[Surat al-Furqan: 32]
They infer that the Holy Qur’an mentioned similar sayings, for example, when they said:
{And they said, “What money is this messenger who eats food and walks in the markets.” If only an angel would be sent to him then he would be with him with a warning ۥ
[Surat al-Furqan: 7]
The Qur’an responded to them:
{And We sent messengers before thee they to eat food and walk in the markets and made us to one another affliction Otsberon The Lord Seer}
[Surat al-Furqan: 20]
* The owners of a group said that the Torah was revealed in a sentence, saying that if the Torah were separate, the Qur’an would also return to them.
* As for the other team, who are of the opinion that the Torah was revealed separately, it is the nature of the revealed books, because if the Torah was revealed altogether and there is an objection from the Children of Israel to something, then there is no reason to punish them
* For example: If the Torah was revealed altogether, in which they would ask Moses, peace be upon him, to see God in public, why when they ask, will they be punished and they have fulfilled an order from God Almighty.
👈 To reconcile the two things, we say, and God knows best:
The Torah was revealed in three stages
The first planks,
Then the verses come down according to the positions, some of which are transcribed and some of which are proven.
Then the last third stage, which is that Musa, peace be upon him, before moving to the vicinity of his Lord without what was proven by God Almighty to him,
After Moses, peace be upon him, wrote the Torah as they said in the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 31 number 9:
9 And Moses wrote this Torah and delivered it to the priests of the children of Levi, who bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the elders of Israel.
10 And Moses commanded them, “At the end of the seven years within the year of the exoneration, on the feast of tabernacles.”
* In this text:
Moses, peace be upon him, wrote the Torah with his hands,
Then Moses, peace be upon him, instructed the scholars of his people, who were inks from the tribe of Levi, to carry them with the custody of the Torah.
And that they take charge of her education for the children of Israel and read it to the children of Israel every seven years,
Then Moses, peace be upon him, did another very important thing:
Moses, peace be upon him, succeeded Joshua bin Nun on the condition that the order of the children of Israel be followed after Moses, peace be upon him:
7 Moses called to Joshua and said to him before the eyes of all Israel, “B
e strong and be courageous, for you will enter with this vast array of things.” And you shall divide them for them.
8 And the Lord is walking before you. He is with you. He does not neglect you, nor does he leave you. Do not be afraid, nor be terrified.
* It is well known that Joshua bin Nun is one of the faithful men whom the Holy Qur’an praised in the Almighty saying:
“Two men said among those who fear God’s favor for them, if they enter the door for them. So if you enter it, then you are the most.”
[Surat al-Ma'idah: 23]
* The other man is Caleb bin Yafta.
The third matter:
It is that Moses, peace be upon him, instructed the scholars, who are the priests of the sons of Levi, to place the Torah beside the ark
It is well known that the Torah has its sanctity, as well as the sarcophagus has its sanctity, so this matter was tantamount to keeping them together and that the children of Israel would be fine as long as they maintain the Torah and the coffin
Then in the meantime our master Aaron, peace be upon him, had died, and our master Moses, peace be upon him, was still alive
Also, the sister of Moses, peace be upon him, who was compassionate about him when he was young, and she watched him carefully, died until God's reason that she returned him to his mother with an unparalleled calm, and by the way her name was Mary,
Here new problems arise:
And it is that Mary's sister Moses, peace be upon her, was named
Maryam is the daughter of Imran, because her father is Abu Musa and Harun, peace be upon them, and their lineage is:
Musa bin Imran bin Qahat bin Lawy bin Yaqoub bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim, peace be upon him,
Hence their sister is Maryam, the daughter of Imran,
This is the reason for the problem, because in this way her name will be compatible with the name of the virgin Virgin Mary, daughter of Imran, mother of Christ, peace be upon him.
What added to the problem in the opinion of those who raise suspicions is the statement of God Almighty on the Virgin:
{Aaron’s sister, your father was not a bad woman, and your mother was not a prostitute.
[Surat Maryam: 28]
The Christians shouted and said that we mixed the papers and did not differentiate between Mary, the sister of Moses, peace be upon him, and Mary, the mother of Christ, peace be upon him.
* This is to prove to their children several things:
Including that the Qur’an, God forbid, mixes things up, so there is no need to follow it.
And also to prove to their children that Mary, the mother of Christ, the God, has no knowledge of the Qur’an with her, and that the Qur’an confused matters
The truth is completely different. Why?
* First: It is true that the sister of Moses, peace be upon him, was named Mary, daughter of Imran, and it is the same name that the Virgin, Mother of Christ, peace be upon him, bears.
* Second: There is a long time difference between them because the sister of Moses, peace be upon him, in 1536 BC because she is ten years older than Moses.
As for the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, peace be upon him, she was born around 14 BC.
* So, there is more than one thousand five hundred years between them.
So there is no confusion.
Third, they took advantage of God Almighty’s words:
{Sister of Aaron} [Surat Maryam: 28]
And they tried to put on their children this matter and this is also easy to explain why?
* First: Because they are not familiar with them in Arabic, which attributes the son to his tribe, for example, Hashemi, Al-Tamimi, or Al-Qurashi, he was said to him, Brother Hashem, brother Tamim, brother of Quraysh.
This means that Mary was ascribed to her lineage to Aaron, peace be upon him, so the Qur’an attributed her to her supreme grandfather.
* Secondly: The Jews and Quraysh were waiting for any error in the Qur’an to announce it to people and to nullify the call of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him and Islam, so it was easy for the Jews when they saw this error and they who returned and fought and overturned the tribes against him to show these errors, but the silence of the Jews and their silence mean
s only That the Qur’an is right and that God Almighty is sincere in the attribution of Mary to her great-grandfather, Harun, peace be upon him.
Third: The evidence for this is from their books:
It is that Elizabeth's mother, Yahya, peace be upon him, was a descendant of Aaron, peace be upon him, and she was married to the Prophet of God, Zakaria, peace be upon him.
As stated in Luke 1: 5
5 In the days of Herod the king of Judea, a priest named Zechariah was from the division of Abia, and his wife was from the daughters of Haraz, and Asal, and Was. »
It was from their law that the priest marries only his tribe,
Verses (10-15): - "10« The greatest priest among his brothers, who poured on his head anointing oil, and filled his hand to wearing clothes, do not reveal his head, and shoved his clothes 11 and does not come to the same dead, nor defiled his father or his mother, 12, does not come out of Holy lest desecrates holy God, because the crown of God anointing oil on it. I am the Lord .13 this takes a virgin woman .14 The widow and absolute profane and harlot Hal He does not take, but takes a virgin from his own people
* Since Elizabeth was Aaron's daughters and married Zechariah, this means that he is also a son of Aaron
What matters to us here is that Elizabeth, sister of Mary’s mother,
This means that Mrs. Maryam is also a daughter of Haroun, peace be upon him.
This is the reason for the problem they raise because all of their books confirm that Christ, peace be upon him, is a descendant of David, peace be upon him.
With this, it undermines the lineage they mentioned of Jesus, peace be upon him in their books, which insist on the ratio of Christ to David, peace be upon him
This is evidenced by a book written by Christians called "The Synaxar"
The Synod: It is a book containing the biographies of saints, martyrs, memorials of the feasts, and days of fasting, arranged according to the days of the year, and it is read from it in daily prayers,
According to the Coptic calendar, today, Tuesday 11 of the month of Hatur, in 1735, there is a Coptic,
(Al-Sanksar) notes that on this day, the Church celebrates, according to the Christian belief, the memorial of the death of Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, and the grandmother of Christ Jesus, peace be upon him.
The Synaxar states that Hannah is his son Mathan bin Lawy bin Maliki, a descendant of Aaron the priest, and her mother's name is Mary from the tribe of Judah.
Mathan had three daughters, the first was Mary, in the name of her mother, who was the mother of Salome, the midwife, and the second was Sufi, the mother of Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist.
The third is Hannah, the wife of Joachim from the tribe of Judah and the mother of the Virgin Mary, indicating that she was barren and was begging God to provide her with offspring until her eyes were read by the Virgin Mary.
* Here, as usual, the People of the Book wear the right falsehood,
Indeed, they mentioned that the mother of Lady Mary was a descendant of Aaron, peace be upon him.
The falsehood is that they mentioned that her husband Joachim, who is (Imran) is a descendant of Judah and invalid Why?
Because Joachim was a priest and according to their law, the priest only marries the daughters of the tribe, so how can he settle with the descendants of Judah to marry Hannah from the descendants of Aaron, in violation of his law, which he is entrusted with, teaches, and works with.
* We return to the Prophet of God, Moses, peace be upon him, because after he sent what we talked about of the replacement of Joshua bin Nun, and he instructed the scholars to memorize the Torah, then he moved next to his Lord, the Most High.
God willing, in the next lesson, we will show what happened to the Children of Israel after Moses, peace be upon him.
Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.