
The Six Fundamental Principles

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Six fundamental principles are among the most wondrous and greatest

signs that indicate the omnipotence of Allah, the Overpowering Sovereign.

Allah Almighty has made them clear to common people in a way which is

above all skeptical assumptions. Nevertheless, many of the intelligent and

wise people, save few, have erred with regard to such principles.

 First fundamental principle

Devoting religion sincerely to Allah Almighty alone without associating any

partner with Him, and explaining the opposite which is Shirk (polytheism)

and pointing out that most of the Qur’an is dedicated to explaining this

fundamental principle from various aspects in words that are perceivable by

those with the minimum ability of understanding. Then, when the majority of

the Muslim Ummah were subject to such known circumstances, the devil

presented to them sincere worship under the guise of discrediting the

righteous people and falling short in fulfilling their rights, and presented

polytheism to them under the guise of loving the righteous and their


 Second fundamental principle

Allah enjoined unity in religion and forbade disunity therein. He explained

such principle in the most clear manner that is understandable by common

people. He forbade us to be like those who were before us, who were

disunited and differed so they were ruined. Allah mentioned that he

commanded the Muslims to be united in religion and forbade them from

separation therein. This is further clarified by what is reported in the

Sunnah, amazingly contributing to its clarification. However, eventually

disunity in the fundamental and subsidiary issues of the religion is regarded

as knowledge and understanding, while unity in the religion is only upheld

by the heretics or mad people.

 Third fundamental principle

Listening to and obeying the ruler, even if an Abyssinian slave, is an aspect

of perfect unity in the religion. Allah Almighty adequately explained this in

multiple ways, both in terms of the legislation and the divine decree. Then


afterwards, this principle became unknown to most of those who claim

religious knowledge, let alone acting upon it.

 Fourth fundamental principle

Explaining the meaning of knowledge and who the knowledgeable are, and

the meaning of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and who the jurists are, and

defining those who claim to be like them but are not from them. Allah

Almighty highlighted this principle at the beginning of Surat al-Baqarah as

He said: {O children of Israel, remember My favor that I bestowed upon

you, and fulfill My covenant and I will fulfill your covenant.} [Surat alBaqarah: 40] until His saying: {O Children of Israel, remember My blessing

which I bestowed upon you and that I favored you over all other people.}

[Surat al-Baqarah: 47]

This is further clarified by what is stated in the Sunnah of abundant

manifest lucid statements that anyone with bare mental abilities can grasp.

Then it turned to be considered as oddest ideas, as knowledge and Fiqh

are regarded as Bid‘ah (innovation in religion) and error, and the best that

they have is regarded as truth mixed with falsehood. Those who adopt true

knowledge that Allah Almighty has enjoined upon the creation for which

they are praised are called as heretics and mad people, whereas those

who deny it, antagonize it, and write books warning against and forbidding

it are considered the true knowledgeable and well-versed jurists.

 Fifth fundamental principle

Allah Almighty has defined His Awliyā’ (allies/pious slaves) and highlighted

the difference between them and those who allegedly claim themselves to

be from them from among the hypocrites and wicked people who are

Allah’s enemies. The following verse from Surat Āl ‘Imrān is sufficient as a

proof of this. Allah Almighty says: {Say, “If you love Allah then follow me;

Allah will love you.”} [Surat Āl ‘Imrān:31] And a verse in Surat al-Mā’idah

that states: {O you who believe, whoever among you renounces his faith,

Allah will bring a people whom He loves and who love Him.} [Surat alMā’idah: 54]

And a verse in Surat Yūnus that states: {Unquestionably, [for] the allies of

Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.} [Surat

Yūnus: 62] Then, to most of those who claim to have knowledge and claim


to guide people and guard the Shariah, it is essential for the Awliyā’ to give

up following the messengers of Allah, and whoever follows them is not one

of the Awliyā’. It is also essential for them to quit Jihād, so the one who

observes Jihād is not from the Awliyā’. Moreover, for them abandoning faith

and piety is a must and whoever abides by them is not from the Awliyā’. O

our Lord, we ask You to grant us pardon and well-being. Indeed, You are

the All-Hearer of supplications.

 Sixth fundamental principle

Refuting the misconceptions that the devil has set concerning the

abandonment of the Qur’an and Sunnah and following, instead, the

disunited and divergent opinions and personal inclinations, alleging that the

Qur’an and Sunnah are known only to those who are absolutely qualified to

conduct Ijtihād (personal reasoning) i.e. the Mujtahids. They set for the

Mujtahid some strict qualities that might not be found completely even in

Abu Bakr and ‘Umar. If there is someone who lacks such qualities, then he

must turn away from them (the Qur’an and Sunnah) in such a decisive

manner that involves neither doubt nor confusion. And whoever seeks

guidance from them, then he is either a heretic or a mad person, given the

fact that they are too difficult to understand. So glorified is Allah, and praise

is due to Him! How much explanation He provided in refuting this cursed

misconception, both legislatively and by way of divine decree, and by His

creative ability and His legislative command, and from several aspects that

amounted to be from the general indisputable facts of the religion, yet most

of the people do not know. {The decree [of punishment] has been passed

against most of them, for they will not believe. [It is as if] We have placed

shackles around their necks up to their chins, so their heads are forced to

remain up, and We have placed a barrier before them and a barrier behind

them, and have blocked their vision so they cannot see. It is the same to

them whether you warn them or not, they will not believe. You can only

warn one who follows the Reminder and fears the Most Compassionate

unseen. So give him glad tidings of forgiveness and a generous reward.}

[Surat Yasīn: 7-11]

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May Allah’s abundant

peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his

Companions until the Day of Judgment.


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