Dialogue and Conflict Resolution in Islam
Dr. Umar Muhammad Labdo
Department of Islamic Studies,
Kaduna State University,
Being a paper presented at a two-day National Conference on Human Rights in
Islam jointly organized by the Religious and Cultural Attaché Office, Royal
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Abuja and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria from 31st July
to 1st August, 2010.
Dialogue and Conflict Resolution in Islam
Umar Muhammad Labdo
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Humanity has come a long way. Huge strides in various fields have been
taken. Unthought-of frontiers have been opened. Fantastic discoveries in the
fields of science, technology, information and communication have been
recorded and significant progress in these and other fields made. Today, we are
living in a global village.
One important progress made is in the sphere of international relations.
After centuries of bloody wars and conflicts, today at the threshold of the 21st
century, humanity is searching for new ways of resolving conflict between its
various components. In this search, men are turning to universal traditions for
inspiration. One of these traditions, which have a lot to offer in this respect, is
Islam. And this paper is a modest attempt to explore what this complete way of
life, which not unjustifiably, has the greatest claim to peace, has to offer.
Islam offers dialogue as the just and sure way of resolving conflicts. To
begin with, Islam is a faith of dialogue and its Holy Scripture, the Noble Quran, is
also a book of dialogue. A cursory look through the pages of the Book, reveals the
highest form of objective, constructive and beautiful dialogue between all
manner of people and at all levels of human relationship.
There are examples of dialogue between Allah Himself and His creatures
(angels, prophets, pious men and women etc); between prophets and their
people (believers and non-believers alike); between upright men and women who
struggle in the cause of truth and justice and their people who strive in falsehood
and transgression, and so on. We even find in the Noble Qur’an lengthy dialogue
between Allah, the Exalted and Satan, the accursed. Below are a few examples for
In Surah Al-Baqarah, we find the following dialogue between Allah (SWT)
and the Angels:
And (remember) when your Lord said to the Angels:
“Verily I am going to place (mankind) generations
after generations on earth”. They said: “Will you
place therein those who will make mischief therein
and shed blood while we glorify you with praises
and thanks and sanctify you?” He said: “I know that
which you do not know”. (2:30-31).
In Surah Hud, we read the following dialogue between Prophet Noah and
the leaders of his people who opposed his mission:
And indeed we sent Noah to his people (and he said):
“I have come to you as a plain warner. That you
worship none but Allah, surely, I fear for you the
torment of a painful Day.” The Chiefs of the
disbelievers among his people said: “We see you but
a man like ourselves, nor do we see that any follow
you but the meanest among us and they (too)
followed you without thinking. And we do not see in
you any merit above us, infact we think you are a
He said, “O my people! Tell me if I have a clear proof
from my Lord, and a mercy (Prophethood) has come
to me from Him, but that (mercy) has been obscured
from your sight, shall we compel you to accept it
when you have a strong hatred for it.” (12:25-28).
In the same Surah, there is further dialogue between no less than five other
prophets and their people, including Hud, Salih, Lut and Shu’aib (12:50-60; 61-69;
77-83; and 84-95).
In an extreme instance, we find dialogue between Allah (SWT) and the
lowest of his creatures, Satan! When Satan disobeyed his Lord’s command to
prostrate to Adam, the following dialogue ensued:
(Allah) said: “What prevented you that you did not
prostrate when I commanded you?” (Satan)
answered: “I am better than him; you created me
from fire, and him you created from clay.”(7:12)
The foregoing is but a minimal example of the lively and constructive
dialogue presented by the Qur’an to its readers so that they may learn the culture
of listening to the other view.
Ethics of Dialogue
Islam accords dialogue - any type of dialogue – a high position of respect.
First of all, it considers the principal tool of dialogue – the word – as very
important and worthy of attention. This is clear from the following parable in
which a good word is portrayed as a fruit-bearing tree.
See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly
word as a goodly tree, whose roots are firmly fixed,
and its branches (reach) to the sky. Giving its fruits
at all times by the leave of its Lord and Allah sets
forth parables for mankind in order that they may
remember. And the parable of an evil word is that of
an evil tree uprooted from the surface of the earth
having no stability (14:24-26).
Indeed, in Islamic symbolism, the religion itself, is portrayed as a word, so also are
the Qur’an, Allah’s commandment and His inspiration to his prophets.
And (He) made the word of those who disbelieved
the lowermost, while it was the word of Allah that
became uppermost, and Allah is All-mighty, All-wise
Islam has laid down guidelines for dialogue, especially between people of
different faiths and culture. It insists that all talks aimed at convincing the other
must have the best of intentions and be conducted in a good manner. In calling
people to the faith, Islam directs:
Invite (mankind) to the way of your Lord with
wisdom and fair preaching and argue with them in a
way that is better. (16:125)
Concerning Christians and Jews in particular, the Qur’an instructs:
And argue not with the people of the scriptures
(Jews and Christians) unless it be in (a way) that is
better (i.e., with good words and in a good
manner). (29:46)
Islam also emphasises on the points of agreement between diverse cultures and
beliefs as a way of ensuring compromise and reconciliation. Consider how the
Qur’an puts this idea so beautifully:
Say (O Muslims): “We believe in Allah and that
which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael,
Isaac, Jacob and to al-Asbat (i.e., the 12 sons of
Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses,
Jesus and that which has been given to prophets
from their Lord. We make no distinction between
any of them, and to him we have submitted.”
And more emphatically:
And say: “I believe in whatsoever Allah has sent of
the book (i.e., all scriptures) and I am commanded
to do justice among you, Allah is our Lord and your
Lord. For us our deeds and for you your deeds.
There is no dispute between us and you. Allah will
assemble us (all) and to him is the final return.”
This calm, fair and unbiased argument is designed to create an atmosphere of
ease and trust as a prelude to convincing the other party and securing agreement
on just and equitable terms.
Justice is another indispensable element in any successful dialogue.
Therefore, Islam urges its followers to be just and fair to all, irrespective of
whether they are friends or foes. Justice is a value to be sought for its own sake,
and it must be applied and seen to be applied, in every given situation especially
when it involves people of different faiths, culture or nationality. Allah, the most
high, says:
O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice as
witnesses to Allah even though it is against
yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich
or poor.(4:135)
In another verse, He says:
O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and
be just witnesses and let not the enmity and
hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just,
that is nearer to piety (5:8).
Objectivity in argument has the positive effect of calming nerves and
creating a relaxed atmosphere conducive for level–headed discussion. Its principal
ingredients include humility, steadfastness and a readiness to give a fair deal and
accept the truth from whatever source. Equally important, opposing parties must
negotiate from a position of equality; not in a master–servant situation. Islam is
vehemently opposed to cultural imperialism and forceful assimilation of people, a
situation that leads to European type of “final solution” or to America’s “You are
either with us or against us.” The object of Islamic dialogue is not to dictate terms
or impose views, but to achieve understanding and reach compromise and
reconciliation. Human beings will continue to differ and to hold diverse opinions,
and to force men to tow a single line is but sheer arrogance. Allah says:
And if your Lord has so willed, He could surely
have made mankind into one nation, but they will
not cease to disagree, except him on whom your
Lord has bestowed His mercy. (11:118-119).
Levels of Dialogue
Islam has instituted dialogue at all levels of human relationship. The
purpose is to give everyone concerned a right to have a say in the issue at hand
and for all to benefit from the wisdom, foresight and experiences of the parties
involved. This will ensure peace and stability and provide the people with a sense
of worth and belonging.
At the intra-family level, where the man is supposed to be the leader, Islam
has made consultation the norm for running of affairs of the family. Even on
trivial issues such as weaning a baby, it insists that it should be based on
consultation and mutual consent. In Surah al-Baqara, Allah says:
If they both (husband and wife) decide on
weaning by mutual consent and after due
consultation, there is no sin on them. (2:233)
Similarly, Islam recommends consultation as the way of solving inter-family
disputes. A rift within a family can affect other families, as it is likely to draw the
respective families of husband and the wife into the disagreement. In this
situation, Islam recommends:
If you fear a breach between them twain (the man
and his wife) appoint (two) arbitrators, one from
his family and the other from hers, if they both
wish for peace, Allah will cause their reconciliation
At community and national levels, Islam is perhaps the first social system to
institute consultation as an integral part of political process and to formally
incorporate it into its system. The institution of al-Shura is enshrined in the noble
Qur’an and it has been practised since the rise of the first Islamic state in al-
Madinah. To emphasize its importance, a whole surah is named after it. In this
surah, we read the following attributes of the believers:
Those who avoid the greater sins and illegal
sexual intercourse, and when they are angry,
they forgive. And those who answer the call of
their Lord and establish prayer and who
(conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation,
and who spend what we have bestowed on them
In Islam dialogue applies to all situations of life and is found at all levels of
human relation. It is not restricted to conflict resolution alone, and this is why
Islam can claim to be truly a religion of dialogue. And this is not an empty slogan
or a declaration on paper, but it is a principle which has been adhered to and
practised throughout the history of Islam. As will be seen later, Islamic history is
replete with instances where fair and constructive dialogue was preferred by
Muslim leaders. In fact, this is a rule in Islam, that armed conflict would not be
restored to until avenues of peace are exhausted. The guiding principle in this
respect is the following divine command:
But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it
Dialogue in Conflict Resolution
Islam’s view of war is that it is a necessary evil to be resorted to only when
it is absolutely unavoidable. The purpose of war in Islam is the establishment of
peace and freedom, if those can be achieved without resorting to war, then there
is no need for war. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said in a hadith:
O people! Do not wish for an encounter with the
enemy. Pray to Allah to grant you security; but
when you (have to) encounter them, exercise
patience. (al-Bukhari, 1985).
Therefore, Islam makes provisions for avoiding war, minimizing its effects if
it unavoidably occurs and ending it as soon as possible. These provisions are
based on agreement between Muslims and their enemy to be strictly adhered to
by both sides. Islam seriously warns its followers against breaking agreements or
acting in a treacherous manner towards their enemy. The Prophet, peace be upon
him, said:
No people would break a treaty except that Allah
has made their enemy to prevail over them (Imam
Malik, n.d.).
One of the said provisions is amaan, or protection, which is the suspension
of the legality to kill an enemy, enslave him or take his property. The purpose of
amaan is to make possible dialogue between warring nations and enhance
communication by allowing a free flow of ideas and views (Labdo, 1998). This
provision will offer warring sides an opportunity to interact in an atmosphere of
mutual trust, talk to each other and, hopefully, reach a peaceful settlement of
their dispute.
Another provision is isti’maan, asylum, which is the act of guaranteeing the
safety of an individual from a hostile country to enter Muslim territory for a
purpose after which he is to return to his country, on the condition that he
remains subject to Islamic rule for the duration of his stay. The difference
between amaan and isti’maan is that the former can be granted to a number of
people or to an entire population in their own land, while the latter is given only
to individuals with stipulation that they remain in the Islamic territory.
Sulh, or peace treaty, is another avenue for peace created by Islam in order
to give a chance for negotiation and dialogue for peaceful resolution of conflicts.
It means an agreement reached between warring factions for peace either
permanently or for a very long period. All people under the above three
categories of agreements are guaranteed freedom of faith and protection of their
lives, honour and property.
Even after the start of a war, Islam leaves wide-open channels for
negotiation and eventual peace. The provision of muhadanah, or truce, is meant
to serve this purpose. Muhadanah is an agreement reached between Muslims
and their enemy to cease hostilities for a short period of time after the battle has
already begun. This measure is designed to afford the two sides opportunity to
take stock of the war and re-examine their options and priorities. It is also an
open invitation to the warring parties to sit around the negotiating table and try
to resolve their differences through dialogue and fair arguments (Labdo, 1998).
Examples abound in Islamic history where these principles were put to
good use thereby saving lives and avoiding the catastrophe of war.
Even before the dawn of his prophetic mission, Muhammad, peace be upon
him, had displayed great diplomatic ability and capacity to resolve disputes
peacefully and affect reconciliation between mutually antagonistic people. A
notable example is the serious dispute which broke out between Arab chieftains
when the Quraish leaders rebuilt the holy sanctuary of Ka’aba. The dispute arose
as a result of disagreement on whom among the Arab tribal leaders would have
the honour of putting the black stone (Hajar al-Aswad) in its place. The dispute
was so serious that war seemed imminent. The Prophet, who was then a young
man of 35, was able to solve this stalemate to the satisfaction of all when he
placed the stone on his garment and asked each tribal leader to hold a tip of the
garment and they carried it together. On reaching its designated location, he
lifted the stone with his own hands and put it in place. Thus, he cleared a
potentially explosive situation which could have degenerated into a bloody war
with devastating consequences (Ibn Kathir, n.d.).
Another important example is the famous treaty of Hudaibiyyah, in the 6th
year after Hijra. The Prophet had gone to Makkah with his companions intending
to perform Umrah (the lesser Hajj). Makkan authorities thought that he had come
to conquer the city and they made preparations for war. Tempers flared when the
Muslims realized that the pagan Quraish leaders would not allow them to enter
the city and observe their rites. There were heated negotiations which resulted in
a treaty that was unfair to Muslims because it imposed unfavourable conditions
on them. Tensions rose high and danger was imminent but for the great restraint
and statesmanship showed by the Prophet who was able to persuade the
Muslims to accept the treaty. This treaty later proved to be a great victory for
Islam (Ibn Kathir, n.d.).
Successive generations of Muslim leaders followed the Prophets’ example.
This became an established norm and was incorporated into the Shari’ah.
Throughout Islamic history, beginning with the time of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs,
through the middle ages and down to the modern era, Muslims consistently
championed the cause of peace and opposed military adventure. They always
preferred negotiations and peaceful settlement of disputes.
Humanity is in spiritual poverty today. Mankind has attained the highest
level of material progress but we are bankrupt spiritually. We are civilized, yes,
but yet we are primitive and barbaric. This is why the 20th century which saw the
greatest achievements in science, technology and material well-being also
witnessed the bloodiest conflicts in human history. Secular philosophies,
ideologies and social systems have failed mankind. Today, men have no peace or
For the above reason, sensible men and women all over the world are
turning their backs on secularism and looking for some form of spirituality. Even
in the United States, the bastion of unbelief, social philosophers like Francis
Fukuyama, are calling for a return to spiritual values. The need for spirituality is
felt more in the sphere of war and armament where the “Godless man” has
become baser than beast, destroying human life, animal and plant life, the
environment and indeed threatening to put an end to life on this planet. In the
new world order of petty tribal wars (Africa), ethnic cleansing (Europe) and sheer
arrogance and Godlessness (America), men have no refuge but to hold fast to the
rope of Allah.
Islam, which means peace, offers an alternative to war. Its culture of
dialogue, if properly utilized and applied to contemporary situation, will surely
help minimize the bloody conflicts that are raging in all parts of the globe.
Mechanisms for peace devised by Islam, such as the provisions of amaan,
isti’maan, sulh and muhadanah, if allowed to work, will put an end to war and
ensure just peace, and the much sought-after but elusive international security
will finally be ours. They may even save humanity from the catastrophe of nuclear
The Noble Qur’an, trans. Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqiud-
Din al-Hilali, Daar al-Salaam, Pakistan, n.d.
al-Bukhari, Muhammad bin Isma’il, al-Jami’ al-Sahih, trans. Muhammad
Muhsin Khan, Daar al-Arabiyyah, Beirut, 1405/1985.
Ibn Kathir, Ismail bin Umar, al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Maktabah al-Ma’arif,
Beirut, n.d.
Labdo, Umar Muhammad, Diplomacy and War in the Sokoto Caliphate,
unpublished Ph.D thesis, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, 1998.
Malik bin Anas, al-Muwatta, Daar al-Fikr, Beirut, n.d.