Defence of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad
(O Messenger of Allah, in the intensity of your remembrance, my ride has come to you after travelling miles I swear by Allah that I love you with the love that is in my heart. And this is what will benefit me on the Day of Resurrection).
Defence of the beloved prophet:
(May Allah bless him and grant him peace)
O Allah! praise belongs to you. You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Praise belongs to You. You have the possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them.
Praise belongs to You. You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. Praise belongs to You. You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth. Praise belongs to You. You are the Truth and Your Promise is the truth, And to meet You is true, Your word is true, Paradise is true, Hell is true, all the Prophets (Peace be upon them) are true And Muhammad is true. May the peace and blessings be upon the one who was sent as a mercy to the world, Muhammad bin Abdullah who is the best of everyone except Allah the Almighty.
(O, my Lord, I seek refuge from miserliness, the inability of expressing, and such an insidious soul for which I always strive to reform).
Before we begin:
Let us listen to the story of our beloved prophet as he tells us about himself when he was a small child. He says:
Two men, wearing white clothes, came to me and they laid me down then they ripped my stomach and explored something which I do not know.
And his mother told us about him, she said:
My son has prestigious status. Should I not inform you about it?
I saw when I got pregnant with him, a magnificent emergence of light spread out the earth until it illuminated the places of Syria for me. By God, I had never seen a pregnancy lighter or easier for me than it.
Perhaps you know this beloved? Yes, yes. He is the beloved (peace be upon him). Who does not know him? (May my parents be sacrificed for him). He possesses five names and with them, Allah the Almighty called him. They are:
Muhammad, Ahmad, Al-Muqafi, Al-Aqib, and Al-Hashir.
And the multiplicity in names shows the honour of the named person.
His Grandfather Abdulmutallab says: Poetry:
For the sake of honour, Allah extracted the name of Muhammad from His name. The Almighty is Mahmood and You are Muhammed. (May my parents be sacrificed for him).
He has lots of characteristics. Among them is that he is a prophet of mercy, the prophet of reformation and the prophet of repentance.
Exhibition of Prophet's dignity in his childhood:
There are many clear manifestations of the prophet's dignity which reveal that Allah the Almighty protected him since childhood. Because Allah the Almighty destined him to be a warner
to the whole world and to seal prophethood and mission of prophets upon him. And Allah the Almighty decided to take him to
heaven to ascend to sidratul-mutha, a place where no one reached.
Among the aspects of the prophet's dignity in childhood are:
1-He was born from legal wedlock, not from pre-Islamic fornication. And this was the protection from Allah the Almighty
2- His mother did not feel the pain that other women usually suffer during pregnancy. And his mother observed that a( Noor) divine light, when she gave birth to him, came out from herself, and it illuminated the palaces of Syria.
4- The pot was broken which was placed on him after his birth, as it was the custom of the women of Quraysh. And he did not spend the night under it. And it is a sign for him. (peace and blessings be upon him
5- An earthquake occurred in the hoses of Kisra his fourteen balconies fell when he was born. (May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him?)
6- The extinguishing of the fire of Peris which had not been extinguished for a thousand years.
7- The house was illuminated in which he was born. And the stars were close to him to the extent as if they were going to fall upon him. (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) These and other signs that accompanied his birth, clearly show his greatness and inform that the future of the whole world will be upon him. Exhibition of Prophet’s dignity in youth:
During the stages of his life in childhood and youth, there were many signs and manifestations which indicate that Allah the Almighty honored him and protected him from all bad things, some of them are:
1- Asking for rain through the prophet when he was young, as his uncle Abu Talib asked for rain through him. And he says in his poetry:
("And a white (person) (i.e. the Prophet) who is requested to pray for rain and who takes care of the orphans and is the guardian of widows")
2- He never uncovered clothes from his private parts. There is an amazing story:
When the Quraysh were building the Kaaba. They raised their loincloths on their shoulders to protect themselves from the harm of stones, and prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) put the stone on his shoulder but there was nothing upon his shoulder, so his uncle, Al-Abbas (may God be pleased with him) saw him and said to him: If You raised your loincloth on your shoulders, it would be better. When he raised loincloths he fell and heard a herald, which he did not see, ordering him to cover his nakedness, so he covered himself and did not reveal himself after that.
3- The well-known and famous story of Buhaira, the monk as he never came down from his hermitage except when the caravan passed by in which our Prophet was (may God bless him and grant him peace).
4- His arbitration among the leaders of Quraysh when their leaders disputed in the installation of Hajr e Aswad( the Black Stone). So, when they saw the prophet entering them first, they said:" This is Muhammad the trustworthy, we are pleased with his judgment".
All these phenomena demonstrate that Allah the Almighty was preparing him for the position of prophethood, since no one achieved this pride and dignity before him, (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him).
Honesty trustworthiness and:
One of his most important attributes of the Prophet (May the blessings and peace of my Lord be upon him) was his honesty and trustworthiness, for example:
1. Prophet's story with Khadija and his honesty in dealing with her money.
2. He was called alAmin (the most trustworthy) in the pre-Islamic era.
3. The testimony of his enemies to his truth as it was reported from Al-Waleed bin Al-Mughirah, Abu Sufyan bin Harb, Al-Nadr bin Al-Harith and other grand leaders of Quraysh. Despite this, they had fierce hostility towards him and they tried to accuse him of every accusation except lying, so they talked about him: a magician, a priest, a poet, but none of them ever described him as a lier. The Almighty said:
"Indeed We know that what they say makes you sad because it is not you whom they reject, but the transgressors deny the signs of Allah".[Surah Al-An'am 33
4. Despite all the hostilities, they trusted in his trustworthiness. Rather, they used to entrust their deposits with him, and this is one of the wonders, as they fight him in the day and put their money with him at night. And that was only because they trusted in his honesty despite their fierce hostility to him. (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him)
Have you ever seen someone entrusting his money to his worst enemy? By God, these are the greatest signs of his prophethood, but no one understands them except the knowledgeable ones.
The miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (May God bless him and grant him peace)
A miracle is something which is brought about by the Prophet to approve his claim, and humans are not capable of doing that and the miracle is the sign, as it is mentioned in the Qur’an. It has
been said that there is no prophet except he was given miracles. The beloved Muhammad, (may God bless him and grant him peace) has many miracles, and some scholars have counted them around thousand or more. Among the miracles of the prophet are; His greatest miracle, is the Holy Qur’an (prayers and peace be upon him) Allah says:
"Say, “If the entire humans and jinns join together to produce anything like this Qur’an, they will not (be able to( come up with anything like it, even if they assist one another (."Bani Israil: 88)
2-The splitting of the moon. Allah Almighty said:
“The Hour (of doom( has drawn near, and the moon has split asunder. When these people see a sign, they turn away and say, “(This is( a transient magic.”(Al-Qamar: 1-2).
And this split occurred during his life as a prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace). Quraish and others observed it.
The incidents of Isra and Miraj( The holy Journey from earth to heaven)and the miracles that occurred during this journey like five prayers were prescribed that night and the imposition of the five daily prayers. And this event is famous and well-known.
And if we continue to mention the miracles of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of my Lord be upon him) we would not have enough time and the papers would not encompass that. So, let us just mention some of his wondrous matters that are mentioned and proven in the Sunnah, and we will infer many details from a brief account. A necklace that surrounds the neck is enough for you. Among the miracles of the prophet which are authorized are:
(1) Supplications of the prophet used to be answered by Allah the Almighty.
A -Allah's Apostle supplicated Allah that the people of Makkah should be afflicted with famine. It happened until they reached the point of starvation that one of them used to see the sky and he would see between him and the sky something like
smoke because of hunger. It is mentioned in the Noble Qur’an in the Almighty’s saying:
So, wait for a day when the sky will come up with visible smoke. That will envelop people. This is a painful punishment. (Al-Dukhan: 10-11).
B - Al-Nasa’i narrated on the authority of Umm Qais who said: "My son died, and I felt very sad. I said to the one who was washing him: 'Do not wash my son with cold water and kill him." ``Ukashah bin Mihsan went to the Messenger of Allah and told him what she had said, he smiled then said: "What did she say, may Allah give her a long life" And we do not know of any woman who lived as long as she lived.
C- His supplication, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him),for Anas bin Malik for the abundance of money and children. This hadith is famous. It is narrated on the authority of Anas - may God be pleased with him - in his hadith: Anas said: By Allah, my fortune is huge and my children and grand-children are now more than one hundred".(Sahih Muslim: 2481)
D- Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abdullah bin Hisham that his mother Zainab bint e Humaid took him to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and said, "O Allah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم)! Take the pledge of allegiance from him." But he said, "He is still too young for the pledge," and passed his hand on his (i.e. `Abdullah's) head and invoked Allah's blessing for him. He was blessed in his trade to the extent that Ibn `Umar and IbnAz-Zubair would meet him and say to him, "Be our partner, as the Prophet invoked Allah to bless you." So, he would be their partner,(Sahih al-Bukhari: 2501
e- And he supplicated for Utaiba bin AbiLahab when he divorced his daughter and outraged him and tore his shirt, (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him( prophet said: “As for me, I ask God to put his dog on you.” So he set out with traders of the Quraish until they camped in a place called Al-Zarqa at night. The lion surrounded them that night, so Utaiba began to say: “Woe to me, by God, this will eat me as Muhammad said.” IbnAbiKabsha(prophet Muhammad) killed me while he is in Mecca and I am in Syria. So, the lion assaulted him and gobbled him up and the lion did not get close to anyone except Utaiba. By Allah, What a wonder!
(2) Increment in food and water:
A- This is the story of Abu Hurairah, where dozens of men narrated that, lots of companions drank from a glass of milk which our Prophet Muhammad handed to them. (The story is in Sahih al-Bukhari).
B - Increment of food of his companions in many holy battles until it used to be overflowing. Despite that, there used to be hundreds.
C- The story of Jabir bin Abdullah in the Holy Battle of the Tabuk and his feeding hundreds of companions from one pot. The story is in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal).
d- Water sprang out from underneath his fingers (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him), in many places where the water was not used to be. The story is in Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim and the Musnad of Imam Ahmad).
(3) The trees submitted themselves to the Prophet (may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him)
When he went to release himself. And the trees became like a curtain between him and the people, so, no one saw him while relieving himself. As it is in the hadith in Sahih Muslim.
(4) The nostalgia of the trunk of a date palm yearning for prophet Muhammad (may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him).
When the trunk found himself lost in the Friday sermon even the people of the mosque heard it crying like a child longing for it used to hear remembrance of Allah from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. (The story is in Sahih Al-Bukhari).
(5( The extolling of pebbles in his hands( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) ( Al-Bazzar and Al-Tabarani included it in Al-Awsat). (6) The greeting of stone and trees to the prophet in many places. (May God’s prayers and peace be upon him(. (Reported by Al-Tirmidhi).
(7( Animals, as lark and camel spoke to him, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) as it is mentioned in the books Sunnah.
(8( Healing the sick with his saliva, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) as happened to Ali bin AbiTalib according to the narration of Sahih al-Bukhari.
(9) His Information of the unseen incidents that occurred as he predicted.
(10( The wolf’s testimony to his prophethood, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) Al-Imam Ahmad narrated it from the route of Abu Sa'id Al-Khudriyy with a trustworthy chain of narration.
In this narration, Abu Sa'id Al-Khudriyy says “Once when a shepherd was grazing his sheep in al-Harrah (a mountain with black stones next to Al-Madinah) a wolf came to eat one of his sheep. The shepherd stood between the wolf and the sheep to prevent the wolf from attacking the sheep. The wolf sat on his tail and spoke to the shepherd. It said “Don’t you fear Allah? You prevent me from the sustenance which Allah has prepared for me.” The shepherd said “What an astonishing matter! A wolf sitting on its tail is speaking with the speech of humans!” The wolf said “Let me tell you about something more astonishing. The
Messenger of Allah is between the two Harrahs telling the people about the news of the previous nations.”
“The shepherd took his sheep and went to Madinah and put his things in a place in Madinah and went to the Prophet,(peace be upon him)and told him about the story of the wolf. The Prophet, (peace be upon him) went out to the people, and said to the shepherd “Stand up and tell them what you saw.” The shepherd told the people about what the wolf said. The Prophet (peace be upon him( said: “This shepherd told the truth. Know that among the signs of the Day of Judgment is that the wild animals would speak to the people. By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! The Hour will not be established until predators speak to people and until the tip of a man's whip and the straps on his sandal speak to him, and these thighs would inform him of what occurred with his family after him" Still, we don't have the right that we marvel at people who still doubt the prophethood of our Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace)?
Objections and accusations over the position of prophecy:
Allah the Almighty said:
"Surely, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger are cursed by Allah in this world and the Hereafter, and He has prepared for them a humiliating punishment"(Al-Ahzab: 57).
Needless to say that there is no prophet or messenger sent by God Almighty but he encountered the enemies who accused him of lying and tried harder to make people doubtful regarding the truthfulness of his prophethood. This is one of the Sunnahs(ways) of God Almighty. He said:
"So it is that, for every prophet, We have set up enemies, the devils of mankind and jinn who seduce one another with alluring rhetoric to deceive(Al-An'am:112).
Our Prophet, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him( was not exceptional among the Messengers. He also had to face what his brothers faced like denial, aggression, clash, expulsion, imprisonment, and mockery, but that did not deter him from his preaching and it did not weaken his determination and resolution. Instead, he had become steadfast like a lofty mountain. He bore it patiently and has become easy for him to engage himself in the propagation of Islam. After that, Allah, the Almighty supported him and raised his status and remembrance till the Day of Resurrection. Our Prophet,( may God bless him and grant him peace), was accused of being a liar, lecher He was also accused of being a magician, soothsayer،mad man, aggressive, extremist and terrorist, and these weak objections will be proved baseless at first sight. If we study his biography and become aware of his lifestyle. (May God bless him and grant him peace)
In the following pages, we would review every objection raised about our Prophet (May God bless him and grant him peace) and refute them with as clear arguments as the sun in Wonderful day.
1- The first objections:
They say about him that he was a lier: In the past and now, this is the weakest allegation that was raised to slander our Prophet, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him(. Because the trustworthiness and honesty of the prophet were well known among the people since his childhood, even these were his qualities and morals which distinguished him, to the extent that in the pre-Islamic era he was called Al-Amin and Al-Sadiq (trustworthy and honest). And what proves this, is the incident that happened in the story of the Quraysh. When people of Quraysh, (before the prophet was blessed with prophethood) were building the Kaaba, they demonstrated disagreement over the placement of the Black Stone. They started arguing with each other because every tribe wanted to gain this honour. and the dispute between them intensified, and each tribe insisted on winning the honour. One of their wise people intended to put an end to the dispute. He said to them, the first person to enter you from the gate of Safa. Will judge
you. So, the Prophet (May God bless him and grant him peace) was the first person to enter. When they saw him coming from the gate of Safa.” They said: This is Muhammad. He is Al-Amin (Trustworthy). We will be pleased with his judgment.
The above story, which took place before the prophecy, is the greatest evidence that he was well known among them for his honesty and trustworthiness.
In the same way, there is evidence in the words of Hazrat Abu Sufyan that he was famous among the Quraysh of Makkah for his honesty and trustworthiness. When Heraclius had asked him, "Did you ever accuse him of lying before he spoke about prophethood?" So Abu Sufyan answered in the negative. Heraclius replied at the end of the hadith with wisdom that rare people possess. I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he said, and your reply was in the negative. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah. The denial of lying about him is also proved by the narrations which are mentioned in the hadith of Rukanah bin Abd Yazid, who was very hostile to the Prophet,( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and used to mock him a lot.
He said one day to the Prophet, “O my nephew, a matter has reached me about you, and you are not a liar. If you knock me down, I know that you are truthful. Rukanah proved his honesty by denying lies about him, despite the intensity of enmity and his frequent mockery of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, as mentioned in the biographies.
Al-Tirmidhi narrated on the authority of Ali that AbuJahl said to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم): 'We do not deny you, but we deny what you came with.' So Allah Most High revealed:
It is not you that they deny but is Allah's Ayat which the wrong-doers reject (6:33) The honesty of prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) was widely known among the Quraysh, to the extent that when our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, informed Abu Talib that sheet of paper which was written by Quraish the termite had eaten it and only one word (In the name of Allah) left in it. Abu Talib argued with Quraysh until they opened the Kaaba and took out the sheet of paper. Certainly, they found as it is as our Prophet, (may God’s
prayers and peace be upon him) had said. Abu Talib reprimanded them by saying this poetry:
Translation: What a great lesson there is in the treaty paper written by the Quraysh, the one will be astonished to hear it who did not see it. Allah has erased from it (the deed) their disbelief, polytheism, disobedience and their words of vengeance from the one who speaks the truth. Therefore, all the statements made by them are false manifestations, because those who fabricate lies are always annoyed.
The signs of honesty used to appear on his face( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) until Abdullah bin Salam, the Jewish rabbi, said in the story of his conversion to Islam that when he saw the Prophet( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him,( and looked at his face, he said: When I saw his face I knew that his
face was not the face of a liar) (Narrated by IbnMajah and others) poetry;
Even if there were no clear proof of your honesty, your blessed face would be enough for your testimony.
2-The second objection:
Prophet Muhammad is a magician or a madman and soothsayer. These are the attributes with which the infidels of Quraish characterized him when he presented before them the truth and they were unable to reject it. so, they are inclined to these accusations so that they can deter people from him. Because whoever used to sit with him and Islam is presented to him, He would convert to Islam. So the stubborn opponents raised these objections to repel people from sitting with him and listening to him especially in the seasons when people from all over the Arabian Peninsula used to be gathered.
This is Utbah bin Rabi’ah who came as a delegate of the Quraish to negotiate with the Prophet,( may God’s prayers and
peace be upon him) so that the Prophet abandons his preaching. He said to him: O my nephew, you are a high-born and nobleman of Quraish. Your family is large, noble and respectable to all of us. But you have put the tribe in great difficulty. You have given such an invitational call which has created differences among us. has made us fool, has stigmatized our deities and our religion. and declared our forefathers to be infidels. Then he offered him money, the kingdom and put attractive things before him until when Utbah finished his words and the Messenger of God, (may God bless him and grant him peace) He listened to him and said: Have you finished, O Abu Al-Walid? He said: Yes. He said: Listen to me. He said: I do. And the beloved started reciting verses from the Holy Quran:
)بِسۡمِ ٱللََّّ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِ يمِ تَنزِ یل منَ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِ يمِ )
"With the name of Allah, the All-merciful, the Very-Merciful..This is a revelation from the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful-".[Surah Fussilat 1 - 2] The Messenger of God, (may God bless him and grant him peace,) went on reciting while Utah
listened to them quietly and attentively, supporting his back by his hand till the prophet reached the verse of sajdah (prostration) and prostrated. Then the prophet said to Utbah:'' you have heard what you heard and now you are free to do what you like".
Then Utah returned to his party. When they saw him coming to his party members said:'' the face of Abdul Waleed has changed. It was not the same as it was when he had gone. When Utah reached them, they asked him what is the news you have come with. He said to them:'' I heard such a discourse that, by God, I never heard any discourse like it before. By God, it is neither a sorcerer's enchantment nor poet's poetry. Nor a wizard incantation (which they obtain from shamans) O my tribe of Quraish! Listen to me and let me handle this matter. My advice is that you should confront him. And let him go about his business. Because the discourse that I have heard is great news and bound to remain.
This is Utbah bin Rabi’ah, who was one of the staunch men of Quraysh and their masters, after he heard the Qur’an and sat down with the Prophet,( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) denies that he is a magician or a madman and soothsayer.
Al-Nadribn al-Harith the chief and leader of Quraysh, disbelieves, Prophet Muhammad because of envy and malice. One day, stood among the Quraysh and said: O people of Quraish, by God, a matter has come down to you, for which you have not yet come up with a trick. Muhammad was a young boy; he was most honest among you. He was the most truthful among you. He was most trustworthy among you even if you see white hair in his temples. Now he came to you with something. You say that he is a magician, no, by God, he is not a magician. We have seen magicians, and they're blowing on knots. And you say he is a priest, no, by God, he is not a priest. We have seen the priests and their misgivings and heard their rhyme prose and you say he is a poet, no, by God, he is not a poet. We have seen poetry and heard all of its types, its sarcasm and slander. You say he is insane, no, by God, he is not insane. We have seen insanity. There is nothing like strangling, whispering or confusing things. O, people of Quraish, look into your affairs, for, by God, a great matter has come down to you. These are two testimonies from his enemies which prove the lies of disbelievers and slander upon prophet Muhammad.
3- The third objection:
They said, “(These are( the tales of the ancients he (the messenger) has caused to be written and they are read out to him at morn and eve.”( The polytheists accused our Prophet, of having collected the tales of the ancients from the narrators who transmitted them to him, and then he wrote them down, so he repeated them upon people to claim them to be a revelation. The holy Quran made it very clear that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Was illiterate neither he would write nor he would read and that and that he did not leave Mecca and did not travel to the countries in which these stories exist in a large amount. Along with it, what the prophet brought to them is firm, with no ambiguity, difference, hollowness, or crookedness in it, in contrast to what stories were prevalent in their areas. These stories were self-contradictory.
4- The fourth objection: This is the new objection of Orientalists that the Prophet was the lecher. Because he married eleven women and prevented his followers from having more than four women. The answer to this objection is that it should be known that the Prophet,( peace and blessings of God be upon him), never married a virgin woman except for Aisha ( may God be pleased with her ). He married Khadija( may God be pleased with
her )during his youth while the prophet was twenty-five years old, and she was an old woman. If he had desired, he would not have been satisfied with her as she was the older woman, and he did not marry any other woman until Khadijah died - (may God be pleased with her).
His marriage to Aisha - (may God be pleased with her - )was in the honor of his friend, the most beloved of people to him, the most loyal to him and the most sense to him and his preaching.
Likewise, his marriage to Hafsa, the daughter of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, was done in honour of her father, the second man in Islam and the second of his ministers. If Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was not honoured, who will be honoured then?!
And as for his marriage to Umm Habiba, Umm Salamah, Sauda, Maymunah, and Umm al-Masakeen. They were widows, it was a shelter for them because they lost their husbands and they suffered from torment and persecution in the way of Allah.
Allah the Almighty married him to Zainab bint Jahsh, while he disliked that because of fear of people saying: “Muhammad married the wife of his son Zaid,” whom he adopted before Islam. God Almighty wanted to destroy the rule of adoption that was
rooted in the pre-Islamic society, where the adopted son had all the same rights and sanctities which were for the real son. So, this was the strongest cause for the demolition of this rule. That is why, God Almighty commanded His Prophet to marry Zaid’s wife after he divorced her, and he was his adopted son in the pre-Islamic era so that Arabs know that the adopted son is not like a real son.
His marriage to Safiya and Juwayriyah to wipe away their tears and to relieve their grief. Because their husbands died in a battle that took place between the Messenger of God, (may God bless him and grant him peace) and their husbands.
Besides this, one of the benefits of his marriage (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him,) was that it was common among the Arabs that they used respect intermarriage relationships. They would consider hostility and fight with in-laws as an insult and a disgrace to themselves. When the Prophet, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him), married Umm Salamah al-Makhzumi, Khalid ibn al-Walid al-Makhzumi did not stand against Muslims in his strong position, which he used to stand before. Likewise, Abu Sufyan, the leader of the polytheists, did not confront the
Messenger of God,( may God bless him and grant him peace,) after the prophet married his daughter Umm Habiba, and likewise, we do not see from both of the tribe Bani al-Mustaliq and Banu al-Nadir, any provocation and hostility after prophet married Juwayriyah and Safia.
One of the greatest and most important purposes of his marriage, (may my Lord’s blessings and peace be upon him( was that he was ordered to purify and teach people. And it is a principle in Islam upon which the Muslim community is based that men should not be mixed with women. So it was needed that there must be women of different ages and talents (and they are the mothers of the believers( so that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, purify them, raise them and teach them. And after the prophet, they would raise Muslim women, would suffice to teach and to preach among the Muslim women, and the mothers of believers had a great role in transmitting the homely affairs of the prophet to the people(, peace and blessings be upon him,) Do you think of a man who abandons marriage in his youth and confines himself to an old woman such as Khadija or a woman until he reaches the age of fifty, then suddenly finds in himself an intense desire and marries such a large number of women? Oh God, an
immoral person can say this. The fifth objection: It the greatest false accusation and slander: that the Prophet,(peace and blessings be upon him) is that he was a bloody terrorist and tyrant:
These accusations are spread by orientalists in the modern era for casting doubt on the preaching of the prophet and his truthfulness in prophethood while his kindness, endurance, forgiveness after overcoming, patience on calamities and other things have been proved far before. (May God’s prayers and peace be upon him) And every gentleman made mistakes and errors occurred by him, but the prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him ) only grew in patience despite the abundance of harm and the extravagance of the ignorant.
It narrated by Aysha( may Allah be pleased with her) said: that whenever he had to choose between two things he adopted the easier one, provided that it was not a sin, but if it was any sin he used to be the farthest from it among the people, and Allah's Messenger never took revenge from anyone because of his grievance, unless the thing made inviolable by Allah Almighty, had been violated and he was furthest to be angry and the fastest to be pleased.
It was one of the greatest proofs of his prophethood (which is mentioned in the divine script of the People of the Book and Abdullah bin Salam and Salman Al-Farisi and others used to believe in it at the time, they were among the people of book in pre-Islamic era) that his endurance will precede his anger and the forgiveness would be dearer to him than revenge, as in the following stories:
Goris bin Al-Harith confronted him to kill prophet Muhammad ( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him,( and the Messenger of God, was taking rest under a tree alone without guards, and his companions also were taking rest. And that happened in a Holy battle. All of sudden, the Messenger of God, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) noticed that Gauris bin Haris is standing on his head, and the sword is in his hands, and he said: Who will prevent you from me? Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him) said: “God.” So the sword fell from the hand of Guris. Then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, took the sword and said: "Who will save you?" Gauris said: I hope you would be a good revenger, so the prophet left him and pardoned him. Gauris bin Hadith returned to his people and said: I came to you from the best of people.
When he entered the Holy Mosque in the morning of the conquest and found the men of Quraysh sitting, bowing their heads and waiting for the order of the conqueror Messenger of God,( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him(, he said: “Oh, people of Quraysh, what do you think I am going to do with you?” They said: you are an honourable brother and an honourable nephew. He said: “Go, you are free.” So he pardoned them after they had committed countless crimes against him and his companions, and yet he pardoned them and did not reprimand them and didn't kill them ( may God bless him and his family and companions).
He was bewitched by Labid bin Al-A'sam the Jew, so he pardoned him and did not blame him. Rather, he did not prove that he blamed him or criticised him. Let alone the punishment.
The hypocrites conspired against him when he was on his way back from Tabuk to Medina. They conspired against him to kill him, and he knew about them and was informed about him but he pardoned them and said: (It should not be said that Muhammad kills his companions).
It was not mentioned in any holy battles that the Prophet assaulted anyone or invaded peaceful people. Rather, his fight and
military expedition were not for those who initiated enmity and tried to plot against Islam and the Muslims. When prophet Muhammad used to send someone as commander he advised not to kill a woman, a child, an old woman, or a monk who had been isolated in his hermitage, and he forbade them from burning with fire and spoiling the crops. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, changed the goal and objectives of wars, whereas the war was all about, in the pre-Islamic era, Looting, robbery, murder, raiding, injustice, oppression, aggression, taking revenge, winning the odds, suppressing the weak, destroying buildings, destroying buildings, violating the sanctities of women, cruelty to the weak, children and children, destruction of ploughs and offspring, messing around and corruption in the land in the pre-Islamic era. While this war in Islam became a jihad to achieve noble and loftiest goals. Human society always took pride in it. And this war became a jihad in liberating mankind from the regime of oppression and aggression. This war has altered the system in which the strong used to eat the weak, into a system of justice in which the strong seems so weak that rights can be taken from him easily. and this, war has become a jihad to rid the weak of men, women and children who would say, “Our Lord, take us out from
this town whose people are cruel, and make for us a supporter from Your own, and make for us a helper from Your own.” Thus this war became a jihad in purifying the land of God from treachery, betrayal, sin and aggression, and it became a means to extend security, safety, compassion, mercy, and observance of rights and chivalry. Or who changed the war from pure evil to pure good, be he terrorist or bloodthirsty? Do you think that whoever commands this justice, fairness, mercy and compassion, even with the enemy during the fighting, can be described as a terrorist, a murderer, or a bloodthirsty? Pure are you (O Allah). This is a terrible calumny. Note that all the countries, which were conquered with the sword, Islam emerged and spread there and the people became their firm in Islam, which confirms that the spreading of Islam and its stability is due to its characteristics, and not that for this reason that it’s preaching was done only by force and the sword. Moreover, most parts of Islam and countries were conquered by peace without war or fighting, as this is proven in Biographies and history books.
These objections and accusations that enemies of Islam made against our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) were never been able to dissuade him from spreading the message with which he was sent:
"They wish to blow out the Light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah rejects everything short of making His light perfect, no matter how the disbelievers may hate it"
Rather, this objection proved to be a good omen for this religion of Islam, since the advent of the Muhammadan prophecy, these objections and accusations became strong cause and reason for people to pay attention to his call, The more the accusations increased, the more people investigated and asked about the prophet and his mission, which lead them to be fascinated by the lights of prophecy and later it lead them to enter the religion of Islam in crowds, and praise is to God first and last.
And we say to those people who promote this accusation, what Hassan Bin Sabit said in the defending Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) And it is the ever best of what has been said in the defence of Prophet,( may God bless him and grant him peace,) and no one has been able to move beyond this, let alone to compete him, and how can one do that, and he is the
one who is supported by the Holy Spirit. He says - may God be pleased with him.
You satirized Muhammad, so I answered you, and Allah will reward me. You satirized Muhammad while he is good and pious and he is the trustee of Allah Almighty and loyalty is his characteristic. You are satirizing him while you are not equal to him at all. Whereas he is the most righteous and you are the most wicked. My ancestors and my honour are sacrificed to save the honour of Muhammad.
And this is what a believer said, and the praise what is reported from his enemies for him is quite a lot - and the truth is what the enemies testified to - This Dr Michael Hart, who
authored the book (The First Hundred), puts our Prophet Muhammad, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, (in the first place and justifies this by saying: My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level". Muhammad, (may God bless him and grant him peace) established and published one of the greatest religions in the world, and became one of the world's great political leaders. Almost thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still strong and overwhelming these days.
The morals and attributes of the Prophet:
(May God bless him and grant him peace)
(Just as the depiction of the stars in the water remains incomplete so did the narrators fail to describe you).
The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was distinguished by his perfection in his high morals which cannot be described in words. The influence of was such that hearts
overflowed with reverence for him and whoever kept company with him, the love of prophet mixed with his blood and flesh until he doesn't care for what he suffers in the way of sacrificing himself to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Among his characteristics is that he was: “The most beautiful in face and the best in Morals amongst the people.” as Al-Bara’ described him, and he also said:
“His face was like the moon.” Jaber bin Samra said: "I saw the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) on a clear night, so I looked at the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and the moon, and he was wearing a red Hullah, and he looked better than the moon to me".
Tufail said: "He had an elegant white colour, and he was of average height".
Abu Huraira said: "I have not seen anything more beautiful than the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). It was as if the sun flowed upon his face.
Ka`b bin Malik said: whenever Allah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was happy, his face used to glitter as if it was a piece of the moon.
When Abu Bakr saw him, he would say:
You are chosen as a trustworthy and a preacher of goodness, like the light of the moon removes darkness.
Anas said: I have never touched silk or neither Dibaj (i.e. thick silk) softer than the palm of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) nor have I smelt a perfume nicer than the sweat of the Prophet.
Jaber bin Samra - who was a young boy - said:He also patted my cheek and I experienced a coolness or a fragrance of his hand as if it had been brought out from the scent bag of a perfumer. Jabir said: He did not take a path so that anyone would follow it except that he knew that he had taken it from the goodness of his sweat.
And his morals were beyond the perfection (May the blessings and peace of my Lord be upon him,) and he had distinctive features in eloquence.
Forbearance, endurance, forgiveness after overcoming and patience over adversity are characteristics that Allah taught him and they are among the signs of his prophethood.
He was such Generous and open-handed who used to give gifts to someone without fearing poverty and deficiency. Whatever came in his hand, he spent it, and he was the bravest of people and always present in the toughest places whereas the brave heroes would flee from there.
He was found alone more than once during the war. Ali - may God be pleased with him - said: "When the fighting intensified and the two sides met in battle, we sought shelter with the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and no one was closer to the enemy than him".
Anas said:" Once the people of Medina got frightened having heard an uproar at night. So, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) met the people while he was riding an unsaddled horse belonging to Abu Talha and carrying his sword (slung over his shoulder). He said (to them), "Don't get scared, don't get scared."
He was more modest than the virgin behind the curtain (or in the apartment), and when he disliked anything, we recognized that from his face. And he did not fix his eyes on anyone, and he
did not treat anyone with what he hated, and he did not name a man about whom he got to know something bad, rather he says: What is wrong with people. He was most just most pious, the most honest and the most trustworthy among the people, as It was previously mentioned about him in responses to objections.
And he was the most loyal among the people until he set an example for his fulfilment. This Abdullah bin Abi Al-Hassa tells us a wonderful incident, he says: I bought something from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) before he received his Prophetic commission, and as there was something still due to him I promised him that I would bring it to him at his place, but I forgot. When I remembered three days later, I went to that place and found him there. He said: You have vexed me, young man. I have been here for three days waiting for you". (SunanAbiDawud: 4996)
He was the most humble and the furthest from arrogance. He used to prevent his companions from standing up for him, and he used to visit the poor and sit with them and answer the call of the servant and say, “If I were called to a shepherd, I would have accepted, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him( He used to sit among his companions in such a way the stranger could not
recognize him. He would sew his sandals, his clothes, and do his work himself. And used to milk his sheep, and serve himself even in his home. He was most promising, most merciful. He was the one who dealt most kindly and lovingly with people. He used to live the best life in every way. He was most faithful in love.No bad thing has ever been heard from him. He was not obscene, nor one who uttered obscenities." and never spoke loudly. Poetry:
فما حملت من ناقة فوق رحلها
أب ر وأوفى ذمةً من محمد
The camel has never carried out her saddle a better and more responsible person than Muhammad (peace be upon him)
He would not reciprocate the bad with the bad, rather he would reciprocate the bad with the good, and he would pardon and forgive and would not insult and curse anyone.
He used to participate in work with his companions in the journey, and he commanded, in a journey, to prepare goa to eat. Among them, a man said: I would slaughter it, and another said: I would skin it, and another said: I would cook it. The Prophet said, (peace and blessings of God be upon him), and I would gather firewood. They said: We suffice you. He said: “I know you suffice
me, but I hate to be distinguished from you Because God hates the servant who considers himself distinguished among his companions. Then he stood and collected wood.” May My parents be sacrificed for him).
He always had a cheerful face, gentle nature and he was soft-spoken, and everyone who sat in the company of him, the prophet became the most beloved of people to him. Jarir Al-Bajali said: "The Messenger of Allah never screened me since I accepted Islam, nor did he look at me except that he smiled".
He would not speak much, but his words were little. If someone wanted to count them, he would have counted them. Whenever he would sit with his companions he used to listen to their conversation carefully. Therefore, in his assembly voices were not raised and the sanctuary was not destroyed. Companions differed with each other based on piety. When the companions used to talk to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) he did not interrupt them, did not condemn them, did not humiliate them and did not look into their secrets. Rather, he used to say only those things for which he
hoped for a reward from Allah. And what can I count of his qualities and morals? It suffices me to say that his Lord educated him and blessed him with His love until he reached the perfection of humanity. That's why he is the most perfect human among the offspring of Adam and he is the master and leader of all creatures. may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
And we can say with full confidence that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has not given him such a lofty position but has given it to him to follow and obey his commands, and people walk on his way. So when that is the case, why don't we just understand it, pay attention to it and make him a model and why do not distance ourselves from the scum of the East and the West, whom our youth are following today?
The rights of the prophet
(peace be upon him)
Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Jaza’iri says: There are ten rights of the Prophet,( may God bless him and grant him peace). Everybody must fulfil them, and they are as follows: “To Believe in him, to love him, to obey him, to adhere to him, to respect him, to glorify him, to be faithful to him, to love his family and his companions, and to pray for him.” Defending his personality and honour is also a part of right especially in the present time when casting doubts in prophethood, insulting and making fun of is at its peak and unbearable. As some lewd Jews and Christians and their slaves from among our people are doing. And these are those people who speak with our tongues but their hearts are empty from faith.
Evidence for these rights are mentioned below:
1- Belief in him, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him( Allah the Almighty said:
So,believe in Allah and His Messenger, and in the light, We have sent down. And Allah is fully aware of what you do".[Surah At-Taghabun 8] And He also said:"
So, believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Ummiyy (unlettered) prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him, so that you may find the right path.”.[Surah Al-A'raf 158] And the hadith of Gabriel about the pillars of faith is well-known, and it contains "belief in the messengers".
2- To love him as the loving prophet is obligatory according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The Highest said:
“Say, “If your fathers and your sons and your brothers and your spouses and your clan and the wealth you have earned and the trade you apprehend will recede and the homes you like are
dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and Jihad in His way, then, wait until Allah comes with His command. Allah does not lead the sinning people to the right path.”Surah At-Tawbah 24 And in the verse, there is a severe threat to the one who gives priority over the love of God and His Messenger. It is mentioned in the hadith: "None of you is a believer till I am dearer to him than his child, his father and the whole of mankind". And the meaning of his love means: giving preference to what prophet,( peace and blessings of God be upon him), loves over what a servant loves. Among the signs of his love: his frequent remembrance, longing for him, and weeping when mentioning his life, yearning for him,( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.)
3- Obedience to him, (may God bless him and grant him peace: ) Allah the Almighty said:
"Say: Obey Allah and the Messenger".".[Surah Aal-E-Imran 32] 4- T Follow him, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) and following him is obligatory in speech, action and belief. Allah the Almighty said:
"and follow him, so that you may find the right path.”[Surah Al-A'raf 158]
Allah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, "All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse." They said, "O Allah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم)! Who will refuse?" He said, "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it)."
5- To follow his example, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) Allah the Almighty said: ,
“Say “Obey Allah and obey the messenger. But if you turn away, then on him (the messenger) lies (the responsibility of) what he is burdened with".[Surah Aal-E-Imran 32]
This Means: that not following the example of the prophet leads one to misguidance which can destroy both worlds.
6- To respect him,( may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) Reverence is a definite duty, as disregarding him, is blasphemy and apostasy from Islam. Allah the Almighty said:
Indeed, We have sent you (O prophet,) as a witness and as a bearer of good news and as a warner".
And He said:``So that you (O people,) believe in Allah and His Messenger, and support him and revere him, and pronounce His (Allah’s( purity morning and evening". [Surah Al-Fath 9-10] And He said:
O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and be not loud when speaking to him, as you are loud when speaking to one another, lest your good deeds should
become void while you are not aware".[Surah Al-Hujurat 2] And He said:
Do not take the call of the messenger among you as a call of one of you to another".[Surah An-Nur 63]
The Almighty forbade them from calling him by his name: "O Muhammad", and instruct them to call him by the title of prophecy like" O Prophet of God, O Messenger of God" in honour of him and to educate his followers .
7- Glorifying his significance, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him): This means: to respect and glorify all the things which have a connection with him, like his name, hadith, Sunnah, law, and his family. And his companions, everything that has a connection with him comes under the obligatory of reverence. For this reason, God forbade his wives after him to marry someone else out of respect for him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, And God raised his remembrance for him, so no land does not contain those who believe in him and love him, and the call to
prayer is not raised except with his remembrance coupled with the remembrance of his Lord, the Mighty.
8- To be faithful to him, Allah the Almighty said:
"(There is nblame) on those who have nothing to spend if they are sincere to Allah and His Messenger. [Surah At-Tawbah 91] and his Messenger. (, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him(, said: “Religion is sincerity to God, His Book, and His Messenger.” (Narrated by Muslim
To be faithful to him means: to believe in him, to love him completely, to follow his Sunnah, and to convey his message to spread his invitational call, to antagonize his enemies, responding on behalf of him, and defend his honour, (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.(
9-To Love his family, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his companions: Loving the family of the Prophet, and his companions is a part of his love, and since loving him is obligatory, then loving what he loves is a definite duty as
well. How can someone claim to love the Prophet when he does not love the people of his family and does not love his companions. This cannot be reasoned.
Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, said: Please Muhammad (i.e. the Prophet) by doing good to his family." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari).
Malik bin Anas, the imam of Darul- Hijrah, says: He who is angered by the companions of Muhammad is an infidel because of the Almighty’s saying:
لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ ٱلۡكُفَّا رَ
"so that He may enrage the disbelievers through them".[Surah Al-Fath 29] 10 - To send peace and salutations to him: The Almighty said:
“Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O you who believe, do pray to Allah to bless him and send your
Salam (prayer for his being in peace) to him in abundance".[Surah Al-Ahzab 56]
The Prophet said: May the man before whom I am mentioned - and he does not send Salat upon me - be humiliated. Reported by Imam Ahmad and Al-Tirmidhi .
The best prayer for him is the Abrahamic prayer, which is: Say: O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you sent Your Mercy on Abraham and the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praise worthy, the Most Glorious. O, Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Abraham and the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious.' " Reported by Bukhari and Muslim
One of the best places to pray for him is when praying, on Friday and its night, when hearing his remembrance or writing his hadith, when entering and leaving the mosque, and in the funeral prayer.
A practical program to know the status of the Prophet in your heart:
( may God bless him and grant him peace)
1- Do you like to follow him in clothing and appearance?
2- Do you like to read his biography and learn the stories of his mission? If you are hesitant about a matter, do you search for its rulings, commands and prohibitions to know what is permissible and what is forbidden
3- Are you willing to leave something which you love the most in obedience to the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace)?
4- Do you yearn to see him, and wish you had seen him and accompanied him
5-Do you get angry when you hear someone insulting him or mocking something of his Sunnah?
If your answer is yes, then you love the Prophet and you are good. We hope that you will grow in his love (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) and if your answer is no! You are in danger and you must examine yourself and your faith.
I ask Almighty God, Lord of the Noble Throne, to make me and you among the group of His Noble Prophet and to gather us in his group Amen.
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, o Abu al-Qasim, you are a breeze, and bless of the worshipers. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace be upon the messengers.
written by:
Khalid bin Mohammed Al-Shehri
9/17/1920 AH
P.O. Box: 4 459 Al Khobar
Pin Code: 319524